
English Book

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes
Você viu 3, do total de 113 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes
Você viu 6, do total de 113 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes
Você viu 9, do total de 113 páginas

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

Agora você pode testar o

Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Prévia do material em texto

Direitos de autor (copyright) 
Este manual é propriedade do Instituto Superior de Ciências e Educação à Distância (ISCED), e contém 
reservado todos os direitos. É proibida a duplicação ou reprodução parcial ou total deste manual, sob 
quaisquer formas ou por quaisquer meios (eletrónicos, mecânico, gravação, fotocópia ou outros), sem 
permissão expressa de entidade editora (Instituto Superior de Ciências e Educação à Distância (ISCED). 
A não observância do acima estipulado o infractor é passível a aplicação de processos judiciais em 
vigor no País. 
Instituto Superior de Ciências e Educação à Distância (ISCED) 
Rua Dr. Almeida Lacerda No 211, Ponta-Gêa 
Beira - Moçambique 
Telefone: +258 23323501 
Fax: 258 23324215 
E-mail: info@isced.ac.mz 
Website: www.isced.ac.mz 
O Instituto Superior de Ciências e Educação a Distância (ISCED), agradece a colaboração dos seguintes 
indivíduos e instituições na elaboração deste manual: 
Autor Dr. Fernando Audusto Fazenda 
Financiamento e Logística 
Revisão Científica e 
Ano de Publicação 
Local de Publicação 
Direcção Académica 
Instituto Superior de Ciências e Educação a Distância (ISCED) 
Instituto Africano de Promoção da Educação a Distancia (IAPED) 
Paul Svongoro 
Visão geral ................................................................................................................................................ v 
Objectivos do Manual .............................................................................................................................. v 
Quem deveria estudar este manual .................................................................................................... vi 
Como está estruturado este manual .................................................................................................. vii 
UNIT 1: PRESENT SIMPLE AND PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSES ............................................................. 1 
Adverbs Of Frequency .......................................................................................................................... 3 
UNIT-2: PAST SIMPLE TENSE .................................................................................................................. 17 
UNIT 3: THE PAST PERFECT AND PAST PROGRESSIVE TENSE ............................................................... 23 
Use .......................................................................................................................................................... 23 
Form ....................................................................................................................................................... 25 
UNIT 4: MODAL VERBS .......................................................................................................................... 27 
UNIT 5: TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE ................................................................................................. 33 
Form ....................................................................................................................................................... 34 
Remember .............................................................................................................................................. 35 
UNIT 6: TALKING ABOUT THE FUTURE - MORE COMPLEX FORMS ...................................................... 37 
The Future Continuous (Progressive) ................................................................................................. 37 
Use .......................................................................................................................................................... 38 
UNIT 7: THE ACTIVE AND PASSIVE VOICE ............................................................................................... 40 
UNIT 8: CONDITIONAL SENTENCES ...................................................................................................... 42 
Form ....................................................................................................................................................... 42 
Use .......................................................................................................................................................... 42 
Form ....................................................................................................................................................... 43 
Use .......................................................................................................................................................... 43 
Form ....................................................................................................................................................... 43 
Use .......................................................................................................................................................... 43 
Use .......................................................................................................................................................... 44 
UNIT 9: BASIC POINTS ABOUT THE ORGANIZATION OF WRITTEN TEXTS ............................................ 48 
UNIT 10: RELATIVE SUB CLAUSES ......................................................................................................... 57 
UNIT 11: EXTRA PRACTICE .................................................................................................................... 61 
UNIT 12: PREPARING FOR A WRITING ASSIGNMENT ............................................................................ 68 
UNIT 13: RECOGNISING TYPES OF ERRORS .......................................................................................... 79 
REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 101 
WEBSITES .......................................................................................................................................... 101 
Visão geral 
Bem-vindo ao Manual da Disciplina de Inglês I 
Objectivos do Manual 
Ao terminar o estudo deste manual de Inglês I, o estudante deverá 
ser capaz de: Desenvolver e consolidar as quatro competências 
linguísticas – reading, writing, listening, speaking; 
Sensibilizar para a aprendizagem da língua estrangeira como 
componente-base da boa prática laboral, extensiva a aspectos 
Objectivos Específicos 
• Reconhecer palavras e expressões básicas que se usam 
habitualmente em relação a si mesmo, à família e entorno 
• Compreender palavras e nomes conhecidos e frases muito 
simples, por exemplo, as que se encontram em catálogos e 
• Participar de conversações simples sobre temas habituais 
ou necessidades imediatas, descrever o lugar onde mora e 
as pessoas que conhece; Escrever postais e e-mails 
simples, preencher formulários com dados pessoais, 
nome, nacionalidade, endereço etc. 
• Propiciar a reflexão, teórico e crítica para a intervenção nas 
expressões da questão social. Reconhecer palavras e 
expressões básicas que se usam habitualmente em relação 
a si mesmo, à família e entorno imediato; 
• Compreender palavras e nomes conhecidos e frases muito 
simples, por exemplo, as que se encontram em catálogos e 
•Participar de conversações simples sobre temas habituais 
ou necessidades imediatas, descrever o lugar onde mora e 
as pessoas que conhece; 
• Escrever postais e e-mails simples, preencher formulários 
com dados pessoais, nome, nacionalidade, endereço etc. 
Resultados esperados 
Esperase que o estudante: 
Listening: Seja capaz de compreender os pontos essenciais de um 
discurso em língua-padrão sobre assuntos correntes da vida 
pessoal ou profissional, incluindo muitos programas de rádio e 
televisão quando o débito da fala é relativamente lento e claro; 
Reading: Seja capaz de compreender textos em língua-padrão e 
linguagem corrente sobre assuntos do dia-a-dia pessoal ou 
Speaking: Seja capaz de articular discursos de forma simples para 
descrever experiências, acontecimentos, planos ou desejos, para 
explicar e justificar opiniões, e para, sem preparação prévia, lidar 
com situações e conversas sobre assuntos conhecidos do âmbito 
pessoal ou profissional; 
Writing: Seja capaz de escrever um texto articulado de forma simples 
sobre assuntos conhecidos ou de interesse pessoal ou profissional; 
Seja capaz de utilizar métodos e técnicas de estudo, de 
apropriação de conhecimentos e de pesquisa e cooperação em 
língua inglesa através de consulta e utilização de diferentes tipos 
de materiais e suportes documentais com relevância na futura 
vida profissional; 
Tenha autonomia no desenvolvimento de 
estratégias de superação de dificuldades e resolução de 
This subject, on the other hand, aims specifically, to enable 
students to know, develop and use the four skills (reading, writing, 
speaking and listening); to enable and inculcate on the students, 
knowledge and abilities about grammatical aspects of English 
language, so that they can be able to use the English language 
effectively: to enable them to know and use( in speaking and 
writing), terms related to the professional perspective of the 
course, spare time, travel and journeys, making friends, education 
and learning, time, weather and climate, health and nutrition, 
customs and traditions, and so on. 
Quem deveria estudar este manual 
O presente Manual foi concebido para estudantes do 1º ano dos cursos 
de licenciatura do ISCED. 
Como está estruturado este manual 
O presente manual está estruturado da seguinte maneira: 
• Conteúdos deste manual. 
• Abordagem geral dos conteúdos do manual, resumindo os aspectos-
chave que você precisa para conhecer a história da comunicação. 
Recomendamos vivamente que leia esta secção com atenção antes de 
começar o seu estudo, como componente de habilidades de estudos. 
Conteúdo deste manual 
Este manual está estruturado em temas. Cada tema, comporta certo 
número de unidades temáticas ou simplesmente unidades, cada 
unidade temática caracteriza-se por conter um título específico, seguido 
dos seus respectivos subtítulos. 
No final de cada unidade temática, são propostos 10 exercícios de 
fechados e 5 exercicios abertos. No fim de cada tema, são incorporados 
10 exercícios fechados para avaliação e 5 exercicios abertos para auto-
avaliacao. No final do manual estão incorporados 100 exercicios 
fechados para preparação aos exames. 
Os exercícios de avaliação são Teóricos e Práticos. 
Outros recursos 
O ISCED pode, adicionalmente, disponibilizar material de estudo na 
Biblioteca do Centro de recursos, na Biblioteca Virtual, em formato físico 
ou digital. 
