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How to minimize the pollution by coal caused by Miner Vale Mozambique in Tete Moatize? 
Gabriel Auxilio Machava MA. David Colaço Constantino 
Tete, 2022 
Mining processing course 
Institution: Instituto Superior Politecnico de Tete 
Projet supervisor: MA. David Colaço Constantino 
Academic year: 3
How to minimize the pollution by coal caused by Miner Vale Mozambique in Tete Moatize? 
I hereby certify that this thesis constitutes my own product, quotation marks are displayed to 
identify ideas, language, and concerns that belong to other authors. I declare that this thesis 
describes a concern that has already been presented, in addition to being and I myself am a 
witness of this concern, it is a concern that anyone who loves the ecosystem can easily have, as it 
is notable but unresolved. 
Gabriel Auxílio Machava 
 I am very grateful, because many have helped me in my studies, but first of all I thank the 
almighty Emanuel, God with us, the creator of the heavens and the earth because everything is 
for him, and I thank my great Brother Gonçalves who gave me words that helped me in this 
research, don't leave it to the last minute, Thank everyone who has shown me the life that the 
Moatize community that lives, because of pollution, I thank the great Jervásio who showed me 
the people of Moatize, that helped to be close to the people and witness the suffering of the 
population. I dedicate this research to the population in Moatize, near the mining company Vale 
Mozambique, which suffers from this release of ultrafine particles. 
This work aims to study the possible ways to mitigate coal pollution caused by Mineradora Vale 
Mozambique, which is located in the province of Tete in the District of Moatize. It will also be 
specified in the neighboring community of the mining company that is affected by the fines 
(dust), which is released in the processing and storage of the material. As it is the extraction of 
mineral coal that contains organic compounds that can be harmful to man. In the processing of 
coal in this mining company, a certain amount of pollutants that affect this neighboring 
community is released. Most of the inhabitants of this mining company have complained a lot 
about this pollution by coal, as already mentioned that coal contains varieties of organic 
compounds, which are harmful to the human body. And this study will bring possible ways to 
mitigate coal pollution in this sand, in the case of a mining company that is located in the middle 
of the houses of the Moatize community, other inhabitants are close to the coal processing sand 
and because of phenomena such as wind, the released dust ends up affecting this community, and 
to mitigate this pollution it is necessary to carry out a study on how to mitigate pollution, in the 
case of humans, they can easily acquire charcoal pneumoconiosis (black lung), which is a lung 
disease caused by deposits of coal dust in the lungs. This disease has been the cause of many sick 
leave and deaths for some inhabitants of this area and of health problems for the surrounding 
population. In addition to respiratory diseases, it can cause other diseases because of dust 
containing compounds that enters the body, manifesting itself immediately or not. 
Readers will be able to understand what coal pollution in this mining company is causing the 
neighboring community, as well as learn about possible ways to mitigate coal pollution caused. 
The study will be carried out based on the observation of the area in question, and an interview 
with the community that is affected by the release of these fine individuals that contain 
chemicals, and an interview with the responsible environment department in the company. 
The mining company's neighboring community complains about the release of these fine particles 
that affect their food, their health, and the mining company has information about what is 
happening with the neighboring community, and has not yet tried to minimize this release of fine 
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................... 1 
2. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEMS ........................................................................................ 2 
3. JUSTIFICATION ........................................................................................................................ 3 
4. MAIN OBJECTIVE ................................................................................................................. 5 
4.1. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES .................................................................................................... 5 
4.2. RESEACH QUESTIONS ..................................................................................................... 5 
4.3. RESEACH HYPOTHESIS .................................................................................................. 6 
5. METHODOLOGY ................................................................................................................... 7 
6. THEORICAL BACKGROUND .............................................................................................. 8 
6.1. Geographical location of Mozambique. (Moatize)............................................................... 8 
6.2. Basic concepts .................................................................................................................... 10 
6.3. Chemical composition of mineral coal ............................................................................... 14 
7. BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES ....................................................................................... 24 
Mozambique is a country rich in minerals, as in the case of the Province of Tete, in the District of 
Moatize, mineral coal is exploited by Mineradora Vale Mozambique, and in the territory where it 
is being explored, there are neighboring residences inhabited by people who are affected by the 
fine particulars caused by the mining company, since the mining company was installed and since 
the beginning of its exploration, the population of moatize has suffered from this problem. In 
addition to health, agriculture and fishing are also affected because of the release of ultrafine 
particles that are released during the exploration and stacking of coal at the mining company vale 
Mozambique, and according to RTP news, the mining company vale Mozambique recognized 
that the emission of dust is one of the great environmental challenges of its open pit coal mining 
in Mozambique, “Pollution is one of our great environmental challenges and the company is 
aware of this”, said Mauricio Simbine, from the Environment Department of Mineradora 
Brazileira (RTP NOTICÍAS). The creation of new methods to mitigate the release of ultra-fine 
particles is my main objective, a new investment has been made to minimize the release of these 
ultra-fine particles, mining helps in the economic development of the country, more life, health, 
is more It is important that the development of a country is not enough to have life, it is also 
healthy, and for that it requires a stable environment, which is why it is very important that the 
mining company minimizes pollution from coal in Moatize. Thatis why the pollution caused by 
the mining company vale Mozambique must be minimized to avoid damage to the population, 
despite the installation of a water sprinkler system, it still pollutes with a percentage that affects 
the population, so it must be invested in more technologies, technologies which will monitor the 
air quality around the company's facility. This thesis is composed of different chapters that are 
grouped into different sub-topics and sub-sub-topics, starting with the introduction, Statement of 
the Problems, Justification of the Research, Objectives, Research Questions Research 
Hypothesis, Methodology, and Theoretical Background. 
