
Inglês Instrumental para leitura e Prova de Proficiência - Marcelo Dos Santos - 1 Edição (2019)

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Prévia do material em texto

Professor Marcelo Dos Santos 
Copyright © 2019 by 
Marcelo dos Santos 
Preparação de originais: Prof. Marcelo dos Santos 
Criação da Capa: Rejane Cavalcante Santana Santos e Jhony Furtado 
Revisão Final: Prof. Marcelo dos Santos 
Figuras: Google 
Serviços Editoriais: Rejane Cavalcante Santana Santos e Jhony Furtado 
Serviços Gráficos: Rejane Cavalcante Santana Santos e Jhony Furtado 
Ficha catalográfica elaborada 
com os dados fornecidos pelo autor 
S237i Santos, Marcelo dos 
 Inglês para Vencer : curso inglês instrumental para leitura de 
artigos e provas / Marcelo dos Santos. -- São Paulo, 2019. 
 185 p.: il. (Inglês para Vencer, Curso para Leitura e Provas) 
 Esta obra faz parte da série do Curso de Inglês para leitura de 
artigo científico, textos técnicos, prova de proficiência e conversação. 
 1. Língua Inglesa - Educação. 2. Gramática. 3. Escrita. 4. 
Leitura. I. Título. II. Série. 
CDD- 420 
Copyright © 2019 by Marcelo dos Santos 
O conteúdo desta obra é de responsabilidade do autor, 
proprietário do Direito Autoral. 
Proibida a venda e reprodução parcial ou total sem autorização. 
O Prof. Marcelo Dos Santos: 
 22 anos de experiência, + de 3.000 alunos formados, autor 
de 4 livros didáticos exclusivos para o ensino de inglês 
instrumental: leitura de artigos e prova de proficiência. 
Professor de conversação e inglês instrumental para 
Mestrado, Doutorado, Residentes e Médicos 
tradutor, intérprete, revisor de textos científicos/ técnicos. 
UNIT 1. INGLÊS PARA LEITURA: Inglês Instrumental .................... 4 
UNIT 2. INGLÊS PARA LEITURA: Skiming ....................................... 5 
UNIT 3. INGLÊS PARA LEITURA: Cognatos .................................... 7 
UNIT 4. INGLÊS PARA LEITURA: Pistas tipográficas e outros ........ 9 
UNIT 5. INGLÊS PARA LEITURA: Leitura Eficiente ......................... 10 
UNIT 6. INGLÊS PARA LEITURA: Prefixes and Suffixes ................ 12 
UNIT 7. TABELA DE VERBOS ........................................................... 14 
UNIT 8. Present Continuous, Do - Does, Future + Key Answer…...26 
UNIT 9. Simple Past + Key Answer ............................................. ....46 
UNIT 10. Modal Verbs + Key Answer ................................................. 70 
UNIT 11. Prepositions + Key Answer ................................................ 93 
UNIT 12. Conjunctions or Linking Words + Key Answer ............... 115 
UNIT 13. Present Perfect + Key Answer .......................................... 138 
UNIT 14. Pronouns and Possessives + Key Answer ...................... 157 
UNIT 15. Simulado De Proficiência com Respostas I .................... 171 
UNIt 16. Simulado De Proficiência com Respostas II .................... 174 
UNIT 17. Simulado De Proficiência com Respostas III .................. 179 
 O inglês instrumental é conhecido como Inglês para Fins Específicos (ESP) e tem 
como objetivo principal capacitar o aluno a ler e compreender textos acadêmicos em 
inglês, usando estratégias e técnicas de leitura específicas dentro de um esquema de 
atividades de caráter autônomo. 
 A gramática é ensinada de maneira prática, simples e contextualizada ajudando na 
compreensão de textos acadêmicos/técnicos livros e manuais. 
 O vocabulário trabalhado relaciona-se, principalmente, com a área de estudo do 
 Para que serve o Inglês Instrumental? 
• – Ler, interpretar e traduzir artigos científicos, textos técnicos e livros 
• – Passar no Teste de Proficiência em inglês para Mestrado/Doutorado e Residência 
• – Fazer prova de concurso público 
• – Fazer prova de vestibular e ENEM 
• – Fazer provas e certificações na área de TI 
• – Aprender bem as estruturas da língua inglesa para falar ler e escrever melhor. 
INGLÊS PARA LEITURA: Inglês Instrumental 
 Nada mais é do que fazer uma leitura rápida do texto para captar os conceitos e as 
idéias principais, ou seja, buscar a idéia geral do texto. Quando lemos desta maneira, 
rapidamente passamos os olhos pelo título, lemos os parágrafos, o nome do autor, a fonte, 
 Precisamos forçar a leitura rápida e treinar nossos olhos a correrem pelo 
texto em poucos segundos para tirarmos a idéia geral do texto 
➢ Importante: para aplicar essa estratégia, seus olhos correrão no texto fazendo 
uma diagonal ou um zigue-zague sem parar em nenhuma palavra. 
 A estratégia de leitura chamada Scanning, por sua vez, é uma complementação 
Skimming. Na verdade, ela geralmente acontece depois que fazemos um skimming no 
The Lion King is a 2019 American computer-animated musical film 
directed and produced by Jon Favreau, written by Jeff Nathanson, 
and produced by Walt Disney Pictures. It is a photorealistic computer 
animatedremake of Disney's traditionally animated 1994 film of the 
same name. The film stars the voices of Donald Glover, Seth Rogen, 
Chiwetel Ejiofor, Alfre Woodard, Billy Eichner, John Kani, John Oliver, 
and Beyoncé Knowles-Carter, as well as James Earl Jones reprising 
his role from the original film. The plot follows Simba, a young lion 
who must embrace his role as the rightful king of his native land 
following the murder of his father, Mufasa, at the hands of his uncle, 
Scar. Plans for a remake of The Lion King were confirmed in 
September2016 following the success of Disney's The Jungle Book, 
also directed by Favreau. Much of the main cast signed in early 2017, and principal 
production began in mid-2017 on a blue screen stage in Los Angeles. The film was 
theatrically released in the United States on July 19, 2019, and has grossed $1 
billion worldwide, becoming the fifth highest-grossing film of 2019 and the 42nd 
highest-grossing film all-time. It received mixed reviews, with praise for its visual 
effects, musical score, and vocal performances, but criticism for the lack of 
originality and facial emotion on the characters 
texto. Scanning é, portanto, um tipo de leitura (mais detalhada e atenta) que faz com que o 
leitor obtenha informações específicas dentro do texto. Um tipo mais aprofundado de 
leitura que varia de acordo com os objetivos do leitor. Se considerarmos o mesmo texto 
(sinopse do Rei Leão), após identificarmos a idéia geral do texto, podemos buscar 
informações mais específicas, de acordo com nossos objetivos nessa leitura. 
 Por exemplo: 
a) Queremos saber em que ano o filme foi exibido nos cinemas 
b) Queremos saber quem são os diretores desse fime 
c) Queremos saber qual foi a empresa produtora do filme 
d) Queremos saber de quem são as vozes 
e) Queremos saber quem é o personagem principal 
 Cognatos: A primeira leitura de um texto em inglês já nos aponta que algumas 
palavras possuem uma ligeira semelhança com o nosso idioma “mãe”: o português. É o 
caso de telephone, question, training. Palavras com essa semelhança e significado 
parecido são chamadas de cognatos ou palavras transparentes. Como o português é 
derivado do latim e o inglês possui várias palavras originárias do latim, explica-se assim a 
semelhança. Essa é uma forma rápida de compreender um pouco do assunto tratado em 
um determinado texto. 
