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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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		No filme Batman: o Cavaleiro das Trevas (2008), dirigido por Christopher Nolan, o protagonista enfrenta um de seus maiores desafios, em um momento em que pretendia sair de cena como o homem-morcego e ajudar a cidade de Gotham como cidadão comum, não precisando mais agir fora dos limites institucionais. No entanto, o surgimento de um de seus principais antagonistas, o Coringa, altera o curso dos eventos. Quase nada se sabe a seu respeito, de onde vem e para onde quer ir. De natureza anárquica e incendiária, o Coringa não apenas coloca a cidade de pernas para o ar, mas também revira do avesso as principais personagens dessa narrativa, fazendo emergir o que elas têm de mais monstruoso.
Com base no exposto na análise estruturalista de Roland Barthes, é correto afirmar que:
	A função do antagonista é colocar as virtudes das personagens à prova.
	As personagens são descritas pelo que são e não pelo que fazem.
	O espaço é que determina as ações da narrativa.
	A função do protagonista não está relacionada as suas ações.
	No nível da narração apenas as funções das personagens são relevantes.
	Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 23:24:59
Toda personagem em uma narrativa exerce um determinado papel, a fim de movimentar a história por meio de suas ações. É o que Barthes chama de "nível das funções" e "nível das ações", respectivamente. No filme citado, o Coringa tem como função levar tanto o protagonista quanto as outras personagens ao reexame de seus limites. Coringa, portanto, enquanto antagonista, revirando ao avesso os principais personagens - Batman sendo um deles ¿ coloca à prova as virtudes de todos, ao fazer emergir o que cada qual possui de monstruoso.  Para Barthes, os papéis de personagens e suas ações se integram em uma narração construída para um leitor. A resposta correta é, portanto, "A função do antagonista é colocar as virtudes das personagens à prova".
		O trecho a seguir trata da prática de fazer cerâmica no norte do Estado de Minas Gerais:
Cavar o barro e transportá-lo até um local de depósito; deixá-lo ao sol para secar e, depois, estocá-lo; pegá-lo novamente em porções menores, socar e peneirar; ao fino pó misturar de volta os grãos, agora amolecidos em água e que não passaram pelos crivos da peneira; amassar bem, formando uma pasta uniforme para, só então, dar início à modelagem da peça. Fazê-la bem, por etapas, para que a pressa não ponha a perder todo o trabalho. Com calma, paciência, ritmo. Interno e externo. No peito e nas mãos.
Assim se faz a cerâmica de Candeal, no município de Cônego Marinho, no norte do Estado de Minas Gerais. Lá, seguindo a tradição doméstica e familiar, geração após geração, as mulheres, em especial, desenham com o tauá (pigmento mineral de coloração vermelha) flores e arabescos em potes, moringas, travessas, pratos e muitos outros objetos que modelam e queimam nos fornos de barro erguidos nos quintais das casas.
A cerâmica de Candeal é, ao mesmo tempo, um depoimento vivo de modos de viver do passado e do presente, de saberes acumulados e de tradições que nelas se materializam.
Adaptado de: Projeto Candeal/MG. Artesanato Solidário - Artesol. Disponível em: .
Com base no texto apresentado, avalie as asserções a seguir e a relação proposta entre elas:
I. O artesanato em cerâmica é mais do que uma atividade econômica para o artesão e sua comunidade.
II. Na fabricação dos objetos de uso cotidiano, da sua forma aos ornamentos, eles fabricam e compartilham histórias.
A respeito dessas asserções, marque a opção correta.
	A asserção I é uma proposição falsa, e a II é uma proposição verdadeira.
	As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, mas a II não é uma justificativa correta da I.
	As asserções I e II são proposições falsas.
	As asserções I e II são proposições verdadeiras, e a II é uma justificativa correta da I.
	A asserção I é uma proposição verdadeira, e a II é uma proposição falsa.
	Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 23:28:20
A narratividade presente no trabalho artesanal é um dos principais aspectos de sua transmissão e do fortalecimento dos laços comunitários. Mesmo em um objeto aparentemente sem sofisticação, há uma infinidade de histórias que podem ser contadas, seja sobre os métodos de fabricação, escolha de materiais e acondicionamento, seja sobre as vidas das pessoas mobilizadas para que aquela panela, moringa ou travessa ganhem um novo lar.
		Texto I
No serviço de auto-falante
Do morro do Pau da Bandeira
Quem avisa é o Zé do Caroço
Que amanhã vai fazer alvoroço
Leci Brandão. Zé do Caroço. In: Leci Brandão. Rio de Janeiro: Copacabana, 1985.  LP.
Texto II
Abre a porta para o gueto, gueto
Brota ouro lá no gueto, gueto
Ninguém cala a voz do gueto, gueto
Ela é cria lá do gueto, gueto
IZA. Gueto. In: Gueto. Rio de Janeiro: Warner Music Brasil, 2021. Spotify; Deezer; YouTube Music.
A partir dos textos apresentados, avalie as afirmações a seguir.
