
Leia os textos a seguir: Texto 1 O tempo verbal future perfect é formado, de maneira geral, por um sujeito, pelo simple future do verbo to have (...

Leia os textos a seguir: Texto 1 O tempo verbal future perfect é formado, de maneira geral, por um sujeito, pelo simple future do verbo to have (will have) e pelo particípio do verbo principal. É importante lembrarmos que, em inglês, o particípio dos verbos regulares é formado pelo acréscimo da partícula -ed e os irregulares possuem formas próprias. BOGO, E. M. Língua Inglesa III. Indaial: Uniasselvi, 2019, p. 59. Texto 2 The gentlemen and the lady went to the front of the church and sat down there. Then the teacher told who they were. One gentleman was Mr. Thatcher, who lived in the village. All knew him. But one was his brother, the great Judge Thatcher. He had traveled, he had seen the world, he came from a large town twelve miles away. The teacher wished that on this day he could give some boy or girl a Bible. He would have been proud to do that. The famous Judge Thatcher would know, then, that this was a fine Sunday school. But no child had enough yellow tickets. At this moment, when hope was dead, Tom Sawyer came forward. He had nine yellow tickets, nine red tickets, and ten blue tickets. TWAIN, Mark. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Connecticut: Hartford, 1876, p. 12. Assinale a alternativa CORRETA quanto aos verbos: A) Text 2 properly illustrates the use of the verb tense that Text 1 goes about indicating proper usage in the English language. B) The only relation that can be established between Text 1 and Text 2 refers to using the proper future perfect tense. C) Text 2 properly illustrates the use of verb tenses in English, and they are the perfect tenses that appear in all of the sentences. D) Text 2 properly illustrates the use of verb tenses in English, but there's no relation with the rule that Text 1 goes about.


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Vamos analisar as alternativas: A) O Texto 2 ilustra corretamente o uso do tempo verbal que o Texto 1 menciona como sendo de uso adequado na língua inglesa. B) A única relação que pode ser estabelecida entre o Texto 1 e o Texto 2 refere-se ao uso adequado do futuro perfeito. C) O Texto 2 ilustra corretamente o uso dos tempos verbais em inglês, sendo os tempos perfeitos que aparecem em todas as frases. D) O Texto 2 ilustra corretamente o uso dos tempos verbais em inglês, mas não há relação com a regra mencionada no Texto 1. A alternativa correta é a letra D) Texto 2 ilustra corretamente o uso dos tempos verbais em inglês, mas não há relação com a regra que o Texto 1 menciona.


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