
The main purpose of the text is to a) introduce the many categories of bank clerks one can find in a financial institution. b) present an overview ...

The main purpose of the text is to
a) introduce the many categories of bank clerks one can find in a financial institution.
b) present an overview of the career of a bank clerk to an eventual future professional.
c) denounce the disadvantages associated with the clerk profession.
d) discuss all the benefits offered to employees who work in a bank.
e) ask for changes in the way bank recruiters select their future employees.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

apostila nova concursos-1200-questoes-banco-do-brasil-versao-digital
186 pág.

Concurso Banco do Brasil Centro Universitário UNINTERCentro Universitário UNINTER


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Vou analisar cada alternativa antes de responder. a) Introduzir as muitas categorias de funcionários de banco que se pode encontrar em uma instituição financeira. b) Apresentar uma visão geral... A resposta correta é: b) Apresentar uma visão geral...



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