I. A letra de canção Zé do Caroço, de Leci Brandão, é a narração de um cotidiano específico, em um tempo e um espaço determinados, mas reflete sobre condições mais amplas e atuais.
II. A letra de canção Gueto, de IZA, por meio da reiteração da palavra que a intitula ao longo dos versos contribui para reforçar a valorização do seu pertencimento ao espaço em que se dá a narração de sua história.
III. As duas canções são relatos cotidianos sobre a luta da população negra e periférica no Brasil na construção de seu protagonismo.
É correto apenas o que se afirma em:
	III, apenas.
	II, apenas.
	I, apenas.
	II e III.
	I, II e III.
	Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 23:29:34
Os dois textos apresentados possuem grande narratividade em sua composição, evidenciando elementos básicos do gênero, como personagem, ação, espaço e tempo. Ainda que estejam inscritas em períodos bem distintos, as canções ressaltam questões fundamentais para a compreensão da história do país, como o lugar da população negra, principalmente dos subúrbios e periferias, na formação da sociedade brasileira. Para abordagem o tema, as compositoras lançam mão de recursos narrativos de linguagem verbal variados, tomados da crônica, da memória e do retrato literário, entre outros tipos de narrativa.
		"A Fairy Story" is Orwell's subtitle for the book, and it is made to order for a certain kind of illustration in which pigs can be shown as ridiculous, taking on more and more human attributes; and as evil, since they can, with a few wicked touches, serve as caricatures of various easily represented figures in Soviet history, which Orwell in part meant as the target of his allegory. The proportion that Orwell quite clearly had in mind - Soviet dictators are to human beings as human beings are to animals - makes "Animal Farm" a pessimistic book only if dictatorship is the inevitable result of political revolution, and if, again, revolutions are inevitably, as the word implies, circular. Orwell's message was not to beware of revolution but to watch out for the pigs, who may try to take it over.
Source: The New York Times Archive. Available at https://archive.nytimes.com/www.nytimes.com/library/books/072098orwell-animal.html?module=inline
I.             Allegory is of central importance in Orwell's Animal Farm.
II.            It explains how the story of a political revolution on a farm may be a fully relatable experience for the working classes of 1917 Russia.
Regarding these affirmatives, mark the correct option.
	Affirmatives I and II are false.
	Affirmative I is false, and II is true.
	Affirmative I is true, and II is false.
	Affirmatives I and II are true, but II is not a correct justification of I.
	Affirmatives I and II are true, II is a correct justification of I.Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 23:31:50
Allegory is a narrative form that accounts for the relatability of a particular story to other situations that are somehow close to the events of the allegorical tale. When Orwell chooses to use historical events as the plot of a fairy tale, or fable, he is also addressing the relatability of the situation of the animals oppressed by the farmers. Thus, both the 1917 revolution in Russia and Orwell's story's events work as an allegory of the response to a very real form of oppression and the difficulties of governing untampered by corruption.
		Since its rediscovery in the 19th century after a few hundred years of obscurity, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight has endured as one of the name-brand poems of the Arthurian legend. That¿s mostly because, even in the 21st century, it is still really fun to read. (...) "This poem has an astonishing visceral sensory impact," says Mark Miller, an associate professor of medieval English literature at the University of Chicago. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight fairly revels in its bloody, sexy, violent material - and the poem's dense, alliterative language only heightens its sensuality. (...) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is now the source material for the new A24 movie The Green Knight, written and directed by David Lowery and starring Dev Patel. The movie offers a perfect opportunity to revisit the original poem and see why it's endured for almost 700 years.
Source: CONSTANCE, Grady. "The magic, sex, and violence of the 14th-century poem behind The Green Knight", 2021. Access in: https://www.vox.com/culture/22583668/sir-gawain-and-the-green-knight-medieval-poem-explained.
After reading the contextualization above and the affirmatives below, mark the only option indicating the correct set of affirmative(s).
I. There is no other way to access the original text of Sir Gawain except by reading it in Old English.
II. The 14th-century poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is written in the most common Old English poetical rhythm, the alliterative verse.
III. Sir Gawain and The Green Knight is a poem that uses the framework of Arthurian legend to tell its tale of moralizing temptation.
	I, II and III.
	I and III, only.
	II, only.
	II a III, only.
	I, only.
	Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 23:35:26
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a 14th-century poem that relies on the alliterative verse to create its rhythmic pattern as a narrative. The alliterative verse involves the production of repeated consonant sounds. Besides that, Sir Gawain is a story of temptation, the temptation to betray the castle's lord who welcomes him in his own home and the temptation to do anything to survive the challenge against the Green Knight. Only II and III are correct. The poem was written in middle English, a variety of English spoken after the Norman Conquest, which invalidates alternative I.
		The history of Aesopean Fables seems rather to be this Aesop was one of the first and most successful in adopting this kind of apologue as a general vehicle of instruction. Being striking in point, and easy of remembrance, his stories were soon bandied out from mouth, and handed down from generation to generation, with such alterations as are ever attendant on oral narration. (AESOP, p. 7, 1881)
Source: AESOP. Aesop's Fables. Springfield, Ohio: Farm and Fireside Company, 1881.
