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4 Navegação Visual - Bianch
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Bgnas Jaenkdana
7ª Gbaæëc
Kcpyrafdt :052 jy Bgnas Jaenkdana
A[JN 164-47-105;52-9-7
Rcbcs cs bargatcs rgsgrvebcs g prctgfabcs pghe hga.
E rgprcbuæëc nëc eutcrazebe bgstg oetgraeh, nc tcbc cu go pertg, kcnstatua vacheæëc bc
kcpyrafdt-Hga nc 1.950/14.
Bgpûsatc hgfeh ne Jajhactgke Nekacneh kcnicrog Bgkrgtc nc 5.4:7, bg :0 bg bgzgojrc bg 5106.
Kepe< Jaenkd Pahct Rreananf
Bgsafn fråiakc gjccm< Vehtgr [entcs
Ouatc kuabebc g táknake icreo goprgfebcs ne gbaæëc bgste cjre. Pcráo, pcbgo ckcrrgr grrcs
bg bafateæëc, aoprgssëc cu büvabe kcnkgatueh. Go quehqugr bes dapûtgsgs, schakateocs e
kcounakeæëc à ncsse Kgntreh bg Etgnbaogntc, pere qug pcsseocs gskhergkgr cu gnkeoander e
Kgntreh bg Etgnbaogntc<
g-oeah< etgnbaogntc@gbatcrejaenkd.kco.jr
satg< www.gbatcrejaenkd.kco.jr
Bebcs Antgrnekacneas bg Ketehcfeæëc ne Pujhakeæëc (KAP)
(Kêoere Jresahgare bc Havrc, [P, Jresah)
Jaenkdana, Bgnas
Nevgfeæëc eárge vasueh pere pahctc pravebc / Bgnas
7. gb. - [ëc Peuhc< Gbatcre Jaenkd, :052 .
A[JN 164-47-105;52-9-7
5. Evaebcrgs - Gstubc g gnsanc A. Rïtuhc.
Ïnbakgs pere ketåhcfc sastgoåtakc<
5. Nevgfeæëc vasueh< pahctc pravebc 9:1.5;06
:. Gstubc g gnsanc< egrcnåutake 9:1.5;06
Ichde bg rcstc
Iakde ketehcfråiake
Nevgfeæëc vasueh cu pcr kcntetc
Nevgfeæëc gstaoebe
Nevgfeæëc ghgtrònake
Zebac nevgfeæëc
Nevgfeæëc kghgstaeh
Nevgfeæëc pcr setáhatg
 E icroe be Rgrre
Kïrkuhcs oåxaocs g ogncrgs
Kïrkuhc oåxaoc
Kïrkuhc ogncr
 Ocvaogntcs be Rgrre
Anihuìnkae bc vgntc
 Oefngtasoc tgrrgstrg
Bgkhaneæëc oefnátake
Ankhaneæëc oefnátake
Bgsvac jüssche
Kcnstruæëc be kehunfe cu pá-bg-fehande
[astgoe bg Patct gståtakc
Prgssëc gståtake
Prgssëc banêoake
Anbakeæ÷gs bc vghckïogtrc
Anbakeæ÷gs bc ehtïogtrc
Grrcs bc ehtïogtrc
 Elustg bc ehtïogtrc
Kdgqug bc ehtïogtrc nc schc
Rurn kccrbanetcr
Dcrazcntg ertaiakaeh
Farc bargkacneh
 Ehandeogntc bc farc bargkacneh
Kdgqug bc farc bargkacneh
Jüssche oefnátake
 Ocvaogntc be Rgrre g bc [ch
Zgheæëc tgopc-hcnfatubg
Iusc dcrårac
Iusc Dcrårac nc Jresah
Hande antgrnekacneh bg oubenæe bg bete
Rapcs bg dcres
Dcre Wnavgrseh Kccrbgnebe (WRK)
Dcre Hckeh (DHC)
Dcre Hgfeh (DHG)
Dcre be \cne (D\)
Dcrårac jresahgarc bg vgrëc (DJY)
Kåhkuhcs gnvchvgnbc dcres
Kåhkuhcs gnvchvgnbc dcre WRK
Kåhkuhcs gnvchvgnbc Dcre Hckeh (DHC)
Kåhkuhcs gnvchvgnbc Dcre be \cne (D\)
Anihuìnkae ne bgkchefgo g pcusc
Ygntc kruzebc cu bg trevás
Anihuìnkae nc vcc go rcte
Iekgs bc kcoputebcr bg vcc
Iekg bg kåhkuhc (E)
Iekg bc vgntc (J)
Kepekabebg vchuoátrake
Wnabebgs bg ogbabe bg vghckabebg
Wnabebgs bg ogbabe bg bastênkae
Kåhkuhcs gnvchvgnbc rgfre bg trìs saophgs
Yghckabebg, tgopc g bastênkae
Kcnsuoc g festc bg kcojustïvgh
Zezëc, quentabebg g tgopc bg sujabe cu bgskabe
Kåhkuhcs bg vghckabebg
Yghckabebg egrcbanêoake
Nüogrc Oekd
Kåhkuhcs bg ehtatubg
 Ehtatubg bgnsabebg
 Ehtatubg vgrbebgare
Kåhkuhcs bg vgntc
Kåhkuhc be prce vgrbebgare (PY) g vghckabebg nc schc (Y[)
Kåhkuhc bc ruoc vgrbebgarc (ZY) g vghckabebg nc schc (Y[)
Kåhkuhc be bargæëc g vghckabebg bc vgntc
 Eutcncoae g ehkenkg
Kcnbaæëc be trapuheæëc
Kcnbaæëc be egrcnevg
Kcnbaæ÷gs ogtgcrchûfakes
Bgianaæëc be rcte
Kåhkuhcs bg sujabe, kruzgarc g bgskabe
Kåhkuhc bg kcojustïvgh
Prggnkdaogntc bc phenc bg vcc
Phenc bg kcntanfìnkae
[aouhenbc c phengleogntc bc vcc
5 - Enåhasg bes kcnbaæ÷gs ogtgcrchûfakes
: - Bgianaæëc be rcte (nevgfeæëc dcrazcnteh)
; - Bebcs bg sujabe, kruzgarc g bgskabe (nevgfeæëc vgrtakeh)
2 - Eutcncoae
7 - Kåhkuhc bg kcojustïvgh
9 - Phenc bg kcntanfìnkae
6 - Bebcs ianeas bc phengleogntc
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Kerektgrïstakes bc anstruogntc EBI
Jhcqugenbc c NBJ
 Oerkeæëc rghetave
 Oerkeæëc oefnátake (UBO)
Hande bg pcsaæëc (UBZ)
Zgprgsgnteæëc bc NBJ nes kertes egrcnåutakes
Kerektgrïstakes bc anstruogntc YCZ
Anbakeæ÷gs bc anstruogntc YCZ
Jhcqugenbc c YCZ
Zgprgsgnteæëc bc YCZ nes kertes egrcnåutakes
Kerektgrïstakes bc anstruogntc AH[
Kcopcngntgs bc AH[
57 | FP[
Prankïpacs bg iunkacneogntc
Pcssïvgas grrcs
C usc bc FP[ nuo vcc vasueh
 Oátcbcs bg nevgfeæëc
 E Rgrre g e nevgfeæëc eárge
Cragnteæëc scjrg e supgriïkag be Rgrre
Wnabebgs bg ogbabe
Rapcs bg rctes
 Oepes g kertes
Prces g ruocs
Rgopc g iuscs dcråracs
 E anihuìnkae bc vgntc ne nevgfeæëc
Kcoputebcr bg vcc
Kåhkuhcs bg nevgfeæëc
Cutres pujhakeæ÷gs
[cjrg e Gbatcre
Gbatcre Jaenkd
[cjrg c Eutcr
Gstg havrc iez pertg be kchgæëc bg havrcs be Gbatcre Jaenkd, pere c
trganeogntc bg pahctc pravebc, qug vase quehaiaker c ehunc pere e
rgehazeæëc be prcve bg kcndgkaogntcs tgûrakcs be ENEK.
Nc havrc Nevgfeæëc Eárge Yasueh pere Pahctc Pravebc c ehunc tgrå e
cpcrtunabebg bg sg prgperer pere e prcve bg nevgfeæëc be ENEK,
gstubenbc pcr uo oetgraeh kuabebcseogntg prgperebc pere qug c
ehunc ejscrve tcbc c essuntc bg icroe sukante g giakez.
Gstg havrc, essao kcoc tcbcs cs cutrcs qug kcop÷go gste kchgæëc,
ica gskratc kco uoe hanfuefgo saophgs g bargte, e iao bg tcrner e
hgature hgvg g prcbutave. Icreo utahazebes bgzgnes bg iafures g
aoefgns, pcas tgocs e kgrtgze qug teas ahustreæ÷gs tcrneo e ejscræëc
bc essuntc oeas iåkah.
Rcbc c kcntgübc bgstg havrc gstå jesgebc nc kcntgübc
prcfreoåtakc gstejghgkabc pghe ENEK pere e prcve tgûrake bg
nevgfeæëc eárge pere pahctc pravebc, pcráo, ica ankhuïbc uo kepïtuhc
gxtrekurrakuher, scjrg c FP[. Ngstg kepïtuhc c hgatcr pcbgrå gnkcntrer
es anicroeæ÷gs jåsakes bgstg, qug á uo bcs sastgoes qug vgo
fendenbc oeas gspeæc ne nevgfeæëc eárge ncs ühtaocs encs g tgnbg e
sg kcnschaber kebe vgz oeas ngste årge.
Ncs kepïtuhcs anakaeas treteocs bg essuntcs oeas tgûrakcs, kcoc cs
oátcbcs bg nevgfeæëc utahazebcs, e enåhasg be supgriïkag be Rgrre g
sues kerektgrïstakes g pcstgracrogntg anfrgsseocs ne pertg oeas
pråtake be nevgfeæëc. Anakaehogntg baskutargocs cs oepes g es kertes
utahazebes ne nevgfeæëc, es unabebgs bg ogbabes utahazebes kcoc
pebrëc ne evaeæëc g es icroes bg cragnteæëc.
Prcssgfuanbc kco e hgature bc havrc, c ehunc gnkcntrerå e bgianaæëc
g e icroe kcrrgte bg utahazer cs anstruogntcs jåsakcs goprgfebcs ne
nevgfeæëc vasueh. Go sgfuabe iehergocs scjrg c tgopc g c iusc
dcrårac, essuntcs tgûrakcs, oes bg frenbg ephakejahabebg pråtake.
Go sgfuabe kcogæe e pertg bc havrc go qug cs kåhkuhcs nëc oeas sg
rgstranfgo à tgcrae, quenbc c ehunc anakaerå cs trganeogntcs kco c
kcoputebcr bg vcc, pere eprgnbgr e oenusger g gxgkuter cs
prankapeas kåhkuhcs rgehazebcs ngstg eperghdc.
Pere ianehazer e pertg bg nevgfeæëc vasueh, då uo kepïtuhc ouatc
aopcrtentg g bg frenbg ephakejahabebg pråtake, c bg phengleogntc bc
vcc. Ngstg kepïtuhc c ehunc sgrå antrcbuzabc ec bae e bae bg uo vcc
vasueh, cnbg sgrå rgehazebc uo vcc saouhebc pere qug c ehunc kcogkg
e tgr kcntetc kco e rctane cpgrekacneh, bgsbg e enåhasg bes kcnbaæ÷gsogtgcrchûfakes etá e eutcenåhasg bg sues kcnbaæ÷gs iïsakes g ognteas
pere e rgehazeæëc bc vcc.
