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	Acertos: 9,0 de 10,0
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Evaluation is a part of the narrative especially crafted so that the emotional impact of the narrated experience can be transmitted to its readers or listeners. Mark the option in which hooks shares her evaluation of the narrated events with her readers.
All the options below were retrieved from: hooks, bell. Talking Back: Thinking Feminist, Thinking Black. Chapter 22: Writing Autobiography. Routledge: New York, 2015
	"I had met a young black man. We were having an affair".
	"Within the world of my childhood, we held on to the legacy of a distinct black culture by listening to the elders tell their stories".
	"it was also interesting to read the narrative in its entirety after I had completed the work. It had not occurred to me that bringing one's past, one's memories together in a complete narrative would allow one to view them from a different perspective, not as singular isolated events but as part of a continuum".
	"I remembered my mother's hope chest, with its wonderful odor of cedar, and thought about her taking the most precious items and placing them there for safekeeping".
	"He drank often, smoked cigarettes, and always on the few occasions that we met him, he held us children in tight embraces. It was the memory of those embraces--of the way I hated and longed to resist them-that I recalled".
	Respondido em 06/10/2022 01:10:56
Evaluations are parts of the narrative in which the narrator shares his feelings and viewpoints on the narrated events with readers, sharing with them their emotional effects. In this excerpt: "it was also interesting to read the narrative in its entirety after I had completed the work (¿)", hooks tells her readers that writing her memories allowed her to view her own story from a different perspective.
	Acerto: 0,0  / 1,0
	The second component of narratives is called orientation, a part of the text in which the reader is introduced to the time, place and characters of the story. Mark the option that best describes the language employed in most orientations:
	It typically includes verbs defining a dynamic action in the future time.
	It typically includes stative verbs and Past tenses.
	It typically includes dynamic verbs and Past tenses.
	It typically includes dynamic verbs and Present tenses.
	It typically includes stative verbs and Present tenses.
	Respondido em 06/10/2022 01:11:10
According to Labov (LABOV, William. The Language of Life and Death. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.), the language employed in orientations is relatively predictable and habitually includes verbs such as to be and to have, among other "stative verbs" - that is, verbs that define a stable condition or a state of being, rather than a dynamic action. Moreover, Past tenses - especially the Past Continuous are used. The correct alternative is then: "It typically includes stative verbs and Past tenses".
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	The graph below provides an overview of average fertility rates in Algeria throughout the years. Read it and complete the description with the appropriate expressions:
Retrieved from: https://www.sbs.com.au/nitv/nitv-news/article/2017/06/27/census-2016-aboriginal-and-torres-strait-islander-population-growing
In Algeria, women give birth to (1)_____________ of 2.535 children every year and this fertility (2)_____________ is expected to (3)_____________ .
	(1) an average/ (2) rate/ (3) decrease.
	(1) an average/ (2) rate/ (3) soar.
	(1) approximately/ (2) estimate/ (3) plunge.
	(1) an average/ (2) percentage/ (3) increase.
	(1) the exact number of/ (2) rate/ (3) fall.
	Respondido em 06/10/2022 01:12:34
This bar graph shows average or estimative proportions of birth rates in the country. In addition, both the numbers and the reduction of the bars from left to right indicate a decreasing pattern as years pass.
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	This wiki entry describes a typical dish named "ceviche". Read it and choose the correct alternative:
"Because the dish is eaten raw, and not cooked with heat, it must be prepared fresh and consumed immediately to minimize the risk of food poisoning. Ceviche is often eaten as an appetizer; if eaten as a main dish, it is usually accompanied by side dishes that complement its flavors, such as sweet potato, lettuce, maize, avocado, or cooking banana." Retrieved from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ceviche
	It consists of a process description on how to decrease food poisoning rates caused by the consumption of the dish.
	This description provides an account of consuming rates of the dish.
	Such an entry provides a chronological description of a ceviche recipe.
	According to such description, about a quarter of the ingredients are raw.
	The expression "accompanied by" introduces a componential description in the definition.
