
According to the text, it is correct to say: a) People from France and Switzerland have thought of living in Portugal’s small villages. b) Most peo...

According to the text, it is correct to say:
a) People from France and Switzerland have thought of living in Portugal’s small villages.
b) Most people who lived in Agracoes and Povoa de Agracoes have left the region in order to settle in other places.
c) Unemployment rates in Agracoes and Povoa de Agracoes are quite low.
d) Retired people who live in Agracoes and Povoa de Agracoes rely on Social Security for their incomes.
e) Emigration to other countries has left this remote Trans-Mountain region with only young people living there.
a) II and IV are correct.
b) II, III, and IV are correct.
c) I, III, and IV are correct.

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Vestibular 2017 prova 1 universidade positivo
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Vou analisar cada alternativa antes de responder. a) Pessoas da França e Suíça têm pensado em viver nas pequenas aldeias de Portugal. b) A maioria das pessoas... c) d) Com base na alternativa a), sim, de acordo com o texto, é correto dizer que pessoas da França e Suíça têm pensado em viver nas pequenas aldeias de Portugal.



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