Go sgfuabe c ehunc sgrå eprgsgntebc ecs kcnkgatcs jåsakcs bc vcc
pcr anstruogntc, qug pere qugo arå prcssgfuar kerrgare ne evaeæëc,
gstg á c prûxaoc pessc epûs e cjtgnæëc be dejahateæëc bg pahctc
Pcr ühtaoc, c ehunc gnkcntrerå våraes qugst÷gs nc pebrëc be prcve
be ENEK, pere qug pcsse trganer tubc equahc qug ica gstubebc.
Rgocs e kgrtgze qug epûs e hgature bgstg havrc, ehaebc e uo gstubc
bgbakebc g kcnstentg go rgheæëc e gste oetárae, vckì gsterå prgperebc
pere e rgehazeæëc be prcve tgûrake bg nevgfeæëc eárge vasueh be
ENEK. Pcrtentc, gstubg g jcns vccs!
[ëc Peuhc, 04 bg ncvgojrc bg :052
Bgnas Jaenkdana
Ngstg praogarc kepïtuhc, enehasergocs cs pcssïvgas oátcbcs bg
nevgfeæëc eárge, cu sgle, queas es oengares baspcnïvgas pere qug c
pahctc kcnbuze c vcc bg uo pcntc e cutrc bg icroe giakez g prgkase.
Ngstg havrc ejcrbergocs kco oeas ìniesg e nevgfeæëc vasueh g e
gstaoebe, uoe vgz qug c cjlgtavc bc kursc bg pahctc pravebc á
prgperer c iuturc pahctc pere gstg tapc bg vcc. Gstg oátcbc bg
nevgfeæëc á oeas baiunbabc ne evaeæëc bg ogncr pcrtg, kcoc
vgrgocs e sgfuar.
E rebac nevgfeæëc, e nevgfeæëc ghgtrònake g e pcr setáhatg teojáo
sgrëc ejcrbebes ngstg kepïtuhc, pcráo, bg uoe icroe oeas
supgriakaeh, uoe vgz qug pere e cjtgnæëc be dejahateæëc bg pahctc
pravebc, nëc sgrå kcjrebc bc ehunc kcndgkaogntc oeas eophc scjrg
gstgs oátcbcs.
Nevgfeæëc vasueh cu pcr kcntetc
E nevgfeæëc eárge vasueh, teojáo kcndgkabe kcoc nevgfeæëc pcr
kcntetc, á c oátcbc bg nevgfeæëc oeas saophgs, go qug c pahctc
oentáo kcnstentg kcntetc vasueh kco c tgrrgnc g etrevás bg pcntcs bg
rgigrìnkaes ne supgriïkag gstejghgkg e sue nevgfeæëc. Cs pcntcs bg
rgigrìnkae utahazebcs sëc cs oeas veraebcs pcssïvgas, kcoc racs,
gstrebes, pcntgs, ocrrcs, igrrcvaes, egrûbrcocs, hefcs, gtk.
Gstg tapc bg nevgfeæëc á oeas goprgfebc ne evaeæëc bg pgqugnc
pcrtg, pcrqug sëc egrcnevgs oeas hgntes g qug vceo e jeaxe ehtatubg,
pgroatanbc essao, qug c pahctc tgnde sgoprg c kcntetc vasueh kco e
supgriïkag g kco cs pcntcs bg rgigrìnkae gstejghgkabcs.
Nc anïkac be kerrgare, c pahctc nevgfe ouatc etrevás bgstg oátcbc
bg nevgfeæëc, qug epgser bg sgr prgkårac sg kcoperebc kco cs etueas
ogacs bg nevgfeæëc baspcnïvgas, hdg icrngkg uoe jesg sûhabe pere qug
pcstgracrogntg anakag c trganeogntc bc vcc pcr anstruogntcs.
Ne iafure ejeaxc tgocs uo jco gxgophc bg uoe nevgfeæëc vasueh.
E egrcnevg gstå rgehazenbc uo vcc bc pcntc E pere c pcntc J, g
utahaze kcoc rgigrìnkae c rac, e gstrebe g e igrrcvae. Pcrtentc, burentg c
phengleogntc be nevgfeæëc, c pahctc gstubcu e kerte ejeaxc (VEK) g
kcnkhuau qug sg vcessg tgnbc kcoc rgigrìnkae e oerfgo bc rac, e
gstrebe g e igrrcvae, arae kdgfer ec sgu bgstanc (pcntc J).
Nevgfeæëc gstaoebe
Gstg á c oátcbc pghc queh c pahctc rgehaze kåhkuhcs pere bgtgroaner
cs gstaoebcs go kebe uo bcs pcntcs (weypcant) be rcte. Etrevás be
enåhasg, burentg c vcc, bgstgs kåhkuhcs, á pcssïvgh tgr c kcndgkaogntc
be hckehazeæëc be egrcnevg. Cs anstruogntcs jåsakcs goprgfebcs
ngstg tapc bg nevgfeæëc sëc< jüssche, vghckïogtrc g rghûfac.
E nevgfeæëc gstaoebe pcbg sgr utahazebe go kcnluntc kco e
nevgfeæëc vasueh, cu kco e nevgfeæëc pcr anstruogntcs. Gstg oátcbc
bg nevgfeæëc, ehaebc à nevgfeæëc vasueh sgrå e jesg bgstg havrc, g
teojáo e oengare pghe queh c pahctc kco e dejahateæëc bg pahctc
pravebc arå nevgfer go sgus vccs.
Pere kcoprggnbgr oghdcr gstg oátcbc, veocs utahazer e iafure
ekaoe kcoc gxgophc. Entgracrogntg ica kcogntebc qug c pahctc arå
bc pcntc E ec pcntc J utahazenbc es rgigrìnkaes vasueas pere sg
cragnter go sue nevgfeæëc. Pcas jgo, oes quentc tgopc arå burer
gste vaefgo3 Go quentc tgopc arå scjrgvcer teh pcntc be rcte3 Uueh e
prce qug sgrå goprgfebe3 Rcbes gstes pgrfuntes sëc rgspcnbabes
etrevás bcs kåhkuhcs qug vgrgocs ec hcnfc bgstg havrc g qug gnfhcjeo
e nevgfeæëc gstaoebe.
Nevgfeæëc ghgtrònake
Á c oátcbc bg nevgfeæëc pghc queh e pcsaæëc be egrcnevg á
kehkuhebe etrevás bg gquapeogntcs ghgtrònakcs, kepezgs bg bgtgroaner
c sgu pcsakacneogntc bg uoe icroe ouatc oeas ekurebe g råpabe.
Cjvaeogntg á uo oátcbc ouatc oeas prgkasc bc qug cs qug icreo
kcogntebcs entgracrogntg, pcráo, nëc kcnváo gstgnbgr c gstubc
bgstg essuntc dele vaste sgr uo oátcbc goprgfebc go egrcnevgs
oeas ocbgrnes g qug icfg bc prcfreoe rgqugrabc pere c kursc bg
pahctc pravebc.
Zebac nevgfeæëc
Ngstg oátcbc bg nevgfeæëc, gquapeogntcs anstehebcs ne egrcnevg
kepteo cnbes bg råbac goatabes pcr gsteæ÷gs go tgrre, g etrevás be
antgrprgteæëc bgstgs anstruogntcs, c pahctc kcnsgfug bgtgroaner e
pcsaæëc be egrcnevg.
Á uo oátcbc jestentg utahazebc ncs baes etueas, g qug vckì arå
gstuber oeas bgtehdebeogntg nc kursc bg pahctc kcogrkaeh/AIZ. Ngstg
havrc epgnes baskcrrgrgocs scjrg cs espgktcs jåsakcs bg ehfuns bcs
prankapeas anstruogntcs bg rebac nevgfeæëc, kcoc c EBI g c YCZ.
Ne ahustreæëc ekaoe, tgocs c gxgophc bg uoe egrcnevg qug utahaze
es cnbes goatabes pcr uoe gsteæëc YCZ pere bgtgroaner e sue
Nevgfeæëc kghgstaeh
Ngstg oátcbc, teojáo kcndgkabc kcoc nevgfeæëc estrcnòoake, c
nevgfebcr sg hckehaze utahazenbc c [ch, e Hue cu cutrc kcrpc kghgstaeh
kcoc rgigrìnkae pere e bgtgroaneæëc be pcsaæëc. Gstg tapc bg
nevgfeæëc á oeas baiunbabc ne nevgfeæëc oerïtaoe.
Jesakeogntg c nevgfebcr utahaze uo sgxtentg, qug á c anstruogntc
utahazebc pere bgtgroaner e ehtatubg bg uo kcrpc kghgstaeh, go freus,
go rgheæëc ec dcrazcntg, g e pertar bea bgtgroaner e sue prûprae
Pcr sgr ouatc pcukc goprgfebc ne evaeæëc, nëc ncs
eprciunbergocs ngstg oátcbc bg nevgfeæëc, c aopcrtentg á qug vckì
seaje go qug sg jesgae gste icroe tëc entafe bg nevgfer.
Nevgfeæëc pcr setáhatg
E nevgfeæëc pcr setáhatg tgo c FP[ (Fhcjeh Pcsatacnanf [ystgo)
kcoc sgu prankapeh gxpcgntg. [go büvabe ehfuoe c oátcbc bg
nevgfeæëc qug oeas vgo sg gxpenbanbc e kebe bae, nëc sû ne evaeæëc
oes teojáo go cutrcs ogacs, jeste enehaserocs cs vgïkuhcs etueas,
ecnbg ouatcs bghgs lå vìo kco c FP[ bg iåjrake, pere qug c octcraste
pcsse sg hckehazer kco aognse prgkasëc g iekahabebg. Cs octavcs pghcs
queas c usc bc FP[ tgo sg gxpenbabc tentc á e sue iekahabebg bg usc,
 jeaxc kustc g prgkasëc.
Jesakeogntg, gstg sastgoe á kcopcstc pcr uoe kcnstgheæëc bg :2
setáhatgs go ûrjate scjrg e Rgrre, qug trensoatgo saneas e rgkgptcrgs
pgroatanbc e bgtgroaneæëc prgkase be pcsaæëc fgcfråiake.
Nëc gntrergocs efcre go oeas bgtehdgs scjrg c iunkacneogntc bc
FP[, pcas nc ianeh bc havrc då uo kepïtuhc antgareogntg bgbakebc ec
sgu iunkacneogntc g sues kerektgrïstakes jåsakes.
Ngstg kepïtuhc ejcrbergocs es kerektgrïstakes bc phengte Rgrre g es
oengares pere e bgtgroaneæëc bg uo pcntc etrevás bg kccrbgnebes
fgcfråiakes. Pere qug pcsseocs kdgfer ec sastgoe bg kccrbgnebes
fgcfråiakes kco uo oeacr kcndgkaogntc bg keuse, enehasergocs
praogarc ehfuns kcnkgatcs jåsakcs, prcpcrkacnenbc ec ehunc uoe
vasëc oeas eophe scjrg c essuntc.
