
38. During a visit to the school library, a group of 4th graders wants to interview a renowned children's book author. They are preparing a list of...

38. During a visit to the school library, a group of 4th graders wants to interview a renowned children's book author. They are preparing a list of questions to ask about the author's inspirations and writing process. As part of their preparation, they need to understand the structure of questions in English. The students are specifically learning to form questions using various question words and sentence structures. Based on their lesson, which aims to help them recognize and apply the basic form of questions, they are asked to identify the correct way to ask about the author's favorite childhood book in an interview setting.

a) How your favorite childhood book was?
b) Was what your favorite book in childhood?
c) What was your favorite childhood book?
d) Your favorite book in childhood was which?
e) What your favorite book was in childhood?

Essa pergunta também está no material:

8 pág.

Concursos Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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Vamos analisar as opções: a) "How your favorite childhood book was?" - Esta opção está incorreta, pois a estrutura da pergunta está invertida. b) "Was what your favorite book in childhood?" - Essa opção também está incorreta, pois a ordem das palavras na pergunta está errada. c) "What was your favorite childhood book?" - Esta é a opção correta, pois segue a estrutura correta de uma pergunta em inglês. d) "Your favorite book in childhood was which?" - Essa opção está incorreta devido à ordem das palavras na pergunta. e) "What your favorite book was in childhood?" - Essa opção está incorreta, pois a ordem das palavras na pergunta está incorreta. Portanto, a alternativa correta é: c) "What was your favorite childhood book?"



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