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Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis 1
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis2 3Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande FlorianópolisSupport Guide for Immigrants in the Grande FlorianópolisSupport Guide for Immigrants in the Grande FlorianópolisSupport Guide for Immigrants in the Grande FlorianópolisSupport Guide for Immigrants in the Grande FlorianópolisSupport Guide for Immigrants in the Grande FlorianópolisSupport Guide for Immigrants in the Grande FlorianópolisSupport Guide for Immigrants in the Grande FlorianópolisSupport Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis 3Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis4 5
© 2020 Defensoria Pública da União.
A reprodução do todo ou parte deste documento é permitida somente com a autorização 
prévia e ofi cial da DPU.
Tiragem: versão online.
Defensor Público-Geral Federal
Gabriel Faria Oliveira
Subdefensor Público-Geral Federal
Jair Soares Júnior
Corregedora-Geral Federal
Geovana Scatolino Silva
Conselho Superior da Defensoria Pública da União
Fabiano Caetano Prestes
Defensor Público Federal de Categoria Especial
Karina Rocha Mitleg Bayerl
Defensora Pública Federal de Primeira Categoria 
Leonardo Cardoso De Magalhães
Defensor Público Federal de Primeira Categoria
Letícia Sjoman Torrano
Defensora Pública Federal de Segunda Categoria
Marcos Antônio Paredes Barbosa
Defensor Público Federal de Categoria Especial
Shelley Duarte Maia
Defensora Pública Federal de Segunda Categoria
Elaborado por:
Vanessa Almeida Moreira Barossi Panitz
Defensora Pública Federal
Isabella Pereira Nikel
Pâmela Samara Vicente Morais
Paula Horstmann Weihermann
Pedro Augusto Mendes de Negreiros
Raissá Tatiéli Ferreira de Oliveira 
Th alia Paseto Biléssimo
Estagiários da Defensoria Pública da União
e extensionistas do Eirenè/UFSC.
7Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis6
No matter which country you are from, you are welcome in Brazil and can 
not suffer any discrimination. Regardless of your migrant situation, you 
have the right to access educational, health, assistential, social security (this 
one depends on contribution) services and public politics. The Brazilian 
laws that assecure this are:
1.1 Federal Constitution of 1988: is a supreme rule in the country regu-
lation, it determines that all (people) are equal towards the law without dis-
criminations or differences of any nature, ensuring to Brazilians and foreig-
ners residing in the country the inviolability of the rights of life, freedom, 
equality and property.
1.2 Migration Law number 13.445/2017: About the rights and duties 
of the immigrant.
1.3 Decree number 9.199/2017: Regulates the Migration Law (number 
1.4 Law number 9.474/1997: Defines mechanisms for the application 
of the Refugees Statute. An immigrant can request refuge if he/she has 
his/her life or freedom under threat due race, religion, nationality, social 
group, political opinion or severe violation of humans rights.
1.5 Decree number 6.975/2009: Agreement of Residence from National 
States of Mercosul and Associated (valid for Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, 
Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Bolivia and Chile).
1.6 Law number 11.340/2006 (Maria da Penha’s Law): Creates mecha-
nisms to restrain domestic and familiar violence against women.
1.7 Law number 7.716/1989: Criminalizes the delicts in relation with race 
and color prejudice.
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis8 9
Th e CPF is issued by the Internal Receita Federal (Revenue Service) not by 
the Polícia Federal (Federal Police). Address: R. Claudino Bento da Silva 
(Mestre Claudino da Arataca), 11 - Centro, Florianópolis - SC, 88010-135.
2.1.4 Work and Social Security Card (CTPS): Th e CTPS is an obliga-
tory document for all people that desire to work in Brazil as an employee, 
in industry, commerce, agriculture, livestock or of domestic nature. Th e 
formalization of an work contract happens through the CTPS in which are 
registered informations that guarantee rights such as unemployment securi-
ty, retirement, disease assistance, death pension and Long-Term Guarantee 
Fund (FGTS). 
Nowadays, the CTPS is exclusively an online document accessed throu-
ghout a free app called “Carteira de Trabalho Digital” found on Apple 
Store or on Play Store. To register on the app you just need the number 
of your CPF. 
For low income workers that do not 
have access to cellphones nor any other 
form of internet access, the Ministério 
do Trabalho e Emprego (Work and Em-
ployment Ministry) of Santa Catarina 
provides a self attend service with availa-
ble computers for workers to access the 
document. Th ere are also servants capa-
ble to help in any diffi culties.
Address: R. Victor Meirelles, 198 - Cen-
tro, Florianópolis.
