
Read the text below and choose the correct alternative. Vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Vertebrates This category of animals has bone...

Read the text below and choose the correct alternative. Vertebrate and invertebrate animals. Vertebrates This category of animals has bones that form the spine and skeleton. The function of this structure is to protect the organs, which allows these animals to be larger. There are five classes of vertebrates: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. Invertebrates Invertebrates, on the other hand, do not have bones. Some of these species have a soft body and others have a rigid external structure that helps support them. Invertebrates can be aquatic or terrestrial. Jellyfish, ants, starfish, and bees are examples of invertebrate animals. ( Texto produzido para esse material.) A) Vertebrates do not have bones. B) There are five classes of vertebrates: mammals, birds, fish, reptiles, and amphibians. C) Some vertebrates have a soft body. D) Invertebrates have bones Obrigatória


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A partir do texto fornecido, a alternativa correta é: B) Existem cinco classes de vertebrados: mamíferos, aves, peixes, répteis e anfíbios.


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