Auto-avaliação e Tarefas de avaliação 
As tarefas de auto-avaliação para este manual encontram-se no final de 
cada unidade temática e de cada tema. As tarefas dos exercícios de auto-
avaliação apresentam duas características: primeiro apresentam 
exercícios resolvidos com detalhes. Segundo, exercícios que mostram 
apenas respostas. 
As tarefas de avaliação neste manual também se encontram no final de 
cada unidade temática, assim como no fim do manual em si, e, devem 
ser semelhantes às de auto-avaliação, mas sem mostrar os passos e 
devem obedecer o grau crescente de dificuldades do processo de 
aprendizagem, umas a seguir a outras. Parte das tarefas de avaliação 
será objecto dos trabalhos de campo a serem entregues aos 
tutores/docentes para efeitos de correcção e subsequentemente 
atribuição de uma nota. Também constará do exame do fim do manual. 
Pelo que, caro estudante, fazer todos os exercícios de avaliação é uma 
grande vantagem. 
Habilidades de estudo 
O principal objectivo desta secção, é ensinar a aprender aprendendo. 
Durante a formação e desenvolvimento de competências, para facilitar a 
aprendizagem e alcançar melhores resultados, implicará empenho, 
dedicação e disciplina no estudo. Isto é, os bons resultados apenas se 
conseguem com estratégias eficientes e eficazes. Por isso, é importante 
saber como, onde e quando estudar. Apresentamos algumas sugestões 
com as quais esperamos que caro estudante possa rentabilizar o tempo 
dedicado aos estudos, procedendo como se segue: 
1º - Praticar a leitura. Aprender à distância exige alto domínio de leitura. 
2º - Fazer leitura diagonal aos conteúdos (leitura corrida). 
3º - Voltar a fazer a leitura, desta vez para a compreensão e assimilação 
crítica dos conteúdos (ESTUDAR). 
4º - Fazer seminário (debate em grupos), para comprovar se a sua 
aprendizagem confere ou não com a dos colegas e com o padrão. 
5º - Fazer TC (Trabalho de Campo), algumas actividades práticas ou as de 
estudo de caso, se existir. 
IMPORTANTE: Em observância ao triângulo modo-espaço-tempo, 
respectivamente como, onde e quando estudar, como foi referido no 
início deste item, antes de organizar os seus momentos de estudo reflicta 
sobre o ambiente de estudo que seria ideal para si: Estudo melhor em 
casa/biblioteca/café/outro lugar? Estudo melhor à noite/de manhã/de 
tarde/fins-de-semana/ao longo da semana? Estudo melhor com 
música/num sítio sossegado/num sítio barulhento!? Preciso de intervalo 
a cada 30 minutos ou a cada 60 minutos? etc. 
É impossível estudar numa noite tudo o que devia ter sido estudado 
durante um determinado período de tempo; deve estudar cada ponto da 
matéria em profundidade e passar só a seguinte quando achar que já 
domina bem o anterior. 
Privilegia-se saber bem (com profundidade) o pouco que puder ler e 
estudar, que saber tudo superficialmente! Mas a melhor opção é juntar 
o útil ao agradável: saber com profundidade todos conteúdos de cada 
tema, no manual. 
Dica importante: não recomendamos estudar seguidamente por tempo 
superior a uma hora. Estudar por tempo de uma hora intercalado por 10 
(dez) a 15 (quinze) minutos de descanso (chama-se descanso à mudança 
de actividades). Ou seja, que durante o intervalo não se continuar a tratar 
dos mesmos assuntos das actividades obrigatórias. 
Uma longa exposição aos estudos ou ao trabalho intelectual obrigatório, 
pode conduzir ao efeito contrário: baixar o rendimento da aprendizagem. 
Por que o estudante acumula um elevado volume de trabalho, em termos 
de estudos, em pouco tempo, criando interferência entre os 
conhecimentos, perde sequência lógica, por fim ao perceber que estuda 
tanto, mas não aprende, cai em insegurança, depressão e desespero, por 
se achar injustamente incapaz! 
Não estude na última da hora; quando se trate de fazer alguma avaliação. 
Aprenda a ser estudante de facto (aquele que estuda sistematicamente), 
não estudar apenas para responder a questões de alguma avaliação, mas 
sim estude para a vida, sobretudo, estude pensando na sua utilidade 
como futuro profissional,na área em que está a se formar. 
Organize na sua agenda um horário onde define a que horas e que 
matérias deve estudar durante a semana; face ao tempo livre que resta, 
deve decidir como o utilizar produtivamente, decidindo quanto tempo 
será dedicado ao estudo e a outras actividades. 
É importante identificar as ideias principais de um texto, pois será uma 
necessidade para o estudo das diversas matérias que compõem o curso: 
A colocação de notas nas margens pode ajudar a estruturar a matéria de 
modo que seja mais fácil identificar as partes que está a estudar e pode 
escrever conclusões, exemplos, vantagens, definições, datas, nomes, 
pode também utilizar a margem para colocar comentários seus 
relacionados com o que está a ler; a melhor altura para sublinhar é 
imediatamente a seguir à compreensão do texto e não depois de uma 
primeira leitura; utilizar o dicionário sempre que surja um conceito cujo 
significado não conhece ou não lhe é familiar. 
Precisa de apoio? 
Caro estudante, temos a certeza que por uma ou por outra razão, o 
material de estudos impresso, pode suscitar-lhe algumas dúvidas como 
falta de clareza, alguns erros de concordância, prováveis erros 
ortográficos, falta de clareza, fraca visibilidade, página trocada ou 
invertidas, etc.). Nestes casos, contacte os serviços de atendimento e 
apoio ao estudante do seu Centro de Recursos (CR), via telefone, SMS, 
E-mail, Casos Bilhetes, se tiver tempo, escreva mesmo uma carta 
participando a preocupação. 
Uma das atribuições dos Gestores dos CR e seus assistentes (Pedagógico 
e Administrativo), é a de monitorar e garantir a sua aprendizagem com 
qualidade e sucesso. Dai a relevância da comunicação no Ensino à 
Distância (EAD), onde o recurso às TIC se tornam incontornável: entre 
estudante, estudante – tutor, estudante – CR, etc. 
As sessões presenciais são um momento em que caro estudante, tem a 
oportunidade de interagir fisicamente com staff do seu CR, com tutores 
ou com parte da equipa central do ISCED indigitada para acompanhar as 
suas sessões presenciais. Neste período, pode apresentar dúvidas, tratar 
assuntos de natureza pedagógica e/ou administrativa. 
O estudo em grupo, que está estimado para ocupar cerca de 30% do 
tempo de estudos a distância, é de muita importância na medida em que 
permite-lhe situar, em termos do grau de aprendizagem com relação aos 
outros colegas. Desta maneira fica a saber se precisa de apoio ou precisa 
de apoiar aos colegas. Desenvolver hábito de debater assuntos 
relacionados com os conteúdos programáticos, constantes nos 
diferentes temas e unidade temática, no manual. 
Tarefas (avaliação e auto-avaliação) 
O estudante deve realizar todas as tarefas (actividades avaliação e 
auto−avaliação), pois, influenciam directamente no seu aproveitamento 
Para cada tarefa serão estabelecidos prazos de entrega, e o não 
cumprimento dos prazos de entrega, implica a não classificação do 
estudante. Esteja sempre ciente de que a nota das avaliações conta e é 
decisiva para a admissão ao exame final da disciplina. 
As avaliações são realizadas e submetidas na Plataforma MOODLE. 
Podem ser utilizadas diferentes fontes e materiais de pesquisa, contudo 
os mesmos devem ser devidamente referenciados, respeitando os 
direitos do autor. 
O plágio1 é uma violação do direito intelectual do (s) autor (es). Uma 
transcrição à letra de mais de 8 (oito) palavras do texto de um autor, sem 
o citar é considerada plágio. A honestidade, humildade científica e o 
respeito pelos direitos autorais devem caracterizar a realização dos 
trabalhos e seu autor (estudante do ISCED). 
Muitos perguntam: como é possível avaliar estudantes à distância, 
estando eles fisicamente separados e muito distantes do docente/tutor!? 
Nós dissemos: sim é muito possível, talvez seja uma avaliação mais fiável 
e consistente. 