2.1.1 National Migratory Register 
Card (CRNM) - Former RNE:
2.1.1 National Migratory Register Card 
(CRNM) - Former RNE: Document 
issued by Federal Police that proves the 
formal immigrant residence in Brazil. 
Th is document is valid in all Brazilian 
2.1.2 Refugee Request Record: Document issued by the Polícia Federal that 
attests the refugee request and guarantees (by Law 9.474/1997) to the docu-
ment holder that “in any case would be deported to any frontier of the ter-
ritory in which life or freedom are threatened due race, religion, nationality, 
social group or political opinion”. 
Th is Record is a identity document valid throughout the national territory 
and proves the migratory situation of it’s holder. Th e holder has the same 
rights of any other immigrant in regular situation in Brazil and shall be 
treated without discrimination of any nature.
2.1.3 Natural Person Register (CPF): Document that facilitates access 
to public services. Th e CPF is necessary to open bank accounts and making 
contractual and fi nancial movements, like propertie’s rent. It does not proves 
of your CPF. 
Address: R. Victor Meirelles, 198 - Cen-
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis10 11
Informing the number of the CPF to the employer is enough to make 
the register directly on a digital way. With the registration of the CTPS, 
all the informations about the hiring will be available on the app. When 
making a contract, the employer needs to add the data on the platform 
“eSocial” and, before the employee begins the new job, the company/firm 
must send through eSocial the event S-2000 (Initial Registration of the 
Employment Contract and Admission).
When some data is missing (for example, the CRNM or the Refugee 
Record), the event S-2190 (Employee Admission - Preliminary Record), 
which has simplified informations, can be sent immediately. However, 
afterwards it will be necessary to complement other data with the event 
Thereby, although the migratory regulation is indispensable for the exer-
cise of basic rights (including the right of opening a bank account to re-
ceive salary), the hiring of immigrants while they are in irregular 
situation is possible, But it is important that the immigrant makes 
the residence request or the regularization as soon as possible, so benefits 
like unemployment security,retirement, disease assistance, opening bank 
accounts, withdrawing the FGTS and PIS and numerous other can be 
ATTENTION! Children under 16 years old must be accom-
panied by parents and guardians for the issue of documents.
In Brazil, regardless of nationality, immigrants have labor rights. See below 
some of these rights, which are guaranteed by law, when registered in the 
Work and Social Security Card (CTPS):
A workday can not exceed 8 hours. The exception is the 12-hour 
working day followed by a 36-hour break;
There is the possibility of working two overtime hours. Every hour 
of working in addition of the regular work hours is considered over-
time and must be paid at least 50% more than the price paid for 
normal hours. If there is a written agreement, the worker can com-
pensate the overtime with breaks or free days;
In cases when the working time exceeds 6 hours, breaks of at least 
1 hour are necessary so the worker can eat (it is possible to esta-
blish a collective deal to make brakes of half an our) For example: 
you work 3 hours, rest ½ hour and work more 3 hours after the 
Minimum Wage, that in 2020 is R$1.039,00 for those who work 
44 hour per week. If you work less hours per week, your salary will 
be proportional of the worked time;
Transportation Voucher (to go to and return from work);
13th salary (Christmas Bonus), that is not a bonus, but a worker 
right. In Brazil, workers has the right to a complementary salary per 
worked year, known as 13th salary, calculated proportionally of the 
number of worked months during the year. The amount is usually 
paid in December;
Remunerated vacations;
Unemployment insurance in cases of recently dismissal without jus-
tification, if other requirements of the law are fulfilled;
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis12 13
Disease or accident aid in cases of serious disease or accident;
Maternity and paternity remunerated leaves;
The Brazilian Social Security System guarantees payment of retire-
ment and other benefits. It is accessible only through the payment 
of contributions for the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), 
meaning, only has the right who contributes. If has registered work 
card, is you employer that pays to INSS every month. Therefore, it 
is important that your employer makes your contributions to INSS. 
You can know if you contributions are in order asking for your 
CNIS (National Register of Social Informations) by the INSS;
In instance that you work as an autonomous worker or has a MEI 
(Individual Micro Enterprising) opened, you can contribute di-
rectly to the social security. The contribution is always monthly, 
except for artisanal fishers.
In case of labor rights violations, seek the Ministério da Economia (Eco-
nomy Ministry), the Defensoria Pública da União (Public Defensory 
of Union) or the Ministério Público do Trabalho (Public Ministry of 
Work). The Ministério da Economia is the establishment responsible for 
regulation and fiscalization of labor relations aspects. Besides that, the 
Cesusc College provides free legal assistance to workers in this situation. 
