
2) Leia o texto a seguir e conecte as ideias dos adjetivos usados com os conceitos adquiridos na primeira parte da nossa aula: Morphosyntax of adje...

2) Leia o texto a seguir e conecte as ideias dos adjetivos usados com os conceitos adquiridos na primeira parte da nossa aula: Morphosyntax of adjectives. It was the best cottage I’ve ever visited for a winter break. Castle House is surely a quite peaceful place for a holiday with your family. We saw this advertisement on an online newspaper. Imagem 1: The Castle House The Castle House Fonte: The Guardian “Lodged high against the cliffs, with a huge bay window, a balcony off the master bedroom and a private terrace, Castle House has arguably the best views in Runswick Bay. It’s perfect for watching North Sea storms roll in, and scouring the beach afterwards for what the winter weather has churned up – this is a prime spot and season for fossil foraging. The house, which has two double bedrooms and a bunk-bed room, is a real find, with everything you need and all high-spec, from Farrow & Ball colours and fancy appliances to a cracking wood-burning stove.” Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a associação correta entre as colunas. Coluna A Coluna B I. Castle House is surely a quite peaceful place for a holiday with your family. 1. There is an adjective to change a noun. II. Lodged high against the cliffs, with a huge bay window, a balcony off the master bedroom and a private terrace, Castle House has arguably the best views in Runswick Bay. 2. There is a graduable adjective to describe an object. III. It’s perfect for watching North Sea storms roll in, and scouring the beach afterwards for what the winter weather has churned up – this is a prime spot and season for fossil foraging. 3. There is graduable adjective to describe the place with an intensifier IV. The house, which has two double bedrooms and a bunk-bed room, is a real find, with everything you need and all high-spec, from Farrow & Ball colours and fancy appliances to a cracking wood-burning stove.” 4. There is a superlative adjective to describe the place. Alternativas: a) I – 1; II – 2; III – 3; IV - 4 b) I – 4; II – 3;


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Vamos analisar as associações entre as colunas: I. "Castle House is surely a quite peaceful place for a holiday with your family." - Há um adjetivo gradável para descrever um objeto. II. "Lodged high against the cliffs, with a huge bay window, a balcony off the master bedroom and a private terrace, Castle House has arguably the best views in Runswick Bay." - Há um adjetivo gradável para descrever o lugar com um intensificador. III. "It’s perfect for watching North Sea storms roll in, and scouring the beach afterwards for what the winter weather has churned up – this is a prime spot and season for fossil foraging." - Há um adjetivo superlativo para descrever o lugar. IV. "The house, which has two double bedrooms and a bunk-bed room, is a real find, with everything you need and all high-spec, from Farrow & Ball colours and fancy appliances to a cracking wood-burning stove." - Há um adjetivo para mudar um substantivo. A associação correta entre as colunas é: a) I – 1; II – 2; III – 4; IV - 3 Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra "a) I – 1; II – 2; III – 4; IV - 3".


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