Accident = 
Example = 
Information = 
Restaurant = 
Area = área Excellent = 
Material = 
Social = social 
Art = arte Factor = fator Memory = 
Space = espaço 
Bank = banco Family = família Minute = minuto Success = 
Chocolate = 
Future = futuro Mission = 
Television = 
Comedy = 
Garage = 
Offensive = 
Tennis = tênis 
Competition = 
Government = 
Original = 
Urgent = 
Connect = 
History = 
Persistent = 
Video = vídeo 
Crime = crime Human = 
Positive = 
Violin = violino 
Culture = cultura Idea = ideia Plant = planta Zero = zero 
Falsos Cognatos: Também há uma lista de palavras no inglês que possuem semelhança 
com a grafia da língua portuguesa, mas que apresentam significados diferentes. É o caso 
dos falsos cognatos. Nesse caso, o aluno deve ficar atento e sempre fazer uso do 
dicionário para esclarecer possíveis dúvidas. Vamos aos exemplos? Confira: tenant 
(inquilino), fabric (tecido) e realize (perceber). 
assess = avaliar acesso = access library = biblioteca || livraria = 
advise = aconselhar avisar = warn notice = observar, notar || notícia = 
army = exército arma = gun, 
particular = determinado, específico || 
particular, privado = private 
assist = ajudar assistir = to watch 
parents = pais || pais = relatives 
cigar = charuto || cigarro = 
physician = médico clínico || físico = 
collar = colarinho, gola || colar = 
necklace; to glue 
pretend = fingir || pretender = intend 
conceit = convencimento || 
conceito = concept 
resume = recomeçar, retomar || resumir 
= sum up, sumarize 
data = dados, fatos, identificação || 
data = date 
retire = aposentar-se || retirar = remove 
deception = fraude, trapaça || 
decepção = disappointment 
sensible = sensato, ajuizado || sensível 
= sensitive 
educated = instruído, culto || 
educado = polite 
terrific = excelente || terrível = terrible 
exit = saída || êxito = success traduce = caluniar, difamar, criticar || 
traduzir = translate 
guitar = violão || guitarra = electric 
quote = citar || cota = share, quota 
large = grande || largo = broad, 
push = empurrar || puxar = pull 
 Há, ainda, algumas pistas tipográficas: datas, números, tabelas, gráficos e 
especialmente figuras. A própria forma da escrita pode dar pistas sobre a compreensão 
textual. O uso de reticências, do negrito ou itálico e mesmo as aspas e parênteses 
apontam sobre o objetivo do autor em relação ao ritmo do texto. 
 O conhecimento prévio (nossas experiências, conhecimento do mundo em que 
vivemos, de diferentes tipos de texto, da natureza da relações entre as pessoas etc.) é 
fundamental no processo de leitura, tanto em português quanto em uma língua estrangeira, 
pois ele nos permite fazer inferências sobre o conteúdo do texto com maior precisão. 
Portanto, leia o texto com calma focando no conteúdo principal (essência do texto) , 
argumentos/fatos/fatores positivos, negativos e conclusão. 
INGLÊS PARA LEITURA: Pistas tipográficas e outros 
1. Antes de começar a leitura de um texto, defina o(s) seu(s) objetivo(s). Por que você vai 
· Para ter uma ideia geral do assunto? 
· Para anotar os principais tópicos do texto? 
· Para localizar algumas informações específicas que mais lhe interessam? 
· Para estudar o assunto detalhadamente? 
2. Habitue-se a desenvolver sue próprio método de leitura por meio da utilização das 
estratégias de leitura adequadas ao seu objetivo: 
· Leitura para compreensão geral do texto (skimming); 
· Leitura para compreensão de tópicos principais do texto (focused reading); 
· Leitura para obtenção de informações específicas (scanning); 
· Leitura detalhada do texto (sequential reading). 
3. Procure transferir para as suas leituras em Inglês as táticas pessoais que você já utiliza 
ao ler em Português. 
4. Use o seu conhecimento geral de mundo e também algo específico que você já sabia 
sobre o assunto do texto (backgroung knowledge) para antecipar/predizer o seu possível 
conteúdo. Não esqueça também de analisar o layout desse texto, ou seja, se se trata de 
uma entrevista, de um texto científico, de uma receita de bolo etc. O título, subtítulo, 
gráficos, ilustrações, tabelas etc. também serão elementos fundamentais para suas 
5.Faça uso das palavras cognatas e transparentes. Elas já lhe são familiares e facilitarão 
ainda mais o seu entendimento do texto. 
INGLÊS PARA LEITURA: Leitura eficiente 
6. Use seus conhecimentos sobre as estruturas gramaticais de Língua Inglesa e, 
principalmente, as pistas que o contexto oferece para descobrir o significado de palavras 
importantes que você desconhece. 
7. Identifique as palavras-chave e as palavras repetida. Elas também facilitam a 
compreensão do texto. 
8. Lembre-se que, muitas vezes, o autor evita repetir palavras ao longo de um texto e por 
isso usa referentes contextuais –it, they, this, that etc. Procure associá-los às palavras a 
que eles se referem, principalmente se estiverem distantes umas das outras. 
9. Preste muita atenção à tradução dos grupos nominais (adjetivo+substantivo). A ordem 
da tradução das palavras é de suma importância para o entendimento do texto, 
principalmente se você tem como objetivo a compreensão detalhada. 
10. Habitue-se a reconhecer o significado das palavras nas frases por meio da 
identificação de seus prefixos e sufixos. 
11. Lembre-se dos marcadores textuais (conjunções), ou seja, os elementos de ligação 
entre as idéias de um texto –idéias em um mesmo parágrafo ou em parágrafos diferentes. 
Procure também analisar a noção implícita desses marcadores textuais, bem como as 
implicações que os mesmos trazem para o desenvolvimento do texto. 
12. Use o dicionário apenas como último recurso. Antes de recorrer a ele, lembre-se 
sempre das estratégias que podem auxiliá-lo a chegar ao significado das palavras 
13. Durante a leitura, faça perguntas a você mesmo, tendo sempre em mente o objetivo a 
que você se propôs. Avalie a contribuição trazida pelo texto e analise-o criticamente face 
ao seu conhecimentosobre o assunto. Interagindo com o texto, você estará dando 
significado a ele e disso também dependerá a sua compreensão; 
14. Finalizando, lembre-se que cada pessoa tem seu próprio ritmo e método de leitura. 
Analise o seu e leia sempre tentando aperfeiçoá-lo. 
-AL condition, 
arrive –arrival 
approve – approval 
deny –denial 
propose –proposal 
refuse – refusal 
dismiss – dismissal 
-ANCE / -
ENCE action, state, 
condition or quality 
attend –attendance 
accept –acceptance 
prefer – preference 
insure – insurance 
refer – reference 
exist –existence 
-ATION / -
TION action or 
resulting state 
educate – education 
inform – information 
eliminate – 
declare – declaration 
combine – 
immigrate – 
-SION action or 
resulting state 
confuse – confusion 
decide – decision 
divide –division 
revise – revision 
impress – 
-URE action or 
resulting state 
depart – departure 
erase – erasure 
fail – failure 
enclose – enclosure 
press – pressure 
legislate – legislature 
-MENT state, act, 
agree– agreement 
pay – payment 
employ – 
argue – argument 
punish – punishment 
govern – government 
-AGE action, state, 
break – breakage 
post – postage 
pack – package 
pass – passage 
bag– baggage 
marry – marriage 
-ING action, state, 
bless – blessing 
land – landing 
write – writing 
feed – feeding 
end –ending 
seat – seating 
-ERY a business or 
trade, a behavior, a 
cream – creamery 
slave (N) – slavery 
bake –bakery 
brave (Adj) – bravery 
brew – brewery 
machine (N) – 
INGLÊS PARA LEITURA: Prefixes and Suffixes 
Use un- prefix 
before words 
that start 
with a vowel 
or consonant. 
Use in- prefix 
with words 
that start 
and vowels, 
but not i or u. 
