
Choose the correct item to complete the text with prepositions: a) through, above, across, through, in front of b) in front of, below, behind, ove...

Choose the correct item to complete the text with prepositions:

a) through, above, across, through, in front of
b) in front of, below, behind, over, near
c) across, near, through, below, behind
d) along, against, through, above, against
e) behind, in front of, along, beside, below

Essa pergunta também está no material:

ms concursos 2009 eletrobras cgtee engenheiro eletrônico prova
20 pág.

Provas de Concursos Públicos USP - São PauloUSP - São Paulo


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Para completar o texto com preposições, a alternativa correta é: b) in front of, below, behind, over, near



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