
Avaliação TI Estudos Disciplinares XVI

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

· Pergunta 1
1 em 1 pontos
	Read the following text:
Countries around the world have closed their borders to arrivals from China, as officials work to control the rapid spread of the coronavirus.
 The US and Australia said they would deny entry to all foreign visitors who had recently been in China, where the virus first emerged in December.
 Earlier, countries including Russia, Japan, Pakistan and Italy announced similar travel restrictions. But global health officials have advised against such measures.
 "Travel restrictions can cause more harm than good by hindering info-sharing, medical supply chains and harming economies", the head of the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday.
 The WHO recommends introducing screening at official border crossings. It has warned that closing borders could accelerate the spread of the virus, with travellers entering countries unofficially.
 China has criticised the wave of travel restrictions, accusing foreign governments of ignoring official advice. "Just as the WHO recommended against travel restrictions, the US rushed in the opposite direction", foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said. "[It is] certainly not a gesture of goodwill."
What is the latest?
 The death toll from the new virus, which is officially called 2019-nCov, now stands at 259. All the deaths occurred within China and the majority were in Hubei province, where the virus originated.  Almost 12,000 cases have been confirmed and a small proportion of those – around 100 – have been identified outside China. The UK, US, Russia and Germany have all confirmed cases in recent days.
 Meanwhile authorities in Hubei extended the Lunar New Year holiday until 13 February and announced marriage registrations would be suspended to discourage public gatherings.
 China started celebrating the holiday on 24 January, and Chinese officials had already extended the break in an attempt to postpone travel by large numbers of people as they return to work.
 Hospital workers in Hong Kong have voted to go on strike from Monday unless the territory's border with mainland China is completely closed. The Hong Kong government has refused to do so citing WHO recommendations.
 The number of coronavirus cases worldwide has overtaken that of the similar Sars epidemic, which spread to more than two dozen countries in 2003.
 But the mortality rate of the new virus is much lower than that of Sars, which has led officials to believe it is not as deadly. (...)
(Disponível em: https://www.bbc.com/news/world-51338899. Acesso em: 01 fev. 2020.)
Using the skimming reading strategy, some words presented in the text help us understand its main subject, such as:
		Resposta Selecionada:
“Coronavirus”, “global health officials”, “WHO”, “confirmed cases”, “mortality rate”.
· Pergunta 2
1 em 1 pontos
	We can observe diatopic variation in virtually all languages. In the case of Brazilian Portuguese, in some places it is said “mexerica”, but in others it is said “tangerina” or “bergamota”. In the case of the English language, diatopic variation is also present and we can mention some differences between the British and American variants, such as:
I - “Kerb” and “curb”.
II - “Courgette” and “zucchini”.
III - “Candy floss” and “cotton candy”.
IV - “Aeroplane” and “airplane”.
V - “Thou” and “you”.
It is correct only what is stated on:
		Resposta Selecionada:
· Pergunta 3
1 em 1 pontos
	About some of the methods for acquiring a second language:
I - The Grammar and Translation Method gives relevance to the formal teaching of grammar rules and the translation of the foreign language into the native language.
II - The Direct Method, which gained momentum in the late nineteenth century, was based on observations of children's language learning using intensive oral interactions to learn a second or foreign language.
III - The Direct Method sought the idea that a foreign language could be taught without translation and without the use of the student's mother tongue, provided that the meaning was conveyed directly through demonstrative actions.
It is correct what is stated on:
		Resposta Selecionada:
· Pergunta 4
1 em 1 pontos
	Modernism in the United States has characteristics similar to those of this period of the arts and literature in other regions of the world. This school was influenced by European artistic vanguards such as Dadaism, Futurism and Surrealism. However, as far as literature in the United States is concerned, it is possible to verify not only the influences of external movements, but also the personalization of modern writing.
(Disponível em: http://www.letraslivres.no.comunidades.net. Acesso em: 03 jul. 2014 – com adaptações).
On Modernism in the United States, evaluate the following statements:
I - Conventional and academic aspects and the standard norm have been eliminated from the texts as a protest against European dominance in literature.
II - The use of the “stream of consciousness” was incorporated as a way of breaking with literary traditionalism through the free expression of the characters' feelings.
III - Rudeness and vulgarity were eliminated as themes, with the aim of adapting this literature to academic standards.
It is correct what is stated on:
		Resposta Selecionada:
II, only.
· Pergunta 5
1 em 1 pontos
	Observe the following situation of acquisition of a foreign language:
Teacher:  I bought a sandwich.
Student:  I bought sandwiches.
Teacher:  My pen is on the table.
Student:  My pen is on the table.
Teacher:  …under the chair.
Student:  My pen is under the chair.
Teacher:  …in my pencil case.
Student:  My pen is in my pencil case.
This typical drill is related to the:
		Resposta Selecionada:
Audiolingual Method.
· Pergunta 6
1 em 1 pontos
	About language teaching and its different methods:
I - Language teaching has gone through different methods, approaches, techniques and procedures over the years.
II - Methodological diversity is directly linked to certain socio-historical models, i.e., depending on the historical period, different practices are used for language teaching.
III - Early records of the process of language teaching and learning show the use of orality in a mechanical process of listening, speaking, and imitating, which marks, for example, how the conquerors of other times imposed their language on the dominated or they learned their languages, always asymmetrically.
IV - The best known methods and approaches to second language acquisition are Grammar and Translation, Direct Method, Audiolingual Method, Situational Method and Communicative Approach.
V - The oldest and most traditional method of teaching foreign languages ​​is "Grammar and Translation", which predominated in Europe until the 19 th
century, based on the tradition of teaching Greek and Latin.
It is correct what is stated on:
		Resposta Selecionada:
I, II, III, IV, V.
· Pergunta 7
1 em 1 pontos
	Textual genres have an important social function when it comes to communication. Although they are many, they have particularities that allow us to identify them.
Read the following excerpt from a text and identify which genre it belongs to:
		Resposta Selecionada:
· Pergunta 8
1 em 1 pontos
	Take into consideration the following situation:
Lauren is a caricature of a Chav, and her speech reflects her belonging to this particular social group. As a matter of fact, her slang shows many peculiar features, such as:
I ain’t even bovvered.
I don’t fink you are though.
A’ least we go’ a new teacher today.
Innit though (invariant tag, derived from a contraction of isn’t it).
The linguistic variation shown in the example is related to:
		Resposta Selecionada:
Diastratic variation.
· Pergunta 9
1 em 1 pontos
	Consider the followingcomparative table:
Considering the concept of linguistic variation, which is inherent in languages, we can say that the information above between these “Englishes” is an example of:
I - Synchronic variation.
II - Diachronic variation.
III - Diatopic variation.
IV - Diastratic variation.
V - Diaphasic variation.
It is correct only what is stated on:
		Resposta Selecionada:
· Pergunta 10
1 em 1 pontos
	Textual genres have stable types of utterances, as well as thematic structures and contents that facilitate their definition. Article, chronicle, short story, report, news, email, summary, poem, joke, fable, curriculum, diary, among many others, are examples of textual genres. Having this information about the concept of textual genre, read the following text:
The Wolf and the Crane
A Wolf who had a bone stuck in his throat hired a Crane, for a large sum, to put her head into his mouth and draw out the bone. When the Crane had extracted the bone and demanded the promised payment, the Wolf, grinning and grinding his teeth, exclaimed: "Why, you have surely already had a sufficient recompense, in having been permitted to draw out your head in safety from the mouth and jaws of a wolf".
In serving the wicked, expect no reward, and be thankful if you escape injury for your pains.
What genre is it related to?
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