With a stable environment my environment has more life, imagine living in a polluted 
environment, in this case a non-stable environment, in which there are chemical or physical 
changes, due to the release of substances. You will hardly have more life, because of your health 
that will undergo changes that can lead in some cases even to death. That is why it is unavoidable 
to observe the case that the moatize community finds itself, in the midst of a mining industry, of 
extraction and processing of mineral coal, in addition to being polluted in the extraction because 
it is an open pit mine, they are also polluted in the processing and in coal stacking. I'm not against 
mining, but life is more important than mining, that's why the pollution caused by the mining 
company vale Mozambique must be minimized. The release of ultrafine particles containing 
organic compounds, containing chemicals, causes damage to humans, specifically to the mining 
company's neighbors. Which, in turn, causes greater damage to those residents neighboring the 
mining company, complaining because of the greater release of fine particulates, composed of 
compounds of organic and chemical compounds, because of the processing of coal, and or 
storage of the same material, the storage of coal processed generates facility to release ultrafine 
particles that contain these chemical and/or organic compounds. We know that in the area where 
the mining company is operating, there are many homes installed, and in turn they are affected by 
the release of fine particles (dust) that enter their homes and enter the airways of the body, 
causing respiratory diseases and in food, we have as an example plants that serve as a curry like 
moringa that can accumulate these fine particulars that compose chemicals, but due to the lack of 
financial conditions of the community to acquire new food, they end up enjoying the same that 
contains the chemicals, or in the case of these particulars ultrafine are not very noticeable, the 
neighborhood takes and feeds on the plant. Some plants contain fruits, we know that the plants 
are not only for supplying us with oxygen and receiving carbon dioxide, but also for our 
sustenance, and the neighborhood eats those plants that bear fruit. And the mining company has 
not done anything to prevent the neighboring community from being affected by these pollutants, 
so they should try to bring possible measures and/or ways to minimize this release of fine 
Health is more important than money. Even today, residents of the Moatize District suffer from 
coal pollution, generated by the mining company Vale Mozambique, which invades their homes 
causing illnesses, especially respiratory illnesses, caused by this infiltration of dust containing 
chemicals into the lungs. These fine particles also enter the food of these inhabitants neighboring 
the mining company, and it is our knowledge that coal contains many organic compounds, which 
are harmful to human health. The choice of this theme is to improve the well-being of the 
neighboring population of this mining company. Creating technologies that can minimize the 
release of ultrafine particles released by the mining company. The neighborhood of this mining 
company deserves a safe life, the human organism needs care, it should not undergo many 
changes from what is its custom, the human being depends on the environment for its well-being, 
for this reason that the neighboring community of the mining company needs a lot of help for 
their well-being, to mitigate that they are affected with the pollutants released by the mining 
company vale Mozambique, although the mining company works with a safety standard, this 
standard does not decrease the release of fine particles, it still affects the neighboring community, 
to avoid and or try to minimize that the neighboring community is affected, it is necessary to 
change the safety standard, in the processing and storage of the material to reduce the release of 
fine particles that contain organic chemicals, which are harmful to man. . Continuing with the 
same form and or safety standard of processing and storage will still continue to harm the 
community neighboring the mining company, for this reason new processing and storage 
methods must be adopted to further reduce the release of these pollutants. The neighboring 
community of this mining company is very affected with these pollutants, causing many diseases, 
in particular respiratory diseases, because of the release of fine particles that penetrate to the 
lungs causing damage. In the district of Moatize, in the area that is called neighborhood four, I 
went to a church, Igreja Pentecostal Respladescente Estrela da Manha, close to the old market, 
almost next to the mining company, after the service, I helped to dismantle the device to the 
warehouse, as it's still a church under construction, the stereo was full of coal dust, I was so 
amazed because it's not very close to the exploration or processing and stacking area, I started to 
analyze and saw that even uncovered food gets polluted, and I asked how they manage to live. 
