
Read the following excerpt from an online news website: "On November 4, 2008, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois defeated Senator John McCain of Ar...

Read the following excerpt from an online news website: "On November 4, 2008, Senator Barack Obama of Illinois defeated Senator John McCain of Arizona to become the 44th U.S. president, and the first African American elected to the White House. The 47-year-old Democrat garnered 365 electoral votes and nearly 53 percent of the popular vote, while his 72-year-old Republican challenger captured 173 electoral votes and more than 45 percent of the popular vote. Obama’s vice-presidential running mate was Senator Joe Biden of Delaware, while McCain’s running mate was Governor Sarah Palin of Alaska, the first female Republican ever nominated for the vice presidency". [Adapted from History.com] Based on the text, it is possible to infer that: Women and black people can have great careers in politics. Obama won the election because the state of Delaware gave him 45% of the popular vote. To become the president of the United States, it is needed to have been a senator first. People from Arizona are less likely to win nation-wide elections.


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Com base no texto, é possível inferir que: Mulheres e pessoas negras podem ter grandes carreiras na política. Barack Obama venceu a eleição porque obteve 365 votos eleitorais e quase 53% dos votos populares, não por causa do estado de Delaware. Para se tornar presidente dos Estados Unidos, não é necessário ter sido senador primeiro. Pessoas do Arizona não são necessariamente menos propensas a vencer eleições em todo o país.


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