
Revisao_de_Ingles_7Ano_clothes-meals-simple_present-how_much-pronouns docx

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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7º ANO
Shirt ________________ Cap ___________________
Jacket _____________ Scarf___________________
Trousers/Pants_____________ Gloves___________________
T-shirt____________________ Hat___________________
Suit_________________ Bra___________________
Dress_________________ Boots___________________
Blouse__________________ Shoes___________________
Skirt __________________ Flip flops___________________
Underwear_______________ Sneakers___________________
Coat________________ Tie___________________
Jeans _______________
Sweatshirt/ Sweater __________________
Meals – Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Beverages
Match the columns:
(1)Bread ( )Chá
(2)Eggs ( )Refrigerante
(3)Coffee ( )Ovos
(4)Toast ( )Leite
(5)Rice ( )Asinhas de frango
(6)Chicken wings ( )Torrada
(7)Beans ( )Salada
(8)Pasta ( )Feijões
(9)Tea ( )Arroz
(10)Milk ( )Carne
(11)Soup ( )Café
(12)Meat ( )Sopa
(13)Soda ( )Suco
(14)Juice ( )Macarrão
Reviewing Simple Present
1) Add the ending -s- if necessary.
a) We___________ to music every evening. (listen)
b) Two cats______________ mice. (like)
c) One cat and one rabbit______________ in the same room. (live)
d) Our cat ______________a lot of toys too. (have)
e) Mary______________ a sister and a brother. (have)
f) My friend always ______________ me if I need it. (help)
g) Their dog ______________ a lot of toys. (have)
h) They______________ about their day in the evening. (speak)
Quantifiers: How much?/ How many?
2) Fill in the blanks with How much or How many.
____________________ girls are there in your group?
____________________ are the oranges?
____________________ money did you pay for your bike?
____________________ English words do you know?
Demonstrative pronouns – This/That/These/Those
3) Change from singular to plural by changing This/That to These/Those.
1.That is an elephant >> _____________ are elephants.
2. This is a book >> _____________ are books.
3. This is a box >> _____________ are boxes.
4. That is a girl >>_____________ are girls.
Subject and Object pronouns
4) Choose the correct pronoun for each case and circle.
1. We/ Us love vegan food!
2. A:Who’s there? B: I / Me!
3. Everyone arrived on time but he / him
4. My brother is taller than I / me
5. He / him will get a new phone soon.
Simple Present – verb + to +verb
5) Add the missing verb +to according to the verb tense.
We _____________ solve this mystery. (need)
She _____________ travel around Australia next year.(plan)
Ana always _____________ do her homework. (forget)
They _____________ eat very slow. (try)
Would like…
6) Read the following sentences with Do you want or I want and write sentences with the same meaning
using would you like or I’d like.
I want a bottle of water, please ---- I’d like a bottle of water, please.
a)Do you want to meet my family?_______________________________
b) What do you want for dessert?_______________________________
c)Do you want to come with us?_______________________________
d)I want an answer._______________________________
e)Where do you want to go?_______________________________

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