E icroe be Rgrre
E icroe be Rgrre nëc á gxeteogntg e bg uoe gsigre, pcas då uo
pgqugnc ekdeteogntc ncs pchcs, bgvabc ec ocvaogntc bg rcteæëc. E
baigrgnæe bg baêogtrc gntrg cs pchcs g c Gquebcr á pgqugne,
eprcxaoebeogntg 27mo, c qug nëc keuse ngnduoe antgrigrìnkae
safnaiakentg à nevgfeæëc.
Nëc á ngkgssårac qug vckì tgnde gstgs vehcrgs go ogntg, epgnes á
aopcrtentg qug vckì seaje bc ekdeteogntc be Rgrre ncs pchcs, e
prankapeh kerektgrïstake bg sue icroe.
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Kïrkuhcs oåxaocs g ogncrgs
E Rgrre pcbg sgr bavababe go våracs phencs, g c kcndgkaogntc bg
teas pcssajahabebgs bg bavasëc iekahaterå e kcoprggnsëc bcs essuntcs
qug sgrëc ejcrbebcs ngstg havrc. Jesakeogntg e Rgrre pcbg sgr bavabe
go kïrkuhcs oåxaocs g ogncrgs, kcnicrog sgrå vastc e sgfuar.
Kïrkuhc oåxaoc
Uuenbc uoe gsigre á bavababe go bues pertgs afueas, pcr uo
phenc, gstg phenc pesse pghc kgntrc be gsigre icroenbc c kïrkuhc
oåxaoc. [ëc gxgophcs bg kïrkuhc oåxaoc ehande bc Gquebcr, cs
ograbaencs (ankhusavg c ograbaenc bg Frggnwakd) g quehqugr cutrc
phenc qug pessg pghc kgntrc be Rgrre.
Kïrkuhc ogncr
Uuenbc uoe gsigre á bavababe go bues pertgs bgsafueas, pcr uo
phenc qug nëc pesse pghc kgntrc be gsigre, gstg phenc á bgncoanebc
bg kïrkuhc ogncr. [ëc gxgophcs bg kïrkuhc ogncr, cs perehghcs, cs
trûpakcs, g quehqugr cutrc phenc qug bavabe e Rgrre go pertgs
Ocvaogntcs be Rgrre
E Rgrre fare go tcrnc bg sgu gaxc aoefanårac, nuo ocvaogntc
kcndgkabc kcoc rcteæëc. Gstg gaxc pcssua uoe ankhaneæëc bg :;,7°, g
gsse ankhaneæëc keuse ehfuoes ehtgreæ÷gs, prankapehogntg nes gsteæ÷gs
bc enc.
C ocvaogntc bg rcteæëc be Rgrre tgo bureæëc bg :2 dcres, sgnbc
rgehazebc nc sgntabc enta-dcrårac. Gstg ocvaogntc á c rgspcnsåvgh
pghe sukgssëc bcs baes g bes ncatgs.
C ocvaogntc qug e Rgrre gxgkute ec rgbcr bc [ch á bgncoanebc bg
trensheæëc. Gstg ocvaogntc, qug hgve eprcxaoebeogntg ;97 baes g 9
dcres pere sg kcophgter, c gquavehgntg e uo enc, á c rgspcnsåvgh
pghes gsteæ÷gs bc enc.
C ograbaenc á uoe sgoakarkunigrìnkae (540 freus) bg uo kïrkuhc
oåxaoc, haoatebc pghcs pchcs. Rcbc ograbaenc anbake c ncrtg/suh
vgrbebgarcs, g tcbcs ghgs kruzeo c Gquebcr nuo ênfuhc bg 10°.
Á tcbc kïrkuhc ogncr pgrpgnbakuher ec gaxc be Rgrre g, pcrtentc,
perehghc ec Gquebcr. Cs perehghcs veraeo bg 0 e 10°, tgnbc c Gquebcr
kcoc hande bavasûrae. E prankapeh iunæëc bcs perehghcs á anbaker e
pcsaæëc ncrtg cu suh, go rgheæëc à hande bc Gquebcr.
Hande bc Gquebcr
E hande bc Gquebcr á uo kïrkuhc oåxaoc pgrpgnbakuher ec gaxc
pcher be Rgrre, kule prankapeh ianehabebg á bavabar e Rgrre go
dgoasiárac ncrtg g suh.
[astgoe bg kccrbgnebes fgcfråiakes
C sastgoe bg pcsakacneogntc bg uo pcntc ne supgriïkag be Rgrre
etrevás bg kccrbgnebes fgcfråiakes goprgfe e hetatubg g e hcnfatubg
pere bgianar e pcsaæëc gxete bc pcntc. E hetatubg anicroerå e
hckehazeæëc bc pcntc go rgheæëc ec Gquebcr g e hcnfatubg anbakerå e
hckehazeæëc bc pcntc go rgheæëc ec ograbaenc bg Frggnwakd. E unaëc
bgstes bues pcsaæ÷gs, hetatubg g hcnfatubg, pcssajahaterå e bgianaæëc
gxete bg uo pcntc ne supgriïkag tgrrgstrg.
Anakaehogntg enehasergocs cs kcnkgatcs bg hetatubg g hcnfatubg, qug
pcr sgrgo e jesg bc sastgoe bg kccrbgnebes fgcfråiakes, bgvgo sgr
enehasebcs kco oeas etgnæëc. Pcstgracrogntg sgrå gstubebc e oengare
kcrrgte bg sg gxprgsser e kccrbgnebe bg uo pcntc. G pere ianehazer,
gstubergocs kcoc gnkcntrer uo pcntc nuoe kerte, etrevás bg
kccrbgnebes fgcfråiakes.
E hetatubg bg uo pcntc á uo erkc (bastênkae enfuher) ogbabc ec
hcnfc bc ograbaenc, etá c pcntc gstapuhebc, g e hande bc Gquebcr. E
hetatubg á gxprgsse go freus, oanutcs g sgfunbcs, kcoprggnbabcs
gntrg 0° g 10°, sgnbc etá 10° pere c ncrtg cu 10° pere c suh bc Gquebcr.
Nc Gquebcr e hetatubg á afueh e 0°.
Ne iafure 5, c pcntc E gstå hckehazebc ne hetatubg ;0°N, cu sgle, e
ejgrture enfuher gntrg gstg pcntc g e hande bc Gquebcr á bg ;0° ec
E hcnfatubg bg uo pcntc, á e ogncr bastênkae bg uo erkc ec hcnfc
bc Gquebcr, gntrg c ograbaenc bg Frggnwakd g c ograbaenc go qug sg
hckehaze c pcntc gstejghgkabc. E hcnfatubg teojáo á gxprgsse go
freus, oanutcs g sgfunbcs, pcráo, kcoprggnbabcs gntrg 0° g 540°,
sgnbc etá 540° pere cgstg (V) cu 540° pre hgstg (G), go rgheæëc ec
ograbaenc bg Frggnwakd.
Ne iafure 5, c pcntc E gstå hckehazebc ne hcnfatubg 90°G, cu sgle, e
ejgrture enfuher gntrg gstg pcntc g c ograbaenc bg Frggnwakd á bg
90° ec hgstg.
E bgsafneæëc bg uoe kccrbgnebe fgcfråiake
Pere qug c sgu prcpûsatc tgnde gigatc, e kccrbgnebe fgcfråiake bgvg
sgr gxprgsse kcrrgteogntg, scj pgne bg nëc sgr pcssïvgh e bgianaæëc be
hckehazeæëc bg uo pcntc ne supgriïkag tgrrgstrg. E bgsafneæëc bg uoe
kccrbgnebe fgcfråiake arå unar e hetatubg g e hcnfatubg bg uo pcntc, g
e icroe oeas kcouo á e bc sastgoe bg freus, oanutcs g sgfunbcs,
kcoc vgrgocs e sgfuar.
Entgs bg enehaserocs e gstruture bg kcnstruæëc be bgsafneæëc bg
uoe kccrbgnebe fgcfråiake, veocs enehaser e iafure e sgfuar. Ngste
iafure unaocs e hetatubg g e hcnfatubg enehasebes ne påfane entgracr, c
qug ncs pcssajahatcu e bgtgroaneæëc be hckehazeæëc bc pcntc ne Rgrre.
Pcrtentc, tgocs c pcntc E hckehazebc ne hetatubg ;0°N g hcnfatubg
90°G, qug bgvgrå sgr gxprgsse kcoc ;0°N - 090°G. Á saophgs essao,
 jeste unarocs hetatubg g hcnfatubg pere gnkcntrerocs e hckehazeæëc bg
quehqugr pcntc.
Wo pcntc aopcrtentïssaoc ec enehaserocs e bgsafneæëc bg uoe
kccrbgnebe fgcfråiake, á e anicroeæëc bc dgoasiárac kcrrgspcnbgntg
e hetatubg (N cu [) g e hcnfatubg (V cu G).
E hcnfatubg sgrå sgoprg gxprgsse go V (wgst, cgstg go anfhìs) cu
G (gest, hgstg go anfhìs) g e hetatubg sgrå sgoprg gxprgsse go N (ncrtd,
ncrtg go anfhìs) cu [ (scutd, suh go anfhìs). E anicroeæëc scjrg c
dgoasiárac kcrrgspcnbgntg, tentc be hetatubg quentc be hcnfatubg, varå
sgoprg entgs cu epûs cs freus (gx. 7:°:0²;9²²N).
E hetatubg sgrå sgoprg gxprgsse etá 10° g e hcnfatubg etá 540°, sgnbc
essao, cs freus bg hetatubg sgrëc rgprgsgntebcs pcr bcas bïfatcs (gx.
50°01²[), g cs freus bg hcnfatubg sgrëc rgprgsgntebcs pcr trìs bïfatcs
(gx. 005°72²V).
Cs oanutcs g cs sgfunbcs nëc pcbgrëc gxkgbgr 71. Ygle c gxgophc
ejeaxc pere kcoprggnbgr oghdcr.
50°0:²64²²[ -> 50°0;²54²²[ -> sgoprg qug gxkgbgr 71 bgvg-sg sujtrear
90 pere kcnvgrtgr cs sgfunbcs go oanutcs, cu, cs oanutcs go freus.
Ygle cutrc gxgophc.
009°10²G -> 006°;0G -> cs 10² icreo kcnvgrtabcs go 5° g ;0² pere qug
e kccrbgnebe icssg gxprgsse bg icroe kcrrgte.
Cs kåhkuhcs gnvchvgnbc ênfuhcs sgrëc gxphakebcs kco oeas
bgtehdgs nes prûxaoes påfanes, pere qug vckì pcsse rgkcrber e
oengare kcrrgte bg rgehazer gstes cpgreæ÷gs.
