
Considering the content presented in the first class about the development of the Citizen Constitution, choose the best answer. Escolha uma opção:...

Considering the content presented in the first class about the development of the Citizen Constitution, choose the best answer. Escolha uma opção: a. The various meetings and public assemblies held by union leaders and sectors of the economy ensured the formation of the Citizen Constitution. b. The Senate created the project Constituição – A Voz do Povo (Constitution – the citizens' voice), which allowed the population to mail hundreds of letters with suggestions, many of which were incorporated into the Magna Carta. c. Campaigns conducted by social movements in radio and television programs and magazines of the time, intending to involve citizens in constructing the new Constitution, were the primary tool for forming the Citizen Constitution. d. The public demonstrations that took place in several capitals of the country in support of the new Constitution and the constituent deputies guaranteed the formation of the Citizen Constitution.