Dis gives the 
adjective the 
Use im- prefix 
before words 
that start 
with m or p 
unknown and 
incapable and 
disbelief and 
iUse il- prefix 
before words 
that start 
with L 
Use ir- prefix 
before words 
that start with 
Use mis- prefix 
before words 
that start with 
a vowel or 
Less gives the 
adjective the 
illogical and 
irrational and 
misspell and 
helpless and 
abide abode abode obedecer a lei; permanecer; sobreviver 
awake awoke awoke 
acordar; despertar-se 
Be was been ser; estar; existir 
Bear bore borne 
dar a luz; sustentar; tolerar; sofrer; produzir; usar 
Beat beat beaten bater; espancar; superar; vibrar; palpitar 
become became become se tornar; se transformar; ser digno de; assentar 
begin began begun Começar 
Bend bent bent curvar; entortar; franzir; dirigir; desistir 
Bet bet Bet Apostar 
Bid bade bidden oferecer; convidar; ordenar; desejar; leiloar 
Bind bound bound atar; amarrar; obrigar 
Bite bit bit 
morder; engolir a isca 
bleed bled bled sangrar, perder sangue; destilar; tirar dinheiro de 
Blow blew blown soprar, encher; ventar; assobiar; estourar; fazer soar 
break broke broken quebrar; romper; violar; interromper; cancelar; falir 
breed bred bred procriar; gerar; fazer criação; educar; ensinar 
Bring brought brought trazer; servir; causar; executar; induzir 
Build built built construir, edificar; fabricar 
Burn burnt burnt queimar; incendiar; carbonizar 
burst burst burst arrebentar; explodir; brotar; exclamar 
Buy bought bougth comprar 
TABELA DE VERBOS : Regulares e Irregulares 
Cast cast cast arremessar, jogar; derrubar; sobrepujar; espalhar; 
computar; calcular; moldar; imaginar; (no teatro:) 
distribuir os papéis 
catch caught caught pegar; capturar; entender; adquirir (uma doença); 
surpreender; complicar-se 
choose chose chosen escolher, selecionar, preferir 
Cling clung clung pegar-se; unir-se; aderir 
clothe clad clad vestir, cobrir 
come came come vir; chegar; consentir; suceder; atingir o orgasmo 
Cost cost cost custar; importar em 
creep crept crept engatinhar; arrastar-se no chão; andar de rasto 
Crow crew crowed cacarejar; vociferar; emitir som característico de prazer 
Cut cut Cut cortar; partir; reduzir; recortar; castrar 
Deal dealt dealt dar; distribuir; repartir; dividir; espalhar; negociar 
Dig dug dug cavar; escavar; gostar; entender; começar; perceber 
Do did done fazer; funcionar; cuidar de; parar; mostrar; jogar; 
Draw drew drawn puxar; tirar; extrair; desenhar; descrever; traçar; 
adiantar-se; atrair 
dream dreamt dreamt sonhar 
Drink drank drunk 
Drive drove driven dirigir; viajar; levar; conduzir; guiar; compelir; excitar 
dwell dwelt dwelt residir; ficar por um tempo; enfatizar, insistir em 
Eat ate eaten comer; destruir; devorar; mastigar 
Fall fell fallen cair; descer; abaixar-se; diminuir; ceder; morrer; 
Feed fed Fed alimentar; nutrir; abastecer; satisfazer; manter 
Feel felt Felt sentir; perceber; experimentar; apalpar 
Fight fought fought lutar, disputar; batalhar, combater, guerrear 
Find found found achar; encontrar; descobrir; julgar; prover, fornecer, 
abastecer; perceber, notar; resolver 
Flee fled Fled fugir, escapar; evitar; correr 
Fling flung flung lançar; arremessar; atirar; invadir; saltar; dedicar-se à- 
Fly flew flown voar; viajar (aérea); fazer voar; fugir; correr; pilotar; 
flutuar; saltar; lançar-se 
forbear forbore forborne abster-se, deixar de-, conter-se; evitar 
forbid forbade forbidden proibir; impedir; evitar; vetar 
forget forgot forgotten esquecer 
forgive forgave forgiven perdoar; desculpar, absolver; abrir mão 
forsake forsook forsaken abandonar, desertar, largar; abrir mão de 
freeze froze frozen congelar; refrigerar; gelar 
Get got Got receber; conseguir; obter; adquirir; pegar (doença); 
entender; chegar; causar; induzir; decorar; procriar; 
Give gave given dar; entregar, conceder; render-se; premiar; pagar; 
enfraquecer-se; preparar (festas, etc) 
Go went gone ir; viajar; chegar; partir; caminhar; marchar; mover-se 
Grind ground ground triturar; pulverizar; afiar; amolar; ralar; esfregar; ranger 
os dentes; persistir (nos estudos) 
Grow grew grown crescer; vegetar; cultivar; brotar; desenvolver-se; 
progredir; tornar-se 
Hang hung hung enforcar; ser enforcado; (informática) travar, parar de 
Have had had ter; possuir; receber; pegar; necessitar; causar 
Hear heard heard escutar, ouvir 
heave hove hove levantar, puxar; elevar; tirar; empurrar; arremessar 
Hew hewed hewn reduzir; cortar (com machado); talhar 
Hide hid hidden 
esconder-se; esconder, ocultar 
Hit hit Hit bater, ferir; atingir, alcançar 
Hold held held segurar; alimentar; guardar; pensar; acreditar; 
organizar; preparar; presidir 
Hurt hurt hurt ferir; doer; magoar; estragar; danificar 
Keep kept kept guardar; ficar; cumprir; sustentar; deixar; continuar; 
dirigir; criar; possuir 
kneel knelt knelt ajoelhar-se 
Knit knit knit tricotar; atar; enlaçar; unir; ligar; fazer renda ou meia; 
trabalhar a ponto de malha 
Know knew known saber; conhecer; entender; perceber; ter conhecimento 
Lay laid Laid deitar; descansar; estar deitado; encostar-se; repousar; 
estar situado 
Lead led Led conduzir, guiar, comandar, pilotar, levar, dirigir; 
governar; dominar-se;capitanear 
Lean leant leant inclinar, reclinar, apoiar, recurvar; amparar; firmar; 
apoiar-se, recurvar-se, inclinar-se; abaixar; desviar 
Leap leapt leapt saltar, pular, transportar; cobrir (os animais) 
Learn learnt learnt estudar; aprender; descobrir; informar-se; decorar 
leave left Left deixar; largar; sair; separar-se; abandonar; cessar; 
desistir de; renunciar a 
Lend lent lent emprestar, conceder, dar, proporcionar, outorgar; doar; 
combinar com; acrescentar 
Let let Let deixar; permitir; dar; alugar; fretar; conceder; descobrir 
Lie lay Lain mentir; enganar 
Light lit Lit clarear; acender; queimar; descer (do carro, etc); cair 
(escolha); pousar; acontecer 
Lose lost lost perder; desperdiçar; arruinar; gastar; sofrer perdas; 
escapar de-; não entender 
make made made fazer; criar; causar; tornar 
mean meant meant pensar; significar; ter em vista; tencionar; pretender; 
querer dizer 
meet met met encontrar; encontrar-se; reunir-se; receber; conhecer; 
Melt melted molten derreter; fundir; gastar; evaporar; dissolver; enternecer; 
Pay paid paid pagar; saldar; satisfazer 
Put put Put colocar; pôr; enfiar; sinalizar; situar; propor; oferecer 
Read read read ler; aprender; aconselhar; avisar; estudar; interpretar 
Rend rent rent rasgar; arrancar 
Rid rid Rid libertar; resgatar; livrar (-se) 
Ride rode ridden cavalgar; montar; passear 
Ring rang rung tocar (sino, campainha); telefonar; envolver 
Rise rose risen levantar; subir; elevar-se; erguer-se 
Run ran Run correr; fugir; executar; executar um programa 
(informática); ativar; administrar; fazer; calcular; 
comprir; continuar; vazar; despir-se; 
Saw sawed sawn serrar 
Say said said dizer; contar; recitar; pensar; alegar; afirmar 
See saw seen ver; entender; preocupar-se; verificar; experimentar; 
acompanhar; encontrar-se; observar 
Seek sought sought procurar, pedir; liberar; exigir; perseguir atrás; tentar 
Sell sold sold vender; comerciar; negociar; liquidar; trapacear (gíria); 
atrair fregueses; trair (gíria) 
Send sent sent mandar; remeter; despachar; enviar; produzir; emitir; 
derramar; espalhar; dar prazer (gíria) 
Set set Set pôr, colocar; preparar; usar; arrumar; causar; marcar; 
servir; ajustar 
Sew sewed sewn costurar; juntar, pregar 
shake shook shaken sacudir; agitar; tremer; chocar; apertar (mãos) 
Shed shed shed derramar; vazar; deixar cair; tirar, tirar roupa ; fazer 
sangrar; projetar 
shine shone shone brilhar, luzir, cintilar, resplandecer; lustrar (sapato); 
Shoe shod shod calçar; recobrir com finalidade de proteção ou reforço 
shoot shot shot atirar; caçar; lançar; mandar; fotografar; voar; disparar; 
mandar; impor; arremessar 
Show showed shown mostrar; descobrir; testemunhar; provar; apresentar; 
mostrar-se; aparecer; ensinar; exibir 
shred shred shred cortar em pedaços; picar; retalhar; rasgar 
shrink shrank shrunk 
contrair-se; encolher-se; contrair, encolher; recuar 
Shut shut shut fechar; cerrar; tampar; trancar; tapar; fechar-se; trancar-
Sing sang sung cantar; murmurar; rugir; zumbir; uivar; alcagüetar; 