For more informations: search at the address SC-401, 9301 - Santo An-
tônio de Lisboa, Florianópolis.
In Brazil, some obligatory amounts are discoun-
ted of the salary directly by the employer before 
paying the worker, such as:
The INSS (National Institute of Social Security): discount of 8% to 
11% of the salary; This contribution is destined for the worker insurance 
for when it retires or in cases of accidente, disease and/or obstruction of work, 
among others.
The Income Tax is paid to the Federal Government according to 
your yield throughout the year; For those who have registered Work 
Card, the tax is collected at source and the worker just have to declare, in the 
end of the fiscal year, the incomes, patrimony and, besides that, the expenses 
with health, education and other services. From this declared amount, the 
government calculates if there is taxes to be returned (repayed) to the worker, 
or if there is more income tax that must be payed, besides the amount that 
has been already paid.
Yes, it is possible for an immigrant to become an enterprising. Throughout 
the legal regiment of the Individual Micro Enterprising (MEI), for example, 
the immigrant becomes a micro enterprising and can issue invoices. To rea-
ch the MEI constitution and even to recrute of other workers, it is necessary 
for the immigrant to obtain a permanent visa and to not exceed the limit of 
annual billing provided by law. In this case, the immigrant must also pay a 
monthly obligatory contribution that ensures the benefits of Social Security. 
There are restrictions, but it is also possible to issue the MEI with a provi-
sory visa. In case of difficulties and for more informations, search a Centro 
de Apoio ao Trabalho e Empreendedorismo (CATe) service station or access: 
http://bit.ly/mei_br ou http://bit.ly/sebraemicro.
Besides MEI, there are other options to begin a business or initiative. The 
Florianópolis City Hall Program, “Floripa Empreendedora”, seeks to pro-
mote and instigate the enterprising in the city. The program counts on a 
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis14 15
Enterprising Attendance Network, providing many places that offers at-
tendance to enterprising in Florianopólis. For more informations access: 
http://www.pmf.sc.gov.br/sites/ef/ or search one of the enterprising places 
at the addresses below:
Espaço do empreendedor Unidade 
Centro, Avenida Mauro Ramos, 224, 
Espaço do empreendedor Unidade 
Mercado Público, Rua Jerônimo Coe-
lho, 60, Centro;
Espaço do empreendedor Unidade 
Lagoa da Conceição, Rua Crisógono 
Vieira da Cruz, S/N, junto ao TILAG;
Espaço do empreendedor Unidade 
Ingleses, Estrada Dom João Becker, 
145, Ingleses;
Espaço do empreendedor Unidade 
Canasvieiras, Rua José Rosa, 408, Ca-
Espaço do empreendedor Unidade 
Continente, Rua João Evangelista da 
Costa, 827, Coloninha;
Espaço do Empreendedor Unidade 
Rio Tavares, Rodovia SC 405, nº 1318 
A; 5. 
5.1 In some cases, abuse by the employer can characterize a condition of 
modern slavery. In Brazil, according to the Law, this happens when:
5.1.1 The work is forced. That one demanded under threat of physical or 
psychological sanction and to which the worker did not offered himself or 
do not spontaneously want to remain.
5.1.2 There is a exhausting workday. Any work form, of physical or men-
tal nature, that, for its extension or intensity, imply violation of worker 
fundamental right;
5.1.3 There is degrading work conditions. It is any form of denial of hu-
man dignity by violating a fundamental worker right;
5.1.4 There is debt servitude. Qualifies as any form of coercion and restric-
tion of liberty due debt to the employer, legal or ilegal.
5.2 In Brazil is also a crime subordinating someone to human traffic accor-
ding to the Penal Code. It is possible to search for your rights and report 
the forced labour and human traffic. In case of doubts, reach the Defensoria 
Pública da União (DPU) of your area. For Florianópolis and surroundings, 
the DPU is located at Rua Frei Evaristo, nº 142, Centro Florianópolis.
5.3 In Brazil, it is prohibited for children and teenagers under 14 years to 
work. Heavy machines and chemical substances are some of the risks that 
under ages face in workplaces, even if accompanied by parents.
5.4 From 14 to 18 years, the teenager can be employed to learn more 
about the profession. This action is supported by the called Lei do Apren-
diz (Apprentice Law), that establishes special conditions for work. As an 
apprentice, the teenager can not practice high risks activities or activities 
that prejudice their health.