Considering the text above, mark the correct affirmative regarding Aesop's fables:
	Aesop's fables tell stories about animals who behave badly and were never meant to be read as literature, only as an ethical treaty.
	Aesop's Fables were originally meant for the moral instruction of its readers.
	Aesop's fables narrated the stories of children and their animals, describing how to behave with non-human companions.
	Aesop's fables were written directly to be printed in books and to circulate among literate people.
	Aesop's fables were narratives created by Aesop himself, without any cultural interference.
	Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 23:36:40
As seen in the excerpt above, Aesop's Fables are stories that have been repeated from culture to culture, intended to educate morally its listeners. The oral tradition of this kind of narration is sometimes erased from the books in which they are collected, but its ethical undertext is never fully erased. Therefore, "Aesop's Fables were originally meant for the moral instruction of its readers."
		He told them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and planted in his field. Though it is the smallest of all seeds, yet when it grows, it is the largest of garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds come and perch in its branches." (Matthew, 13:31-32)
Retrieved from: THE HOLY BIBLE. English Translation by New International Version. Biblica - The International Bible Society, 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011.  Available at: Matthew 13:31-32 NIV - The Parables of the Mustard Seed and - Bible Gateway. Data of access: 17/02/2022
Considering the elements present in the text you have just read, evaluate the following affirmations:
Jesus uses the comparison of the mustard seed planted by a man with the objective of stimulating his listeners to change their way of thinking about spirituality.
The parable utilizes supernatural elements to represent a factual event, given the impact magical features have on an audience, greater than truthful accounts.
When the context is carefully studied, the allegory¿s only interpretation becomes obvious and unquestionable.
Scholars must examine the context in which such parable was told in order to make a more precise interpretation of the message taught.
Choose the option that connects the only two correct statements:
	I and II.
	I and III.
	I and IV.
	II and III.
	I, II and IV.
	Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 23:43:05
The parables of Jesus had the objective of transmitting teachings of spirituality and revealing the mysteries surrounding the foundation of the world. Nonetheless, the purpose of parables is to change the way people think by provoking a reaction on readers and listeners, regardless of the message behind the story. Furthermore, interpreters must not make the mistake of analyzing parables through the lenses of modernity, but rather try to understand the stories through the eyes and ears of the audience to which the parables were first told. This is part of the context, fundamental for their interpretation.
		Saint 9/11, by Glenn Holsten, depicts the life of a gay priest who struggled with alcoholism and had his life interrupted by the September 11 attacks. The documentary describes the restless spiritual journey of Father Mychal Judge, an adored Fire Department Chaplain, compassionate of the needy and forgotten in the city of New York. Like Father Michael, the lives of many other saints have been transformed into movies, combining fact and fiction in a way comparable to the legend of the saints.
Bearing this in mind, hagiography contributes to history by:
	providing historical evidence about the Church and its devotees through evidence-based accounts.
	precisely depicting the rivalry between saints and their followers, clarifying the distinction between contemporary devotion to different holy figures.
	exposing the author's mentality, purpose and materials used as sources, all of which are essential for the work of a historian.
	producing unique biographies of important historical figures, necessary to the study of religious institutions and personalities.
	explaining about places, origins of certain saints, giving reasons for the construction of a church or elucidating motives for a pilgrimage.Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 23:45:46
Legends, unlike myths and tales, presuppose a historical fact as basis. They are not entirely historical but should not be excluded as important historiographical sources. Although the intention is not to recount history, places can sometimes be described, as well as the origin or importance of a saint. Other elements may include intentions behind the building of a church or motivations for a pilgrimage. Nonetheless, depending on the author, many historical facts may be distorted since the aim is to praise a particular saint in detriment of others. What is factually useful must be questioned alongside the author¿s mentality, purpose and materials used as source, so that all that is valuable is carefully extracted
		A narrative text is a text in which an agent or subject tells a story to a reader, viewer, or listener, in a medium such as visual images or verbal language. Choose the option that contains only a narrative¿s constituent components:  
	Conflict and denouement
	Development and plot
	Narrator and climax
	Space and Time
	Presentation and Character
	Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 23:46:35
A fictional narrative has as its constituent components: narrator, plot, characters, space, and time. All the other elements refer to the structure of a narrative. A narrative presents a certain structure: presentation, development, climax, and denouement. Therefore, the only option which contains only a narrative¿s constituents is: space and time.
		Fairy tales, as we know them nowadays, have two elements peculiar to the genre. Which ones?
	Happy endings and a moral lesson.
	Beautiful princesses and colloquial language.
	Royal characters and a simple plot.
	Supernatural elements and metaphors.
	Life reflections and talking animals.
	Data Resp.: 13/09/2022 23:38:56
Happy endings and a moral lesson, along with the presence of magic and transformations form the paradigm for modern short stories. The other options express elements sometimes present in fairy tales, but they cannot be considered a recurrent pattern.

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