	Respondido em 06/10/2022 01:14:04
Indeed, when listing the complements of ceviche introduced by the expression "accompanied by", the author introduces the elements and traits that usually compose the dish. Therefore, the expression introduces a componential element to the entry. There¿s no chronological description entailed in the entry, nor is any process being described. Furthermore, the dish is completely raw and there is no consuming rate presented.
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Complete this introductory paragraph with the appropriate expository language.
"When the Carnival season begins, the streets of Brazil (1)__________ full of color, festivities, and samba. As one of the essential elements of Brazilian culture, no city in the South American country (2)__________  its parade. From the Brazilian soap operas of Rede Globo to The Simpsons, Brazilian Carnival (3)__________ , but Rio de Janeiro's Carnival (4)__________ the most for its visibility."
Retrieved from: https://www.riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/brazil/the-biggest-party-in-the-world-what-is-carnival-in-rio-de-janeiro-and-how-did-it-come-about/
	(1) are/ (2) does not have/ (3) has been covered/ (4) stands out
	(1) will be/ (2) has/ (3) was covered/ (4) has been standing out
	(1) are/ (2) does not have/ (3) was covered/ (4) stood out
	(1) are/ (2) will have/ (3) was covered/ (4) stood out
	(1) will be/ (2) had/ (3) has been covered/ (4) stands out
	Respondido em 06/10/2022 01:14:26
The structure in (1) provides a general rule during Carnival season, since it presents a situation that is usually true, justifying the use of the Present Simple tense. Besides, the structure in (2) provides a factual description in a sentence introduced by the negative particle "no", which is why the Simple Present structure in the negative is adequate. Later on, in structure (3) the author alludes to Carnival depiction in the media without specifying their years of release, which leads him to employ the Present Perfect tense. In structure (4), he makes a descriptive allegation, in which the Present Simple tense is more accurate.
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Read the headline of a feature opinion article and choose the option that best paraphrases its thesis statement.
"Learning from the past to effectively fight anti-Semitism today- The best way to fight anti-Semitism is to focus on fighting anti-Semites, and never to be tempted to blame their victims."
Retrieved from: https://www.aljazeera.com/opinions/2022/3/11/learning-from-the-past-to-efficiently-fight-antisemitism-today
	In order to fight anti-Semitism it is paramount to denounce anti-Semites for their discriminatory acts and be aware of History.
	Victims of anti-Semitism should be accounted for discriminatoryspeeches.
	More important than learning History is condemning anti-Semites for their prejudicial behavior.
	The study of History does not influence the fight against anti-Semitism.
	However harmful and obnoxious anti-Semitic discourses may be, prejudiced people should not be denounced for their behavior.
	Respondido em 06/10/2022 01:21:30
The author is clear-clut when using the time adverb "never" to argue that it is not acceptable to blame victims, but rather those who discriminate. The opening affirmation also proposes that being acquainted with historical facts is the best route to combat anti-Semitism.
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Complete the definition of an inverted pyramid writing scheme. Each gap may contain more than one word.
"The inverted pyramid puts the most newsworthy information at the (1) ____________, and then the remaining information follows in (2) ____________, with the least important at the (3) ____________."
Retrieved and adapted from: https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2003/writing-from-the-top-down-pros-and-cons-of-the-inverted-pyramid/
	(1) outset/ (2) alphabetical order/ (3) bottom
	(1) top/ (2) order of importance/ (3) bottom
	(1) end/ (2) the simple past tense/ (3) bottom
	(1) top/ (2) chronological order/ (3) end
	(1) bottom/ (2) order of importance/ (3) top
	Respondido em 06/10/2022 01:15:38
In fact, in the inverted pyramid style the most important information is displayed at the very beginning of the text. The following paragraphs are organized from the second-most important information, culminating to the least relevant pieces.
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	In the book Academic Writing for Graduate Students by Swales and Feak, three rhetorical moves are identified. These moves should function as guidelines for the writing of the introduction to argumentative texts as well as the building up of the thesis statement. Mark the alternative with the adequate description of the third rhetorical move, according to Swales and Feak:
	(1) Attracting the readers' curiosity; (2) summarizing the main point of the research; and (3) making room for a balanced account of the controversy tackled by your paper.
	(1) Establishing a research territory; (2) establishing a niche; and (3) occupying the niche.