Você será avaliado durante os estudos à distância que contam com um 
mínimo de 90% do total de tempo que precisa de estudar os conteúdos 
do seu manual. Quanto ao tempo de contacto presencial, conta com um 
máximo de 10% do total de tempo do manual. A avaliação do estudante 
consta de forma detalhada do regulamento de avaliação. 
As avaliações de frequência pesam 25% e servem de nota de frequência 
para ir aos exames. Os exames são realizados no final da disciplina e 
decorrem durante as sessões presenciais. Os exames pesam 75%, o que 
adicionado aos 25% da média de frequência, determinam a nota final com 
a qual o estudante conclui a disciplina. 
É definida a nota de 10 (dez) valores como nota mínima de aprovação na 
Nesta disciplina, o estudante deverá realizar pelo menos 5 avaliações 
escritas sendo 2 fóruns e 3 testes (teóricos e práticos), e 1 (um) exame 
Algumas actividades práticas, relatórios e reflexões serão utilizados como 
ferramentas de avaliação formativa. 
Durante a realização das avaliações, os estudantes devem ter em 
consideração a apresentação, a coerência textual, o grau de 
cientificidade, a forma de conclusão dos assuntos, as recomendações, a 
identificação das referências bibliográficas utilizadas, o respeito pelos 
direitos do autor, entre outros. 
1 Plágio - copiar ou assinar parcial ou totalmente uma obra literária, propriedade intelectual de outras pessoas, sem 
prévia autorização. 
Os objectivos e critérios de avaliação constam do Regulamento ds Cursos 
e Sistemas de Avaliação do ISCED. 
1 | P a g e 
Present Simple and Present Continuous 
Tasks and exercises 
Task I 
Match activities with images: Example: 1. play piano = (c) 
1. play piano / 2. go to the movies / 3.listen to music / 4. cook / 5. read books 6. play 
guitar / 
 7. play computer games / 8. go dancing / 9. go bicycle riding 10. go for a walk / 11. 
run / 12 . play cards / 13. watch TV / 14. swim / 15. go fishing / 16. play 
basketball / 17. play piano / 18 . play chess : 
a) b) c) d) 
e) f) g) h) i) 
2 | P a g e 
k) l) m) n) 
o) p) q) r) s) 
Task II 
What do the following people like to do during their leisure time? 
Example: My uncle likes to play computer games. 
1. I like to …….. 
2. My mother (or father) likes to…………. 
3. My best friend likes to …… 
4. My wife/husband (or companion) likes to ……. 
5. My brother likes to …… 
6. My sister likes to …… 
Task III 
3 | P a g e 
Ask 5 classmates what they like to do. Fill in the chart below: 
Adverbs Of Frequency 
Adverbs of frequency tell how often or how frequently somebody does something. 
Study this: 
Amount Of Time Adverb 
100% Always 
80% Usually 
70% Often 
50% Sometimes 
30% Seldom 
10% Rarely 
0% Never 
Adverbs of frequency come between the subject and the verb: 
Subject + Adverb Of Frequency + Verb 
Oscar usually plays cards on Friday night. 
Student Name 
Do you like to 
Do you like to 
read books? 
 Do you like to go 
for a walk? 
 Do you like to go 
 Do you like 
to play 
Alison Yes No Yes Yes No 
Bruce No Yes No No Yes 
Kevin No Yes Yes Yes Yes 
Tammy Yes Yes Yes No Yes 
No No Yes Yes No 
Student Name Do you liketo 
play computer 
Do you like to 
read books? 
Do you like to go 
Do you like to 
watch TV? 
Do you like 
to swim? 
………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. etc 
Adverbs Of Frequency 
4 | P a g e 
 always works in the garden on weekends. 
Tasks and exercises 
 Task I 
Add the frequency adverbs to the sentences below. 
Example: (always) John always goes bicycle riding on his day off. 
1. (rarely) Henry ___________ plays guitar on Sunday morning. 
2. (never) Benjamin __________ collects stamps. 
3. (usually) Kim __________ knits when she has free time. 
4. (always) Barbara and Roger __________ play bingo on Saturday afternoon. 
5. (often) Patricia __________ makes scrapbooks on weekends. 
6. (sometimes) Barry __________ runs after work. 
7. (seldom) Mary __________ swims at the city pool. 
Task II 
Use the information between brackets to fill in the blank with the correct adverb. 
Example: (80%) Melanie _usually_ reads books during her leisure time. 
(100%) Leonard ___________ plays soccer on Saturday afternoon. 
(10%) Theresa __________ plays piano. 
(0%) Harry __________ plays basketball on Monday morning. 
(30%) Andrea __________ watches TV after work. 
(50%) Tom __________ goes rollerblading on his day off from work. 
(70%) Alice __________ swims in the pool at the gym. 
(80%) Sonya __________ listens to music when she has free time. 
Task III 
Read these dialogs. Practice these dialogs with a classmate. 
Dialog 1 
Mary: Billy, name something that you always do on Friday night. 
Billy: I always play cards on Friday night. 
Dialog 2 
Billy: Mary, name something that you never do on Saturday afternoon. 
5 | P a g e 
Mary: I never go rollerblading on Saturday afternoon. 
Dialog 3 
Mary: Billy, name something that you sometimes do on Sunday morning. Billy: 
I sometimes go fishing on Sunday morning. 
Dialog 4 
Robert: How often do you watch TV when you have free time? Greg: 
I usually watch TV when I have free time. 
Dialog 5 
Leslie: How often do you work in the garden on weekends? 
Audrey: I often work in the garden on weekends. 
Dialog 6 
Joan: How often do you go bungee jumping on you day off from work? 
Mark: I never go bungee jumping on my day off from work. Dialog 7 
Ben: How often do you cook? 
Harvey: I seldom cook. 
Task IV 
Answer these questions with a complete sentence that contains an adverb of frequency. 
Example: Name something that you always do on Saturday morning. > I always run on 
Present Progressive 
Name something 
that you always do 
on Saturday 
Name something 
that you usually do 
on Saturday 
Name something 
that you often do 
on Saturday night. 
Name something 
that you 
sometimes do on 
Saturday morning. 
Name something 
that you seldom 
do on Saturday 
Name something 
that you rarely do 
on Saturday night. 
Name something 
that you never do on 
Name something 
that you rarely do on 
Name something 
that you always do 
on Saturday night. 
Name something 
that you seldom 
do on Sunday 
6 | P a g e 
 The Present Progessive Tense, Information Questions, Short Answers 
The present progressive is used to talk about what is happening right now. 
Subject + Be + Main Verb + ing 
She is pouring a cup of tea. 
She is drinking a cup of coffee. 
A sentence in the present progressive can begin with a contraction. 
Contraction Of Subject And Be + Main Verb + ing 
 She’s pouring a cup of tea. 
She’s drinking a cup of coffee. 
Tasks and exercises 
Task I 
What’s she doing? What’s she doing? 
She’s pouring a cup of tea. She’s drinking a cup of coffee. 
Is she pouring a cup of tea? Is she drinking a cup of coffee? 
Yes, she is. Yes, she is. 
Is she drinking a cup of tea? Is she pouring a cup of coffee? 
No she isn’t. No, she isn’t. 
What’s she doing? What’s she doing? 
She’s pouring a cup of tea. She’s drinking a cup of coffee. 
Information questions in the present progressive begin with a question word. 
7 | P a g e 
What + Be + Subject + Main Verb + ing? 
What is she doing? 
Sometimes information questions begin with a contraction. 
Contraction of What And Be + Subject + Main Verb + ing? 
What’s she doing? 
Short Answer questions in the present progressive begin with Be. 
Be + Subject + Main Verb + ing 
Is she drinking a cup of tea? 
Are you pouring 
a cup of coffee? 
Short Answers contain the subject and Be. 
usually has a 
 A negative short answer 
contra ction. 
Yes/No + Subject + Be + (Not) No, + Subject + Contraction Of 
Be And 
Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 
No, she is not. 
Task II 
What are you doing? 
I’m holding a cat. 
Are you holding Fred? 
Yes, I am. 
Is Fred a cat? 
Yes, he is. 
Are you holding a 
No, I’m not. 
Is Fred a dog? 
No, he isn’t. 
8 | P a g e 
What is Fred doing? 