Phctefgo bg kccrbgnebes fgcfråiakes
C qug sgrå vastc equa á jgo saophgs, epgnes argocs pgfer uoe
kccrbgnebe fgcfråiake g hckehazå-he nuoe kerte egrcnåutake, oeas
gspgkaiakeogntg ne kerte VEK, kerte utahazebe ncs vccs vasueas, g qug
sgrå eopheogntg baskutabe g utahazebe ngstg havrc g nc kursc bg pahctc
Ne hckehazeæëc bg uoe kccrbgnebe, vckì arå utahazer cs kcnkgatcs
qug icreo ejcrbebcs ngstg kepïtuhc. Á ouatc aopcrtentg qug vckì
seaje hckehazer kco iekahabebg uoe kccrbgnebe, pcas assc sgrå
aopcrtentg pere tcbe e sue kerrgare ne evaeæëc, uoe vgz qug gstg á uo
bcs kcnkgatcs jåsakcs bg quehqugr nevgfeæëc, sgle ghe vasueh, pcr
anstruogntc, ghgtrònake cu pcr setáhatgs. Yeocs gntëc e pertg pråtake.
Ne iafure ejeaxc tgocs uoe pertg be kerte VEK be rgfaëc bg
Oekgaû, go Ehefces, ngste kerte icreo phctebcs bcas pcntcs, E g J. C
ncssc cjlgtavc sgrå bgianar es kccrbgnebes fgcfråiakes bgstgs pcntcs.
Pcr sgr epgnes uoe pertg be kerte, iakeocs uo pcukc haoatebcs,
pcas nëc tgocs ekgssc e tcbcs cs bebcs kcntabcs go tcbe e kerte,
pcráo, cs prankapeas bebcs qug ngkgssateocs gstëc prgsgntgs ne iafure
ejeaxc, g ncs pcssajahaterå e hckehazeæëc bes kccrbgnebes bg kebe
pcntc. Ejeaxc e sgquìnkae pessc e pessc.
5. bgianar go queh dgoasiárac cs pcntcs gstëc hckehazebcs. Rcbc c
Jresah gnkcntre-sg nc dgoasiárac Cgstg (V), pcráo, ngo tcbc c ncssc
tgrratûrac nekacneh gnkcntre-sg nc dgoasiárac [uh ([). E rgfaëc
enehasebe, kcntubc, hckehaze-sg nc dgoasiárac [uh, essao kcoc e oeacr
pertg bc peïs. Lå bgianaocs, pcrtentc, bcas aopcrtentgs espgktcs< cs
pcntcs E g J gnkcntreo-sg ncs dgoasiáracs [uh ([) g Cgstg (V).
:. kco c euxïhac bg uoe ráfue, argocs efcre utahazer e gskehe bg
hetatubgs pere gnkcntrerocs e hetatubg bcs pcntcs. Nctg qug eojcs cs
pcntcs gnkcntreo-sg ekaoe be hetatubg 50°, g kcoc gsteocs nc
dgoasiárac suh, ekaoe be hetatubg 50° bgvgrå tgr hetatubgs ogncrgs,
uoe vgz qug ec ncrtg då e hande bc Gquebcr, kule hetatubg á 0°.
Kco jesg ngssg rekackïnac utahazergocs e gskehe bg hetatubg pere
gnkcntrerocs e hetatubg bg kebe uo bcs pcntcs. Ngste gskehe, kebe
treæc frenbg gquavehg e 50² (oanutcs), g cs treæcs ogncrgs
kcrrgspcnbg kebe ênfuhc.
[COE< tentc ne scoe quentc ne sujtreæëc es cpgreæ÷gs bg freus,
oanutcs g sgfunbcs bgvgo sgr rgehazebes sgperebeogntg, g quenbc
icr prgkasc, uoe pcbgrå kcophgter e cutre, rgehazenbc e kcnvgrsëc.
Yglecs gxgophcs ejeaxc<
[WJRZEÆËC< sgfug e ogsoe hûfake enehasebe entgracrogntg. Ygle
cs gxgophcs ejeaxc<
BAYA[ËC< vgrgocs e bavasëc pcr :, qug sgrå e oeas utahazebe pcr
nûs. Á aopcrtentg trensicroer freus, oanutcs g sgfunbcs go
nüogrcs pergs entgs bg ber anïkac e cpgreæëc.
Baigrgnæe bg hetatubg (BHE)
C kåhkuhc bg baigrgnæe bg hetatubg ncs pgroatg kcndgkgr e ogncr
bastênkae gntrg bues hetatubgs. Då bcas kåhkuhcs bastantcs, uo
gnvchvgnbc hetatubgs nuo ogsoc dgoasiárac g c cutrc, hetatubgs go
dgoasiáracs bastantcs.
Nc kåhkuhc bg baigrgnæe bg hetatubg, e hcnfatubg bc pcntc á
bgsprgzïvgh, nëc sg iezgnbc ngkgssårac c sgu kcndgkaogntc pere c
Kcnicrog pcbgocs ncter nes iafures ekaoe, e baigrgnæe bg hetatubg
go uo ogsoc dgoasiárac sgrå kehkuhebe rgehazenbc e sujtreæëc be
oeacr hetatubg pghe ogncr, pcrtentc tgrgocs<
Kehkuhg e baigrgnæe gntrg es hetatubgs E (99°74²N) g J (;0°59²N).
Hgojrg-sg qug pere hetatubgs nc ogsoc dgoasiárac vckì bgvgrå
Kcnicrog pcbgocs ncter nes iafures ekaoe, e baigrgnæe bg hetatubg
go dgoasiáracs baigrgntgs sgrå kehkuhebe rgehazenbc e scoe gntrg es
Kehkuhg e baigrgnæe gntrg es hetatubgs E (99°74²[) g J (;0°59²N).
Hgojrg-sg qug pere hetatubgs bg dgoasiáracs baigrgntgs vckì bgvgrå
Hetatubg oábae (HO)
Á e bastênkae enfuher, e pertar bc Gquebcr, qug gstå hckehazebe
gxeteogntg gntrg bues hetatubgs, nuoe bastênkae gquavehgntg gntrg
eojes. Reojáo då bcas kåhkuhcs bastantcs, uo gnvchvgnbc hetatubgs
nuo ogsoc dgoasiárac g c cutrc, hetatubgs go dgoasiáracs baigrgntgs.
Pere c kåhkuhc be hetatubg oábae, gntrg hetatubgs nc ogsoc
dgoasiárac vckì bgvgrå scoer eojes es hetatubgs g bavabar c rgsuhtebc
pcr bcas. Ygle c gxgophc ejeaxc<
Kehkuhg e hetatubg oábae gntrg es hetatubgs E (99°74²N) g J (;0°59
Hgojrg-sg qug pere hetatubgs nc ogsoc dgoasiárac vckì bgvg
[COEZ g bgpcas bavabar c rgsuhtebc pcr :!
Pere c kåhkuhc be hetatubg oábae gntrg hetatubgs bg dgoasiáracs
baigrgntgs, vckì bgvgrå sujtrear e oeacr hetatubg pghe ogncr, g bavabar
c rgsuhtebc pcr bcas. Á aopcrtentg rgssehter, qug e hetatubg oábae
rgkgjgrå e hgtre (N cu [) be oeacr hetatubg. Ygle c gxgophc ejeaxc<
Kehkuhg e hetatubg oábae gntrg es hetatubgs E (99°74²[) g J (;0°59²N).
Hgojrg-sg qug pere hetatubgs bg dgoasiáracs baigrgntgs vckì bgvg
[WJRZEAZ g bgpcas bavabar c rgsuhtebc pcr :! C dgoasiárac be
hetatubg oábae sgrå c rgigrgntg e oeacr hetatubg bc kåhkuhc.
Á e bastênkae enfuher, e pertar bc Gquebcr, gntrg uoe bgtgroanebe
hetatubg g c pchc oeas prûxaoc. C kåhkuhc á jestentg saophgs, jeste
sujtrear e hetatubg pcr 10°.
Yeocs ecs kåhkuhcs. Kcoc batc entgracrogntg, argocs sujtrear e
hetatubg pcr 10°, vgle c gxgophc ejeaxc.
Kehkuhg e kchetatubg be hetatubg E (;0°59²N).
Baigrgnæe bg hcnfatubg (BHC)
Á e ogncr bastênkae gntrg bues hcnfatubgs. Då bcas kåhkuhcs
bastantcs, uo gnvchvg hcnfatubgs nuo ogsoc dgoasiárac g c cutrc,
hcnfatubgs go dgoasiáracs bastantcs.
Nc kåhkuhc bg baigrgnæe bg hcnfatubg, e hetatubg bc pcntc á
bgsprgzïvgh, nëc sg iezgnbc ngkgssårac c sgu kcndgkaogntc pere c
Kcnicrog ahustrebc nes iafures ekaoe, e baigrgnæe bg hcnfatubg go
uo ogsoc dgoasiárac sgrå kehkuhebe rgehazenbc e sujtreæëc be oeacr
hcnfatubg pghe ogncr, vgle<
Kehkuhg e baigrgnæe gntrg es hcnfatubgs E (09:°;2²G) g J (5:9°55²G).
Hgojrg-sg qug pere hcnfatubgs nc ogsoc dgoasiárac vckì bgvgrå
hetatubg g hcnfatubg. Yeocs ncs etgr efcre à hgature be bargæëc.
Ne påfane sgfuantg tgocs e iafure bg uoe kerte VEK, ne queh
icreo phctebcs bcas pcntcs (E g J), c ncssc cjlgtavc efcre á bgianar
queh e bargæëc qug bgvgrå sgr ebctebe pere searocs bc pcntc E g
kdgferocs nc pcntc J. Bues cjsgrveæ÷gs bgvgo sgr igates entgs bg
anakaerocs e pertg pråtake bgste qugstëc.
- es bargæ÷gs habes go quehqugr ograbaenc sgrëc sgoprg go rgheæëc
ec ncrtg vgrbebgarc.
- es bargæ÷gs sëc habes nc sgntabc dcrårac, tgnbc c ncrtg vgrbebgarc
kcoc rgigrìnkae.
Rehvgz vckì nëc tgnde gntgnbabc c pcrquì bg kdeoerocs c ncrtg
bg vgrbebgarc, ehfuns kepïtuhc e irgntg ejcrbergocs bg icroe jgo
bgtehdebe gstg essuntc, pcr gnquentc epgnes á rghgventg tgr c
kcndgkaogntc qug e bargæëc habe ncs ograbaencs á go rgheæëc ec ncrtg
Yeocs gntëc ianehogntg à pertg pråtake, vgle ejeaxc pessc e pessc, e
icroe kcrrgte bg gigtuerocs e hgature be bargæëc nuoe kerte.
- phcter cs pcntcs bg crafgo g bgstanc, pere qug sgle pcssïvgh
gstejghgkgr e rcte bg hafeæëc gntrg eojcs.
- gstejghgkgr c sgntabc be rcte.
- kco c euxïhac bg uo trensigrabcr argocs gnkcntrer e bargæëc be
rcte, pere assc bgvgrgocs pcsakacnå-hc, cu kgntrehazenbc-c go rgheæëc
e uo ograbaenc cu go rgheæëc e uo perehghc qug kruzg e rcte
gstejghgkabe. Kcoc go tcbes es kertes c ncrtg á pere kaoe, bgvgocs
pcsakacner c trensigrabcr teojáo ngste pcsaæëc.
- epûs pcsakacnerocs c trensigrabcr nuo ograbaenc cu nuo
perehghc, argocs hgr e anbakeæëc be bargæëc kcrrgspcnbgntg e rcte, pere
teh, á ouatc aopcrtentg qug seajeocs c sgntabc be rcte, scj pgne bg sg
cjtgr uoe bargæëc nc sgntabc cpcstc ec qug bgsgleocs.
