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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Local: Sala 1 - Sala de Aula / Andar / Polo São João de Meriti / POLO SÃO JOÃO DE MERITI - RJ 
Acadêmico: EAD-IL80022-20221A
Avaliação: A2-
Matrícula: 20191303044 
Data: 7 de Abril de 2022 - 08:00 Finalizado
Correto Incorreto Anulada  Discursiva  Objetiva Total: 5,50/10,00
1  Código: 38654 - Enunciado: The vocal apparatus is one of the most valuable work tools of any teacher. It
comprises speech organs which can be categorized into active and passive articulators. Identify the speech
organ which has the right classification below.
 a) The bottom lip is an active articulator.
 b) The tongue is a passive articulator.
 c) The vocal folds (cords) are passive articulators.
 d) The pharynx wall is an important active articulator.
 e) The upper lip is a main active articulator.
Alternativa marcada:
a) The bottom lip is an active articulator.
Justificativa: Resposta correta:The bottom lip is an active articulator since it is the articulator that moves
toward the other parts of the vocal apparatus (e.g., upper lip, teeth) in order to produce the sounds. 
Distratores:The bottom lip moves toward the passive articulators (e.g.: teeth, upper lip), so it is classified as
an active one. The other classifications are wrong because the upper lip and the pharynx wall do not move
toward any other organs, whereas the tongue and the vocal folds (chords) do.
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2  Código: 38655 - Enunciado: Consonants can be categorized according to their manner of
articulation. Identify the item that defines and exemplifies fricative consonants.
 a) Air passage from the lungs is not at all stopped, but released little by little: /s/, /f/, /θ/.
 b) The air passes through the nasal cavity since the mouth is closed: /m/, /n/.
 c) First, the airstream is blocked entirely, and then air is released slowly: /ʧ/, /ʤ/.
 d) Airstream is blocked completely before being released: /p/, /t/, /v/.
 e) Airstream moves around the tongue, semi-obstructed: /l/, /r/, /j/.
Alternativa marcada:
a) Air passage from the lungs is not at all stopped, but released little by little: /s/, /f/, /θ/.
Justificativa: Correct answer:Air passage from the lungs is not at all stopped, but released little by little: /s/,
/f/, /θ/.In fricative consonants, air passage from the lungs is not at all stopped, but released little by little. If
the air passes through the nasal cavity, it is a nasal sound. If airstream moves around the tongue, that is an
approximant sound. If the airstream is blocked completely before being released, that is a plosive sound. If
the airstream is blocked, then removed, that is an a�ricative sound. All examples fit their definitions
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3  Código: 38658 - Enunciado: Linking is a spoken feature that allows us to connect speech in a way that makes
it all faster, more practical, and more natural. Following the natural rules of connected speech, discover how
many linkings the following sentence has: I might have been able to pick you up at eight if you'd told me you
were available to go.
 a) 7.
 b) 10.
 c) 4.
 d) 9.
 e) 5.
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Alternativa marcada:
c) 4.
Justificativa: Resposta correta: 7.Seven. Each (+) sign is a linking: might + have, been + able, pick + you + up
+ at + eight, were + available.
4  Código: 38837 - Enunciado: Lesson aims are clear objectives that guide what teachers should expect that
class to be better able to perform at by the end of the lesson. By reading a lesson aim, one might be capable
of determining the lesson type designed. Consider the following main aims:1. By the end of the lesson,
students will be better able to *** the simple past form in the context of volunteer work. 
2. By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to *** their own jobs in the context of seminars. 
3. By the end of the lesson, students will be better able to *** nouns and verbs with the same spelling in the
context of news reports.Considering that "***" replaces verbs that might spoil the activity, analyze these
lesson types.
 a) 1 is a pronunciation lesson because it focuses on a feature of pronunciation, i.e. sentence stress. Both
2 and 3 are speaking lessons since they focus on the genre.
 b) Both 1 and 2 are speaking lessons because they prioritize communication as a whole. On the other
hand, 3 is a pronunciation lessons because it focuses on details of pronunciation, such as stress and minimal
 c) 1 is a speaking lesson because it focuses on the communication of volunteer work. Nevertheless, 2
and 3 are pronunciation lessons because they focus on specific sounds: particular vocabulary and spelling x
 d) Both 1 and 3 are pronunciation lessons since they focus on features of pronunciation, i.e. particular
sounds and word stress. On the other hand, 2 is a speaking lesson, as it focuses on genre knowledge.
 e) Both 1 and 3 are pronunciation lessons, as they focus on features of pronunciation, i.e. sentence
stress and particular clusters. However, 2 is a speaking lesson because it fouses on negotiation of meaning.
Alternativa marcada:
e) Both 1 and 3 are pronunciation lessons, as they focus on features of pronunciation, i.e. sentence stress and
particular clusters. However, 2 is a speaking lesson because it fouses on negotiation of meaning.
