
The text points out two main reasons why transportation is of relevance to geography. These two reasons are: a) Economic goods are distributed by t...

The text points out two main reasons why transportation is of relevance to geography. These two reasons are:
a) Economic goods are distributed by transportation; transportation structures occupy a place in space.
b) Transportation infrastructures occupy an important place in space; transportation infrastructures are considered the main support to spatial interactions.
c) Roads shape regional developments; roads are elements of spatial order.
d) There is a logic to spatial distribution; the spatial distribution is influenced by transportation structures.
e) Economic features are randomly distributed in space; this distribution in space is illogical.

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1.200 Questões Banco do Brasil
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Analisando as alternativas, as duas razões apontadas no texto para a relevância do transporte para a geografia são: b) As infraestruturas de transporte ocupam um lugar importante no espaço; as infraestruturas de transporte são consideradas o principal suporte para as interações espaciais. d) Existe uma lógica na distribuição espacial; a distribuição espacial é influenciada pelas estruturas de transporte. Portanto, as alternativas corretas são b) e d).



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