If youknow some child in work situation, report it to “Chame 100” (Call 
100) or reach to one of the civil society institutions that offers immigrants 
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis16 17
Santa Catarina’s state or city education institutions can not hamper basic 
education for children and teenagers. It is mandatory by law that every 
child in school age must be enrolled and attending school, regardless of the 
migration situation. If the enroll of your child is denied because of irregular 
situation, reach the Defensoria Pública da União! Schools can loosen the 
required documentation, facilitating school activities and other languages 
certificates acknowledgement. The Migration Law (nº 13.445/2017) en-
sures, through its 4º article, equal and free access of migrant to education, 
forbidden discrimination due nationality and migration condition.
Children under five years have child education rights too, in public kinder-
gartens and preschool. In Florianópolis, this process happens in two stages. 
The first one is online, through the city hall website, registering the child. 
Second step is the submission of required documentation to the desired 
education unit. For more information:
E-mail: dei@sme.pmf.sc.gov.br
Diretora: Dione Raizer
Fone: (48) 3251-6126
E-mail: dione.raizer@sme.pmf.sc.gov.br
Or look for the Secretaria da Educação (Education Secretariat):
Rua Conselheiro Mafra, nº 656 - 5º Andar - Sala 502 
Centro: CEP: 88010-914
Fone: (48) 3251-6135
At school, the immigrant child must find a supportive environment. In 
cases of discrimination, contact the school administration or reach the Se-
cretaria Estadual da Educação (State Education Secretariat).
Education of youngsters and adults is dedicated for those who have not had 
right to access or to continue their studies in elementary or high school at 
proper age, which also includes immigrants. In Santa Catarina State the 
Basic Education supply for youngsters and adults take place in 40 Centros 
de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (Education Centers of Youngsters and 
Adults) (CEJAs), through subjects in-person education.
In Florianópolis, there are classes in Norte da ilha, Leste da ilha, Sul da 
ilha, Estreito, Monte Cristo, Trindade and Centro. Usually the enrollments 
happen between October and December of previous year and more infor-
mations can be found at: Rua General Bittencourt, 234 - Centro CEP: 
88020-100, pelo e-mail ceja01@sed.sc.gov.br, e pelos telefones (48) 3665-
5637 (diretor)/ (48) 3665-5638.
ATTENTION! If you desire to become a Brazilian 
citizen, the final test approval, ENCEJA, suit for 
portuguese proficiency proof.
6.2.1 Superior Education Access
In Brazil, superior education can be both public or private, which means, 
free or paid. This degree courses access usually happens by tests (called ves-
tibular) made every six months or annually by each university. 
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis18 19
Th ere is also a common test, the Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (Natio-
nal High School Exam) (ENEM) which grade can be used to enroll nume-
rous public universities in all country. Th e ENEM inscriptions usually take 
place in April and May. More informations on: https://enem.inep.gov.br/.
Via ENEM it is also possible getting partial or full scholarships in private ins-
titutions by PROUNI. To apply for these scholarships it is necessary to take 
ENEM, have low income and have attended High School in public schools.
More informations on: http://siteprouni.mec.gov.br/ Pré-vestibular
Public universities, for being free and of high quality, usually have a more 
competitive enrolling program, being comum that people have to study to 
be approved on vestibular and be able to enter the chosen course. Th ese clas-
ses for vestibular are off ered by preparation courses called pre-vestibulares, 
normally attended by youngsters that have just fi nished high school. Th ere 
are some in Florianópolis that are collective and free:
Th ere are diff erent options of portuguese free classes in Grande Florianó-
polis. You can choose which one is better for you and attend it without 
inscription necessity.
Aulas ocorrem na UFSC - Trindade
Site: https://einsteinfl oripa.com.br/
Aulas ocorrem na UFSC - Trindade
Site: http://gausspet.mtm.ufsc.br/
Aulas ocorrem nos Ingleses
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cursinhodozinga/
Aulas ocorrem na Costeira do Pirajubaé
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ladobprevest 
Central Zone
Portuguese classes in Agronômica
Santa Cruz e Nossa Senhora 
Aparecida Church 
Address: Rua Antonio Carlos 
Ferreira, Agronômica, Florianópolis
Monday and Friday, 18:30 – 20:30.
Portuguese classes in Prainha – 
Pastoral do Migrante 
Pastoral do Migrante
Address: R. Treze de Maio, 62 - 
José Mendes/Prainha 
Monday and Wednesday, 19:00 – 
Portuguese classes in Trindade – 
Address: UFSC Trindade, CCE 
(Centro de Comunicação e 
Saturday, 09:00 – 12:00, Hassis 
Room, Block B
For women that have children 
(newborns or kids), there are special 
classes in rooms 246 and 247. It is 
possible to take the kids/babies
Portuguese classes in IFSC 
Classes take place once a week. It is 
necessary to make an application at 
the site: https://sistemadeingresso.
