
Read the followingpassage from the spooky story “The Ash-Tree”, and complete the gaps (1 – 10) with verbs in the Simple Past in order to give sense...

Read the followingpassage from the spooky story “The Ash-Tree”, and complete the gaps (1 – 10) with verbs in the Simple Past in order to give sense to it: This story begins in 1690 with a strange lonely old woman, Mrs. Mothersole, who was (1) ________ guilty of being a witch. Sir Matthew Fell, the owner of Castringham Hall at that time, (2) _______ how she (3) ______ climb into the ash-tree outside his bedroom every time there was a full moon. He said that she usually (4) ________ a strange knife to cut off parts of the tree and that she (5) ________ to herself. Once he followed her home, but she (6) _______ and when he (7) _______ on the door of her house, she (8) ______ downstairs in her night clothes looking sleepy. He and the villagers (9) _______ that it was certain she did these things by magic and so she was hanged. Before she (10) ________, she fought and shouted, and her last strange words were: 'There will be guests at the Hall.' After the hanging, Sir Matthew felt uncomfortable and guilty, and he told his friend, the vicar, about his worries. 'You did the right thing. Sir Matthew,' were the wise words of the vicar. James. M.R. In: The Locked Room and Other Horror Stories. Penguin Readers (1) found; (2) described; (3) used to; (4) carried; (5) said; (6) arrived; (


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