Then I started to analyze everything that is around the territory, plus most of the things full of 
coal, and the people who are living in that area most of them go through needs, imagine being 
living in such an area and without money, when trying to their livelihood with agriculture there is 
a possibility that it will not work out, because it does not have the conditions to combat the fine 
particles of the coal that will be added to the food, it is very difficult to plant, water and the food 
is contaminated by coal, even the water itself is not very drinkable , water that often doesn't come 
out, even trying to fight the water not coming out of the taps, digging wells the water will be 
contaminated, so it is very necessary to solve this pollution problem, if even the man who is 
rational cannot prevent it from being affected by this pollution, imagine the animals, an animal 
that is not a rational being, imagine the goat that eats vegetables, if the environment is polluted, 
the vegetation being part of the environment is also polluted. Fluid, full of coal dust, the goat will 
not notice the coal that is in its food, it will only feed itself. This can contaminate the animal until 
it reaches man, because the goat is also man's food, besides being man's food, man also loses his 
creation. In addition to the animal, man also feeds on some vegetables, and consuming something 
contaminated can lead to unstable health. It is out of necessity that the mining company needs to 
create conditions to mitigate pollution, the mining company's neighboring community needs 
stability in the environment, with so much heating that moatize still frees up having to live in a 
polluted environment, and many times many are not even able to have any system of ventilation 
in their homes, in this case that works as a ventilation system to create conditions to be in a cool 
place, many, except in times of rain, end up being outside, every day inhaling dust. Mining brings 
economic development, morethan it is worth having economic development without healthy 
It is notable that the population of Moatize that lives around the mining company Vale 
Mozambique has suffered because of the ultra-fine particles that contain mineral coal that are 
released by the mining company and reach their homes. The general objective of this project is to 
mitigate the emission of pollutants during the processing of mineral coal caused by the mining 
 Evaluate the percentage of release of pollutants during processing; 
 Analyze the methods used in coal processing; 
 Know the pattern of pollutants that the mining company must release; 
 Evaluate the equipment used in processing; 
 Know the solid state in which the material is deposited; 
 Know the percentage of the release of carbon dioxide that is released; 
 Study ways to process coal with low emission of pollutants; 
 Develop an action plan for better pollution control; 
 Suggest new ways of storing coal; 
 Suggest new methods of controlling the processing area. 
This survey will answer the following research questions: 
1. What is the mining company's biggest challenge in controlling pollution? 
2. Why has the mining company not invested in technologies yet? 
3. Why not invest in the new resettlement of the community that is closer to the processing 
and storage area? 
4. What is the mining company's position in relation to pollutants that affect the 
a) If the mining company minimizes pollution, then the neighboring community 
b) Will have a somewhat stable environment. If new machines that processing are evaluated 
and implemented, then there will be less release of pollutants. 
c) If pollutant level control equipment breaks, it will be easy to operate in the ambient 
pollutant release pattern. 
d) If the mining company does not minimize pollution, then people will never have stable 
e) When the mining company does not operate at the polluting standard, many lives are 
f) Poor control in the field of coal processing, causes negative impacts on the ecosystem. 
g) Use of less sophisticated conveyor belts creates greater release of ultra-fine particles. 
Due to the analyzes concerning the proposed theme, the present research found that the method 
of approach is hypothetical-deductive, which consists of formulating hypotheses to express the 
difficulties of the problem, from which we deduce consequences that must be tested or falsified. 
With regard to research techniques, the work and direct documentation, which according to 
Lakatos and Marconi (2007) are, in general, the collection of data in the very place where the 
phenomena occur. This data can be obtained in two ways: through field research or laboratory 
Field research requires, in the first place, carrying out a bibliographic research on the topic in 
question. It will serve, as a first step, to find out what state the problem is currently in, what work 
has already been carried out on the subject and what are the prevailing opinions on the 
subject. As a second step, it allows the establishment of an initial theoretical model of reference, 
in the same way that it will help in the determination of the variables and the elaboration of the 
general plan of the research. 
Due to its characteristics, the field study will be classified as a hypothesis verification study, 
which according to Lakato and Marconi (2007) are those descriptive quantitative studies that 
contain, in their research project, explicit hypotheses that must be checked. These hypotheses are 
derived from theory and, for this reason, may consist of statements of associations between two 
or more variables, without reference to a causal relationship between them. 
In general, the research methodology for the present study will be quantitative, which according 
to Galliano (1977) considers that everything can be quantifiable, which means translating 
opinions and information into numbers to classify and analyze them. In order to collect the 
material, bibliographic research, systematic observation and laboratory research will be used. 
This theoretical training field has as main concepts, definitions, meanings and theories related to 
the theme “how to mitigate coal pollution, released in the coal processing by the mining 
company vale Mozambique, in the province of Tete in the district of Moatize?” 
6.1.Geographical location of Mozambique. (Moatize) 
According to DA SILVA. CA Mozambique has the following geographic location. 
Mozambique is located on the east coast of southern Africa, bordered on the north by the 
Republic of Tanzania, on the northwest by Malawi and Zambia, on the west by Zimbabwe, on the 
east by the Mozambique Channel and the Indian Ocean, and on the south and southwest by South 
Africa. South and Swaziland. In the Mozambique Channel, it has maritime borders with Comoros 
and Madagascar. 
Figure 1: Geographic location map of Mozambique (Source: DA SILVA. CA) 
Also for the same author The district of Moatize is accessible by roads, being therefore crossed 
by 3 national roads (EN 103 – Moatize/Zóbuè; EN 222 – Matena/Cassacatiza and EN 223 – 
Mussacama/Calómuè), two regional roads (ER 450 - Madamba/Mutarara and ER 456 
Matema/Furancungo) and by a railway line that connects to the port of Beira, province of Sofala 
(MAE, 2006). In terms of communications, in addition to the access routes mentioned above, the 
district has the communication systems of the fixed network, as well as the mobile network, 
internet, radio and television. 
Water supply is guaranteed through boreholes and wells equipped with mostly manual pumps. In 
2006, there were about 37 boreholes in the main village that are assisted by the Rural Water 
Services of the district and by ADPP (ADPP – Non-governmental Organization for Aid from the 
People to the People). 
