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1Margareth Fuller and Emily Dickinson were two American writers. They are situated in the Transcendental period of North American literature. Nevertheless, one of these two women appears to be less representative of the period than the other. Read the statements and relate each one of them to one of the two authors, according to what is stated:
I- Emily Dickinson.
II- Margareth Fuller.
( ) The condition of women was one of her main topics or aims.
( ) The author writes poetry with great simplicity and harmony.
( ) It was not in the aims of the author to belong to a specific literary movement.
( ) The author compared the conditions of women to those of the slaves in America.
Check the right answer:
A) I - II - II - I.
B) I - I - II - II.
C) II - I - I - II.
D) II - II - I - II.
2The nineteenth century was a very changing period when it comes to ideas and feelings or discovering new ways of living. North American literature entered this period and absorbed the two main tendencies of the time: on the one hand, Calvinism and its harsh severity dictated a strict normative way of living according to the puritan religion and the will of God. Which one corresponds to the other one?
Among the choices below, check the one that CORRESPONDS to the other option of the main ideas in the nineteenth century:
A) Skepticism and the idea that God did not exist.
B) God is in nature.
C) Skepticism and the desire to live with God.
D) God is the center of the world.
3Read the poetry of Emily Dickinson: "There´s a certain slant of light":
I- There's a certain slant of light,
On winter afternoons,
That oppresses, like the weight
Of cathedral tunes.
II- Heavenly hurt it gives us;
We can find no scar,
But internal difference
Where the meanings are.
III- None may teach it anything,
(it) 'T is the seal, despair,
- An imperial affliction
Sent us of the air.
IV- When it comes, the landscape listens,
Shadows hold their breath;
When it goes, 't is like the distance
On the look of death.
Associate the contents of each stanza to the corresponding statements:
( ) Shows inner feelings with images of the surrounding.
( ) Considers the ephemeral in life with verbs like "comes" and "goes".
( ) Considers existence influenced by external events.
( ) Sums up what suffering can do on us.
Check the right sequence:
FONTE: KURAN, Wendi. Becoming America. OER, 2019, p. 1486-7.
A) II - IV - III - I.
B) IV - II - III - I.
C) III - I - IV - II.
D) I - IV - II - III.
4The Romantic Era was a period of deep analysis in North-American literature. Authors were mainly occupied with feelings and emotions. While the Western world faced logical thinking and was trying to understand reality through knowledge and reasoning, Romantic authors were looking in another direction. Among the options below, check the one that DOES NOT APPLY to the North-American Romantic era:
A) The Romantic era counts important names such as Ralph Waldo Emerson and Walt Disney.
B) So as the writers of the Enlightenment, romantic authors were rebellious.
C) Authors of the Romantic Era in North American Literature classified between optimistic and pessimistic ones.
D) The American Renaissance is one of the romantic works.
5 Transcendentalism is a literary and philosophical movement related to transcending oneself. To transcend means precisely "to become free of negative attitudes, thoughts, or feelings that limit what you can achieve". Based upon this definition and your knowledge about the Transcendental movement in North American literature, analyze the following statements and check the correct answer:
I- Henry Thoreau experienced loneliness in order to transcend himself.
II- Emerson experienced a period alone in the woods in order o write The Flora.
III- Transcendental authors asked for more simplicity such as nature provides.
IV- The writers of the transcendental period used to be active and take part in politics.
Check the right answer:
SOURCE: The Macmillan dictionary of the English language. Available at: https://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/transcend. Access on: April 6th, 2021.
A) I and II are correct.
B) III and IV are correct.
C) II and III are correct.
D) I and III are correct.
6 In Naturalism, people are influenced by their surroundings. The actions of the characters in a novel frequently result from the situations where they are set in. This happens in the book Mc Teague, by Frank Norris. People marry and kill, and there is a reason for that. Among the assumptions below, check the one that DOES NOT CORRESPOND TO THE TRUTH:
A) Naturalism is strongly influenced by the evolution theory, either in Europe, as in North-America.
B) In his literature, Norris expresses some influence from Charles Darwin and his theory of species evolution.
C) Frank Norris is of great interest for the study of North-American literature, as he introduced Naturalism in the United States.
D) French writer Emile Zola introduced the Naturalism in North-American Literature.
7. Romanticism appeared in North American literature in the nineteenth century. During this time, America knew the influence of two main tendencies: Calvinism and the strict rules of puritanism on one hand. Secularism or the possibility of living without any divine entity or god. This paradox throws authors into specific research: the beauty in the Arts. Among the choices given, check the one that DOES NOT CORRESPOND to one of the major characteristics of Romanticism in North American literature:
A) Positivity, which even inspired the transcendental writers of this period.
B) Exploiting beauty in the North-American environment, such as flowers, mountains, and landscapes.
C) The idea that feelings and ways of being are determined by nature, such as Charles Darwin had established by his scientific results.
D) The "self-notion" to be exploited in words such as self-reliance and self-expression.
8. Romanticism showed its first signs in Germany before spreading out worldwide. It arrived in the United States around 1820. At this time, North America was undergoing a specific period, either ideologically either literarily speaking. Among the choices below, check the one that corresponds to this period:
A) The Baroque Golden Age.
B) The American Renaissance.
C) The Regionalism-Naturalism.
D) The First Indianism Vague.
9. Ralph Valdo Emerson is an American writer who belongs to the Romanticism literary movement. The Rhodora is one of his poems. Read these lines of the poem and then the statements:
"[...] Rhodora! if the sages ask thee why
This charm is wasted on the earth and sky,
Tell them, dear, that if eyes were made for seeing,
Then Beauty is its own excuse for being; [...]"
I- Some characteristics of Romanticism appear in this excerpt.
II- Nature personifies as the poet addresses himself to the flower.
III- According to the poet, eyes are only made for seeing.
IV- The beauty of the flower is not important.
Check the right answer:
A) II and IV are correct.
B) III and IV are correct.
C) I and II are correct.
D) I and III are correct.
10. Literary periods or eras use to present a few specific characteristics that allow their distinction the ones from the others. They do not break abruptly up, switching radically to a new one, but rather switch slowly and according to the evolution that may be observed in society as well. During North American Romanticism, authors were mainly concern with some subjects. Choose among the options below, the one that does not correspond to a North American Romantic subject:
A) Both the romantic optimists and pessimists were only concerned about beauty.
B) The romantic pessimistic authors were concerned about perverse elans and even criminality.
C) The romantic optimistic authors were concerned with beauty, nature, and a related spirituality.
D) The romantic optimists and pessimists did not share the same points of view.