
Read the following excerpt: "In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue": the European perspective on the first contact betwee...

Read the following excerpt: "In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue": the European perspective on the first contact between Native peoples and European explorers has been taught to Americans from preschool onward, but the Native American perspective on these events is less familiar. Based on what is said above, write a text where you discuss the topic. FONTE: KURAN, Wendi. Becoming America. OER, 2019, p. 13.


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Ivaldo Reis Oliveira

These are two books that deal with subjects related to love and interpersonal relationships. They talk about the emotions and challenges faced by the characters in their personal journeys. But, there are significant differences between the two books. "The Fault and the Stars" is about a young adult novel about two teenagers with cancer who fall in love. The book also addresses themes such as mortality, the importance of friendship, and the search for the meaning of life.

The other book, "Going Home (The Call of Love)" is an adult novel that follows the life of a woman who faces personal and emotional challenges. It explores themes such as family relationships, overcoming, and the pursuit of happiness. However, as far as other productions of contemporary American literature are concerned, these books fall under the genre of contemporary fiction with the purpose of entertaining and engaging readers. But, each has its own approach and narrative style, and reflects the different perspectives and experiences of the authors.


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