
According to the first paragraph, (A) the woman died due to negligence of doctor Chris Mansi during the emergency surgery. (B) even though the oper...

According to the first paragraph,
(A) the woman died due to negligence of doctor Chris Mansi during the emergency surgery.
(B) even though the operation went well, the woman died, and the cause of death is still unknown.
(C) the woman died because of a four-hour delay in taking her from the site of the accident to the emergency unit.
(D) it took 30 seconds to eliminate the pressure on the woman’s brain in the emergency surgery.
(E) Viz.ai intends to indicate, by using machine learning, those patients who need immediate attention and those who can safely wait.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Prova e Gabarito Medicina USCS 2019
49 pág.

Vestibular Centro Universitário UnaCentro Universitário Una


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A alternativa correta é a letra E) Viz.ai pretende indicar, usando aprendizado de máquina, os pacientes que precisam de atenção imediata e aqueles que podem esperar com segurança.



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