Address: Av. Mauro Ramos, 950 - 
Centro, Florianópolis - SC, 88020-
Continental Zone
Portuguese classes in Capoeiras 
Address: Avenida Governador Ivo 
Silveira, 1390 – Capoeiras.
Tuesday and Th ursday for 
beginners, 18:00 – 19:20.
Wednesday and Friday for 
advanced, 18:00 – 19:20.
Portuguese classes in Palhoça 
– Faculdade Municipal da 
Address: R. João Pereira dos 
Santos - Pte. do Imaruim, 
Tuesday, 19:00 – 20:30 
(português 1) 20:30 – 22:00 
(português 2).
In this case, it is necessary to make 
an enrollment: take a passport 
copy, residence proof and RNE/
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis20 21
8.1 If in need of social support, you can reach the Centro de Referência de 
Assistência Social (Reference Center of Social Assistance) (CRAS) of your nei-
ghborhood or the Centro de Referência Especializado de Assistência Social 
(Specialized Reference Center of Social Assistance) (CREAS). Th e CRAS have 
the task of forearm the incidence of social risk situations, while the CREAS 
off er specialized support and orientation, for example, for people who su-
ff ered of physical, psychological or sexual violence, neglect, abandonment, 
threat, abuse or social discrimination.
Th e insert of a Unifi ed Register for Federal Government social programs 
(CadÚnico), for low income families, gives access to a variety of social bene-
fi ts, according to the necessities of the person and their relatives. An example 
is the Bolsa Família Program, available for families which income per capita 
is up to R$ 89,00 monthly. Th e program also benefi ts families which income 
per capita is between R$ 89,00 and R$ 178,00, as long as they have children 
or teenagers from 0 to 17 years.
8.1 Reference Center of Social Assistance (CRAS)
CRAS Centro
Rua Julia Moura, 66, Centro
Telephone: 3222-0148
E-mail: coo.crascentro@pmf.sc.gov.br
CRAS Trindade
Rua Juvêncio Costa, 98, Trindade
Telephone: 3338-1076 e 3338-1068
E-mail: coo.crastrindade@pmf.sc.gov.br 
CRAS Capoeiras
Rua Santos Saraiva, 2011, Capoeiras 
(Centro Multiuso)
Telephone: 3348-6237
E-mail: coo.crascapoeiras@pmf.sc.gov.br
CRAS Jardim Atlântico
Av. Santa Catarina, 1488, Balneário Estreito
Telephone: 3244-0683 ou 3348-3150
E-mail: coo.crasatlantico@pmf.sc.gov.brCRAS Canasvieiras
Rua Rod SC 401, KM 18, 17500, Salas 07, 
08, 09 e 10, Canasvieiras
Telephone: 3369-0840
E-mail: coo.crascanasvieiras@pmf.sc.gov.br 
CRAS Ingleses
Rua José Gualberto Soares, 371, Ingleses
Telephone: 3369-1302
E-mail: coo.crasingleses@pmf.sc.gov.br 
CRAS Saco Grande
Rua Virgilio Várzea, 878, Saco Grande
Telephone: 3338-2610 / 3228-4041
CRAS Saco dos Limões
Rua Aldo Alves, 153, Saco dos Limões 
(Prox. ao Centro de Saúde)
Telephone: 3222-9165
E-mail: coo.crassacolimoes@pmf.sc.gov.br
CRAS Tapera
Rua José Olímpio da Silva, 280, Tapera
Telephone: 3338-1042
E-mail: coo.crastapera@pmf.sc.gov.br
CRAS Rio Tavares
Rod. Francisco Th omaz dos Santos, 675, 
Morro das Pedras
Telephone: 3337-4028
E-mail: coo.crasriotavares@pmf.sc.gov.br
8.2 Specialized Reference Center of Social Assistance
Rua Rui Barbosa, 677, Agronômica
Telephone: 3216-5200
8.3 Th e Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (Psychosocial Attention Center) 
(CAPS) can also help, off ering free services for people that experience psycho-
logical problems and chemical dependence. For more informations and orien-
tations check the servicesinformación y orientación consulte los servicios:
Psychosocial Attention Center (CAPS 
II – Ponta do Coral), services for adults 
with psychological suff er.