Fred is playing with a 
Is he sleeping? 
No, he’s isn’t. 
Is he playing with a 
Yes, he is. 
What’s he doing? 
He’s sleeping. 
Is he playing? 
No, he isn’t. 
Is he sleeping? 
Yes, he is. 
What are you doing? 
We’re taking pictures. 
Are you watching TV? 
No, we aren’t. 
Are you taking 
Yes, we are. 
9 | P a g e 
Sometimes the main verb has a spelling change in the present progressive tense. 
Spelling Rules 
1. When a verb ends in a consonant and e, drop the e and add ing. 
 take = taking dance = dancing ride = riding use = using drive = driving 
2. When a verb ends in one vowel and one consonant, double the consonant and add ing. 
run = running hug = hugging 
But, there is an exception to this rule. When a verb ends in w, x, or y, do not double these 
play = playing fix = fixing sew = sewing 
3. When a verb ends in two consonants, do not double the consonant. drink = drinking 
hold = holding watch = watching fish = fishing jump = jumping talk = talking walk = 
4. When a verb ends in two vowels and one consonant, do not double the consonant. 
 pour = pouring eat = eating feed = feeding sleep = 
 sleeping cook = cooking read = reading 
Task III 
Match the expressions with the pictures: I 
1) they’re jumping in the pool = picture j 
1. They’re jumping into the pool. / 2.He’s talking. / 3. He’s driving. / 4. They’rewalking. 
5. He’s cooking. / 6. He’s reading. / 7. They’re walking. / 7. She’s sleeping. / 8. He’s 
sewing . / 9. They’re riding horses. / 10. They’re running. / 11. He’s using the computer. 
10 | P a g e 
d) e) 
11 | P a g e 
f) g) 
i) j) 
12 | P a g e 
Task IV Write questions for each of the images in the previous exercise. Example: 
Image a ) > What are they doing? 
1. Now answer 
your own 
questions with 
jumping into 
the pool. 
Answer the 
questions with 
Examples: Image a) Are they running? >> Yes, they are. 
 Image b) Are they eating? >> No, they aren’t. 
c) d) e) 
Is he Playing the piano? Is she sleeping? Is he using the computer? 
13 | P a g e 
Is he sewing? Is he fishing? Is he riding a bike? 
Are they walking? Are they dancing? Is he reading? 
f) g) 
j) k) 
14 | P a g e 
 Verb to Have 
 Talking About Health Problems 
 When someone has a health problem, the verb have is often used. 
 I have an allergy. 
You have an 
He has an allergy. 
She has an 
We have an allergy. 
All of you have an 
They have an allergy. 
Tasks and exercises 
Task I 
Health Problems 
Write the health problems using the following expressions for each picture. 
earache / toothache / backache /stomachache / asthma / cold / cough / fever / headache 
/ sore throat (<they’re in a mixed order!) 
Example: a) She has a cold 
a f) 
15 | P a g e 
Task II 
 Fill in the blank with the correct form of have. 
1. I__________ a backache. 8. He __________ asthma. 
2. You __________ an earache. 9. You __________ a headache. 
3. She __________ a fever. 10. He __________ a sore throat. 
4. We __________ an allergy. 11. She __________ a burn. 
5. He __________ a cough. 12. I __________ a cold. 
6. They _________ a stomach ache. 13. They __________ chicken pox. 
7. We __________ a toothache. 
Task III 
Read each sentence and review any vocabulary that you do not know. Then, fill in the 
blank with the correct form of have. 
1. His ear hurts. He __________ an earache. 
2. My tooth hurts. I__________ a toothache. 
3. Jill is short of breath. She __________ asthma. 
4. Your back hurts. You __________ a backache. 
 c) d) e) 
 g) i) j) 
k) l) 
16 | P a g e 
5. Your throat hurts. You __________ a sore throat. 
6. Bill and Don ate too much food. They __________ a stomach ache. 
7. My nose is congested. I __________ a cold. 
8. Kelly and I __________ a temperature over 100F. We __________ a fever. 
9. I spilled hot water on my hand. I __________ a burn on my hand. 
10. Mary __________ red spots on her skin. She __________ chicken pox. 
11. Carl takes cough medicine. He __________ a cough. 
12. Erin’s head hurts. She __________ a headache. 
13. I sneeze when I am outside. I __________an allergy. 
Exercises-revision of the unit 
Simple Present and Present ProgressiveTense 
Tasks and exercises 
Task I 
1. Every 10 years, the U.S. Census (nscout) ___counts____ every resident in the 
United States. 
2. The federal government (ksema) _____________ political decisions. 
3. Richard (rdinsk) ___________ a large cup of coffee at work every morning. 
4. Cathy (si) ____________ a census taker. 
5. Census takers (od) ____________ many things. 
6. Each day, census takers (rnut ni) ____________ their completed work to the crew 
7. He is now (wiknorg) ____________ at the U.S. Census office. 
8. A census taker (resdorc) _____________ the responses on paper. 
9. The U.S. Census Bureau (sha) _____________ many temporary job positions for 
census takers. 
10. A census taker (nocduts) _____________ interviews. 
Task II 
Identify all the Simple Present and Present Progressive forms in the sort passage below. 
Example: My sister visits me on Mondays. Today she is visiting her friends. 
My younger brother is a student. He’s studying business at our national university. He 
works at a couple of jobs during the school year. He likes to try different jobs. Right now 
he’s waiting tables at a restaurant in the evenings. Also he is managing a car wash on the 
17 | P a g e 
Irregular Past Tense Verbs and Question Formation In The Past Tense 
 Some English verbs have irregular past tense forms. For example, the past tense form of 
eat is ate. This is the past tense of is conjugation of eat: I ate 
You ate 
He ate 
She ate 
We ate 
They ate 
Tim, Rita, and Karin ran the marathon yesterday. (from the verb “run”) 
The past tense forms of these verbs are irregular. 
Bring- brought break - broke buy – bought catch – caught come – came do – did 
drink – drank drive - drove fly - flew get – got go – went have – had 
hear - heard meet - met pay -paid put – put ride - rode run - ran 
18 | P a g e 
see – saw send - sent sleep – slept stand – stood Think- thought 
write – wrote 
Tasks and exercises 
Task I 
Write the past tense form of the verb in the blank. 
Example: Melinda __came__ (come) home at 5:00 yesterday afternoon. 
1. Julianne _______________ (see) a movie Saturday afternoon. 
2. We _______________ (do) the laundry this morning. 
3. Mia _______________ (sleep) for 9 hours last night. 
4. Joe _______________ (eat) a hamburger for lunch. 
5. Mark _______________ (stand) in line at the post office for 30 minutes this morning. 
6. Lisa _______________ (get) up at 7:30 this morning. 
7. Linda _______________ (write) in her journal every day last month. 
8. Barry _______________ (go) downtown last week. 
9. Nick _______________ (bring) his dictionary to class yesterday. 
10. Annette _______________ (have) supper at 6:00 yesterday. 
11. Marie _______________ (buy) new clothes last week. 
12. Josh _______________ (put) his coat in the closet. 
13. Frank _______________ (catch) a fish at the lake. 
14. Ben and Yolanda _______________ (think) about their family this morning. 
15. Charlie _______________ (run) a marathon in October. 
16. Harry _______________ (drink) 5 cups of coffee this morning. 
17. Stanley _______________ (drive) to the beach last summer. 
18. Deborah _______________ (ride) her bicycle in the park on Sunday. 
19. David _______________ (fly) to Chicago last week. 
20. Jordan ________________ (send) his mother a birthday present. 
21. We _______________ (hear) a baby cry this morning. 
22. I ________________ (pay) the rent on the first of May. 
23. I _______________ (break) my arm twoyears ago. 
24. She_______________(drink) tea this morning. 
25. Bill ________ (meet) his best friend at school. 
19 | P a g e 
Task II. 
Write 6 sentences using the verbs in the right box; put them in the past tense. 
 Forms of Transportation 
bicycle boat bus car helicopter motorcycle pickup 
truck snowmobile sports car train jet ski 
Drive fly ride 
1. My brother …………………. a truck to …………………… last week. 
2. My sister ………………….. a motorcycle to ……………………. yesterday. 
3. My ………… ………………… helicopter to ……………………. ……………….. 
4. etc. etc. 
