
Choose the best version for the following period: Ela disse a Maria que não devia se deitar tarde. A) She said Mary she ought not go to sleep late;...

Choose the best version for the following period: Ela disse a Maria que não devia se deitar tarde.
A) She said Mary she ought not go to sleep late;
B) She told Mary she should not go to bed late;
C) She talked to Mary that she would not go to bed late;
D) She said to Mary that she should not lay herself late;
E) She told to Mary she must not lie herself down late.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Prova Pref. Dois VizinhosPR - PERSISTENS - 2009 - para Professor de Línguas Estrangeiras Inglês.pdf
19 pág.


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A melhor opção para o período fornecido é a alternativa B) She told Mary she should not go to bed late.



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