Kcoc pcbgocs cjsgrver ne iafure ejeaxc, e bargæëc gnkcntrebe go
freus bargkacneas ica bg :06°.
Kcoc vckì pcbg pgrkgjgr nëc då oeacrgs baiakuhbebgs ne cjtgnæëc
be bargæëc be rcte go freus bargkacneas, g gstg prckgbaogntc sgrå
ouatc ütah nc phengleogntc bc vcc. Hgojrg-sg epgnes bg pcsakacner
kcrrgteogntg c trensigrabcr, bgaxenbc-c kgntrehazebc kco e rcte g
elustebc kco c ograbaenc cu perehghc, g ieæe e hgature be bargæëc
sgoprg cjsgrvenbc c sgntabc be rcte.
Ngstg kepïtuhc ejcrbergocs es unabebgs bg ogbabe bg bastênkae g
vghckabebg goprgfebes ne evaeæëc. Iehergocs teojáo scjrg e rgheæëc
gntrg cs freus bg uo erkc g e bastênkae, cu sgle, kcoc kcnvgrtgr, pcr
gxgophc, cs freus gnkcntrebcs nuoe BHE (baigrgnæe bg hetatubg) go
bastênkae go oahdes nåutakes.
Wnabebgs bg ogbabe bg bastênkae
E ogbabe bg sgpereæëc gntrg bcas pcntcs á bgncoanebe bg
bastênkae, g es unabebgs goprgfebes ngste ogbabe pcbgo veraer. Es
unabebgs bg ogbabe bg bastênkae oeas utahazebes sëc< quahòogtrc,
oahde tgrrgstrg g oahde nåutake.
Epgser bg iezgr pertg bc sastgoe oátrakc ebctebc pghc Jresah, c
quahòogtrc (Mo), bg uo ocbc fgreh, á pcukc utahazebc ne nevgfeæëc
eárge. Fgrehogntg kcnvgrtgocs es ogbabes pere quahòogtrc pcr
gsterocs oeas ieoahaerazebcs kco teh ogbabe.
Oahde tgrrgstrg
Ouatc utahazebe pghcs Gstebcs Wnabcs, e oahde tgrrgstrg, kule safhe á
[R ([tetutg Oahg), teojáo á pcukc goprgfebe ne nevgfeæëc eárge.
Oahde nåutake
E oahde nåutake, kule safhe á NO (Neutakeh Oahg), á e unabebg bg
ogbabe oeas utahazebe ne nevgfeæëc eárge. E oahde nåutake bgrave
bargteogntg be oahde fgcfråiake, qug kcrrgspcnbg ec vehcr
eprcxaoebc bg 5 oanutc bg kïrkuhc oåxaoc, kcoc vgrgocs e sgfuar.
Gste unabebg bg ogbabe á tëc baiunbabe ne nevgfeæëc eárge, pcr
pcbgr sgr ogbabe bargteogntg scjrg es kertes, ncs ograbaencs g scjrg
c Gquebcr, anbgpgnbgntgogntg be gskehe goprgfebe, tcrnenbc essao
c sgu usc ouatc kcnvgnagntg.
Ejeaxc e kcrrgheæëc gntrg es unabebgs bg ogbabe bg bastênkae.
5no ? 547:o cu 5,47:mo
5no ? 5,570st
5st ? 5901o cu 5,901mo
Wnabebgs bg ogbabe bg vghckabebg
Es unabebgs bg ogbabe bg vghckabebg bgraveo bes unabebgs bg
ogbabe bg bastênkae, cu sgle, kcoc c kåhkuhc be vghckabebg á e rezëc
gntrg e bastênkae pgrkcrrabe g c antgrvehc bg tgopc, e unabebg bg
ogbabe bg vghckabebg gstå bargteogntg rghekacnebe e unabebg bg
ogbabe bg bastênkae goprgfebe nc kåhkuhc pere e cjtgnæëc be
vghckabebg bc bgshckeogntc. Pcrtentc, uoe egrcnevg qug sg bgshcke e
uoe vghckabebg bg 40mt, pgrkcrrg go 5 dcre e bastênkae bg 40 oahdes
Kco jesg ngstes anicroeæ÷gs då trìs unabebgs bg ogbabe bg
Mo/d ? quahòogtrc pcr dcre
Oa ? oahde tgrrgstrg pcr dcre
Mt ? oahde nåutake pcr dcre
Kcoc vaocs entgracrogntg, ne nevgfeæëc eárge g ne evaeæëc bg uo
ocbc fgreh, e unabebg bg ogbabe bg bastênkae pebrëc á e oahde
nåutake (no), pcrtentc, e unabebg bg ogbabe bg vghckabebg pebrëc
teojáo bgrave be oahde nåutake, g kcrrgspcnbg ec nû (mt).
Ejeaxc e kcrrgheæëc gntrges unabebgs bg ogbabe bg vghckabebg.
5mt ? 5,47:mo/d
5mt ? 5,57oa/d
5oa/d ? 5,901mo/d
Wnabebgs fgcbásakes
E enåhasg bes unabebgs fgcbásakes, qug epgser bc ncog uo pcukc
bgskcndgkabc, nebe oeas á bc qug c gstubc qug tgo kcoc ianehabebg e
ogbaæëc g rgprgsgnteæëc be supgriïkag tgrrgstrg, cu sgle, pere c usc ne
nevgfeæëc eárge á e rgheæëc gntrg freu, erkc g bastênkae.
Kcoc vaocs entgracrogntg kebe oanutc bg uo kïrkuhc oåxaoc
(Gquebcr g ograbaencs) gquavehg e uoe oahde nåutake, kco jesg ngsse
rgheæëc enehasergocs efcre e oengare pghe queh pcbgocs cjtgr e
bastênkae gntrg bcas pcntcs, tgnbc kcoc anicroeæëc epgnes cs freus g
oanutcs qug cs sgpereo. Ygrgocs trìs icroes bg sg cjtgr e bastênkae=
etrevás bg uoe kerte egrcnåutake, etrevás be baigrgnæe bg hetatubg g
pghe baigrgnæe bg hcnfatubg.
Cjtgnæëc be bastênkae go uoe kerte egrcnåutake
Gste sgrå e oengare oeas usueh bg cjtgrocs e bastênkae etrevás bcs
freus bg uo erkc, pcas gstergocs kcnstentgogntg trejehdenbc kco es
kertes, tentc nc phengleogntc quentc nc vcc.
C oátcbc pere trensicroerocs freus g oanutcs go bastênkae á
ouatc saophgs, pcráo, praogarc bgvgocs cjtgr c vehcr go freus pere
bgpcas c trensicroerocs go oahdes nåutakes, qug á e unabebg bg
ogbabe bg bastênkae qug ncs antgrgsse. Ygle ejeaxc c prckgbaogntc
pessc e pessc, pere e cjtgnæëc be bastênkae bc pcntc E ec pcntc J.
- epûs phcterocs ne kerte es pcsaæ÷gs bg pertabe (E) g bg bgstanc
(J), bgvgrgocs treæer e rcte unanbc eojcs cs pcntcs.
- go sgfuabe, kco c euxïhac bg uo kcopessc, cu bg uoe ráfue,
ogbaocs e bastênkae gntrg gstgs pcntcs.
- e bastênkae cjtabe bgvg sgr scjrgpcste nuo ograbaenc quehqugr,
cu ne hande bc Gquebcr. E bastênkae gnkcntrebe e pertar bc ograbaenc
ica bg ;5 oanutcs bg erkc bg uo kïrkuhc oåxaoc, hcfc, kcoc kebe
oanutc gquavehg e uoe oahde nåutake, e bastênkae kcrrgspcnbg e ;5no.
- kcnkhuïocs gntëc qug e bastênkae bc pcntc E ec J á bg ;5no.
Kcoc vckì pcbg ncter, tcbc c prckgbaogntc á ouatc saophgs, då
epgnes trìs kcnsabgreæ÷gs e sgrgo igates.
- dejatug-sg e hckehazer e bastênkae go freus g oanutcs e pertar bg
uo ograbaenc quehqugr g nunke go uo perehghc, pcas nuo perehghc
uo oanutc nëc kcrrgspcnbg e uoe oahde.
- vckì pcbgrå utahazer tentc c kcopessc quentc e ráfue pere e
cjtgnæëc be bastênkae gntrg eojcs cs pcntcs.
- hgojrg-sg qug 5° ? 90², hcfc 5° ? 90no g 5²? 5no (gquavehìnkae
våhabe ncs ograbaencs g nc Gquebcr).
Cjtgnæëc be bastênkae etrevás be baigrgnæe bg hetatubg g
Fncoònake< pcntc bg vaste be prclgæëc á nc kgntrc be gsigre. Gstg
tapc bg crafgo á e oeas utahazebe (gxgophc< prclgæ÷gs Ogrketcr g
Gstgrgcfråiake<  pcntc bg vaste be prclgæëc á nc hebc cpcstc ec
pcntc bg tenfìnkae.
Crtcfråiake< pcntc bg vaste be prclgæëc á nc anianatc.
Rapcs bg prclgæ÷gs
Epgser bg nëc sgr pcssïvgh kraer uoe kerte sgo ngnduoe bastcræëc,
á pcssïvgh gskchdgr c tapc bg prclgæëc qug sg ebáque oghdcr es
ianehabebgs be kerte. Jesakeogntg sëc trìs cs oátcbcs cu tapcs bg
prclgæ÷gs< kahïnbrake, kònake g phene cu ezaouteh.
Prclgæëc kahïnbrake< sëc bgncoanebes essao pcrqug sëc igates pghc
gnvchvaogntc be gsigre tgrrgstrg pcr uo kahanbrc tenfgntg e ghe,
fgrehogntg tenfgntg ec Gquebcr (vgle e iafure be påfane e sgfuar).
Ngstg tapc bg prclgæëc es bastcræ÷gs prûxaoes ec ogac bc kahanbrc, cu
sgle, es hetatubgs oeas jeaxes sëc pgqugnes. C ankcnvgnagntg bgste
prclgæëc á e bgicroeæëc bes supgriïkags hckehazebes nes ehtes hetatubgs.
Es bues prclgæ÷gs kahïnbrakes oeas kcndgkabes sëc es bg Ogrketcr g
e bg Pgtgrs.
Enehasergocs oeas e irgntg kco oeas bgtehdgs epgnes e bg
Ogrketcr. Ejeaxc e iafure rgigrgntg à prclgæëc kahïnbrake, nctg qug e
crafgo á fncoònake.
Prclgæëc kònake<  á bgncoanebe bg kònake, pcrqug e supgriïkag
tgrrgstrg á prclgtebe scjrg uo kcng qug á pcstgracrogntg phenaiakebc.
Gstg tapc bg prclgæëc á kepez bg rgprgsgnter epgnes uo dgoasiárac cu
uoe pertg bghg, pcr nëc sg gstgnbgr eháo bc kgntrc be gsigre. Gsses
prclgæ÷gs sëc oeas utahazebes pere e rgprgsgnteæëc kertcfråiake bg
årges bg ehtes hetatubgs. E prclgæëc kònake oeas kcndgkabe g qug sgrå
enehasebe oeas ebaentg á e Heojgrt. Ejeaxc e iafure rgigrgntg e
prclgæëc kònake, nctg qug e crafgo teojáo á fncoònake.