avisar; cortejar (gíria, como cantar) 
Sink sank sunk afundar; afogar; regar; mergulhar; descer, cair, descer; 
morrer, falecer; penetrar 
Slay slew slain matar, assassinar; destruir, arruinar 
sleep slept slept dormir; descansar; deitar (com alguém) 
Slide slid Slid deslizar, escorregar; chupar 
Sling slung slung atirar na funda; elevar, erguer; atar; atirar, arremessar; 
pendurar, colocar na presilha 
smell smelt smelt cheirar; feder; perfurmar; sentir cheiro; farejar; 
perceber; suspeitar 
smite smote smitten golpear; ferir; matar; bater; castigar; mover; excitar; 
destruir; bater-se; chocar-se 
Sow sowed sown semear; espalhar, disseminar 
speak spoke spoken falar; dizer; contar; expressar; discursar; lembrar a-; 
speed sped sped apressar-se; mover com velocidade; dirigir muito rápido; 
ser feliz; ser bem sucedido; adiantar; aviar; despachar 
Spell spelt spelt soletrar; escrever de forma certa; ser algo que significa 
spend spent spent gastar, tirar; perceber; divertir-se, passar (tempo) 
Spill spilt spilt entornar; derramar; escorregar; deixar cair; alcagüetar, 
Spin span spun protelar; dilatar; prolongar, adiar; fiar; fazer girar; virar-
Spit spat spit cuspir; escarrar; vomitar; emitir o som do cuspe; expelir; 
pingar (chuva) 
Spoil spoilt spoiled estragar; corromper; mimar (de mais); estragar-se; 
roubar, saquear, furtar 
spread spread spread dilatar-se, estender-se; espalhar, esparramar; 
disseminar, difundir, propagar; arrumar (mesa); achatar 
spring sprang sprung saltar, lançar-se; libertar-se; aparecer, mostrar-se; 
brotar, nascer; deixar cair; "cair" sobre- 
stand stood stood pôr de pé; suster; sustentar; colocar; aguentar; honrar; 
manter-se; permanecer 
Steal stole stolen roubar; furtar; infiltrar-se 
Stick stuck stuck cravar, fincar, meter, enterrar; pregar; aderir, prender; 
afixar; vacilar; parar; enganar; lograr 
Sting stung stung picar, ferroar, ferretoar, aguilhoar; doer , atormentar; 
Stink stank stunk feder; enojar 
Strew strewed strewn espalhar, polvilhar, aspergir 
stride strode stridden caminhar; cavalgar 
strike struck struck 
golpear; ferir; bater; surpreender; descobrir 
string strung strung amarrar; pendurar; enfiar; esticar 
strive strove striven aspirar; tentar, esforçar-se 
swear swore sworn jurar; prestar juramento; xingar 
sweat sweat sweat suar 
sweep swept swept varrer; lavar; pentear; arrastar 
swell swelled swelled 
inchar (-se); crescer; encher (os pneus) 
Swim swam swum nadar; flutuar; boiar 
swing swung swung balançar 
Take took taken pegar; tirar; tomar; segurar; agarrar; receber; capturar; 
aprisionar; aceitar; fotografar; empregar; adotar; 
entender; guiar; conseguir 
teach taught taught ensinar; educar 
Tear tore torn chorar, lacrimejar; rasgar, rachar 
Tell told Told contar; saber; perceber; descobrir; ordenar 
Think thought thought pensar; acreditar 
thrive throve thriven ter sucesso 
throw threw thrown jogar; parir; impressionar 
thrust thrust thrust empurrar 
Tread trod trodden pisar, andar, pôr os pés 
wake woke waked acordar; despertar; acordar-se 
Wear wore worn vestir; trancar; experimentar (roupas, jóias, etc); colocar 
(óculos); exibir; mostrar; gastar; cansar; esgotar; durar 
weave wove woven tecer, entrelaçar, trançar; contorcer-se (entre 
obstáculos); bordar; criar (trama); tramar 
weep wept wept chorar; verter lágrimas; gotejar, deixar escapar; exudar, 
Wet wet wet umedecer; sujar; molhar; fazer xixi na cama, molhar-se 
(à noite); urinar 
Win won won vencer; ganhar; conseguir; obter; conseguir; alugar; 
convencer; ganhar o coração de- 
Wind wound wound girar, rodar; enrolar-se; enroscar-se; recobrir, encobrir, 
encapar; recobrir-se, revestir-se; modificar a direção 
wring wrung wrung arrancar; obrigar, forçar; tirar a força; entortar; 
pressionar; segurar com força; espremer 
Write wrote written escrever; anotar; compor; inscrever 
Tabela de Verbos Regulares 
Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle Translation 
To accept Accepted Accepted Aceitar 
To agree agreed Agreed Concordar 
To Annoy Annoyed Annoyed Aborrecer 
To ask Asked Asked Perguntar 
To believe Believed Believed Acreditar 
To boil Boiled Boiled Ferver 
To borrow Borrowed Borrowed Emprestar 
To call Called Called Chamar 
To carry Carried Carried Carregar 
To change Changed Changed Mudar 
To check Checked Checked Checar 
To clean Cleaned Cleaned Limpar 
To climb Climbed Climbed Escalar 
To close Closed Closed Fechar 
To collect Collected Collected Colecionar 
To comb Combed Combed Pentear 
To complete Completed Completed Completar 
To copy Copied Copied Copiar 
To correct Corrected Corrected Corrigir 
To count Counted Counted Contar 
To cross Crossed Crossed Atravessar 
To cry Cried Cried Chorar 
Todance Danced Danced Dançar 
To decide Decided Decided Decidir 
To decorate Decorated Decorated Decorar 
To deliver Delivered Delivered Entregar 
To describe described Described Descrever 
To destroy destroyed Destroyed Destruir 
To divide divided Divided Dividir 
To dress dressed Dressed Vestir 
To end ended Ended Acabar 
To Enjoy enjoyed Enjoyed Apreciar 
To enter entered Entered Entrar 
To explain explained Explained Explicar 
To fail failed Failed Reprovar 
To fill filled Filled Encher 
To finish Finished Finished Terminar 
To fish fished Fished Pescar 
To follow followed Followed Seguir 
To glue glued Glued Colocar/fixar 
To guess guessed Guessed Adivinhar 
To happen happened Happened Acontecer 
To hate hated Hated Odiar 
To heat heated Heated Aquecer 
To help helped Helped Ajudar 
To hope hoped Hoped Esperar 
To Hunt hunted Hunted Caçar 
To Indentify indentified Indentified Identificar 
To introduce introduced Introduced Introduzir 
To invente invented Invented Inventar 
To jump jumped Jumped Pular 
To Kiss kissed Kissed Beijar 
To laugh laughed Laughed Rir 
To learn learned Learned Aprender 
To like liked liked Gostar 
To list listed Listed Listar 
To listen listened Listened Escutar 
To live Lived lived Viver 
To look looked Looked Olhar 
To Love loved Loved Amar 
To mail mailed Mailed Postar 
To memorize Memorized Memorized Memorizar 
To miss missed Missed Perder 
To move Moved moved Mudar 
To need needed Needed Precisar 
To observe observed Observed Observar 
To offer offered Offered Oferecer 
To open opened Opened Abrir 
To paint painted Painted Pintar 
To phone phoned Phone Telefonar 
To plan planed Planed Planejar 
To plant Planted planted Plantar 
To play played Played Jogar 
To point pointed Pointed Apontar 
To practice practiced Practiced Praticar 
To prefer prefered Prefered Preferir 
To prepare prepared Prepared Preparar 
To presente presented Presented Apresentar 
To pull pulled Pulled Puxar 
To question questioned Questioned Questionar 
To rain Rained Rained Chover 
To refuse refused Refused Recusar 
To remember remembered Remembered Relembrar 
To rente rented Rented Alugar 
To repeat repeated Repeated Repetir 
To save saved Saved Salvar 
To seach searched Searched Procurar 
To smile smiled Smiled Sorrir 
To smoke smoked Smoked Fumar 
To snow snowed Snowed Nevar 
To show showed Showed Mostrar 
To spell spelled Spelled Soletrar 
To start started Started Começar 
To stay stayed Stayed Ficar 
To stop stopped Stopped Parar 
To talk talked Talked Falar 
To travel traveled Traveled Viajar 
To try tried Tried Tentar 
To touch touched Touched Tocar/apalpar 
To turn turned Turned Virar/girar 
To type typed Typed Datilografar 
To use used Used Usar 
To wait waited Waited Esperar 
To walk walked Walked Andar 
To wash washed Washed Lavar 
To watch watched watched Assistir 
To work worked Worked Trabalhar 
They are studying English right now. 
The PRESENT CONTINUOUS is a type of grammar which represents a continuous action, 
I mean, an action which is happening now or at the moment. In Portuguese, it is called 
Let’s check some examples in Portuguese: 
 Gerúndio: ando, endo, indo. Ação e / ou atividade que está ocorrendo. Verbo em 
She is reading an article at the moment. 
She is not reading an article at the moment. 
Is she reading an article at the moment? 
3 Tipos de advérbios mais usados com 
Present Continuous (gerúndio): 
Now = agora 
Right now = neste exato momento 
At the moment = no momento 
working now. 
You are studying at the moment. 