In 2006, the optimization of a piped water supply system captured in three boreholes was in the 
final stage, where around 63,026 m3 were collected and distributed in the same year. In rural 
areas there are 134 water sources, of which 104 are operational. The district is connected to the 
national electricity grid (EDM-Eletricidade de Mozambique). 
Figure 2: Geological map of the Moatize coal basin. (Source: DA SILVA. CA) 
As we can see that the country is a country rich in minerals, plus the province of Tete which is 
richer in mineral coal, but also has a high number of the population that lives in Moatize, also 
including the population that lives near Mineradora Vale Mozambique. . 
And these people suffer from coal pollution in the context of coal processing, in the case of 
inhabitants who are also very close to the mining company. 
Moatize is a district in the province of Tete, located in Mozambique, which has a municipality 
with an elected mayor, has a certain number of inhabitants, but in the case of a district rich in 
mineral coal, there are also mining companies, large industries and companies that most work 
with extraction, processing, transport and security of mineral coal, it is a district with greater 
commerce, that's why even most of the city is occupied by the installation of companies, 
industries and or mining, several companies are interested in setting up their companies in 
Moatize to be close to commerce. In a district with the highest occurrence of mineral coal, there 
is a coal mine operated by a Brazilian company Vale, which operates in one of the coal basins of, 
better known as the Moatize coal basin, this mining company is installed near a community that 
inhabits and moatize, one of which is located in district 4, in theBagamoio area. 
The mining company Vale Mozambique, in the prospecting process to begin exploration, 
resettled the community that was located in the place where it is now exploring and processing 
mineral coal, but it was not possible to resettle the entire community, which is why it is still 
people who live near the mining company, this community is very close to its facilities, closer to 
where the processing equipment and the coal stacking area were installed. 
6.2.Basic concepts 
The term pollution is used when the vital and natural rhythm in an area or more of the biosphere 
is broken, affecting the environmental quality, which may pose risks to man and the environment, 
depending on the concentration and properties of the substances, such as toxicity, and the 
characteristic of the environment and the ability to disperse pollutants, taking into account not 
only the immediate consequences, but also the long-term ones, both for the environment and for 
the human organism. (SCARLATO & PONTIN, 2006, P.10-11). 
Pollution being the introduction of substances potentially into the environment and the beings 
that live in it, any change in the normal state of the environment can be most often harmful to 
man and the environment itself, causing negative consequences, in the case of the change or 
transformation of that which is the normal state of the environment and or the air can cause 
serious problems to man, for example, health problems in his organism, the human organism 
works from various systems, if some systems of the human body are affected with the change 
from the environment (pollution) can affect the organism and cause diseases, they can be 
immediate or not. 
The change in the environment causing toxicity is one of the problems that affects man a lot, for 
that reason he must have control when changing the normal state of the environment so as not to 
cause this toxicity, or cause other problems. 
Any change in the environment is a sign that must be carefully analyzed in order not to have the 
case of man and the environment itself and the beings that live in it, and that are in it, such as 
people, animals, plants, can be negatively affected. 
In some cases, as man carries out activities in his own environment, he can be the biggest cause 
of the transformation of the environment itself, although other inhabitants such as animals 
influence the transformation of what the environment is, man is the biggest cause of pollution in 
the environment. 
With the activities that he does, we have the case of mining activity, in this activity man 
transforms the normal state of the environment, in this activity, the mining activity that aims at 
the extraction of mineral goods that are located in the earth's crust, for the exploration of such it 
is necessary to make a discovery to gain access to the mineral good, or to make a well to have 
access to the mineral good. 
In the case of the discovery that, specifically, it is about open pit mining, we have the case of 
having to remove all the animals (a transformation of the normal state of the environment), 
removal of plants (another alteration), remove the material that is considered the tailings, the 
material that has no economic value, start with the exploration, or removal of the material with 
greater economic value that is the main objective of the opening, after extracting the material, it 
has to be processed. This is the case of the mining company Vale Mozambique, which explores 
coal using the open-pit mining method. 
The exploitation of mineral coal and its processing requires a lot of responsibility, in order not to 
affect the environment; it requires a lot of control. And in coal processing, equipment is used to 
separate the material, which requires greater responsibility, the equipment used in the separation 
or processing of mineral coal is equipment that does not collect the pollutants that are released 
during the processing of the material, for That is why it is very important to create more 
conditions to minimize and control the pollutants that are released in the process of mineral coal. 
In the processing of the material, chemical substances are often used to facilitate the separation of 
such material, and when processing this material, chemical compounds can be released that can 
cause environmental toxicity, altering the usual or normal state of the environment. The use of 
chemical reagents that alter the natural state of the environment is considered an enemy of the 
environment, as it negatively affects the properties of the environment. 
The mining company is not prohibited from polluting, but it has to keep control of its pollution so 
as not to affect the environment and what is part of it. In this area of mineral coal processing, 
contaminants are easily released. 
For this reason, the environment undergoes many transformations, causing negative impacts that 
need to be minimized or annihilated so as not to harm man. 
It is considered a pollutant any substance present in the air in which its concentration can be 
harmful to health, and/or causing damage to materials, fauna and flora. 
