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Parts of speech
The entry point into Grammar of English is through the categories of words , the way of classifying words that have proved the most useful in analyzing the language.
The meaning of categories to define categories when often involved by finding a common meaning for all members of the same category.such definitions shared a common problem ,if a certain word that obviously belongs to the category does not fit the meaning, the meaning must somehow be extended to accommodate it There were,in fact many unresolved problems with the system of categories currently in use, and grammarian disagree both about the categories themselves. In order to construct a system such as a grammarian descriptions must always make some initial assumptions,and the validity of these assumptions will depend on how useful they turn to be in practice
The categories the number of categories varies according to criteria adopted by different grammarians.there also some variation from language to language. A number of languages appear to have no class of adjective distinct from nouns or verbs.
In English ,the category a word belongs to is not usually apparent in isolation.this means that often cannot be identified the category just by looking at the word.
The major categories that will be assumed in this book are noun pronoun verb adjective adveb preposition determiner and conjunction.
Nouns,verbs , adjectives, and adverbs are sometimes referred to as lexical categories . Adverbs are the categories that supply the bulk of lexical or word -based meaning to a sentence. Pronous, preposition determiner and conjunctions are grammatical categories in that they give structure to sentences rather than supplying meaning.
Nouns and pronous they mention the entities in our environment, including our own discourse that are talked about and to which qualities and actions are attributed
, Probably the best way to think of nouns and pronous is as potential topics . A potential topic is whatever can be mentioned talked about and referred to. Example you see a beautiful picture and refer to its beauty with a noun.
Verbs and auxiliaries verbs serve to report actions and state and introduce predicate.a predicate is something that is said about something.
Example walk, Cook
 The meaning of verbs 
The verb is a pivotal category that functions as the center of a group of words that predicate or attribute a quality or an action to the topic noun or pronoun.And some report events that is , things that happen .
The form of verbs 
To having shared general meanings, verbs are capable of showing tenses they may indicate present or past . However unlike nouns or any other categories , a verb can indicate present or past without any help from other word. 
Auxiliaries verbs
Most of the time English verbs do not appear alone. When the tense is shown on an auxiliary the verb it is in a non-tensed form .
We have to wait for our boss to arrive before we open. 
The auxiliary be is followed by a verb with the suffix in , the auxiliary have is followed by a verb with suffix that may Take one of several different form.
This set of auxiliaries contributes the meaning of modality, which adds meanings of possibility, obligation to the verb. These auxiliaries are therefore called modal auxiliaries,or simply modals .
They serve to attribute some quality to a noun or pronoun.in addition they have their own positions in the sentence , are immediately before a noun ,and after a liking verb .
We use some adjectives only after a link verb:
The policeman seemed to be very annoyed.
Adverbs are from the point of view of their grammatical functions a mixed class . They care also the hardest to define the to identify . An important subcategory of adveb is one that denotes the direction or place of a verb or location of an entire statement.rding to their function, adverbs can be classified into different types like adverbs of time, adverbs of place, adverbs of manner, adverbs of degree and adverbs of frequency. An adverb is placed either after the verb it modifies or before the adjective or before the adverb it modifies
Serena had to go downstairs to collect the mail.( Place)
The dress fit her perfectly well.(manner)
Prepositions are words that begin a prepositional phrase. A prepositional phrase can be defined for the time being as a preposition followed by a noun or pronoun.
The noun or pronoun in prepositional phrase is known as the complement of the preposition or the prepositional complement.
In of up down for by with from to 
Marooned preposition
Many preposition on English have the peculiarity that can appear without a following noun or pronoun.
 He felt down
There are an ambiguity may arise if a marooned preposition is placed in front of a noun , where it may seem to be forming a prepositional phrase with the noun.
Correct: I invited him and his wife.
Incorrect: I invited he and his wife*
NB an asterisk * in front a sentence signals that the sentence is incorrect.
If we remove and his wife, we're left with the ungrammatical I invited he.
Noun rarely appear alone. They usually are accompanied by various words that bare said to determine them, they include articles , demonstrative, quantifies . The class of determiner also includes numeral vans possessive such as my , your .
Jesse ate an apple and an orange.
( Suordinadinator and coordinator)
Are grammatical conjunctions also known subordinator and are so called because they introduce a clause that vis part of another sentence this wider sentence being known as the main clause .one particular type vof subordinator is known as a complementizer which connect via new clause know as the complement clause to a specific word or phrase in another clause.
Coordinator conjunctions
Join together words and sentences that have equal status.