He is cooking right now. 
She is washing now. 
It is raining right now. 
We are dancing now. 
You are sleeping right now. 
They are watching TV at the moment. 
GERÚNDIO: She is working right now. 
FUTURO: She is working tomorrow. 
1- To be going to: futuro planejado, próximo, que vai de fato ocorrer. (sinônimo do 
Present Continuous no futuro). 
She is going to work tomorrow. 
She is not going to work tomorrow. 
Is she going to work tomorrow? 
They are going to have fun in the park on the weekend. 
They are not going to have fun in the park on the weekend. 
Are they going to have fun in the park on the weekend? 
 He is going to paint his house on Saturday 
He is not going to paint his house on Saturday. 
Is he going to paint his house on Saturday? 
a. Present Continuous no futuro: 
She is working tomorrow. 
She is not working tomorrow. 
Is she working tomorrow? 
2- Will: distante, não planejado, incerto: 
I will buy a Honda Civic someday. 
I won´t (will not) buy a Honda Civic someday. 
Will you buy a new Honda Civic someday? 
➢ Note that the Present Continuous can also represent the Future, the same as in 
“to be going to”. 
She is traveling -at the moment. 
 -right now. 
She is traveling in March. 
Ela vai viajar em março. 
She is going to travel in March. 
Ela vai viajar em março. 
They are playing soccer tomorrow. 
Eles vão jogar futebol amanhã. 
They are going to play soccer tomorrow. 
Eles vão jogar futebol amanhã. 
Affirmative: Sujeito + will + verbo (sem o to) 
I will travel tomorrow. 
Negative: Sujeito + will not + verbo (sem o to) 
I won’t (will not) travel tomorrow. 
Interrogative: Will + sujeito + verbo (sem o to)…? 
Will she travel tomorrow? 
Sujeito + to be going to + verbo + advérbio de tempo 
She is going to buy a Corolla tomorrow. 
She isn’t (is not) going to buy a Corolla tomorrow. 
Sujeito + to be not + going to + verbo + adverb of time 
Is she going to buy a Corolla tomorrow? 
To be + sujeito + going to + verbo + adverb of time? 
Sujeito + to be + verbo ing + advérbio de tempo 
She is reading a book now. 
She isn’t (is not) reading a book now. 
Sujeito + to be not + verb ING + adverb of time 
Is she reading a book now? 
To be + sujeito + verb ING + adverb of time? 
PRESENT CONTINUOUS: gerúndio; atividade acontecendo agora. 
She is working 
-at the moment. 
-right now. 
She is working tomorrow. 
TO BE GOING TO: certo, planejado, sinômino do PC no futuro 
She is going to work tomorrow. 
WILL: futuro incerto, duvidoso e não planejado. 
Maybe, she will work tomorrow. She is not feeling very well. 
Presente do Indicativo, ou seja, atividades do cotidiano, rotina, dia a dia ou ações / 
atividades repetidas: eu como, eu bebo, eu estudo, eu jogo, a terra gira. 
O Simple Present é representado por dois verbos auxiliares: 
➢ Do: I, you, you, we, they 
➢ Does: he, she, it 
Observação: somente usamos os auxiliares “Do” e “Does” para as estruturas interrogativas 
e negativas. Já nas estruturas afirmativas, os verbos já estão no presente, portanto, não 
há necessidade do uso dos auxiliares. 
Vamos trabalhar com o auxiliar “Do”: 
I play soccer every day. 
They see patients every day. 
We like to read books. 
You run every day. 
Negativa - Do not (don’t): 
I don’t play soccer every day. 
They don’t see patients every day. 
We don’t like to read books. 
You don’t run every day. 
Do you play soccer every day? 
Do they see patients everyday? 
Do you like to read books? 
Do you run every day? 
➢ Vamos observar as três estruturas juntas: 
I work in the clinic on Saturdays. 
I don’t work in the clinic on Saturdays. 
Do you work in the clinic on Saturdays? 
They swim during the week. 
They don’t (do not) swim during the week. 
Do they swim during the week? 
• Vamos trabalhar com o auxiliar “does” (he, she, it): 
Obs.: Devemos conjugar somente a estrutura afirmativa no presente da terceira pessoa 
singular: he, she, it. Já a negativa e interrogativa não necessitam de conjugação, pois já 
possuem o auxiliar “does”. 
Afirmativa: She works every day. 
➢ Regral geral: acrescenta-se “s” 
➢ Quando o verbo terminar com consoante + y, devemos eliminar o “y” 
e acrescentar “ies”. Ex.: I study; he studies 
She studies English at school. 
He stays home in the morning. 
➢ Quando o verbo terminar com vogal + y; devo colocar somente “s”. 
The guy watches soccer games every weekend. 
To go - She goes to the club on weekends. 
To pass - She passes the salt at the table. 
➢ Sempre que o verbo terminar em s, ss, sh, ch, x, z e o, devemos 
acrescentar “es”. 
Negativa: She doesn’t work every day. 
She doesn’t speak English every day. 
He doesn’t play the piano very well. 
The cat doesn’t like to drink milk. 
Marcelo doesn’t know how to speak French. 
Interrogativa: Does she work every day? 
Does she speak English every day? 
Does he play the piano very well? 
Does the cat like to drink milk? 
Exemplo de erro: 
I am needing to talk to you – não é correto nem aqui e nem na China!!!!!! 
Regra importante: 
Existem alguns verbos em inglês que nunca 
podem ser usados no “PRESENT CONTINUOUS”, 
ou seja, no gerúndio. 
Segue a lista de verbos abaixo: 
to want querer 
to need precisar 
to prefer preferir 
to have ter 
to like gostar 
to love Amar 
to hate Odiar 
to belong to Pertencer 
to see Ver 
to hear Ouvir 
to know saber, conhecer 
to realize perceber, notar 
to believe Acreditar 
to suppose Supor 
to mean significar, querer dizer 
to understand Entender 
to remember Relembrar 
to forget Esquecer 
to seem Parecer 
Let’s practice some structures - negative and interrogative: 
1. I play soccer in the morning. 
2. You come to the class in the morning. 
3. They like to sell clothes. 
4. We will watch this film in the movies next month. 
5. You will study French at school. 
6. I am going to drink milk and chocolate for breakfast. 
7. They wash the dishes after dinner. 
8. They like to read books in the evening. 
9. I will type my essay next week. 
10. She has to buy an English book. 
11. He will become a great professional in the future. 
12. She is running on the treadmill at the moment. 
13. She watches TV on Sundays. 
14. The cat plays with the dog. 
15. She watches TV on Sundays. 
16. They are walking with their friends through the park at the moment. 
17. Mark is doing a math test right now. 
18. The president is going to improve our Health and Educational Systems. 
19. The teacher is going to teach Spanish on weekends. 
20. Peter is going to run a new company this year. 
1.1- Write the verbs in Present Progressive: 
1. Speak - I am speaking. 
2. Jump - you ________________________________ 
3. Bake - she ________________________________ 
4. Play - they ________________________________ 
5. Run - we _________________________________ 
1.2- Positive sentences 
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive: 
1. Look! They (leave) are leaving the house. 
2. Brian (cycle) ___________________ 30 km every day. 
3. Samantha (do) _______________ her homework at the moment. 
4. He usually (get up) _________________ early in the morning. 
1.3- Negative sentences 
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive: 
1. You (see / not) don’t see her every day. 
2. The baby (sleep / not) ___________________ at the moment. 
3. I (read / not) ___________________ a book now. 
4. We (go / not) ___________________ to school on Sundays. 
5. He (watch / not) ___________________ the news every day. 
1.4- Interrogative sentences 
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive: 
1. (You / go) Do you go on holiday by plane sometimes? 
2. (They / play) _______________ computer games every day? 
3. (She / eat) _____________________ dinner at the moment? 
4. What (they / do) _____________________ right now? 
5. (She / visit) ____________________ her grandma very often? 
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive: 
1. Look! Jenny (go) is going to school. 
2. On her back, Jenny (carry) _______________ her school bag. 
3. The school bag (be) ___________________ very heavy. 
4. Normally, Jenny (wear) ___________________ black shoes, but today she 
(wear) ___________________ red sandals. 
5. And look, she (wear) ___________________ a raincoat because it (rain) 
___________________ outside. 
✓ To use = usar coisas em geral 
✓ To wear = usar roupas ou acessórios no corpo 
 6. Jenny (not / want) ___________________ to get wet. 
Write the correct form of the verb -s, -es, -ies: 
I/We/You/They He/She/It I/We/You/They He/She/It 
fix buy 
try stay 
play fly 
match work 
write miss 
do go 
say brush 
cry love 
finish take 
study wash 
4.1- Put Do or Does e corrija os erros: 
1. _________ you go to school by bus? 