Any substance released that alters the nature of the air, making it unsuitable, is considered an 
enemy of the ecosystem, that is why every pollutant is an enemy of the ecosystem, for this reason 
that man must have a great responsibility in the use of pollutants, so that they do not affect the 
environment. Ecosystem components. 
Mineral coal in its composition has a high level of carbon, which in its processing can release 
some chemical elements that can change the natural state of the air and be considered pollutants. 
The atmospheric environment is another environmental compartment that is severely impacted by 
coal mining. The main chemical elements released into the atmosphere are: SO2, sulfur oxides 
(SOx), NOx and particulate matter or fly ash. In combustion, the sulfur from the pyrite is 
completely oxidized to SO2 and then to sulfur trioxide (SO3), but in a slower process. Sulfates 
are formed as a result of the concentration of SOx in the ash (Pires 2002). 
As we can see that in the development of mining activities, the atmospheric environment suffers 
many impacts, and or changes that affect it negatively. 
The release of ultrafine particles caused by coal processing causes a great change in the 
environment; coal is composed of a lot of carbon, more when being processed, because of the use 
of reagents such as betacol and diesel oil as hydrophobizing agents and MIBC as a foaming 
agent. . Let's see that the use of diesel oil as a reagent releases polluting gases into the 
atmosphere, especially carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, sulfur, among others, and contributes to 
the increase in atmospheric temperature. 
The atmospheric environment actually undergoes many changes, many negative problems in coal 
We know that mineral coal has substances in its composition, or is composed of various chemical 
and organic substances, and this mineral coal is found in the earth's crust, which means that for 
its exploitation it is necessary to use methods of exploration, it releases many chemical elements 
that are released into the atmosphere, such as SO2, which can cause a change in the environment. 
In addition to coal being composed of organic compounds and releasing chemical elements 
polluting the atmosphere, some organic compounds are also used in its processing for its 
To pollute the environment for these reasons that in the exploration and processing of coal the 
atmosphere is polluted a lot. 
In coal processing, there is a lot of release of fine particles (dust) containing chemicals because 
coal itself is a material that composes chemicals, but when coal is processed, some fine particles 
are released that arrive by changing the environment, that arrive by contaminatethe environment 
itself, because it will be an environment full of ultrafine particles, and to man, including animals 
and plants. 
If the environment is full of fine particles, they can penetrate the human lungs causing a lot of 
damage, causing respiratory diseases, also in the case of fine particles that contain chemical 
compounds, they can affect the human organism causing diseases when they can manifest at the 
moment or not. Immediately 
If you live in a polluted atmospheric environment, your health is at risk, which is why we have 
seen the case of the population of Moatize who live near the mining company Vale Mozambique 
suffering a lot, others are caused by respiratory diseases because they are living in a polluted 
atmospheric environment, for That is why it is very important to control the emission of these 
ultra-fine particles to guarantee the well-being of the population. 
According to JOSÉ (2011), coal is a combustible sedimentary rock, formed from certain plants 
found in different states of conservation and having suffered burial and compaction in originally 
shallow basins, having varying levels of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen according to the various 
stages of transformation of the plant into coal. In carbonification, there is an increase in carbon 
content and a decrease in oxygen and hydrogen levels in the successive stages of the process, that 
is, vegetable (cellulose), peat, lignite, coal, anthracite and graphite. 
Mineral coal being a fossil fuel, coming from a sedimentary rock has a fossil origin, when we talk 
about something fossil, according to the new dictionary of the Portuguese language 1913, we talk 
about everything that is extracted from the heart of the earth, being shell, plant or any rest of 
organic bodies, soaked in various soluble materials, still showing the vestiges of the primitive 
form, despite petrification. 
6.3.Chemical composition of mineral coal 
According to GOMES (2002) Coal is composed of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and 
oxygen. Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, sulfur and oxygen can undergo gasification and release or 
absorb heat during the combustion reaction steps. 
To determine the types of sulfur contained in the coals, firstly, the total sulfur content of the 
sample is determined. This procedure can be done through chemical analysis or via instruments. 
Table 1: Origin and composition - mineral coal chemistry. (GOMES 2002) 
Composition Wood and fossil fuels 
wood Peat lignite Coal anthracite Coal 
Carbon (%) 44-52 50-68 55-75 100 90-96 100 
Oxygen (%) 43-42 35-28 26-19 0 3-0 0 
Hydrogen (%) 5-6 5-6 6-9 0 3-1 0 
Coal, being a mineral, originated from higher plants and from terrestrial plant residues such as: 
trunks, branches, bushes, leaves, seeds, pollens, cellulose, whose depositions over geological 
time underwent diagnosis and compaction in the sedimentary basin, and due to transformations. 
Pressures and temperatures concentrating carbon and hydrogen in stratified rocks. It contains a 
high content of carbon because of the carbonification process in its formation and this high level 
of carbon that gives it the greatest energy efficiency because of its ability to produce heat, but it is 
the most polluting fossil fuel in the world. That's why it harms the environment. 