Task III 
Write a sentence in the past tense for each of the following pictures adding the word 
(Choose from the following past tense forms: drove rode slept –these are in mixed 
The policemen …..horses….. / My little My friend ………. a truck … 
20 | P a g e 
Irregular Past Tense Verbs And Question Formation In The Past Tense 
Questions In The Past Tense 
Questions about the past use a question word, the past tense of do (did), the subject, and 
the main verb. 
The answer uses the past tense of the main verb. 
When and What time ask for information about time. 
Question Word + Did + Subject + Main Verb 
When did Julianne see a movie? Julianne saw a movie Saturday afternoon. 
Question Word + Did + Subject + Main Verb 
What time did Lisa get up? Lisa got up at 7:30 this morning? 
Where asks for information about a place. 
Question Word + Did + Subject + Main Verb 
Where did Bill meet his best friend? Bill met his best friend at school. 
What asks for information about things. 
21 | P a g e 
Question Word + Did + Subject + Main Verb 
What did Joe eat for lunch? Joe ate a hamburger. 
Who asks about people. 
Question Word + Did + Subject + Main Verb 
Who did Bill meet at school? Bill met his best friend at school. 
Last is added to the question in order to ask about the most recent occasion that 
something happened. 
Question Word + Did + Subject + Last + Main Verb 
When did you last pay the rent? I paid the rent on the first of May. 
What time did you last see the doctor? I saw the doctor at 10:00 this morning. Where 
did you last go on vacation? I went to Spain. 
How many asks for a number. 
How many hours did you sleep last night? I slept 9 hours last night. 
How many cups of coffee did Harry drink this morning? 
Harry drank 5 cups of coffee this morning. 
Exercises and revision of the unit 
Tasks and exercises 
Task I 
 Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb. 
Example # 1: When did Julianne _see__ a movie? Example #2: When did you last write an 
Julianne _saw_ a movie Saturday afternoon. I _wrote_ an e-mail this morning. 
1. When did you_______ the laundry? 17. When did you _______a baby cry? 
We________the laundry this morning? We_______a baby cry last night. 
2. How many minutes did Mark_______in line at the post office? 18. When did you last 
_______the rent? 
Mark________in line at the post office for 30 minutes this morning. I_______the rent on 
the first May. 
3. What time did Lisa_______up this morning? 19. When did you_______your arm? 
Lisa_______up at 7:30 this morning. I_______my arm two years ago. 
22 | P a g e 
4. When did Barry_______go downtown? 20. Who did Bill_______at school? 
Barry_______downtown last week. Bill________his best friend at school. 
5. What did Nick________to class yesterday? 21. When did you last drink a Coca-Cola? 
Nick_______his dictionary to class yesterday. I________ a Coca-Cola yesterday. 
6. What time did Annette ___________ supper yesterday? 22. When did you last do the 
Annette __________ supper at 6:00 yesterday. I _______ the laundry on Tuesday. 
7. When did Marie_______new clothes? 23. Where did you last stand in line? 
Marie_______new clothes last week. I_______in line at the grocery store. 
8. Where did Josh_______his coat? 24. Where did you go last weekend? Josh_______his 
coat in the closet. I________to the park. 
9. Where did Frank __________ a fish? 25. Where did you buy your shoes? Frank 
__________ a fish at the lake. I_______ my shoes at Macy’s. 
10. When did Ben and Yolanda______about their family? 26. When did you last drive a 
Ben and Yolanda __________ about their family this morning. I________a car this 
11. When did Charlie __________ a marathon? 27. When did you last fly in an airplane? 
Charlie _______________ a marathon in October. I________in an airplane last year. 
12. How many cups of coffee did Harry __________ this morning? 28. When did you last 
hear a baby cry? 
Harry __________ 5 cups of coffee this morning. I_______ a baby cry this morning. 
13. When did Stanley ___________ to the beach? 29. Where did you last break a glass? 
Stanley __________ to the beach last summer. I_______a glass in the kitchen. 
14. Where did Deborah __________ her bicycle on Sunday? 30. Where did you put your 
Deborah __________ her bicycle in the park on Sunday. I_______my wallet in my pocket. 
15. When did David ___________ to Chicago? 31. How many e-mails did you send 
David _______________ to Chicago last week. I_______6 e-mails yesterday. 
16. What did Jordan ___________ his mother? 32. When did you last catch a cold? 
Jordan ___________ his mother a birthday present. I _______ a cold 6 months ago. 
23 | P a g e 
Grammar Structures: The Past Perfect 
O Past Perfect é formado pelo verbo auxiliar "have" no passado (had) e o Past Participle 
do verbo principal. 
Note que o Past Perfect deve estar sempre inserido em um contexto já no passado, ou 
sua utilização estará errada. 
The Past Perfect is quite simple and useful, we use it to show that one action in the past 
occurred before another action in the past. 
1. A completed action before another activity in the past 
2. a Third conditional sentences (see unit 5) b Reported speech (see 
unit 17) 
3. Dissatisfaction with the past 
 The Past Perfect is also used in a number of expressions like these: 
I wish / as if / though / if only 
I wish I hadn't gone there. 
John looked as if he had done something terrible. 
In positive sentences: 
Auxiliary verb 
Past participle 
My train Had Left 
By the time I got to the station my train HAD left. (use 1) 
My mum asked me whether I had visited grandma the previous day. (Use 2b) By 
the time I got to the market, most of the stalls had already been closed. 
(Use 1) 
Use 3 is the so-called hypothetical past. We're talking about things that never happened. 
I wish I had fixed my umbrella. (but I didn't) 
If only I had known the answer to that question. (but I didn't) (Use 2a) 
24 | P a g e 
In questions: 
Auxiliary verb 
Past participle 
had my train Left? 
Had he known some words before he started learning English? 
Had they had any pet before they bought the giraffe? 
Common time expressions (time adverbials) in the after, before, already, 
as soon as, just, yet, until, till,by the time that. 
Past Perfect: 
In negative sentences: 
Auxiliary verb + not 
Past participle 
My train hadn't/ had not left. 
Tasks and exercises 
Task 1 
I. Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tenses: 
1. When we arrived, the concert __________________(already finish). 
2. It ______________(got) worse before it got better. 
3. By the time I watched my favorite program, I ________________(drink) a 
glass of beer. 
4. Mr.Johnson ___________ (read) the document carefully before he signed it. 
5. Before I was born, my grandfather __________ (go) to war. 
 Task 2 
Complete the sentences below in the Past Perfect tense. 
Example: I couldn’t buy the pencils because I (forgot) had forgotten my wallet. 
1. When they arrived at the theatre, the concert____________(already/start). 
2. By the end of the exam, I____________(use up) all the ink in my pen. 
3. As he walked to the front door, I________(just/finish) reading my novel. 
4. The people who___________(arrive) early left by 8.00pm. 
25 | P a g e 
5. By the time the man left his house, the shop__________(already/close). 
 The Past Perfect Continuous 
The Past Perfect Continuous (Progressive) is very similar to the Past Perfect. However, 
while using this tense, we focus on the duration of an activity rather than the result of it. 
1. Duration of a past action up to a certain point in the past 
2. Third conditional sentences (a) and reported speech (b) 
In positive sentences: 
Auxiliary verb 
Auxiliary verb 
Verb + ing 
I/a dog etc. Had been eating/swimming, etc. 
I had been running for an hour when it started raining. (Use 1) 
Mary said she had never been swimming so much in one day. (Use 2b) 
Kathy put on weight because she had been eating too much sugar (Use 1) 
When I saw him I knew that he had been training. (Use 1) 
In questions: 
Auxiliary verb 
Auxiliary verb 
Verb + ing 
Had I/a dog etc. been eating/swimming, etc. 
Had Fred been painting the house for many hours when the ladder fell? (Use 1) How 
long had the player been playing before he scored? (Use 1) 
 In negative sentences: 
Auxiliary verb + not 
Auxiliary verb 
Verb + ing 
I/a dog /Mary, etc. hadn't Been going/swimming, etc. 
He said he wasn't tired because he hadn't been preparing his car. (Use 2b) 
If it hadn't been raining, we would have played football. (Use 2a) 
Had I not been studying all night, I would have problems with this test now. (Use 2a) 
26 | P a g e 
Exercise and revision of the unit 
Tasks and exercises 
Task I. 