2. _________ she play on the computer? 
3. _________ the girls like football? 
4. _________ the cat like to drink milk? 
5. _________ you speak English or French? 
6. _________ he read books? 
7. _________ the children go to school on Fridays? 
8. _________ she like cats? 
9. _________ they play tennis? 
10. _________he like birds? 
4.2- Put don’t or doesn’t: 
1. He ___________________ live in Mexico. 
2. She ___________________ work in a bank. 
3. I ___________________ play golf. 
4. Max ___________________ listen to the radio. 
5. We ___________________ speak English. 
6. You ___________________ drink coffee in the morning. 
7. My cat ___________________ eat meat. 
8. Shelly ___________________ drink milk. 
9. I ___________________ understand. 
UNIT 1 - Present Continuous, Do- Does, Future 
Let’s practice some structures - negative and interrogative: 
1. I play soccer in the morning 
I don´t play soccer in the morning 
Do you play soccer in the morning? 
2. You come to the class in the morning 
You don´t come to the class in the morning 
Do you come to the class in the morning? 
3. They like to sell clothes 
They don´t like to sell clothes 
Do they like to sell clothes? 
4. We will watch this film in the movies next month. 
We won´t (will not) watch this film in the movies next month. 
Will you watch this film in the movies next month? 
5. You will study French at school. 
You won´t study French at school 
Will you study French at school? 
6. I am going to drink milk and chocolate for breakfast. 
I am not going to drink milk and chocolate for breakfast 
Are you going to drink milk and chocolate for breakfast? 
7. They wash the dishes after dinner. 
They don´t wash the dishes after dinner. 
 Do they wash the dishes after dinner? 
8. They like to read books in the evening 
They don´t like to read books in the evening 
Do they like to read books in the evening? 
9. I will type my essay next week. 
I won´t type my essay next week. 
Will you type your essay next week? 
10. She has to buy an English book 
She doesn´t have to buy an English book 
Does she have to buy an English book? 
11. He will become a great professional in the future. 
He won´t become a great professional in the future. 
Will he become a great professional in the future? 
12. She is running on the treadmill at the moment. 
She isn´t running on the treadmill at the moment. 
Is she running on the treadmill at the moment? 
13. She watches TV on Sundays. 
She doesn´t watch TV on Sundays. 
Does she watch TV on Sundays? 
14. The cat plays with the dog. 
The cat doesn´t play with the dog. 
Does the cat play with the dog? 
15. She is coming from Las Vegas now. 
She isn´t (is not) coming from Las Vegas now? 
Is she coming from Las Vegas now. 
16. They are walking with their friends through the park at the moment. 
They aren´t (are not) walking with their friends through the park at the moment. 
Are they walking with their friends through the park at the moment? 
17. Mark is doing a math test right now. 
Mark isn´t doing a math test right now. 
Is Mark doing a math test right now? 
18. The president is going to improve our Health and Educational Systems. 
The president isn´t going to improve our Health and Educational Systems. 
Is the president going to improve our Health and Educational Systems? 
19. The teacher is going to teach Spanish on weekends. 
The teacher isn´t going to teach Spanish on weekends. 
Is the teacher going to teach Spanish on weekends? 
20. Peter is going to run a new company this year. 
Peter isn´t going to run a new company this year. 
Is Peter going to run a new company this year? 
1.1- Write the verbs in Present Progressive: 
1. Speak - I am speaking. 
2. Jump - You are jumping. 
3. Bake - She is baking. 
4. Play - They are playing. 
5. Run - We are running. 
1.2- Positive sentences 
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive: 
1. Look! They (leave) are leaving the house. 
2. Brian (cycle) cycles 30 km every day. 
3. Samantha (do) is doing her homework at the moment. 
4. My parents (shop) are shopping right now. 
5. He usually (get up) gets up early in the morning. 
1.3- Negative sentences 
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive: 
1. You (see / not) don’t see her every day. 
2. The baby (sleep / not) is not sleeping at the moment. 
3. I (read / not) am not reading a book now. 
4. We (go / not) don´t go to school on Sundays. 
5. He (watch / not) doesn´t watch the news every day. 
1.4- Interrogative sentences 
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive: 
1. (You / go) Do you go on holiday by plane sometimes? 
2. (They / play) Do they play computer games every day? 
3. (She / eat) Is she eating dinner at the moment? 
4. What (they / do) are they doing right now? 
5. (She / visit) Does she visit her grandma very often? 
Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive: 
1. Look! Jenny (go) is going to school. 
2. On her back, Jenny (carry) is carrying her school bag. 
3. The school bag (be) is very heavy. 
4. Normally, Jenny (wear) wears black shoes, but today she (wear) is 
wearing red sandals. 
5. And look, she (wear) is wearing a raincoat because it (rain) is raining 
6. Jenny (not / want) doesn´t want to get wet. 
Write the correct form of the verb -s, -es, -ies: 
 I / We / You / 
He / She / It I / We / You / They He / She / It 
fix fixes buy buys 
try tries stay stays 
play plays fly flies 
match matches work works 
write writes miss misses 
do does go goes 
say says brush brushes 
cry cries love loves 
finish finishes take takes 
study studies wash washes 
4.1- Put Do or Does e corrija os erros: 
1. Do you go to school by bus? 
2. Does she play on the computer? 
3. Do the girls like football? 
4. Does the cat like to drink milk? 
5. Do you speak English or French? 
6. Does he read books? 
7. Do the children go to school on Fridays? 
8. Does she like cats? 
9. Do they play tennis? 
10. Does he like birds? 
4.2- Put don’t or doesn’t: 
1. He doesn’t live in Mexico. 
2. She doesn’t work in a bank. 
3. I don’t play golf. 
4. Max doesn’t listen to the radio. 
5. We don’t speak English. 
6. You don’t drink coffee in the morning. 
7. My cat doesn’t eat meat. 
8. Shelly doesn’t drink milk. 
9. I don’t understand. 
10. His car doesn’t work. 
O Simple Past descreve uma ação que já ocorreu, foi finalizada e não ocorre mais. A 
ação teve início e fim no passado e seu foco é no advérbio de tempo. 
Preste atenção nas seguintes estruturas: 
Ele foi ao cinema ontem. 
Ele went to the movies yesterday. 
Ele did not go to the movies yesterday. 
Did ele go to the movies yesterday? 
I did my best in the test last week 
I did not do my best in the test last week 
Did you do your best in the test last week? 
SIMPLE PAST + Key Answer 
To see - saw - seen 
The teacher saw a man´s face. 
The teacher saw a guy reading underneath a tree. 
The teacher saw three trees. 
✓ Para esta gramática, usamos a segunda coluna de verbos somente na estrutura 
afirmativa. Já na negativa e interrogativa, temos o auxiliar DID, que já indica 
passado. Portanto, o verbo permanece no infinitivo nestas estruturas. 
(verbos no presente 
sem conjugação) 
to forget forgot forgotten esquecer 
to drink drank drunk beber 
to go went gone ir 
to stay stayed stayed ficar 
to want wanted wanted querer 
to need needed needed precisar 
to get got gotten conseguir 
Existem dois tipos de verbos: 
➢ regulares que terminam com ED; 
➢ irregulares que terminam com tudo, exceto ED. 
✓ Há regras de conjugação somente para os verbos regulares. 
Verbos Regulares - Regular Verbs 
Primeiramente iremos estudar o SimplePast dos verbos regulares que, de um 
modo geral, é formado acrescentando -d ou -ed ao infinitivo dos verbos. Observe a 
tabela abaixo: 
Forma afirmativa: 
I worked yesterday 
You worked yesterday 
He worked yesterday 
She worked yesterday 
It worked yesterday 
We worked yesterday 
You worked yesterday 
They worked yesterday 
Observação: No Simple Past, o verbo (segunda coluna de verbos) não é 
flexionado em nenhuma pessoa, repetindo-se em todas elas. 
Particularidades da ortografia do Simple Past: 
1- Os verbos terminados em e recebem apenas a letra -d ao infinitivo do verbo. Veja 
alguns exemplos abaixo: 
Hope hoped esperar (ter 
Change changed mudar 
Like Liked gostar 
Behave behaved comportar-se 
Lie lied Mentir 
Live lived Morar 
Love loved Amar 
Arrive arrived Chegar 
Invite invited Convidar 
Snore snored Roncar 
2- Se o verbo tiver uma única sílaba ou terminar em sílaba tônica formada por 
consoante/vogal/consoante, dobra-se a última consoante e acrescenta-se -ed: 
Stop stopped parar 
Permit permitted permitir 
Occur occurred ocorrer 
Rob robbed assaltar 
Admit admitted admitir 
Prefer preferred preferir 
Omit omitted omitir 
Control controlled controlar 
Drop dropped derrubar 
Plan planned planejar 
Shop shopped comprar 
OBS.: No Inglês Britânico, se o verbo terminar com a letra 
"L", dobra-se essa consoante mesmo que a última sílaba 
não seja tônica. 