The environment of the district of moatize, where there is a higher concentration of mineral coal, 
with a high content, undergoes changes, that is, in the scope of mineral coal processing, as the 
mining company vale Mozambique is installed, when processing the mineral coal, a certain 
content is released. of carbon, in addition to carbon, also of micro chemical substances that 
spread in the environment in the form of ultrafine particles, and that are added to the components 
of the ecosystem, and any micro chemical substance that is added to the component of the 
ecosystem ends up causing damage, changing its state. Normal and/or natural, because of the 
agglomeration of coal compounds together with micro chemical compounds in the ecosystem 
5.4. Consequences of coal processing on the environment. 
Dust and Gases 
One of the biggest inconveniences suffered by the nearby inhabitants and/or those who work 
Directly in mining, is related to dust. This can originate from both 
Rock drilling works as well as in the processing and transport stages of the 
These residues can be soluble, or particles that remain in suspension as 
Mud and dust. The contribution of mining to air pollution is mainly a 
Dust pollution. Pollution by gases from mining is negligible, and 
Generally restricts the emission of engines from machines and vehicles used in mining and 
Ore processing. (MECHI; SANCHIES, 2010). 
Mineral coal releases fine particles containing chemical compounds that affect the community 
and affect their agricultural activities, most of the time the ultrafine particles containing 
chemicals reach their plantations and pollute. Even a person who does not depend on agriculture 
also makes their own Ort, to help feed the family. It is difficult to live in an environment like this, 
depending on the plantation to be able to support me, it is very important to keep the environment 
clean and the plantation depends on the clean environment to be able to produce more, the micro 
chemicals do not let the plantation develop as it should, many times they even change the 
characteristics of production that seriously damages production itself. Coal processing helps a lot 
in the country's development, but keeping the environment clean would help more the production 
of those who depend on the plantation for their livelihood. 
In addition to the plantations, the neighboring community does commercial work, in the course of 
its commercial work, the mining company, when exploring, or processing the mineral coal, 
releases fine private individuals that arrive at the place of their trade. I have already witnessed a 
case of food products that contained fine particles containing mineral coal, because the goods are 
close to the mining company, and these problems must be solved, bringing methods to not affect 
the goods. And it also arrives at their leisure places causing several problems. 
The man in his place of leisure is often unprepared, that is, he does not use protective equipment 
against particles released by industries or nearby mining companies, every man likes to be free, 
for these reasons many are affected in his place of leisure. 
We know that water is one of the main natural resources that exists and is fundamental for human 
survival. And living in an environment where even the water is contaminated, it is difficult to 
survive, I was one of those who when I was a child did not like to drink water that was not clean, 
imagine those people who are very travelers, go to a house and find some water there. clean, and 
even leaving it exposed nothing happens, but when you get home it's already very different 
because just by trying to leave it exposed for minutes you find the water full of ultrafine particles 
of mineral coal, living like this is very difficult, very difficult indeed, we must drink water 
When it comes to inorganic contaminants, these pollutants have heavy metals in their 
composition, we know that in the processing of mineral coal, equipment is used to process it, and 
this equipment is made of iron and when storing the coal it will contain a percentage of metallic 
component, and this coal, if it penetrates the water, can, and the man who drinks this water can be 
affected by these inorganic compounds, these inorganic contaminants, and can cause serious 
diseases, live with health problems because of someone who only cares about making money and 
don't worry about your health is very sad and difficult. 
In addition to inorganic contaminants, it also has organics,because when it comes to processing, 
substances that contain oil are often used, and in contact with water it causes serious damage to 
human health such as cancer and anemia. 
All these substances harmful to water quality come from various sources such as agricultural 
fertilizers, industrial and domestic sewage, so close attention should be paid when working on ore 
processing. The spiral is a processing equipment, which is basically composed of two flows: a 
primary flow, in the downward direction and due to the action of the gravitational force, and a 
secondary flow, in the direction transverse to the chute and due to the action of the centrifugal 
force, these two vectors produce a distribution of the particles in two main zones (recovery and 
concentrate) separated by an intermediate zone. Fine particles tend to be directed towards the 
recovery zone, while coarse particles tend towards the concentrate zone. 
The subjection of particles to different forms of flow (laminar, intermediate and turbulent) leads 
to the action of different forces on them, which determine whether they go to the concentrated 
zone or the light zone. So it can easily attack the surrounding areas can be polluted. 
Generally working with organic compounds requires a lot of responsibility so as not to create 
damage to the ecosystem. That's why the community that suffers from pollution in their domestic 
supplies look for other alternative sources in order to survive. Without water there is no 
life. Because the particles that are released include sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide and nitrogen 
oxides, so there needs to be an increase in the responsibility of the company, they can provide 
health care and promoting environmental interventions for the moatize population, which are 
affected. By ultrafine coal privateers. 
5.5. Conflicts that happen because of coal pollution 
“Mining can provoke conflicts and disputes with other economic and social activities, especially 
in urban regions. In the latter case, conflicts increase as urban expansion incorporates empty 
spaces close to active mines, to establish new industrial, residential, commercial, leisure areas, 
forest reserves and others. (Tanno and Sintoni, 2003)” 
Most of the mining companies installed, specifically in Mozambique, were installed in places 
where there were already some residents, others carrying out their agricultural and livestock 
activities, for this reason that for these mining companies to be installed they had to take a census 
of the community that occupied the space that contains the mineral to be explored, such as the 
mining company Vale Mozambique that was installed in the province of Tete in the district of 
Moatize, had to carry out a census of the community, although it is still facing serious problems, 
after most of the community that is in the vicinity of the mining company is a community that 
mostly lives on agriculture, and a community without many conditions to be able to overcome the 
problem caused by the mining company, and the mining company only made a census of the 
community that occupied the area they wanted to operate in it, there are still residents very close 
by in the coal processing area, as the mining company explores 
According to DW Moatize residents from the Bagamoio neighborhood, on the outskirts of the 
village of Moatize, once invaded Mineradora Vale, which in turn did not work for ten days 
because of high levels of pollution and asked for a new resettlement. 