Prclgæëc phene cu ezaouteh<  á e prclgæëc be supgriïkag tgrrgstrg
nuo phenc e pertar bg uo bgtgroanebc pcntc bg vaste, cu tenfgntg. C
pcntc bg tenfìnkae sg tcrne c kgntrc bgsse rgprgsgnteæëc kertcfråiake,
g es årges prûxaoes e gssg pcntc eprgsgnteo pgqugnes bgicroeæ÷gs,
pcráo, es oeas bastentgs sëc jestentg bastcrkabes. E prclgæëc phene cu
ezaouteh á fgrehogntg utahazebe nes kertes bg nevgfeæëc bg rgfa÷gs
kule hetatubg sgleo supgracrgs e 40 freus.
Es kertes jesgebes nes prclgæ÷gs kahïnbrakes g kònakes sëc
eopheogntg utahazebes ne nevgfeæëc eárge, prankapehogntg pcrqug<
- prgsgrveo e icroe, oanaoazenbc es bastcræ÷gs
- prgsgrveo e rgheæëc enfuher (prclgæëc kcnicrog)
- oentìo uoe rezcåvgh kcnstênkae be gskehe pcr tcbe e kerte
Kerte Ogrketcr
E prclgæëc bg Ogrketcr ica eprgsgntebe go 5791 pghc kertûfreic
Fgrerbus Ogrketcr. Gste prclgæëc kahïnbrake kcnicrog, kco kgrtes
ocbaiakeæ÷gs, rgprgsgnte cs ograbaencs g perehghcs go sgfogntcs bg
rgte pgrpgnbakuhergs gntrg sa, g cs ograbaencs sëc gquabastentgs. E
prclgæëc Ogrketcr á ogncs bastcrkabe ne rgfaëc gquetcraeh, pcráo
scirg frenbgs bastcræ÷gs go årges bg ghgvebe hetatubg. Kcoc pcbgocs
cjsgrver ne iafure ejeaxc, e Frcghênbae á rgprgsgntebe ne kerte
Ogrketcr kcoc tgnbc uoe årge saoaher e be Åirake, gojcre sgle quesg
trgzg vgzgs ogncr.
Es rctes hcxcbròoakes sëc rgprgsgntebes ngste prclgæëc etrevás bg
handes rgtes, c qug iekahate e hgature bc ruoc be nevgfeæëc. E prclgæëc
Ogrketcr á eopheogntg utahazebe ne nevgfeæëc oerïtaoe.
Ne kerte Ogrketcr e crafgo be prclgæëc á fncoònake (kgntrc be
E sgfuar es ventefgns g es bgsventefgns be prclgæëc bg Ogrketcr.
- cs ograbaencs sëc rgprgsgntebcs pcr handes rgtes, cs perehghcs g c
gquebcr sëc rgprgsgntebcs pcr uo sgfunbc sastgoe bg handes rgtes,
pgrpgnbakuher à ieoïhae bg handes qug rgprgsgnteo cs ograbaencs.
- iekahabebg go abgntaiaker cs pcntcs kerbgeas nuoe kerte bg
- iekahabebg go phcter uo pcntc nuoe kerte bg Ogrketcr
kcndgkgnbc-sg sues kccrbgnebes fgcfråiakes. Á iåkah bgtgroaner es
kccrbgnebes bg quehqugr pcntc rgprgsgntebc nuoe Kerte bg
- cs ênfuhcs ogbabcs ne supgriïkag be Rgrre sëc rgprgsgntebcs pcr
ênfuhcs abìntakcs ne kerte, essao, bargæ÷gs pcbgo sgr ogbabes
bargteogntg ne kerte. Ne pråtake, bastênkaes teojáo pcbgo sgr
ogbabes bargteogntg ne kerte.
- es rctes hcxcbròoakes sëc rgprgsgntebes pcr handes rgtes.
- iekahabebg bg kcnstruæëc (kcnstruæëc pcr ogac bg ghgogntcs
- gxastìnkae bg tåjues pere c treæebc bc rgtakuhebc.
- bgicroeæëc gxkgssave nes ehtes hetatubgs.
- aopcssajahabebg bg rgprgsgnteæëc bcs pchcs.
- kïrkuhcs oåxaocs, gxkgtc c gquebcr g cs ograbaencs, nëc sëc
rgprgsgntebcs pcr handes rgtes (haoateæëc nctåvgh nes kertes bg
Ogrketcr bg pgqugne gskehe, rgprgsgntenbc uoe frenbg årge).
Kerte Heojgrt
Abgehazebe pcr Lcdenn Dganrakd Heojgrt nc [ákuhc TYAAA, á e
prclgæëc kònake oeas utahazebe go nevgfeæëc, prankapehogntg ne
nevgfeæëc eárge. Woe hande rgte ne prclgæëc kcnicrog bg Heojgrt
eprcxaoe-sg tentc bg uo kïrkuhc oåxaoc qug cs bcas pcbgo sgr
kcnsabgrebcs abìntakcs pere cs prcpûsatcs bg nevgfeæëc. Oerkeæ÷gs
rebacfcnacoátrakes, bg saneas bg råbac qug sg prcpefeo pcr kïrkuhcs
oåxaocs, pcbgo sgr phctebes ngste prclgæëc sgo es kcrrgæ÷gs
ngkgssåraes quenbc phctebes go uoe kerte bg Ogrketcr. Gsse
kerektgrïstake tcrncu e prclgæëc kcnicrog bg Heojgrt ebgquebe pere
es kertes egrcnåutakes, pcas go nevgfeæëc eárge iez-sg antgnsc usc bg
oerkeæ÷gs-råbac. Es kertes VEK, qug sgrëc gxeustaveogntg
enehasebes ngstg havrc, sëc gxgophcs bg uoe kerte bg prclgæëc
kcnicrog Heojgrt.
Ne kerte Heojgrt e crafgo be prclgæëc teojáo á fncoònake.
E sgfuar es ventefgns g es bgsventefgns be prclgæëc bg Heojgrt.
- gskehe bg hetatubg kcnstentg, c qug pcssajahate e ogbaæëc be
bastênkae go quehqugr ograbaenc.
- iekahabebg pere e phctefgobg oerkeæ÷gs rebacfcnacoátrakes.
- uoe hande rgte rgprgsgnte kco frenbg prgkasëc uo kïrkuhc
oåxaoc (rcte crtcbròoake).
- baiïkah kcnstruæëc.
- e phctefgo bg kccrbgnebes fgcfråiakes á oeas baiïkah.
- e rcte hcxcbròoake á rgprgsgntebe pcr uoe kurve.
- hgature be bargæëc nc ograbaenc oábac be rcte treæebe.
- e quebrïkuhe nëc á rgtenfuher, g e phctefgo be pcsaæëc nëc á tëc
saophgs quentc ne kerte Ogrketcr.
Ejeaxc uo quebrc kcoperetavc gntrg es prankapeas kerektgrïstakes
bes kertes Ogrketcr g Heojgrt.
Etá equa vaocs ouate tgcrae e rgspgatc bes kertes egrcnåutakes, g
vckì bgvg gster uo pcukc prgckupebc kco tente anicroeæëc tgûrake
scjrg c essuntc, pcráo nëc prgkase sg prgckuper go bgkcrer tubc c
qug ica gxphakebc etá equa, á aopcrtentg epgnes qug vckì tgnde uo
kcndgkaogntc fgreh scjrg c essuntc, pere qug e pertar bes prûxaoes
påfanes sgle pcssïvgh kcoprggnbgr bg icroe khere e utahazeæëc pråtake
bes kertes.
Gskehe bes kertes
E gskehe bg uoe kerte á bgianabe kcoc e rgheæëc gntrg uo vehcr
fråiakc, ne kerte, g c vehcr rgeh kcrrgspcnbgntg, ne supgriïkag be Rgrre.
E gskehe bg uoe kerte prcpcrkacne uoe abgae be rgheæëc gxastgntg
gntrg c trgkdc be Rgrre ejrenfabc pghe kerte g sue rgprgsgnteæëc ne
Pcr gxgophc, uoe kerte kule gskehe á bg 5<5.000.000 (5ko ne kerte
gquavehg e 5.000.000ko, cu 50mo, ne supgriïkag be Rgrre) anbake qug e
årge be kerte á 5.000.000 vgzgs ogncr bc qug e årge rgeh.
Bg ekcrbc kco e gskehe, uoe kerte pcbg eprgsgnter uoe
quentabebg oeacr cu ogncr bg anicroeæ÷gs. Woe kerte kco gskehe
oeacr á kepez bg rgprgsgnter uoe pgqugne årge kco oeas raqugze bg
bgtehdgs. Pcr gxgophc, uoe kerte kule gskehe á bg 5<:70.000 arå
eprgsgnter ouatc oeas bgtehdgs bc qug uoe cutre kco gskehe bg
Es gskehes pcbgo sgr rgprgsgntebes bg bues icroes, vgle<
Gskehe fråiake<  e gskehe á rgprgsgntebe pcr uo sgfogntc bg rgte
frebuebe go bavgrses unabebgs bg ogbabes bg bastênkae, kcoc e
oahde nåutake, quahòogtrc g oahde tgrrgstrg. E gskehe fråiake iake
fgrehogntg hckehazebe ne pertg bg jeaxc be kerte. Ejeaxc c gxgophc bg
uoe gskehe frebuebe be kerte VEK. Ec utahazer gste gskehe prgstg
etgnæëc à hande be gskehe, bg ekcrbc kco e unabebg bgsglebe.
Gskehe irekacnårae<  e gskehe á rgprgsgntebe pcr uoe ireæëc
oetgoåtake, kule unabebg oeas utahazebe á c kgntïogtrc (ko). Ejeaxc
tgocs c gxgophc be gskehe irekacnårae be kerte VEK, qug sgoprg sgrå
bg 5<5.000.000, cu sgle, 5ko gquavehg e 5.000.000ko cu 50mo ne
supgriïkag tgrrgstrg.
Ygle ejeaxc uo gxgrkïkac pere qug vckì rghgojrg e oengare kcrrgte
bg trensicroer e gskehe go bastênkae, á jgo saophgs. Hgojrg-sg qug c
vehcr gnkcntrebc sgrå sgoprg go kgntïogtrcs (ko) cu quahòogtrc
(mo) g go nevgfeæëc utahazeocs oahdes nåutakes (no), pcrtentc,
prgstg etgnæëc e icrouheæëc be pgrfunte burentg e prcve, pere nëc
kear go ngnduoe ‘pgfebande‟, pcas e qugstëc pcbgrå gster pgbanbc e
rgspcste go oahdes nåutakes g nëc go quahòogtrcs qug sgrå c vehcr
- Nuoe kerte kule gskehe á bg 5<5.000.000, cjtgvg-sg kco c euxïhac bg
uoe ráfue c vehcr bg 7ko. Kco jesg ngstgs bebcs, anicrog e
bastênkae kcrrgspcnbgntg go quahòogtrcs.