Complete the gaps using the verbs between brackets (in the past perfect continuous 
1. They ______________ (shout) for a few hours 
before their parent-arrived. 
2. They ______________ (eat noisily) for a few hours 
before their parents arrived 
 3.They ______________ (play music at full volume) 
for a few hours before their parents arrived. 
 4. They ______________ (jump on their parents' bed) 
for a few hours before their parents arrived. 
 5. They ______________ (try on Mary's clothes) for a 
few hours before their 
 Task II. 
Pick out the Past Perfect Continous tense in the following passage. 
When he arrived in New Zealand to study English, he had been studying English for several years in 
his country. He had been going to a small language school near his home. He had liked school, but 
was tired of the same daily routine. He had been getting up at 7.00am every day, and had been 
going to bed at 10.00pm every night. For the past several years, he had been spending most of his 
free time studying. He had also been playing on the football team. He had been overjoyed when his 
parents told him he could go to New Zealand. He had been dreaming about going to New Zealand 
for a long time. Now his dream had come true. 
27 | P a g e 
At the Store 
"I'm going to the store." can have a variety of meanings in English because there are a 
wide variety of different stores. "Store" can be a Supermarket, a Convenience Store, a 
neighbourhood grocery store, a shoe store, a clothing store, a hardware store, a paint 
store, a book and magazine store, a butcher shop, a candy store, an automotive parts 
store, a toy store or a pet store. A store can be a tiny 2 m. by 3 m building. Newspaper 
and magazine store or a huge "open 24 hours" Super Waymart as large as several football 
"I'm going to the store." can mean you are going to buy a pack of cigarettes, a week's 
worth of groceries, a pair of shoes or a new television set. Sometimes it means that you 
are bored and just plan to "window shop" - walk along the street or walk up and down 
the aisles of a large store or mall looking at the merchandise on display. 
There are a few different ways to buy something from a store. You could pay for the items 
you want with cash - actual paper money and coins - or with a personal cheque. You could 
use a "charge card" issued by and only valid at specific stores - Sears, Penney's, Circuit 
City, Macy's, etc. - for which you receive a monthly bill showing all of your purchases 
during the previous month. You could pay for your items with a "debit card" - a plastic 
card that allows money in the amount of your purchase to be withdrawn from your 
checking account. Finally, you could use a "credit card" such a VISA, Master Card, 
Discover or American Express, which is like a loan allowing you to purchase something 
now and pay for it later. Of course, if you cannot pay for it later, the credit card companies 
add large amounts of "interest" to the amount you owe so that the longer you take to 
pay, the greater the amount is that you have to pay. 
Tasks and exercises 
Task I. 
Answer the following questions: 
1. What can the word “store” mean? Present synonyms. 
2. Mention a few ways in which you can pay when buying something. 
3. Which way do you prefer and why? 
28 | P a g e 
Grammar Structures: MODALS 
Modals (can, could, may, might, shall, should, will, would must) are verbs that are 
normally used together with one or more other verbs; never use ‘to’ between a modal 
and the following verb 
e.g. He can speak English. - Ele sabe falar inglês. 
(c.f. He likes to speak English. - Ele gosta de 
falar inglês.) 
 Can I smoke here? - Posso fumar aqui? 
 (c.f. Do you want to smoke? - Você quer 
Note:"May", "might" e "must" são verbos, mas nunca terão sua forma alterada por 
conjugação. It is very important to study the use and meanings of the modals because 
they are used very frequently in English. Below is a list of the most important uses and 
meanings with examples: a. can 
i. Ability: (=to be able) I can speak English - Eu consigo falar inglês. 
ii. Permission: Can I smoke here? - Posso fumar aqui? iii. Possibility: It can 
happen to anyone. - Isso pode acontecer com qualquer um. 
(See for Possibility also ‘may’ or ‘might’ .) 
b. could 
i. Ability / Permission in the past: 
I couldn't speak English before going to England. -Eu não sabia falar inglês 
antes de ir para a Inglaterra. 
 I couldn't go. Não pude ir. 
You couldn't smoke in the presence of your parents at that time. Não se 
podia fumar na presença dos pais, 
naquela época. 
ii. Possibility in the present: We could send him aletter. 
iii. Unreal past ability or possibility: You could have called me. 
 Você poderia ter me ligado. 
iv. Polite request: Could you do me a favor? Você poderia me fazer um favor? 
c. may 
i. Permission: May smoke here? Posso fumar aqui? 
 Polite Request: May I have this dance? 
 ii. Possibility: It may rain today. Pode ser que chova 
iii. To express a wish (um desejo): May all your dreams come true. - Que todos 
seus sonhos se realizem. (This is quite formal English.) 
29 | P a g e 
d. might 
(Remote) possibility: It might rain this weekend. É capaz de chover no próximo 
 fim de semana. 
 You might not like this film. 
e. will 
i. to express the future i.e. predictions of events or the weather: 
It will be rainy tomorrow. 
ii. to express personal intentions: 
 He will marry her after he has finished his studies. 
f. would 
Conditional sentences, i.e. in the main clause: 
I would buy a car, if I had enough money. 
g. shall 
suggestion or proposal (British English): 
Shall we go to the movies? Que tal, vamos ao cinema? 
(Note: Shall is only used in the interrogative and the first person singular ‘I’ or 
plural ‘we’). 
h. should /ought to advice: You should (ought to) 
study more. Você deveria estudar mais. 
i. must (past tense: ‘had to’) 
i. strong advice: You must stop drinking. 
The windscreen is very dirty. You must clean it to drive 
ii. personal obligation: I’m not feeling well. I must go and see a doctor. 
I must go to a bank today. I haven’t got any money. 
iii. prohibition (forbidden): You mustn't drive; you’ve been drinking. 
iv. inference, logical deduction: He has bought the Cardoso Hotel in Maputo. 
He must be very rich. 
j. have to 
i. External rule or obligation (generally considered as important or enforced by 
Our accountant says that we have to pay our tax monthly. 
I’ll be late for work tomorrow. I have to see a dentist. 
You have to pass a test before you can get a licence. ii. 
 Manuel negative: don’t/doesn’t have = there is no need to I’m on 
holiday, so I don’t have to get up before 9. 
30 | P a g e 
k. need not 
 i. Means not necessary. 
 I needn’t go to the supermarket, we’re going to the restaurant toninght. 
 Exercises and Revision of the unit 
Tasks and exercises Task I 
Underline all the modal verbs that you can find in the expressions below that are 
commonly used in stores: 
1. How much does this cost?" 
2. "May I help you, Sir?" 
3. "May I help you, Ma'am" 
4. "No, thank you. I'm just looking." 
5. "Will that be cash or charge?" 
6. "Where are those jeans that were on 
17. "Do you have this blouse in a size 
18. "Excuse me, do you work here?" 
19. "How fresh are these 
20. "Would you like to try those shoes 
in a larger size?" 
7. "I'm sorry, but we're out of those. We 
have some very nice Wranglers, 
8. "What colour paint were you looking 
for, lady?" 
9. "Do you deliver?" 
10. "Would you like me to help you with 
that package, Ma'am?" 
11. "Where is the Electronics 
12. "Where can I find the children's 
13. "Your ad showed some dresses on 
sale. Could you tell me where they 
14. "When I got this CD player home, it 
wouldn't play." 
15. "Do you have your receipt?" 
16. "Will you take a personal check?" 
21. "Excuse me, Miss. Where can I 
find the cake mixes?" 
22. "Cake mixes are on the right at 
the far end of aisle five." 
23. "I'd like a chicken salad sandwich 
and a small Coke." 
24. "Are these the only colours you 
25. "You can't take your packages into 
the dressing room, Ma'am." 
26. "Please don't squeeze 
 the tomatoes." 
27. "How can I tell if these melons are 
28. "I'm afraid we don't have that 
style in your size." 
29. "We sold out of that item. Would 
you like a rain check?" 