“We are tired, day after day we have to manage dust in our homes and we have complained 
several times and we are not heard” says António Sinalo, one of the protesters. (DW.04.01.2018) 
A situation like that, there was a demonstration because the people were already tired of living a 
life of pollution, I believe that the company lost great savings for those days without work, it was 
a month without much income, because of not wanting to operate in the standard of releasing 
pollutants, every mining company must bring safety to the neighborhood, not only care to operate 
while the neighborhood is suffering, imagine having a neighbor with a large industry and he 
every day releases pollutants that always cause damage and you are not against the industry him 
more against the uncontrolled pollutants that his industry causes, because he is your neighbor he 
must create methods of not causing you harm, we know that there are accidents but that is 
To the point of asking for a new resettlement, it is because the situation is serious, that was in two 
thousand and eighteen, but to this day they still continue to be contaminated, if it were a people 
that everyone has the conditions to move to new facilities it would be easy, more it is a 
community without these conditions, very difficult, if they even say that they are tired of 
consuming coal, then the level of pollution is very high, in fact there is a lot of banditry in things, 
even environmentalists can say that they are operating at the standard while not, we know that 
data is manipulated, imagine people, in all mining companies there are environmentalists, but 
what are they doing in this mining company if even the neighborhood complains about the level 
of pollution, then it is only environmentalists who give more importance to salary than the 
ecosystem, it is everyone's responsibility to keep the ecosystem in the standard, but more 
environmentalists, they should care about the environment as if it were their own son. 
 Those around the mining company are people and not animals, even if they were animals, it 
would be a living being, there are several ways to murder others, if I set up a sewage system in 
my neighbor's house, I would be killing him because it will be contaminated by various diseases, 
if I release pollutants and affect my neighbor's house and I don't care about that I would be killing 
him diseases they will be attacked because of the pollutants, I will lose agriculture, livestock, I 
would be taking away everything, livelihood, peace, health and finally life. The moatize 
community needs to be in a stable environment. 
5.6. The mining company’s biggest challenge is worth Mozambique 
According to RTP Notices (9 October 2020, 11:53), the mining company vale Mozambique said 
Maurício Simbine, from the environment department of the Brazilian mining company that “this 
(pollution) is one of our great environmental challenges and the company is aware of it”. 
It is positive to know that the company recognizes that pollution is its biggest challenge, but it 
also has to bring solutions, it has to create ways to minimize this pollution. I already liked the 
company recognizing that it is polluting the community. 
More It only states that it is aware that it does nothing to minimize it, I say it does nothing to 
minimize it, because today the moatize community still complains, I see that they are doing 
nothing to minimize it and they are still operating at the same level of particulate release, 
although I do not agree with this content that they say, that they are operating in it, because the 
amount of pollutants I see are in a greater amount, many suffer, many complain and the company 
only says that it is aware, why not solve? 
5.7. The Mining Company’s positioning and the negative impacts it causes 
“We have installed a water sprinkler system, which is periodically activated for mitigation,” said 
Maurício Simbine. RTP news (9 October 2020, 11:53) 
They claim that they installed a water sprinkler system to mitigate these pollutants, it is a step, 
even more is polluting, even if installing this system is not enough, other methods still have to be 
created that will help to mitigate the ultrafine particulars, it is also the company's obligation to 
install these systems. 
The company talked about installingthese systems, which is something that has to be part of 
mining, because even a child knows that one of the means to mitigate dust is water, so we are 
looking for other means. 
The water sprinkler system is more for the loading process, and for the Coal ore processing this 
method cannot be used, in the Coal processing chemical substances, mixtures, together with 
water are used, depending on the method they are going to use. Use we have the case of flotation 
which is one of the methods used in the separation of minerals. In processing coal, the mining 
company releases very fine particles that the company needs to minimize because it is causing 
great damage to the moatize population, the mining company must care and create methods that 
can minimize the mining company as much as possible. 
Maria Torcida also said “The population feels that the company is making a great effort, the 
company is giving its best”. RTP news (9 October 2020, 11:53) 
They say that the population feels the company's effort, they feel why they still complain! It is a 
point to analyze, we can analyze that the population does not feel any effort, there is no point in 
applying an effort that only I can see while including others, if it includes other people, I have to 
apply an effort that brings a solution and they are satisfied. 
The company must create an effort that brings a solution, it has to bring solutions that the 
population can see. 
An invisible effort is very invalid because the population is still being polluted, which creates 
conditions for the release of ultra-fine particles in the field of mineral processing to be minimized 
as much as possible. 