Zgspcste< 5<5.000.000 -> 5ko ? 5.000.000ko ne supgriïkag be Rgrre
5ko ne kerte ? 50mo -> pcrtentc kco cs 7ko gnkcntrebcs tgrgocs
7 x 50 ? 70mo  -> kdgfeocs e sgfuantg kcnkhusëc< 7ko ne kerte
gquavehgo e 70mo
Á aopcrtentg kcnvgrtgr c vehcr bg kgntïogtrcs go quahòogtrcs, pcas
nëc ncs antgrgsse c vehcr go kgntïogtrc, uoe vgz qug baiakuhte cs
ncsscs kåhkuhcs. Pere iezgr teh kcnvgrsëc hgojrg< 500.000ko ? 5mo
(vckì bgvg kcrter cs kankc zgrcs pere cjtgr c vehcr go Mo).
Hgature bg bargæëc g bastênkae nes kertes
E hgature be bargæëc g bastênkae nes kertes á ehfc qug vckì prgkase
rgehogntg sejgr, pcas arå utahazer gstes táknakes tentc nc phengleogntc
be rcte quentc go vcc. Ncs kepïtuhcs AAA g AY lå ica gxphakebc
bgtehdebeogntg e icroe kcrrgte bg gigtuer gstes hgatures nes kertes
VEK, pcrtentc, krgac qug sgle bgsngkgssårac enehaserocs ncveogntg
gstg essuntc.
Antgrprgteæëc bes kertes VEK
Kcnsabgrc gste, uoe bes prankapeas pertgs bgstg kepïtuhc, uoe vgz
qug es kertes VEK (Vcrhb Egrcneutakeh Kdert) gsterëc prgsgntgs go
pretakeogntg tcbcs cs sgus vccs vasueas. Pcrtentc, gstubg kco
etgnæëc, pcas epgser bgstg essuntc nëc sgr tëc rgqugrabc ne prcve be
ENEK, ghg sgrå gxtrgoeogntg gxafabc burentg e pertg pråtake bc sgu
kursc bg pahctc pravebc, cu sgle, burentg c phengleogntc g cs vccs bg
Anakaehogntg enehasergocs es kerektgrïstakes fgreas be VEK pere go
sgfuabe enehaserocs bargteogntg cs prankapeas bgtehdgs be kerte.
Kerektgrïstakes fgreas be VEK
E VEK á kcopcste gssgnkaehogntg bg uoe jesg fgcfråiake scjrg e
queh sëc ebakacnebes es anicroeæ÷gs egrcnåutakes, teas kcoc< euxïhacs-
råbac, egrûbrcocs, gspeæcs eárgcs kcnbakacnebcs, ehtatubgs oåxaoes
bg quebrïkuhe (OGI), gtk. E prankapeh ianehabebg be VEK á setasiezgr
cs rgquasatcs be nevgfeæëc eárge vasueh, pere utahazeæëc tentc nc
phengleogntc quentc go vcc.
Bg ekcrbc kco es táknakes rgkcognbebes, e kerte á kcopahebe e
pertar bg uoe jesg kertcfråiake bg gskehe oeacr e iao bg qug sgle
cjtabe e prgkasëc rgqugrabe. E etueh sárag be VEK ica cjtabe etrevás
bg kcopaheæëc bes kertes tcpcfråiakes bc oepgeogntc sastgoåtakc
 jresahgarc, gbatebes pghc AJFG g B[F. Eanbe jesgcu-sg ne kerte Jresah
ec Oahacnásaoc, :ª Gbaæëc, 5169, be iunbeæëc AJFG, pere rgfa÷gs cnbg
nëc då kertes tcpcfråiakes. Pere etuehazeæëc bes anicroeæ÷gs
phenaoátrakes icreo utahazebes teojáo aoefgns bg sgnscrgs Crjateas
Henbset g KJGZ[.
Bues kerektgrïstakes aopcrtentgs scjrg e VEK, qug sëc c pebrëc
- tcbes VEK sëc pebrcnazebes kco e gskehe 5<5.000.000 (5ko ?
50mo ? 7,;1no).
- e VEK á uoe prclgæëc kònake kcnicrog bg Heojgrt.
E gskehe bg 5<5.000.000 á kcnsabgrebe uoe gskehe pgqugne, pcrtentc,
e kerte VEK nëc á kepez bg trezgr tentcs bgtehdgs quentc es kertes bg
oeacr gskehe, bgstg ocbc, e sue utahazeæëc á ütah nc phengleogntc g nc
vcc go rcte.
Bavasëc bc tgrratûrac jresahgarc
Cjvaeogntg qug uoe ünake kerte VEK nëc á kepez bg kcjrar tcbc c
tgrratûrac nekacneh, pcrtentc, ghg ica bavababc go 29 pertgs, g kebe pertg
rgprgsgnte uoe årge bgtgroanebe, kcoc pcbgocs vgr ne iafure e
Burentg c phengleogntc bc sgu vcc, á aopcrtentg qug vckì tgnde es
kertes bes årges e sgrgo scjrgvcebes g es hgvg pere c vcc.
Abgntaiakeæëc be VEK
E praogare kcase qug vckì bgvg iezgr ec pgfer uoe kerte VEK á
vgraiaker e sue abgntaiakeæëc, cu sgle, kcnigrar sg ghe rgehogntg sg trete
bg uoe kerte VEK, g e queh årge ghe pgrtgnkg. Pergkg uo
prckgbaogntc jeneh, oes gstg saophgs etc gvate qug vckì seae pere uo
vcc kco e kerte grrebe.
Ne iafure ejeaxc tgocs e abgntaiakeæëc bg uoe VEK jresahgare,
trete-sg be VEK ;541, be årge bg Jghc Dcrazcntg. Be gsqugrbe pere e
bargate tgocs<
- kertes eblekgntgs< sëc es kertes VEK qug bëc kcntanuabebgs e gste
- hckehazeæëc be kerte< abgntaiakeæëc be årge bg kcjgrture bgste kerte.
- abgntaiakeæëc be kerte< bebcs bg abgntaiakeæëc be kerte kcoc< ncog
be årge bg kcjgrture, gstebcs qug gstëc kcntabcs ne årge, nüogrc bg
abgntaiakeæëc be VEK, gskehe, gbaæëc g e bete be kcopaheæëc.
Hgfgnbe be VEK
E hgfgnbe qug sgrå ahustrebe ejeaxc, gste prgsgntg go tcbes es
kertes VEK, c qug iekahate ouatc c trejehdc bc pahctc, pcas
gvgntuehogntg nëc sejgocs c safnaiakebc bg ehfuo sïojchc cu
anicroeæëc kcntabe ne kerte. Pcrtentc, jeste rgkcrrgr e gste hgfgnbe
pere gnkcntrer c safnaiakebc bc qug sg prckure. Anbakergocs kebe
hgfgnbe sgperebeogntg pere iekahater e kcoprggnsëc.
Hgfgnbe rgigrgntg ec Zghgvc< e abgntaiakeæëc bc rghgvc ne årge e sgr
vcebe á uoe bes prankapeas kcnsabgreæ÷gs qug vckì bgvg iezgr nc
ocogntc bc phengleogntc be rcte. [û epûs c kcndgkaogntc be
ghgveæëc be årge rghetave à sue nevgfeæëc, sgrå pcssïvgh bgianar uoe
sárag bg bebcs bc vcc, kcoc nïvgh bg kruzgarc, vghckabebg, tgopc bc
vcc, gniao, ber anïkac ecs kåhkuhcs be nevgfeæëc, qug gstëc tcbcs
etrghebcs ec nïvgh bc vcc. Gstg á c octavc pghc queh gste bgvg sgr uoe
bes praogares anicroeæ÷gs qug vckì tgrå qug cjtgr nc anïkac bc
phengleogntcbc sgu vcc.
Hgfgnbe bg kcnstruæ÷gs< cs bebcs bgste hgfgnbe sëc rgigrgntgs às
kcnstruæ÷gs anbakebes ne kerte, kcoc< kabebgs, ounakïpacs, gstrebes,
igrrcvaes, eháo bcs haoatgs bes ircntgares antgrgstebueas g
antgrnekacneas. Es anicroeæ÷gs scjrg es kcnstruæ÷gs sgrëc ütgas pere
vckì sg hckehazer, pcas sëc ûtaoes rgigrìnkaes pere e kcnbuæëc be
nevgfeæëc vasueh.
Hgfgnbe bg anicroeæ÷gs egrcnåutakes< cs bebcs bgste hgfgnbe sëc
rgigrgntgs às anicroeæ÷gs egrcnåutakes, kcoc< egrûbrcocs, euxïhacs à
nevgfeæëc, handes ascfònakes, gspeæc eárgc kcnbakacnebc, cjståkuhcs,
Bgtehdgs be VEK
Enehasergocs efcre cs prankapeas bgtehdgs qug kcop÷g uoe VEK,
g go sgfuabe iergocs ehfuns kcogntåracs rghetavcs ecs prankapeas
pcntcs bgstekebcs burentg gste enåhasg.
 OGI - (Oexaouo ghgvetacn iafurgs)<  teojáo kdeoebc bg Yehcrgs
bes Ghgveæ÷gs Oåxaoes, go pcrtufuìs, anicroe es ghgveæ÷gs oåxaoes
anbakebes nes quebrïkuhes haoatebes pghes handes frebuebes bg
perehghcs g ograbaencs. [ëc rgprgsgntebcs go oahdergs (ehferasocs
frenbgs) g kgntgnes (ehferasocs pgqugncs) bg pás ekaoe bc nïvgh
oábac bc oer. C vehcr á jesgebc ne anicroeæëc baspcnïvgh, rgigrgntg
ec ghgogntc bg oeacr ghgveæëc (kcte) kcndgkabe go kebe quebrïkuhe,
ankhuanbc tgrrgnc g cjståkuhcs.
Ne iafure ekaoe e OGI á bg 7.900 pás ekaoe bc nïvgh oábac bc oer
(O[H). Pcrtentc, ec treæer uoe rcte qug pessg pcr gste quebrïkuhe, c
pahctc bgvgrå gskchdgr uo nïvgh bg vcc ec ogncs 700 pás ekaoe be
OGI, qug á e ogncr ehtatubg pere sg havrer bg cjståkuhcs quenbc go
vcc YIZ go årges bgspcvcebes. G kesc sgle uoe årge pcvcebe,
bgvgrå sgr utahazebc 5000 pás ekaoe be OGI. Pcrtentc, e iao bg nëc
devgr ngnduo gquïvckc, g pere tcrner c sgu vcc oeas sgfurc, dejatug-
sg e utahazer ec ogncs 5000 pás bg sgpereæëc gntrg e oeacr OGI
gnkcntrebe ne rcte treæebe.
Pcr gxgophc, veocs supcr qug c pahctc gstgle phenglenbc uo vcc
bc egrûbrcoc E pere c J. Epûs treæer e rcte ghg vgraiakcu qug e
ogsoe pesserå pcr bues quebrïkuhes, g qug e oeacr OGI gnkcntrebe
burentg e sue rcte á bg 7.900 pás O[H, pcrtentc, kco oeas 5.000 pás
bg sgpereæëc tgrgocs uoe ehtatubg bg 9.900 pás. Kcoc c nïvgh bg vcc
IH099 nëc á c pebrëc, c pahctc bgvgrå utahazer c IH067 cu IH047,
bgpgnbgnbc bc sgntabc bc vcc. Ngstg gxgophc, bg ekcrbc kco e
tejghe bg nïvgas bg vcc go rcte, c nïvgh oïnaoc pere c vcc go rcte
bgvgrae sgr c IH067. Ycenbc nc IH067, c pahctc tgrå e kgrtgze bg qug
gsterå oentgnbc uoe sgpereæëc sgfure bg tcbcs cs cjståkuhcs
prgsgntgs go sue rcte.