31 | P a g e 
Task II 
Translate the expressions below that have something to do with stores or shopping: 
credit card / salesperson / counter / display case / cash register / sale / credit / jewelry 
store / supermarket / receipt / Visa / mall / department store / discount store / barber 
shop / delivery / refund / discount 
 Task III 
Use each verb with a modal in a sentence that you make up: 
deliver / purchase / buy / charge / cash / accept / choose / select / borrow / try 
 Task IV 
Use modal verbs, either in the present or the past tense (affirmative or negative): 
1. Did you know that she …………… play the piano? 
2. Well, when I was young, I …………dance the tango, but I am too 
old now. 
3. In this street you ……... park your car anywhere you like. 
4. She ………………. leave the airport in Harare because didn’t have a 
5. Dercio didn’t pass his exam, so he …………. to do a re-sit. 
6. I ………… finish this work today or I’ll be fired tomorrow. 
7. Hurry up! We ……… be late for the meeting. 
8. If there is a fire in the building, you ……… use the lift. 
9. ……………. you wait outside, please. 
10. …………….. you mind waiting a few minutes? 
11. ……………… I borrow your dictionary, please? 
12. You ………… stop contacting him! Can’t you see that he is abusing 
13. - I ………. get in. I have lost my key! – You …………… have bought a 
spare key when you still had the original. 
14. I’m not sure if I want to do the test now. I …………… do it next year 
after finishing my studies. 
15. I ………… join you; who knows. 
Task V 
Use any of the modal verbs, either in the present or the past tense. 
1. Hey partner, next week we have a holiday; we ………………… plan a holiday trip to 
divert ourselves and refresh our minds. 
2. I’m not sure about our financial situation. ………… I go to the bank this afternoon 
and see how much we still have? 
32 | P a g e 
3. O.K., meanwhile let’s decide about a few things. Where ………… we go and how 
……… we travel? - What about traveling abroad? 
4. I’m not too sure. South Africa is expensive. We …………. go to Zimbabwe, but isn’t 
it a bit unsafe there? 
5. Lake Niassa, perhaps ? I have always wanted to go there. I ………………. see it one 
day, before I am too old to travel. 
6. Too old! You ………………. be joking! You have still got a whole life before you. 
7. Don’t exaggerate. There are a lot of things I ………….do some 15 years ago, that I 
…………..do any longer these days. 
8. …………I ask you how old you are, actually? 
33 | P a g e 
 The Future Tenses 
a. Present Progressive (plans :what somebody has already arranged or decided to do in 
the future:) 
Some examples: 
Are you doing anything this evening? I’m 
working on Thursday 
We’re traveling along the Mozambican coast for two months. Our 
cousin is probably coming on Thursday. 
b. Be going to+ infinitive (plans and predictions) 
e.g. I’m going to learn Chinese. 
What are you going to do next year? 
This is going to be our new office. 
 Is he going to be here today? 
- PREDICTIONS about (very) near and obvious future: 
e.g. It’s going to rain. 
The plan is going to crash. She’s going to have a baby. 
* Use Going to forms to express predictions based on observing the present situation. 
** Sometimes you may encounter the form gonna, which is a contraction of going to. 
Gonna is informal so should not be used in writing! 
c. Will 
I / you he etc. will (‘ll) go We /they will 
(‘ll) go 
I, you, 
(won’t) go 
will not Will I / you, etc. go? 
e.g. I think Manchester will beat Liverpool 2 – 0. 
Something very strange will happen next Thursday. 
Tomorrow will be warm and sunny. 
If you don’t eat you’ll die. 
1. Promises (Use 1) 
2. Unplanned actions (spontaneous decisions) (Use 2) 
34 | P a g e 
3. Predictions based on experience or intuition * (Use 3) 
In positive sentences: 
Auxiliary verb 
I/a dog etc. will go/take 
Remember, you should never use will to say what somebody has already arranged or 
decided to do in the future: 
 Mike is moving to New Jersey next month ( not "Mike will move") 
I think he will regret his choice (Use 3) 
I will come back at 10 p.m. (Use 1) 
When I'm 60 years old, I will be totally bald (Use 3) 
I will go to Mary (Use 2 - the speaker decided to go to Mary in the moment of speaking.) 
Let's buy the snacks at the supermarket - they will be cheaper (Use 3) 
In questions: 
Auxiliary verb 
I/a dog etc. 
Will he be angry when he sees me? (Use 3). 
What do you think - will Mark arrive at 10 or 9? (Use 3) In 
negative sentences: 
Auxiliary verb + not 
I/a dog etc. will not/won't go/take 
I won't take any equipment with me (Use 2). 
Mmmm... you know what? I won't be able to help you with your English today (Use 2) 
(The speaker didn't know you wouldn't be able to help his or her friend with English - 
that's why it's Use 2.) 
35 | P a g e 
We often use will with events that were in progress when another event happened. We 
often use when to link these two events: 
probably, most likely I'll probably drop in on uncle. 
I think This gift is great. I think we'll love it. 
It's not going to be boring there. I'm sure there will be a lot of 
I'm sure boys of your age. 
I wonder (if, what, when, 
It's a bit late. I wonder if he'll come. 
I expect I haven't seen Matthew today. I expect he'll call today. 
Summary: The three future forms (a, b, and c) 
We use both the Present 
Progressive or be going to talk 
We use both be going to and will to predict (to say 
what we think or know will happen in the 
about plans. We use the Present 
Progressive especially when we talk 
about times and places. 
future). We prefer going to when we can ‘see 
things coming’ – when it is very clear what is going 
to happen. 
I’m going to travel round the world. 
I’m traveling to France next week. 
Look! It’s going to rain. 
Exercises and revision of the unit 
Tasks and exercises 
Task I 
Although will and going to may seem similar, in fact there's a world of difference 
between them. Will is used to express decisions (spontaneous), while going to - 
intentions. Complete the sentences using the verbs in the brackets: 
1. What ___________ (do) in the summer holidays? 
2. I ___________ (pass) my driving test at last. 
3. Oh, that's cool. I think __________ (go) to Chimoio to visit my grandparents. 
36 | P a g e 
4. How long _________ (stay) there? 
5. Oh, I'm not sure. __________ (take;probably) at least a week. I _______ (visit;also) 
my uncle who lives nearby. 
6. And what __________(you;now;do)? 
7. ______________ (have, I) lunch in 30 minutes. 
8. Watch out! This car _____________ (explode) any minute. 
9. Can you remind me of my visit to the dentist tomorrow? _______ (I, forget, 
10. The bus is late. I have a feeling ___________ (not arrive) before 5 o'clock. 
11. Look at the engine! _______________ (never, we, repair) on time! 
12. Let's stop by the supermarket. _____________ (be, Coke, cheaper) 
13. Jane knows maths well. ___________ (help,she) you. 
Task II 
Put the infinitives in the most correct future tenses: 
1. I think ……(there be) a lot of new investments in Sofala this year. 
2. They …….…(make a tour) around Africa from May to October. 
3. The weather forecast is that it ……… (rain) tomorrow. 
4. Careful, the baby ………(fall off) the table! 
5. He ………..(leave) for Durban at 8 tomorrow morning. 
6. I ………………..(borrow) some books from the library this afternoon. 
7. What ……… you (do) at the weekend? 
8. The provincial elections …………. (be) next year. 
9. My brother phoned me saying that he ……………… (visit) us later this year. 
Task III 
 Form a sentence in the present progressive tense using the words given. 
Example: the cat/sleep The cat is sleeping. 
1. my brother/ cook/ dinner 
2. my sister/ talk / on the telephone 
3. the earth/ turn 
4. I/ think / about my friend 
5. my father/ use / his computer 
37 | P a g e 
 The Future Continuous (Progressive) 
We use the Future Continuous (Progressive) to indicate that we will be in the middle of 
doing something in a specified time in the future. 
1. Incomplete actions in the future 
In positive sentences: 
Auxiliary verb 
Auxiliary verb 
Verb + ing 
I/you/we etc. Will be going/taking 
She will be having a bath when I'm back home. 
Tomorrow at nine, I will be hosing off (=washing with a hose) my car. 
I am going to (=will) be watching TV when my mother arrives. Tomorrow 
at this time, I will be getting bored at school! 
In questions: 
Auxiliary verb 
Auxiliary verb 
Verb + ing 
I/you/we etc. 
Will she be cooking when we knock at the door? 
Will Mark be playing football at 6 p.m.? In 
negative sentences: 
Subject + Auxiliary verb + Auxiliary verb + Verb + ing 
38 | P a g e 
I/you/we etc. won't be going/taking 
We won't be having supper tomorrow before 8 o'clock. 
