
Leia o texto: One day I will go to Brazil. I will visit the North and the South. I will eat typical food, like “feijoada” and “acarajé”. I will tal...

Leia o texto: One day I will go to Brazil. I will visit the North and the South. I will eat typical food, like “feijoada” and “acarajé”. I will talk to the people. I will make new friends. I will dance to Brazilian music, like “Samba” and “Axé”. Yesterday I watched a program on TV about Brazil. It is a beautiful place, I will love this country located in South America. I will see wonderful beaches and I will learn Portuguese. ( ) Brazil is located in South America. ( ) Samba and axé are Brazilian types of music. ( ) Feijoada and acarajé are typical dishes in the South only. ( ) Portuguese is not Brazil's official language. ( ) Brazil is a beautiful country.Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA: A) F - F - V - V - V. B) V - V - F - F - V. C) F - V - V - F - F. D) V - F - V - F - V.


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Vamos analisar cada afirmação: - Brazil is located in South America. (V) - Verdadeiro - Samba and axé are Brazilian types of music. (V) - Verdadeiro - Feijoada and acarajé are typical dishes in the South only. (F) - Falso - Portuguese is not Brazil's official language. (F) - Falso - Brazil is a beautiful country. (V) - Verdadeiro Portanto, a sequência correta é: B) V - V - F - F - V.


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