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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Licenciatura em Ensino d Inglês
Isaias dos Santos Mario Huo
Subject: Didactic of English III
Year 4
1. What do you think makes a good speaking class?
A good speaking class is reached by accomplishing the following foundations: the teacher, the lerners, the activities, the learning environment and the feedback.
The teacher- is the scaffolder and as such should insist on learners speaking English by providing both quality input and opportunities to that end. 
The learners- they should be tolerant to each other because there are learners who are shy or feel embarrassed when speaking in class.
The activities- play an important role to sustain the ones afore mentioned. There should be both pair and group work so that every learner gets their amount of speaking opportunities. A teacher should be sure that there is a full variety of speaking tasks on his/her teaching menu.
Feedback- is another key factor since it can bring about a highly positive popup out of something, which might sound negative. It should be planned, sensitive, systematic and effective, so that learners can be aware of the learning process.
2. Write down at least two criterias for a good speaking class under each of the following five headings:
The teacher
· Being a good speaker
· Discourse and organisation of message
The learners
· Should be tolerant toward each other 
· Should not laugh at their classmates since such behaviour will probably prevent these learners from participating in class, especially if they feel scared of other learners.
The atmosphere
· Provides safety to learners
· Teacher should influence learning by encouraging learners engagement providing positive and constructive feedback that support exploration
· Simply asking them to say that again correctly
· Asking questions
· Allow learners to work out together
· Provide a clear purpose
	Find someone who…
…likes pair work.
	Erdencia Huo
	…enjoys drills.
	Antonio Manuel
	…doesn’t like creating a dialogue and acting it out
	Fatima Zecas
	…doesn’t like speaking in front of the whole class.
	Angela Adriano
	…likes it when one student read aloud to the whole class from a text.
	Pascoal Manito
	…likes speaking classes where one learner gives a talk.
	Amizade Adriano
	…enjoys speaking a foreign language with his or her classmates, even out of class.
Gifre Sipriano
	…dislikes role-plays.
	Teresa Jose
	…likes discussion classes where the whole class discusses a topic together.
	Albino Ernesto
	…likes activities using visuals.
	Fernando Felisberto
	…enjoys group work.
	Joaquim Ernesto
	…likes guessing games.
	Joel Passane
	…Enjoys using questionnaires 
	Evaristo Gideão
	…likes drama activities
	Benedito Guirugo
1. What do you think are the characteristics of an information-gap activity?
An information gap activity is an activity where learners are missing the information they need to complete a task and need to talk to each other to find it.
2. Why are information-gap activities important in teaching speaking
Information gap activities are important since they elicit highly interactive task and such comes more closer than most other tasks in representing real communication. It recognizes the unpredictability of communicative situations and demands an ability to create original sentences.
1 . a) Was the activity “find someone who…” in task 1 an information-gap activity?
 No, it is not.
b) It is not because it is a kind of an activity that provides the learners with opportunity to use the target language in functional way in order to get personal information from their friends.
2. On page, 52 are four speaking activities (A-D). Which of them are information-gap activities?
a) A, B and D are information-gap activities 
b) Are information-gap activities because they involve learners having different bits of information, that they have to convey orally to each other.
C- Is not an information-gap activity because it does not involves more than one learner.

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