I won't be learning English tomorrow at this time because I'll be at disco. 
If you're here the first time, you might want to see a list of subjects that will make browsing 
this website more beneficial. 
2. We use the Future Perfect to express an action that will be finished before some point 
in the future. 
 Actions that will be finished before some point in the future Common 
time expressions used in the Future Perfect: 
• Before 
• By tomorrow/7 o'clock/next month 
In positive sentences: 
Auxiliary verb 
Auxiliary verb 
Past participle 
I/a dog etc. 
 gone, seen, 
They will have graduated from Cambridge by July 2009. 
I will have retired by the end of the year. 
I read 40 pages a day. If I keep up the pace, I will have read the book by Tuesday. In 
negative sentences: 
Auxiliary verb 
Auxiliary verb 
Past participle 
I/a dog etc. 
 gone, seen, 
They won't (will + not) have graduated from from Cambridge by July 2009. I 
won't have retired by the end of the year. 
In questions: 
Auxiliary verb 
Auxiliary verb 
Past participle 
Will I/a dog etc. 
 gone, seen, 
Will they have graduated from Cambridge by July 2009? 
39 | P a g e 
Will I have retired by the end of the year? 
Tasks and exercises 
Task I 
Decide which form of “will”is the most suitable for the following sentences (a)will + 
infinitive, (b)will + be …ing, (c) will + have + past participle: 
1. I read 40 pages a day. If I keep up the pace, I _________(read) the book by 
2. I think he _______(regret) his choice. 
3. _________________ she ______________(cook) when we knock at the door? 
4. I ___________________ (watch) TV when my mother arrives. 
5. You might want to see a list of subjects that ______________ (make) browsing this 
website more beneficial. 
6. I _______________(come) back at 10 p.m. 
7. When I'm 60 years old, I _______________(be) totally bold. 
8. I _______________(go) to Mary. 
9. I ________________ (retire) by the end of the year. 
10. Let's buy the snacks at the supermarket - they _______________(be) cheaper. 
11. _________________ he (be) angry when he sees me? 
12. What do you think - ________________ Mark (arrive) at 10 or 9? 
13. She _________________ (have) a bath when I'm back home. 
14. Tomorrow at nine, I _________________ (hose off) (=wash with a hose) my car. 
15. Tomorrow at this time, I ______________ (get) bored at school! 
16. _____________ Mark ___________(play) football at 6 p.m.? 
17. We __________________ not (have) supper tomorrow before 8 o'clock. 
18. I ______________ be (learn) English tomorrow at this time because I'll be at the 
19. _______________they(graduate) from Cambridge by July 2009? 
CAUTION Note that Future Tenses especially the –ing forms of the Present Progressive 
(plans) and the Future Continuous (Progressive) are sometimes confused with what 
are called Gerunds. 
Always remember that gerunds are verbs in noun form and end with an –ing form. 
Like nouns, gerunds can act as the subject, the object or the complement of a 
g. Smoking costs a lot of money. 
ii. I don’t like writing. 
iii. My favourite occupation is reading. 
iv. Camping is fun. 
40 | P a g e 
 Lesson 29/30 
Rules about Active and Passive sentences in English 
Rule 1: The SUBJECT becomes the OBJECT and the OBJECT BECOMES the Subject. 
 e.g. ACTIVE: The man stole the book. (the man=the subject, the book=the object) 
 PASSIVE: The book was stolen by the man. (the book=subject, the man=object) 
Rule 2: The doer of an action is introduced by the preposition ‘by’. 
 e.g. ACTIVE: John took the bicycle. 
 PASSIVE: The bicycle was taken by John. 
Rule 3: If the doer is unknown, no introduction is necessary, e.g. they, people, somebody, someone, 
 e.g. ACTIVE: They gave him something to eat. 
 PASSIVE: He was given something to eat. 
Rule 4: Where there are two objects, DIRECT object and INDIRECT object, either of them may 
become the subject. 
 e.g. ACTIVE: I was given a warm welcome by the people of the community. 
 PASSIVE: I was given warm welcome by the people of the community. OR 
 A warm welcome was given (to) me by the people of the community. 
1. Praise The Lord Choir sang the Hallelijah Chorus. (ACTIVE) 
The Hallelujah Chorus was sung by the Praise the Lord Choir. (PASSIVE) 
2. The bus hit a cow on the Beira/Chimoio highway. (ACTIVE) 
A cow was hit by the bus on the Beira/Chimoio highway. (PASSIVE) 
TWO OBJECT SENTENCES (Direct and Indirect objects) 
1. Tom gave Mary a nice bunch of flowers. (ACTIVE) 
(a) A nice bunch of flowers was given to Mary by Tom. (PASSIVE) or 
(b) Mary was given a nice bunch of flowers by Tom. (PASSIVE) 
41 | P a g e 
2. Grandmother told a good story to the children. (ACTIVE) 
(a) A good story was told to the children by Grandmother. (PASSIVE) or 
(b) The children were told a good story by Grandmother. (PASSIVE) 
Tasks and Excercises 
Task I 
Change the following sentences into PASSIVE voice. 
1. My mother translated the letter into Portuguese. 
2. The school boys threw stones at the police. 
3. They caught the thief. 
4. The College bus is transporting the students to town. 
5. They will bring you the results of our investigation. 
Task II 
Change the following sentences into the ACTIVE voice. 
1. This dress was hand-made by my sister. 
2. I was given a speed ticket by the police. 
3. It is said apples are more expensive than oranges. 
4. Hundreds of e-mail messages are received by students. 
5. The suit was designed by my dressmaker. 
42 | P a g e 
Conditional Sentences Grammar 
Usamos os conditionals quando queremos dizer que uma coisa irá acontecer em função 
de outra, ou seja, quando se estabelece uma condição para que certas situações ocorram. 
Ex: If I have time, I will go. = Se eu tiver tempo, eu irei. 
O primeiro passo para conhecermos essas estruturas é saber distinguir as condições reais 
das irreais. Real conditionals são aquelas situações reais, enquanto as unreal conditionals 
são situações supostas e hipotéticas. Outro factor que facilita o entendimento é que 
quando se vem primeiramente a condição, depois vem o resultado, e vice-versa. 
Ex: If I have time (condição), I will go. (resultado) = Se eu tiver tempo, eu irei. I will go 
(resultado) if I have time. (condição) = Eu irei se tiver tempo. 
a. Real conditionals 
main clause: (subject) will+infinitive…// condition: if +(subj.) present tense: 
- I willl go if you invite me.- Irei se me convidares. 
 Note: the condition can come first: If you invite me I will go. 
- If it doesn't rain, we willl go to the beach. - Iremos à praia se não chover. 
We use the First Conditional to talk about a future situation that is possible. 
The verb in the if-clause is in the present tense; the verb in the main clause is in the future 
simple. It doesn't matter which comes first. There is usually a comma between the two 
clauses. (Utilizados para expressar condições no presente, com resultados no presente ou 
no futuro.) 
Possible variations of the basic form: 
if + present + may (permission) or can (permission or ability) 
If your documents are in order, you may/can leave at once. (permission) If 
it stops raining, we can go out. (permission or ability) 
43 | P a g e 
b. Instructions / General facts 
main clause: (subject) present tense…// condition: if +(subj.) present tense: 
- If you want to look slim, eat less meat." 
- If you heat ice, it melts." (will melt is also possible) 
- If there is a shortage of any product, prices of that product go up. 
if + two present tenses is used to express automatic or habitual results: 
Possible variations of the basic form: 
if + present + must, should or any expression of command, request or advice 
- If you want to look slim, you must/should eat less meat. - If you 
want to look slim, you had better eat less meat. 
c. Unreal conditionals 
main clause: (subj.) would+ infinitive….. // condition: if + (subj.) past tense 
- I would give you a nice present if I had money. - Eu te daria um bom presente 
se tivesse dinheiro. 
- If I were you, I wouldn't buy a new car. - Eu não compraria um carro novo se 
fosse você. 
When we don't expect the action in the if-clause to happen: The time is present but the 
condition cannot be fulfilled because the action in the if-clause will not happen. 
Possible variations of the basic form: 
Variations of the main clause might or could may be used instead

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