R. José Candido da Silva, 125, Estreito
Telephones: 3228-5074 / 3228-9090 
Psychosocial Attention Center for 
Children and Teenagers (CAPSi), 
services for children and teenagers up 
to 18 years
R. Allan Kardec, 120 Agronômica
Telephones: 3324-1399 / 3228-6095
CREAS Continente
Rua Arnoldo Candido Raulino, 183, 
Telephone: (48) 3348-0896
Psychosocial Attention Center for 
Alcohol and Drugs (CAPSad), services 
for adults with problems caused by 
drugs use
Rua Gualberto Senna, 275, Jardim 
Telephones: 3240-5472 / 3240-5679 
Psychosocial Attention Center for 
Alcohol and Drugs (CAPSad Ilha), 
ervices for adults with problems caused 
by drugs use
Rua Frederico Veras, 60 - Pantanal
Telephones: 3238 9926 / 3269 8799
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis22 23
Public Health System also takes care of people sexual and reproductive ri-
ghts, including the right to contraceptive methods and to humanized birth.
In Brazil, it is understood that each person has the freedom to choose if 
and when he/she will have children. Therefore, the Sistema Único de Saúde 
(Unified Health System) (SUS) offers free access to methods that stimulate 
or avoid pregnancy. Besides that, sexual health monitoring can also be made 
through SUS.
Here we will focus on methods to avoid unplanned pregnancies. Firstly, it 
is important to reinforce that this must be a responsibility of both man and 
woman, and that partners must talk about the method(s) they want to use.
About this methods, there are two main types: the reversible ones (when 
the person stops to use the method, it is possible to get pregnant) and the 
irreversible ones (that hardly allows that the person have children in future).
The irreversible methods are offered by SUS only to men and women that 
are over 25 years old or have two or more children. The methods are:
• Tubal ligations - it is a surgical procedure that, by ligating the 
uterine tubes, prevents that women get pregnant. It is contrain-
dicated for female citizens that recently had a miscarriage or deli-
very. The tubal ligation can cause a change in the women period, 
increasing flow and cramps. The Brazilian law also requires sig-
nature from the partner of the woman that desires to make the 
procedure through SUS.
• Vasectomy - it is a surgery that cuts of the canals through which 
the sperm arrive to the semen and are ejaculated. The procedure 
does not prejudices the ejaculation, but can take up to 3 months 
or 20 ejaculations for the semen to become free os sperm, that 
is, for the man to become sterile. It is a much simpler procedu-
re than the tubal ligation, being faster and with less chances of 
In other hand, the reversible methods offered by SUS are:
• Birth Control pills - it can be used by all women after 
their first period, except for the ones that are nursing. They are 
hormonal tablets that, when taken diary and according to the 
use instructions, prevent pregnancy. It is necessary to make a pre-
vious professional evaluation to find the proper pill and evaluate 
the patient’s health situation, since there are some contraindica-
tions depending on health conditions.
• Injectable contraceptive - known as “injections”, they 
imitate the pills, but do not have to be taken every day. It can be 
taken monthly or every three months. While the monthly injec-
tion allows a fast return of the pregnancy capacity, the quarterly 
one can take around four months until the fertility returns. A 
positive point of quarterly injection is that they can be taken by 
nursing women according medical orientation.
• Diaphragm - it is a barrier method of birth control which does 
not involve hormones. It is a type of ring that must be placed by 
the woman before sexual relation and removed eight hours after 
sex. Before using the diaphragm, however, is important to con-
sult a doctor to know which size to use.
• Intrauterine device (IUD) - the IUD freely offered by SUS is 
the one know as copper IUD. It is a plastic object covered with 
copper and inserted on the uterus. It has temporary nature and 
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis24 25
is free of hormones (hormonal IUD are not offered by SUS). It 
can last up to ten years and can be used by nursing women. The 
only contraindication is for women that have sexual partners that 
do not use condoms and have relations with other people, be-
cause the IUD does not prevent Sexually Transmitted Infections 
Speaking of condoms, it is essential to remember that this is the only me-
thod that prevents Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), such as HIV/
Aids, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia and many others. There are not only male 
condoms but also female condoms and both are offered by SUS.
It is important to know that SUS also offers free tests that detect viruses 
and bacterias that cause aids, syphilis and hepatitis B and C. You just need 
to look for a Unidade Básica de Saúde (Basic Health Unit) (UBS) and be 
In Brazil, there are laws that guarantee the accommodation of women and 
their children in cases of psychological threats, physical aggression, abuse 
or sexual violation. The Maria da Penha Law (law number 11.340/2006) 
protects women against domestic violence.
