

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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 1. Ref.: 3122700 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
Experts agree that there is more involved to language learning than just the cognitive aspect.
Which of the following should we take into account as far as language learning is concerned?
 Language learning also has an affective component.
Teachers evidence life-long learning.
Experts agree that motivation is a complex and powerful factor in learning how to move around a city
Motivation is not a key element in the process of language learning. Students may develop the ability of learning
anything regardless of any affective component.
The success of a learning task is very much dependent upon the teachers¿ attitudes towards learning.
 2. Ref.: 3122704 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
According to Bozack, et al. (2008), autonomy-supportive teachers usually do not have the following characteristic:
They give answers to student-generated dialogues.
 They are in the spotlight all the time. They are the only ones who possess all the relevant knowledge in the
The teacher stimulates his/ her students to learn through constant reflection.
The teachers allow students to manipulate classroom materials.
They ask for their students¿ opinions.
 3. Ref.: 3122709 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
What should teachers keep in mind ?
All the items are appropriate, EXCEPT FOR
That true understanding comes from students being in charge of their own learning process.
That students ought to apply their knowledge to other areas of thinking.
That students need to test their own theories.
 That students ought to memorize all the concepts which were taught in class.
That students ought to be able to investigate their alternative conceptions freely.
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 4. Ref.: 3122713 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
Mastering a foreign language is not an easy task. Knowing words and how to use them adequately is a relevant task to
Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the appropriate options:
"McCarten suggests that foreign students who know, for example, the most frequent ...... words should be able to
understand about 80% of the words in a text. If they learn the most frequent ...... words their level of understanding
might rise to 88.7%."
5,000 - 7,000
4,000 - 6,000
3,000 - 6,000
 2,000 - 5,000
1,000 - 3,000
 5. Ref.: 3122719 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
Why did the government create PCNs?
To have some control over disciplinary problems at schools.
So as to allow teachers to choose the topics they appreciate and discuss about them in class.
To promote social interactionism.
So as to build up creative language classes.
 To standardize education in our country.
 6. Ref.: 3122726 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
Read the statement below and choose the CORRECT alternative.
"According to experts (Richards and Renandya, 2002), writing is the hardest skill to master. That¿s true not only to
foreign language learners, but also to native speakers."
This difficulty does not lie in the fact that writers need to develop and present their thoughts and ideas in a
structured and readable way.
This difficulty lies in the fact that writers need to develop and present their thoughts and ideas in a disorganized
and readable way.
No students ever faced any difficulty in the fact that writers need to develop and present their thoughts and ideas
in a structured and readable way.
 This difficulty lies in the fact that writers need to develop and present their thoughts and ideas in a structured and
readable way.
This difficulty lies in the fact that writers need to develop and present their thoughts but not ideas in a structured
and readable way.
 7. Ref.: 3122737 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
Listening and reading are called receptive skills because when doing these, learners do not need to produce language;
instead, they receive language and understand the message (or they don¿t!), or to put it another way, they decode
meaning from the discourse they hear or see.
It's important to note, however, that receptive is not the same as passive. In fact, there is active involvement of the
listener/ reader in the complex processes of listening and reading. Let¿s now consider each of these skills in turn.
Listening is an oral language skill, i.e., when we speak of listening, we mean the ability to hear a piece of language and
understand what we hear.
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Based on the characteristics studied in our class seven about receptive skills, choose the comment which DOES NOT fit
in the group.
Learners decode meaning from the discourse they hear or see.
There is active involvement of listener in the complex processo f listening.
 Reading is a receptive skill because it is the same as passive.
Listening and reading are called receptive skills because when doing these, learners do not need to produce
Listening and reading are called receptive skills because they receive language and understand the message (or
they don¿t!).
 8. Ref.: 3122742 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
Which approach allows learners to acquire a language as babies do, beginning with silent listening?
 the communicative approach
total physical response
 the natural approach
the grammar-translation method
the direct method
 9. Ref.: 3128295 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
ESL students at the school take part in class and school activities with native English students their own age. This is an
example of
 task-based learning
direct approach
community language learning
physical response
 10. Ref.: 3128292 Pontos: 1,00 / 1,00
When students summarize a text:
They are re-teaching the content of the reading to their classmates.
 They are paraphrasing the content of the reading.
They are explaining the author's purpose for writing the text. 
They are explaining the overall idea of the reading.
They are creating their own information.
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