
Read the following excerpt taken from a NY Times report entitled “The damage of Dad-Shaming”, published on June 16th 2019. Then, answer the questio...

Read the following excerpt taken from a NY Times report entitled “The damage of Dad-Shaming”, published on June 16th 2019. Then, answer the question: What is the main cause for dad-shaming according to this paragraph? Geoffrey Brown, a developmental psychologist in the department of human development and family science at the University of Georgia, who has studied fathers of young children, described the phenomenon of “maternal gatekeeping — mothers play a large role in determining fathers’ roles.” Mothers can encourage and they can discourage, he said, and sometimes both at once, with mothers asking fathers to do something and then not liking the way it gets done. Dads don’t know how to take care of young children. Young children don’t trust their dads. Dads drop out psychological therapy and then face trouble in parenting. Children spend much time on the behalf of teachers and nannies. Moms are too controlling over dads and discourage their decisions.


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