Justificativa: "Both 1 and 3 are pronunciation lessons since they focus on features of pronunciation, i.e.
particular sounds and word stress. On the other hand, 2 is a speaking lesson, as it focuses on genre
knowledge." We cannot focus on the context of the lesson to guess what it will focus on. Context each and
every lesson must have and state. Nonetheless, focus on the first part: 1 - pronounce the simple past form:
pronunciation - phonemes and consonant clusters; 2 - talk about their jobs - speaking: genre knowledge; 3 -
di�er nouns and verbs with the same spelling: pronunciation - word stress.
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5  Código: 38845 - Enunciado: Intonation is an essential feature to English pronunciation. Many students,
especially the ones whose mother tongues do not have many intonation patterns, have di�iculties producing
di�erent kinds of intonation. Labelthe five kinds of intonation in English, exemplifying what they might
I would ask students to say the phrase ¨Today is my birthday¨ in five di�erent intonations, showing them
that the phrase can have di�erent meanings depending on the intonation.
1 - Happy
2 - Sad 
3 - Tired 
4 -Surprised
5 - Afraid
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Comentários: Rosemary, you haven't labeled the kinds of intonation in English and their meanings.
Justificativa: rising - question; falling - statement; rising-falling - doubtful; falling-rising - interested; flat -
neutralEach intonation pattern modifies the intention of the words, and students should be aware of these
features so as not to cause miscommunication.
6  Código: 38846 - Enunciado: Students have di�erent learning preferences and strategies. Consider the
following case: A seventeen-year old student in your senior group at a regular school is having some
problems internalizing the third person singular, as well as pronouncing the consonant clusters that it
involves. Based on your knowledge of pronunciation techniques, justify the best kind of drill.
The drill is a practice of language repetition, showing the structure of the word, the sentence, and its
_ Mutation drill - To help the students with some third person singular problems using the prompt for
Transformation drill - To help the students with some consonant clusters, changing normal sentences to
consonant clusters.
Justificativa: The mutation drill is the best one for this specific case. It helps students change the verb
inflections -- not necessarily the forms. It is a highly recommended kind of pronunciation practice, especially
where there are consonant clusters.Mutation drills work on verb inflection and pronunciation.
Transformation drill works on pronunciation anddi�erent forms (a�irmative, negative, etc), but not
necessarily with inflections. Substitution drills work on vocabulary practice as well as pronunciation.
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7  Código: 38662 - Enunciado: Sentence stress follows a natural order so as to bring a natural trait to
pronunciation and discourse. There are rules to stress words under normal circumstances. In the sentence
"The cat might have had an accident because the dog was chasing it.". 
There are six stressed words and seven weak forms.THEREFORE,There are six content words and seven
function words. 
Evaluating the previous sentences, we can conclude that.
 a) Both sentences are true, and the first is a consequence of the other.
 b) The first sentence is true, whereas the second one is false.
 c) The first sentence is false, whereas the second one is true.
 d) Both sentences are true, but one does not justify the other.
 e) Both sentences are true, and the first one justifies the second.
Alternativa marcada:
c) The first sentence is false, whereas the second one is true.
Justificativa: "Both sentences are true, and the first one justifies the second." We count content and function
words to know which ones will be stressed or weak. Content words tend to be stressed, while function words
do not. For this particular sentence, both sentences are correct. The stressed (content) words are: cat (n.),
had (main v.), accident (n.), because (conjunction -- carries meaning), dog (n), chasing (main v.). The weak
(function) words are: the (art.), might (modal v.), have (aux. v.), an (art.), the (art.), was (aux. v.), it (pn.).
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8  Código: 38663 - Enunciado: Teaching oral skills comprises not only pronunciation but a wide range of sub-
skills and systems which are to be developed in our students. When it comes to oral activities, we might be
talking about pronunciation, speaking, or discourse. Consider the following sentences. 
Teaching speaking is complex, unexpected, and more communicative since it includes a myriad of kinds of
knowledge and negotiation of meaning, non-verbal communication, and language systems.
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 HOWEVER,Teaching pronunciation is more structured and systematic, as it is more straight to the point and
objective than communicating your ideas per se. 
Considering the sentences above, judge the best a�irmative.
 a) Both sentences are false and do not contrast with each other.
 b) Both sentences are correct and contrast with each other.
 c) The first sentence is false, whereas the second one is true.
 d) The first sentence is correct, whereas the second one is false.
 e) Both sentences are correct but do not contrast with each other.
Alternativa marcada:
b) Both sentences are correct and contrast with each other.
Justificativa: Right answer:Both sentences are correct and contrast with each other.Teaching speaking
would be, for example, teaching students how to apologize — there is language, vocabulary, grammar,
functions, even pronunciation, etc. involved. However, teaching pronunciation per se involves working with a
specific sound, spoken feature, or physiological characteristic. For instance, working on and contrasting /s/
and /θ/.