➢ Travel – travelled 
➢ Rival – rivalled 
3- Os verbos terminados em y precedido de consoante trocam o y por -ied: 
Study studied estudar 
Carry carried carregar 
Worry worried preocupar-se 
Try tried tentar 
Hurry hurried apressar-se 
Cry cried chorar 
OBS.: Quando o y for precedido de vogal, não há mudança 
ortográfica, bastando apenas acrescentar = ed ao verbo: 
➢ Pray – prayed = orar 
➢ Enjoy – enjoyed = aproveitar, desfrutar 
➢ Obey – obeyed = obedecer 
4- Os verbos terminados em consoante/vogal/consoante cuja sílaba tônica não é 
a última, não dobram a consoante, apenas recebem -ed: 
Listen to listened to ouvir, prestar atenção 
Develop developed Desenvolver 
Open opened Abrir 
Fasten fastened colocar (cinto) 
Suffer suffered Sofrer 
Visit visited Visitor 
Wonder wondered querer saber 
O Simple Past é usado para expressar: 
➢ Ações acabadas em um tempo definido são frequentemente usadas com advérbios 
de tempo como: yesterday, yesterday morning, last week, last month, last night, the 
day before yesterday (anteontem), three years ago, in 1998, in the twentieth century 
(no século vinte) etc. 
Quando o fato ocorreu pode ser expresso ou apenas subentendido. 
Susan helped him last night. (Susan o ajudou ontem à noite.) 
Susan didn’t help him last night 
Did Susan help him last night? 
My parents traveled to Rome in 2005 and they enjoyed it a lot. 
(Meus pais viajaram para Roma em 2005 e gostaram muito da viagem.) 
I liked to read fairy tales when I was a child. 
(Eu gostava de ler contos de fadas quando era criança.) 
Yesterday, we entered the class late, today we have to enter on time. (Ontem 
entramos na sala de aula atrasados, hoje temos que entrar na hora.) 
Those students studied hard last semester. 
(Aqueles alunos estudaram bastante no último semestre.) 
The Second World War ended in 1945. (were + old = world) 
(A Segunda Guerra Mundial teve fim em 1945.) 
As formas negativas e interrogativas do Past Simple são feitas com o verbo auxiliar Did 
(passado de Do), acompanhado do verbo principal no infinitivo sem to. 
1. Forma Negativa: 
O verbo auxiliar (did) + not posiciona-se sempre entre o sujeito e o verbo principal. 
Observe a tabela abaixo: DIDN´T = INFORMAL 
I did not work 
You did not work 
He did not work 
She did not work 
It did not work 
We did not work 
You did not work 
They did not work 
Observe alguns exemplos com as formas abreviadas: 
Steve didn't work as much as Paul. (Steve não trabalhou tanto como Paul.) 
He didn't pay the bill. (Ele não pagou a conta.) 
She didn't work yesterday. (Ela não trabalhou ontem.) 
He didn't taste the pasta at lunch. (Ela não provou a massa na hora do almoço.) 
We didn't say that! (Nós não falamos isso!) 
2. Forma Interrogativa: 
Para formar uma oração interrogativa no Past Simple, usa-se did antes do sujeito. 
Did I work? 
Did You work? 
Did He work? 
Did She work? 
Did It work? 
Did We work? 
id You work? 
Did They work? 
Did he call me yesterday? (Ele me ligou ontem?). 
Why did he do that? (Por que ele fez isso?). 
Did you drink wine last night? (Você tomou vinho ontem à noite?). 
Did you clean your bedroom? (Você limpou o seu quarto?). 
When did he confess the crime? (Quando ele confessou o crime?). 
Used to = We use this grammar to refer to activities we did in the past, but no longer do 
them. (Usamos esta gramática para nos referirmos a uma atividade que realizávamos no 
passado e, atualmente, não a realizamos mais). 
Esta gramática pertence ao Simple Past. 
When I was 10 years old, I used to watch TV in the morning. 
Quando eu tinha dez anos, assistia TV de manhã. 
When I was a little boy, I used to play soccer on the streets. 
Quando era pequeno, jogava futebol na rua. 
She didn´t use to wake up so early. 
Ela não acordava tão cedo. 
Did she use to wake up so early? 
I used to live in Copacabana. 
I didn´t use to live in Copacabana. 
Did you use to live in Copacabana? 
 Simple Past 
✓ I lived in Copacabana last year. (Morei…) 
✓ I used to live in Copacabana when I was younger. (Morava…) 
Passe para o Inglês as seguintes frases: 
1. Eu fui para escola ontem de manhã. 
2. Eu estudava naquela universidade. 
3. Ele comeu 3 pedaços de pizza no jantar. 
4. Ela morava em Copacabana no ano passado. 
5. Eu comprei um carro novo ano passado. 
6. Eu acordava cedo para ir para escola. 
7. Acordei cedo para ir para escola ontem. 
8. Eu jantava depois da novela. 
9. Eu jantei às 19h00 ontem. 
10. Ela viajava a negócios quando era mais jovem. 
11. Ele viajou para França semana passada. 
Rewrite the sentences in the negative and interrogative form: 
1. They collected postcards. 
2. You jumped high. 
3. Albert played squash. 
4. The teacher tested our English. 
5. Fiona visited her grandma. 
6. He washed the car. 
7. You were thirsty. 
8. He had a computer. 
9. I bought bread. 
10. You saw the house. 
Organize and write positive sentences in Simple Past: 
1. He / the question / answer 
2. You / a question / ask 
3. The dog / bark 
4. They / us / call 
5. We / a mountain / climb 
6. John / stamps / collect 
7. We / in London / live 
8. I / hungry / be 
9. They / a hamster / have 
10. He / to school / go 
3.1 Paying attention to the correct spelling, fill in the blanks with the Simple Past of the regular 
verbs shown in brackets: 
 For example: It stopped raining. (to stop) 
 I disguised myself. (to disguise) 
1. She_______________ through the book. (to flip) 
2. We _______________ the traffic. (to watch) 
3. You _______________ the flowers carefully. (to arrange)7u 
4. He _______________ about his success. (to brag) 
5. They _______________ sightseeing. (to enjoy) 
6. He _______________ us with pencils. (to supply) 
7. I _______________ the child. (to reassure) 
8. We _______________ for them. (to wait) 
9. They _______________ the books overseas. (to ship) 
10. She _______________ too much. (to worry) 
3.2 Referring to the table of English irregular verbs, if necessary fill in the blanks with the 
Simple Past tense of the irregular verbs shown in brackets: 
 For example: They wrote a song. (to write) 
 We swept the floor. (to sweep) 
1. She _______________ the dishes. (to do) 
2. They _______________ for a walk. (to go) 
3. He _______________ his time. (to take) 
4. I _______________ the beds. (to make) 
5. They _______________ to catch the bus. (to run) 
6. She _______________ up quickly. (to get) 
7. You _______________ the coffee. (to drink) 
8. We _______________ soundly. (to sleep) 
9. He _______________ his books. (to forget) 
10. I _______________ the house. (to leave) 
3.3 Paying attention to the correct forms of the bare infinitives, change the following 
affirmative statements into questions: 
For example: He lifted the suitcase. 
 Did he lift the suitcase? 
 I paid the rent. 
 Did you pay the rent? 
1. She hurried to school. 
2. They carried the parcels. 
3. You closed the door. 
4. I plugged in the lamp. 
5. They planned the party. 
6. We taught the class. 
7. She told a story. 
8. They struck a bargain. 
9. He met his friends. 
10. I shook hands. 
Paying attention to the correct forms of the bare infinitives, change the following affirmative 
statements into negative statements. 
 For example: I scanned the newspaper. 
 I did not scan the newspaper. 
 They flew to Toronto. 
 They did not fly to Toronto. 
1. We enjoyed ourselves. 
2. She pinned on the brooch. 
3. I fanned myself. 
4. They emptied their pockets. 
5. You replied at once. 
6. He went to work. 
7. We swam across the river. 
8. They took the bus. 
9. I shut the windows. 
10. You ran fast. 
Paying attention to the correct forms of the bare infinitives, change the following affirmative 
statements into negative questions. Give both the forms without contractions and the forms 
with contractions. 