Florianópolis provides a Centro de Referência de Atendimento à Mulher 
em Situação de Violência (Reference Service Center to Women in Violence 
Situation) (CREMV) that accommodates women and their relatives in vio-
lence situation and a Delegacia da Mulher (Women Precinct) at the same 
address: Rua Delminda da Silveira s/nº- Fundos da Promenor, Agronômica.
SUS offers specialized treatment for domestic violence victims in general 
and provides specific treatment for sexual violence victims.
Report aggression cases: search the nearer Delegacia da Mulher or call 180 
- Women, Family and Human Rights Service Center.
To assault or to threaten women is forbidden according to Bra-
zilian law. If you suffer any discrimination from any citizen, 
including public agents, report! Write down the person name 
and the place of the harassment and call freely and anony-
mously for the “Chame 100” or “Chame 180”.
The Procuradoria Estadual (State Prosecutor’s Office) can also 
help. The agency can take action on your rights behalf and in-
terfere in ongoing processso.
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis26 2711. MIGRANTS AND REFUGEES SUPPORT NETWORK 
Migratory regularization
Union Public Defensory of Florianópolis: 
Florianópolis’s DPU provides a specialized team on migratory regularization 
of immigrants, refugees and stateless, helping to gather necessary documents 
for everyone that intend on making procedures like residency authorization, 
residency renew, refugee solicitation, nationality option, among others. DPU 
also acts on the people traffic and slavery confrontation as well as legal repre-
sentation of unaccompanied minors.
Address: Rua Frei Evaristo, 142, Centro, Florianópolis. Es necesario progra-
mar un horário a través del e-mail (imigrantes.sc@dpu.def.br) o a través del 
teléfono (48) 3221-9420. 
Civil Society
Círculos de Hospitalidade:
The NGO develops social, cultural and educational projects with refugees 
and immigrants intending to facilitate the inclusion process of these commu-
nities on the host society. Also helps on the work insertion of the immigrants 
and refugees. 
For more informations: E-mail: contato@circulosdehospitalidade.org / So-
cial Media @circulosdehospitalidade
Regional Caritas of Santa Catarina
LCaritas is an organization of social support and rights defense. Acts to ac-
commodate, integrate, protect and promote migrants and refugees. As well 
as develops social projects with more vulnerable groups. 
For more informations: R. Dep. Antônio Edu Vieira, 1524 - Pantanal, Flo-
Telephone: (48) 3234 7033 | E-mail: caritassc@caritas.org.br | Site: www.
Serviço Pastoral dos Migrantes (SPM)
Serviço Pastoral dos Migrantes is a specific action of Church that has as 
centrality the accommodation of migrant people, at place of origin as well 
as destination, and their rights defense, independent of race, faith, culture 
or gender. In Florianópolis, SPM acts, above all, through portuguese classes 
for immigrants and as part of the project “Acolhida” for venezuelans.
For more informations: R. Dep. Antônio Edu Vieira, 1524 - Pantanal, Flo-
rianópolis. | E-mail:spm.sul4@gmail.com | Telephone: (48) 9 8826-9229.
Support Groups
Immigrants and Refugees Support Group (GAIRF) 
For more informations: www.facebook.com/gairf/
Support Work Group for Immigrants and Refugees (GTI)
Decolonial and Post-colonial Practice and Researches applied to Inter-
national Relations and International Law Center (EIRENÈ) 
For more informations: https://irene.ufsc.br/
Portuguese as an Accommodation Language for Immigrants (PLAM)
For more informations: https://projetoplam.paginas.ufsc.br
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis28 29
If you are homeless, know that you can count with these public agencies:
• CENTRO POP: Centro de Referência Especializado para População 
em Situação de Rua. Referral is not necessary. Address: Avenida Gus-
tavo Richard, S/N – Passarela do Samba Nego “Quirido” – Centro – 
Florianópolis. Telephone: (48) 3223-0824 e (48) 3223-2549.
• Associação Braços Abertos (ABA): alimentação e vagas para pernoite. 
Address: Passarela da Cidadania (Passarela Nego Quirido), Avenida 
Governador Gustavo Richard, 5000, Centro, Florianópolis.
• Casa de Passagem para Mulheres em Situação de Rua e/ou Violên-
cia. (Passing House for Homeless or under Violence Women). It is 
necessary a referral made by the technicians of Medium Complexity 
Services to be accommodate in this service.
• Casa de Acolhimento de Crianças e Adolescente: it is necessary a 
referral only made by Conselhos Tutelares do Município (Municipal 
Guardianship Council), Juizado da Infância e da Juventude da Co-
marca de Florianópolis (Childhood and Juvenile Court Judge of Flo-
rianópolis District) or Ministério Público.
