
Choose the alternative which contains a CORRECT STATEMENT in relation to the text: a) Nitin Nohria, the dean of Harvard Business School, is looking...

Choose the alternative which contains a CORRECT STATEMENT in relation to the text:
a) Nitin Nohria, the dean of Harvard Business School, is looking to create excuses for mistakes or immoral actions.
b) Nitin Nohria is trying to get us to think beyond of simply labeling a person good or evil, as if a character flaw is the only thing that motivates us to do bad things.
c) Nitin Nohria says that overconfidence in our own moral capacity isn't what really gets us into trouble.
d) Nitin Nohria says that since we are so often convinced that we will be led astray, when we face a complex moral choice we have the critical skills necessary to do the right thing.
e) Nitin Nohria argues in his interview with Big Think that numerous bankers, politicians, athletes and celebrities have not proven Lincoln true, time and again.

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A alternativa correta em relação ao texto é a opção: b) Nitin Nohria está tentando nos fazer pensar além de simplesmente rotular uma pessoa como boa ou má, como se uma falha de caráter fosse a única coisa que nos motiva a fazer coisas ruins.



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