 For example: You walked quickly. 
 Did you not walk quickly? 
 Didn't you walk quickly? 
 He burst the balloon. 
 Did he not burst the balloon? 
 Didn't he burst the balloon? 
1. You watched the game. 
2. I climbed the ladder. 
3. We pleased the visitors. 
4. They canned the peaches. 
5. He received the letter. 
6. You saw the fireworks. 
7. It cost five dollars. 
8. She hit the ball. 
9. He did his homework. 
10. They cut the ribbon. 
USED TO = costumava 
✓ para atividades que você realizava no passado, mas não realiza mais. 
-When I was a child, I used to play soccer all day long. 
-I didn´t use to play soccer. 
-Did you use to play soccer? 
Rewrite the following sentences, changing the underlined verbs from the Simple Past to the 
form with used followed by the infinitive. 
For example: They took the bus. 
 They used to take the bus. 
 She traveled every year. 
 She used to travel every year. 
1. It snowed heavily. 
2. I came often. 
3. We were neighbors. 
4. He wrote many letters. 
5. They walked to work. 
6. He teased us. 
______________________________________________7. She told us stories. 
8. You rode a bicycle. 
UNIT 2 - Simple Past 
Passe para o Inglês as seguintes frases: 
1. Eu fui para escola ontem de manhã. 
I went to school yesterday morning. 
2. Eu estudava naquela universidade. 
I used to study in that university. 
3. Ele comeu 3 pedaços de pizza no jantar. 
He ate 3 slices of pizza for dinner. 
4. Ela morava em Copacabana no ano passado. 
She used to live in Copacabana last year. 
5. Eu comprei um carro novo ano passado. 
I bought a new car last year. 
6. Eu acordava cedo para ir para escola. 
I used to wake up early to go to school. 
7. Acordei cedo para ir para escola ontem. 
I woke up early to go to school yesterday. 
8. Eu jantava depois da novela. 
I used to have dinner after soap opera. 
9. Eu jantei às 19h00 ontem. 
I had dinner at 7 pm yesterday. 
10. Ela viajava a negócios quando era mais jovem. 
She used to travel on business when she was younger. 
11. Ele viajou para França semana passada. 
He traveled to France last week. 
Rewrite the sentences in the negative and interrogative form: 
1. They collected postcards. 
They did not collect postcards. 
Did they collect postcards? 
2. You jumped high. 
You did not jump high. 
Did you jump high? 
3. Albert played squash. 
Albert did not play squash. 
Did Albert play squash? 
4. The teacher tested our English. 
The teacher did not test our English. 
Did the teacher test our English? 
5. Fiona visited her grandma. 
Fiona did not visit her grandma. 
Did Fiona visit her grandma? 
6. He washed the car. 
He didn´t wash the car. 
Did he wash the car? 
7. You were thirsty. 
You were not thirsty. 
Were you thirsty? 
8. He had a computer. 
He didn´t have a computer. 
Did he have a computer? 
9. I bought bread. 
I didn´t buy bread. 
Did you buy bread? 
10. You saw the house. 
You didn´t see the house. 
Did you see the house? 
Organize and write positive sentences in Simple Past: 
1. He / the question / answer 
He answered the question. 
2. You / a question / ask 
You asked a question. 
3. The dog / bark 
The dog barked. 
4. They / us / call 
They called us. 
5. We / a mountain / climb 
We climbed a mountain. 
6. John / stamps / collect 
John collected stamps. 
7. We / in London / live 
We lived in London. 
8. I / hungry / be 
I was hungry. 
9. They / a hamster / have 
They had a hamster. 
10. He / to school / go 
He went to school. 
3.1 Paying attention to the correct spelling, fill in the blanks with the Simple Past of the 
regular verbs shown in brackets. 
1. She flipped through the book. (to flip) 
2. We watched the traffic. (to watch) 
3. You arranged the flowers carefully. (to arrange) 
4. He bragged about his success. (to brag) 
5. They enjoyed sightseeing. (to enjoy) 
6. He supplied us with pencils. (to supply) 
7. I reassured the child. (to reassure) 
8. We waited for them. (to wait) 
9. They shipped the books overseas. (to ship) 
10. She worried too much. (to worry) 
3.2 Referring to the table of English irregular verbs, if necessary fill in the blanks with the 
Simple Past tense of the irregular verbs shown in brackets. 
1. She did the dishes. (to do) 
2. They went for a walk. (to go) 
3. He took his time. (to take) 
4. I made the beds. (to make) 
5. They ran to catch the bus. (to run) 
6. She got up quickly. (to get) 
7. You drank the coffee. (to drink) 
8. We slept soundly. (to sleep) 
9. He forgot his books. (to forget) 
10. I left the house. (to leave) 
3.3 Paying attention to the correct forms of the bare infinitives, change the following 
affirmative statements into questions: 
1. She hurried to school. 
Did she hurry to school? 
2. They carried the parcels. 
Did they carry the parcels? 
3. You closed the door. 
Did you close the door? 
4. I plugged in the lamp. 
Did you plug in the lamp? 
5. They planned the party. 
Did they plan the party? 
6. We taught the class. 
Did you teach the class? 
7. She told a story. 
Did she tell a story? 
8. They struck a bargain. 
Did they strike a bargain? 
9. He met his friends. 
Did he meet his friends? 
10. I shook hands. 
Did you shake hands? 
Paying attention to the correct forms of the bare infinitives, change the following affirmative 
statements into negative statements: 
1. We enjoyed ourselves. 
We didn´t enjoy ourselves. 
2. She pinned on the brooch. 
She didn´t pin on the brooch. 
3. I fanned myself. 
I didn´t fan myself. 
4. They emptied their pockets. 
They didn´t empty their pockets. 
5. You replied at once. 
You didn´t reply at once. 
6. He went to work. 
He didn´t go to work. 
7. We swam across the river. 
We didn´t swim across the river. 
8. They took the bus. 
They didn´t take the bus. 
9. I shut the windows. 
I didn´t shut the windows. 
10. You ran fast. 
You didn´t run fast. 
Change the following affirmative statements into negative questions. Give both the forms 
without contractions and the forms with contractions: 
1. You watched the game. 
Did you not watch the game? 
Didn´t you watch the game? 
2. I climbed the ladder. 
Did you not climb the ladder? 
Didn´t you climb the ladder? 
3. We pleased the visitors. 
Did you not please the visitors? 
Didn´t you please the visitors? 
4. They canned the peaches. 
Did they not can the peaches? 
Didn´t they can the peaches? 
5. He received the letter. 
Did he not receive the letter? 
Didn´t he receive the letter? 
6. You saw the fireworks. 
Did you not see the fireworks? 
Didn´t you see the fireworks? 
7. It cost five dollars. 
Did it not cost five dollars? 
Didn´t it cost five dollars? 
8. She hit the ball. 
Did she not hit the ball? 
Didn´t she hit the ball? 
9. He did his homework. 
Did he not do his homework? 
Didn´t he do his homework? 
10. They cut the ribbon. 
Did they not cut the ribbon? 
Didn´t they cut the ribbon? 
Rewrite the following sentences, changing the underlined verbs from the Simple Past to 
the form with used followed by the infinitive: 
1. It snowed heavily. 
It used to snow heavily. 
2. I came often. 
I used to come often. 
3. We were neighbors. 
We used to be neighbors. 
4. He wrote many letters. 
He used to write many letters. 
5. They walked to work. 
They used to walk to work. 
6. He teased us. 
He used to tease us. 
7. She told us stories. 
She used to tell us stories. 
8. You rode a bicycle. 
You used to ride a bicycle. 
 = Verbos Modais. O papel deles é definir o modo ou tempo verbal da 
estrutura: possibilidade, recomendação, conselho, obrigações, futuro, futuro do pretérito, 
habilidade, capacidade etc. 
Can = poder, conseguir, habilidade, capacidade e saber. 
✓ Quando usarmos o CAN para descrever uma atividade que podemos realizar, poderemos 
traduzi-lo como “saber”. 
I can cook very well. 
Sei cozinhar muito bem. 
He can drive on the highway very well. 
Ele sabe dirigir muito bem na estrada. 
✓ Quando usamos o CAN para descrever “impedimento”, poderemos traduzi-lo como 
“conseguir” ou “poder”. 
UNIT 10 
MODAL VERBS + Key Answer 
I can´t go to the meeting on Friday. 
Não posso ir para reunião na sexta. 
I can´t swim because my mother is not here. 
Não posso nadar porque minha mãe não está aqui. 
I can´t call you tomorrow because my cell phone is broken. 
Não consigo lhe telefonar amanhã porque meu celular está quebrado.

Outros materiais