
Change the sentence into the negative form. Lucy and Rose are running at this moment. a) Lucy and Rose not are running at this moment. b) Lucy and ...

Change the sentence into the negative form. Lucy and Rose are running at this moment. a) Lucy and Rose not are running at this moment. b) Lucy and Rose aren’t running at this moment. c) Lucy and Rose don’t running at this moment. d) Lucy and Rose are don’t running at this moment. e) Lucy and Rose aren’t run at this moment.


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Vamos analisar as opções: a) Lucy and Rose not are running at this moment. - Esta opção está incorreta, a forma correta seria "Lucy and Rose are not running at this moment." b) Lucy and Rose isn't running at this moment. - Esta opção está incorreta, pois "isn't" é usado para a terceira pessoa do singular, enquanto a frase original se refere a duas pessoas. c) Lucy and Rose aren't running at this moment. - Esta é a opção correta, pois "aren't" é a forma correta de negar o verbo "to be" para a terceira pessoa do plural. d) Lucy and Rose not running at this moment. - Esta opção está incorreta, pois a negação correta seria "are not running". e) Lucy and Rose don't running at this moment. - Esta opção está incorreta, pois "don't" é usado com verbos regulares no presente simples, enquanto o verbo na frase original é "to be". Portanto, a alternativa correta é: c) Lucy and Rose aren't running at this moment.


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