If the company invests more and pays more attention to coal processing, the population will be 
safe, I say that because coal processing encompasses a series of processes that aim at the physical 
separation of the mineral and the gangue, to obtain a final concentrate, with a high content of 
A mining has to bring safety not only to the workers or for the good of the mining itself but also 
to its neighborhood, so it is very important to keep the safety of my neighbor, mining operations 
change the quality of air, water and soil , but it is important to study and work on the pattern of 
pollutants, and in this central region of Mozambique, the province of Tete, district of Moatize, 
causes changes in the quality of air, water and soil, affecting the health of populations and also 
their environments of substances, with emphasis on agriculture and fishing. 
We know that mining cause’s air pollution by particles expelled during the processes of breaking 
and dismantling the rocks, in addition to pollution caused by the burning of transport fuel and 
heavy machinery in service of the activity. (MECHI; SANCHIES, 2010). 
But what makes me more concerned is not the pollution caused by the dismantling, or burning of 
fuel because this is a case that can pollute even controlling, but different from the miner's staking 
and ore processing, to process a miner must know the type of miner to know how to process, this 
first of all is done if a large studio of chemical substances that must be used to process the 
material, if it is about something that includes the separation it is very important to know how to 
do this separation, because you will be to work with chemical substances that can even 
contaminate people who are working with these chemicals if you do not pay attention, if you are 
not careful in using chemical substances, so if you let these pollutants be in places of vegetation 
they can cause a lot of damage. 
Processors must carry great responsibility at work, when it comes to safety at work, it is not only 
for the worker himself but also for the person who can be easily affected if he leaves safety, I 
speak in the case of the person who is on his side or the your neighbor. A great sage loves your 
neighbor, but the same says if you love only the one who is on your side, what will you be doing, 
because it is not enough to love only the person who is on your side, but love also those who your 
vision reaches them, for me to love the next I take more to use it for all areas because it will help 
to know how to control the operation of your work. 
 That is why it is very important to develop viable solutions to mitigate the environmental 
impacts caused by the processing of coal ore in the Vale Mozambique mining company. 
Mining sector organizations must apply new technologies and seek innovation to make their 
operations less harmful to the environment. 
The mining company Vale Mozambique in Moatize is operating in an open pit mining, so it 
causes several releases of gases that pollute the atmosphere, which alter the natural quality of the 
atmosphere, for this reason that living in a polluted atmosphere can cause a lot of damage to 
human life. The mining company must guarantee investments; these investments may be a 
resettlement so that the population can live in an environment with good atmospheric conditions. 
They shouldn't be people who aren't interested in people, because it's about people's health and 
life, they should be a mining company that invests in stabilizing the environment. Because 
technological innovation is very necessary to maintain the environmental standard, a 
technological effort has to be made to reduce ultrafine particulate emissions during coal 
processing. The creation and diffusion of new technologies promote important changes in the 
mineral processing sector and lead to economic development, because of the innovation of 
technologies, let's see that it will not only be the population that will benefit the company itself 
much more. The company will be processing coal in less time and in much greater quantities, 
because of this investment and without polluting anyone. 
They must eliminate certain methods that they do to minimize the pollution caused by coal 
caused by them, I say the case of using the transversal method for piling up the material in the 
dam, that if it is not changed it will still continue to be a great challenge that the mining company 
will face because it will always be polluting, I say that because there are alternative processes or 
methods that the mining company can choose to do so. 
When the ultra-fine particles are released and fall into the water, settle at the bottom or in a 
column of water and become food for bacteria that filter into the water, I speak in the case of 
lakes, and when it attacks the ecosystem it causes deaths of living beings, which come access to 
water, that's why the mining company must adopt a new structure for the use of processing 
equipment, because also the release of ultrafine particles are capable of human health, and reach 
for what the population claims. Pollution limits must never be exceeded. 
The processing of mineral coal made at the Vale mining company helps a lot in the country's 
economic development, one of the main advantages, for being able to produce significant 
amounts of energy per unit of weight. But not only should this vision of helping the country's 
development be taken into account, the population that is part of the ecosystem, which suffers 
from pollution, must also be taken into account, very good to live in a healthy environment, very 
good to live in a place that exists mining, but much better a healthy environment because I will 
have good health. 
Generally, people who seek economic development must have a great responsibility, all things 
must be done with love, and I remain in the faith that mining company vale Mozambique will 
solve these problems, and it has to solve these problems, because even if you had all the money 
in the world and knew all the obligations you have to do, if you don't apply it for nothing, you 
have to start applying it, that's why I say you shouldn't ignore this case,the people of Moatize, if 
they're still in those places, it's not because they are satisfied with the situation they are going 
through, they are not satisfied because of that they complain, they still hope that the mining 
company will solve this situation, and they have to solve it, I say not only as the responsibility of 
the mining company to do this, but also because love must not be faked, the mining company 
must be an enemy of pollution, and a friend of the clean environment, but this will only happen if 
the mining company creates ways to minimize the situation that the community and neighbor is, 
must change this situation, create healthy conditions for the population, every human being likes 
to live in a clean environment established in good conditions, while we have time we must fulfill 
our obligations and duties, we must do good, especially those that are part of the environment 
that I am established, the whole house is built by someone, so I believe in creating methods that 
will mitigate coal pollution caused by the mining company vale Mozambique in the province of 
Tete, in the district of Moatize. 
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