	(1) Outlining the purpose and the nature of the research; (2) announcing its principal findings; and (3) indicating the structure of the research paper.
	(1) Indicating a gap in the previous research; (2) raising questions about it; and (3) extending previous knowledge.
	(1) Establishing a research territory; (2) establishing a niche; and (3) extending previous knowledge.
	Respondido em 06/10/2022 01:19:52
The third rhetorical move aims at occupying the niche defined by the research, by means of outlining the purpose and nature of the research, announcing its main findings, and indicating the structure of the research paper. Therefore, the only correct answer is: "(1) Outlining the purpose and the nature of the research; (2) announcing its principal findings; and (3) indicating the structure of the research paper."
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Choose the option containing a true statement concerning the verb tense employed in the following sentences.
"The fatty acid compositions were measured based on a well-established method (Folch, Lees, & Sloane-Stanley, 1957; Lepage & Roy, 1986). Each test was replicated three times for each experimental group." Retrieved from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fsn3.1443
	The Present Perfect tense would be more suitable in the first sentence, for it consists of the description of an area of research that led to the "well-established" method.
	The Simple Past tense is correctly employed since the authors are arguing for the relevance of their methodology in that specific study.
	The necessity of replication of each test is an argument against the "methods" mentioned.
	The Simple Present tense would be more suitable in both sentences, since they support notions which are characterized as "well-established".
	A future tense would be more adequate for the paragraph, since it argues for the relevance of methods which will still be expounded later in the paper.
	Respondido em 06/10/2022 01:17:47
As Swales and Feak (2004) indicate, authors of academic texts commonly use the past to describe researchers' actions in single studies. Therefore, "The Simple Past tense is correctly employed since the authors are arguing for the relevance of their methodology in that specific study".
	Acerto: 1,0  / 1,0
	Focusing on the effect of the covid-19 pandemic on marital relationships, Gaby Hinsliff's text is initiated by the following introductory paragraph:
Love is not love, which alters when it alteration finds. It¿s a beautiful sentiment around which to build a Shakespearean sonnet, but in real life not everyone adapts to the dramatic changes thrust upon them in a pandemic with the apparent grace of Kate Garraway. The TV presenter's husband, Derek Draper, almost died of Covid; he is now back home after months in intensive care, but needs round-the-clock nursing. He can speak, but can't hold what most people would regard as a conversation. It cannot be the life or the marriage either of them dreamed of in their early 50s. But as she said hopefully at the weekend, she thinks they have found "a new way to be in love", a relationship of complete trust and reliance. "That¿s a positive thing to come out of this, to have that certainty of each other. He and I are very close."
HINSLIFF, Gaby. The pandemic has taught us that love can bend without breaking. Disponível em: The pandemic has taught us all that love can bend without breaking | Gaby Hinsliff | The Guardian. Acesso em: 15 fev. 2022.
Now, choose the option that best summarizes the strategies employed by the author to attract the readers¿ attention and introduce the topic of the text as a whole:
	Hinsliff's introduction analyzes the pros and cons of the circumstances faced by most couples during the covid-19 pandemic, looking into the advantages and disadvantages of resilience.
	Hinsliff promotes a balanced account of the hardships faced by couples during the pandemic, listing reasons why some couples will not be as resilient as Kate Garraway and Derek Draper.
	Hinsliff turns to characters from Shakespeare's sonnets to prove that "love can bend without breaking" and couples can make it through the turbulent times imposed by the pandemic.
	Hinsliff provides statistics to validate the argument that marital relationships have been put to the test, showing that even celebrities - such as Kate Garraway, a famous TV presenter - had her marriage challenged by the hardships posed by covid-19.
	Hinsliff starts with a quote from a Shakespearean sonnet that endorses the main point of her text, that "love can bend without breaking", and recurs to the touching story of a resilient couple to confirm her main argument.
	Respondido em 06/10/2022 01:15:58
The Shakespearean sonnet touches the heart of the question posed by the author, confirming her thesis that "love can bend without breaking". Kate Garraway and Derek Draper's experience validates Hinsliff's argument that love can win the battle against the turmoil imposed by the pandemic.

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