• Para más infomarción: https://tinyurl.com/rmyt98u
Public Services on demand:
Ministério do Trabalho e Emprego: agency responsible for regulation and 
fi scalization of labor relations aspects.
Address: R. Victor Meirelles, 198 - Centro, Florianópolis - SC, 88010-440
Contacts: (48) 3229-9700 /Worker Attend and Orientation Service (48) 
In São José: Regional Agency in São José
Address: Rua Eliseu Di Bernardi, nº 200, salas 9, 10, 15 e 16 Campinas, São 
José/SC - 88101-050
Social Assistance:
Municipal Secretary of Social Assistance
Address: Centro, Florianópolis - SC, 88020-302
Contact: (48) 3213-5580
CRAS Centro
Rua Julia Moura, 66, Centro
Telephone: 3222-0148
E-mail: coo.crascentro@pmf.sc.gov.br
CRAS Trindade
Rua Juvêncio Costa, 98, Trindade
Telephone: 3338-1076 e 3338-1068
E-mail: coo.crastrindade@pmf.sc.gov.br 
CRAS Capoeiras
Rua Santos Saraiva, 2011, Capoeiras (Cen-
tro Multiuso)
Telephone: 3348-6237
E-mail: coo.crascapoeiras@pmf.sc.gov.br 
CRAS Jardim Atlântico
Av. Santa Catarina, 1488, Balneário Estreito
Telephone: 3244-0683 ou 3348-3150
E-mail: coo.crasatlantico@pmf.sc.gov.br
CRAS Canasvieiras
Rua Rod SC 401, KM 18, 17500, Salas 07, 
08, 09 e 10, Canasvieiras
Telephone: 3369-0840
E-mail: coo.crascanasvieiras@pmf.sc.gov.br 
CRAS Ingleses
Rua José Gualberto Soares, 371, Ingleses
Telephone: 3369-1302
E-mail: coo.crasingleses@pmf.sc.gov.br 
CRAS Saco Grande
Rua Virgilio Várzea, 878, Saco Grande
Telephone: 3338-2610 / 3228-4041
E-mail:crassacogrande@pmf.sc.gov.br/ coor-
CRAS Saco dos Limões
Rua Aldo Alves, 153, Saco dos Limões 
(Prox. ao Centro de Saúde)
Telephone: 3222-9165
E-mail: coo.crassacolimoes@pmf.sc.gov.br
CRAS Tapera
Rua José Olímpio da Silva, 280, Tapera
Telephone: 3338-1042
E-mail: coo.crastapera@pmf.sc.gov.br
CRAS Rio Tavares
Rod. Francisco Th omaz dos Santos, 675, 
Morro das Pedras
Telephone: 3337-4028
E-mail: coo.crasriotavares@pmf.sc.gov.br
Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis Support Guide for Immigrants in the Grande Florianópolis30 31
Rua Rui Barbosa, 677, Agronômica
Telephone: 3216-5200
Specialized Reference Center of Social Assistance (Creas)
CREAS Continente
Rua Arnoldo Candido Raulino, 183, Estrei-
to - Telephone: (48) 3348-0896
Secretaria Municipal da Educação: for kindergarten and diploma valida-
tion informations. Dirección: Address: R. Conselheiro Mafra, 656 - Cen-
tro, Florianópolis - SC, 88010-914.
CESUSC Faculty: for legal assistance about labor questions. Address: SC-
401, 9301 - Santo Antônio de Lisboa, Florianópolis - SC, 88050-001.
Receita Federal: for final CPF issuing. R. Claudino Bento da Silva (Mestre 
Claudino da Arataca), 11 - Centro, Florianópolis - SC, 88010-135.
Polícia Federal: for migratory regularization. Dirección: Address: Rua Pas-
choal Apóstolo Pítsica, 4744 - Agronômica, Florianópolis - SC, 88025-255.
Besides those institutions, remember that the consulate or embassy from 
your country in Brazil can offer assistance and support information, as well 
as normally is responsible for issuing personal documents, such as passport, 
consular certificate and criminal background certificate.
More info in
benefícios e 
auxílios sociais
assistência jurídica 
direitos humanos 
e tutela coletiva
crimes federais
Defensoria Pública da União (DPU) provides 
free legal assistance to the low-income 
population. It is the institution that defends 
the rights, in court or outside it, those who 
cannot afford a private attorney. You don't 
pay anything for the assistance.

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