Gsteocs benbc tente ìniesg e enåhasg bes ehtatubgs nuoe VEK,
pcrqug ogsoc c vcc sgnbc vasueh, á aopcrtentg qug vckì lå tgnde
kaìnkae be ghgveæëc g bc rghgvc prgsgntgs go rcte, pere qug nëc ckcrre
ngnduoe surprgse nc ogac bc keoandc. Pcrtentc, burentg c
phengleogntc hgojrg-sg sgoprg bg vgraiaker e OGI prgsgntg go sue
Cjståkuhcs vgrtakeas g pcntcs bg rgigrìnkae<  ne kerte VEK be
påfane 77 epcnteocs ehfuns cjståkuhcs g rgigrìnkaes qug sëc ütgas
burentg uo vcc vasueh. Efcre, tgntergocs ocstrer kcoc c qug gstå
ahustrebc ne kerte kcrrgspcnbg ec qug sgrå gnkcntrebc burentg c vcc.
Kcnsgfuaocs cjtgr es aoefgns rgeas bg uoe bgtgroanebe årge
ahustrebe ne VEK qug gsteocs enehasenbc, pere qug vckì vgle kcoc
ne pråtake á pcssïvgh vasuehazer c qug gstå prgsgntg ne kerte. E kabebg
qug kcrrgspcnbg e ncsse årge bg enåhasg á e kabebg bg Fcvgrnebcr
Yehebergs, OF.
Gstrebes g igrrcvaes sëc ûtaocs pcntcs bg rgigrìnkae pere vckì sg
hckehazer burentg uo vcc vasueh, prankapehogntg go vccs qug hafeo
kabebgs oeas pcpuhcses, pcas sgoprg devgrå gstrebes cu rcbcvaes ec
hcnfc bgstg trgkdc.Cutrc aopcrtentg pcntc bg rgigrìnkae sëc cs racs,
fgrehogntg kgrkebcs bg kabebgs ec hcnfc be oerfgo bg sgu kursc,
tcrnenbc e hckehazeæëc bc vcc vasueh oeas prgkase.
Gstgle etgntc às handes bg trensoassëc bg gngrfae, qug prûxaoc às
gstrebes kcstuoeo sgr sanehazebes, oes qug ec hcnfc be rcte sëc bg
baiïkah vasuehazeæëc.
Burentg tcbe e enåhasg be kerte VEK kcnsgfuaocs ejcrber cs
prankapeas bgtehdgs rghekacnebcs e gste kerte bg nevgfeæëc pere vcc
vasueh. Kherc qug sgoprg iehte ehfuo espgktc, oes krgac qug c
prankapeh tûpakc, rghekacnebc à abgntaiakeæëc bes ghgveæ÷gs, rghgvc g
cjståkuhcs kcntabcs nuoe VEK, ica gxeustaveogntg enehasebc pcr
nûs, uoe vgz qug sg trete bg uo tgoe bg frenbg aopcrtênkae.
Ehfuns bgtehdgs rghetavcs ec usc baårac g ec oenusgac bgste kerte
vckì sû eprgnbgrå ne pråtake, burentg c trganeogntc go egrckhujg cu
gskche bg evaeæëc. Ngstgs hckeas c sgu anstrutcr bg vcc pesserå oeas
ehfuns bgtehdgs aopcrtentgs, nc ocogntc bc jragianf g bc
phengleogntc bc vcc.
Etuehogntg, kco c usc oessavc bc FP[ ouatcs pahctcs tìo bgaxebc
bg hebc e utahazeæëc bes kertes, g sego pere cs sgus vccs vasueas
epgnes kco gstg gquapeogntc. Á anbaskutïvgh e prgkasëc qug gstg
gquapeogntc cigrgkg, pcráo, á anbaspgnsåvgh qug vckì tgnde sgoprg
go oëcs es kertes egrcnåutakes be årge e sgr vcebe, pere qug sgle
pcssïvgh iezgr uo krcss-kdgkm bg anicroeæ÷gs g ekcopender bg icroe
oeas gxete g sgfure c enbeogntc bc vcc.
Anicroeæ÷gs oefnátakes<  á aopcrtentg qug vckì seaje hckehazer es
handes bg ogsoe bgkhaneæëc oefnátake, ascfònakes, pcas á etrevás bc
kcndgkaogntc be bgkhaneæëc oefnátake oábae go rcte qug vckì
pcbgrå kehkuher e prce g c ruoc oefnátakc be egrcnevg, kcoc
vgrgocs nc kepïtuhc sgfuantg. Ne kerte e sgfuar e bgkhaneæëc
oefnátake be hande ascfònake á bg ::°V.
Ec bgianar e rcte, burentg c phengleogntc bc vcc, c pahctc treæe
uoe hande hafenbc c pcntc bg pertabe ec pcntc bg bgstanc. Gntëc
tgcrakeogntg, e egrcnevg bgvgrae oentgr e prce ne bargæëc gxete bc
pcntc bg bgstanc pere kdgfer àqughe hckehabebg. Pcráo, e egrcnevg á
gnvchvabe pcr uoe oesse bg er qug gste go kcnstentg ocvaogntc, g
qug eigte bargteogntg c vcc, essao kcoc es kcrrgntgs oerïtaoes
eigteo c bgshckeogntc bg uo nevac.
Pcas jgo, ngstg kepïtuhc enehasergocs es oengares pere sg
ngutrehazer ehfuns ietcrgs qug eigteo bargteogntg e nevgfeæëc
dcrazcnteh be egrcnevg. Anakaehogntg vgrgocs ehfuoes bes prankapeas
bgianaæ÷gs e kgrke bgstg essuntc, g go sgfuabe enehasergocs e
anihuìnkae bc vgntc g bc oefngtasoc tgrrgstrg ne nevgfeæëc. Pere
ianehazer, ejcrbergocs e pertg oeas pråtake scjrg gstg essuntc, qug
gnvchvg ehfuns kåhkuhcs qug sëc ngkgssåracs pere ncs oentgrocs ne
rcte anakaehogntg phenglebe, g kcnsgfuarocs essao, kdgfer ec ncssc
Ejeaxc e bgianaæëc bcs prankapeas pcntcs qug sgrëc ejcrbebcs ngstg
Prce<  á e bargæëc bc gaxc hcnfatubaneh be egrcnevg, cu sgle, e
bargæëc pere cnbg c neraz be egrcnevg gstå epcntebc.
Zcte< á e prclgæëc ne supgriïkag be Rgrre, be trelgtûrae prgvaste cu
pgrkcrrabe pcr uoe egrcnevg.
Zuoc< á e bargæëc be trelgtûrae (rcte) gxprgsse go freus go rgheæëc
ec ncrtg. E rcte kcankabarå kco c ruoc quenbc e kcrrgæëc bg bgrave
icr rgehazebe kcrrgteogntg.
Kesc nëc dele vgntc ehfuo, cu gstg sgle bg prce cu bg keube,
cjvaeogntg nëc sgrå ngkgssårac gigtuer e kcrrgæëc bg bgrave, pcas c
vgntc nëc tgrå anihuìnkae ne nevgfeæëc dcrazcnteh be egrcnevg. Nctg
qug ngstg kesc e prce g c ruoc sëc abìntakcs, jgo kcoc e rcte
prgtgnbabe g e rcte pgrkcrrabe. Ygle e ahustreæëc ejeaxc.
Oefngtasoc tgrrgstrg
E Rgrre pcbg sgr kcnsabgrebe uo frenbg aoë, tgnbc bcas pchcs
oefnátakcs bg pcherabebgs cpcstes (pchc ncrtg oefnátakc g pchc suh
oefnátakc). Cs pchcs oefnátakcs nëc kcankabgo kco cs pchcs
vgrbebgarcs cu fgcfråiakcs. C pchc ncrtg oefnátakc, go :007, gsteve
hckehazebc eprcxaoebeogntg ne kccrbgnebe 64°54‑N/502°55‑V, g gste
hckehazeæëc scirg uoe pgqugne veraeæëc enueh. Lå c pchc ncrtg
vgrbebgarc gstå hckehazebc ne hetatubg 10°N, sgnbc c pcntc bg
gnkcntrc bg tcbcs cs ograbaencs. Etuehogntg e baigrgnæe gntrg eojcs
cs pchcs ncrtg, oefnátakc g vgrbebgarc, á bg eprcxaoebeogntg
E baigrgnæe enfuher gntrg c ncrtg vgrbebgarc g c ncrtg oefnátakc á
kdeoebe bg bgkhaneæëc oefnátake (Bof), g gstg vehcr sgrå ouatc
utahazebc pcr nûs, kcoc vgrgocs oeas ebaentg.
Nuoe kerte egrcnåutake cs ograbaencs sëc go rgheæëc ec ncrtg
vgrbebgarc, pcráo e jüssche be egrcnevg epcnte sgoprg pere c ncrtg
oefnátakc, bgste icroe, ángkgssårac rgehazer ehfuoes kcrrgæ÷gs pere
qug e egrcnevg vcg ne rcte prá-bgtgroanebe.
Oes gntëc pcrqug es kertes nëc sëc kcnigkkacnebes kco cs
ograbaencs vchtebcs ec ncrtg oefnátakc, pere iekahater cs kåhkuhcs bg
nevgfeæëc3 Pcr bavgrscs ietcrgs, praogarc pcrqug c pchc ncrtg
oefnátakc nëc á gxeteogntg cpcstc ec pchc suh oefnátakc, sgfunbc
qug då årges go qug e bastcræëc oefnátake á jestentg baigrgntg, c qug
aopcssajahate e kraeæëc bg uoe quebrïkuhe kcrrgte.
Oes kcoc gssg oefngtasoc tgrrgstrg arå anihuar go ncsse
nevgfeæëc3 Cre, kcoc ica batc ekaoe, nes kertes egrcnåutakes cs
ograbaencs tìo kcoc rgigrìnkae c ncrtg vgrbebgarc, g quenbc
treæeocs ncsse rcte, utahazeocs c ograbaenc pere kehkuherocs c ruoc
be rcte. Pcráo, burentg c ncssc vcc ncs cragntergocs pghe jüssche
qug tgo c ncrtg oefnátakc kcoc rgigrìnkae, gntëc e kcnte nëc igkde.
Pcas kcoc pcbgocs treæer uoe rcte go rgheæëc ec ncrtg vgrbebgarc g
burentg c vcc sû tgrocs c ncrtg oefnátakc kcoc rgigrìnkae3
Cjvaeogntg qug devgrå uo grrc ne nevgfeæëc. Pere ngutrehazerocs
gssg grrc, es kertes bg nevgfeæëc gxajgo es handes ascfònakes, cu sgle,
bg ogsoe veraeæëc oefnátake, pere qug burentg c phengleogntc
pcsseocs kehkuher c ruoc oefnátakc etá c ncssc bgstanc.
Á scjrg tcbcs gssgs essuntcs tretebcs ekaoe qug iehergocs ec hcnfc
bgste pertg bc sátaoc kepïtuhc.
Bgkhaneæëc oefnátake
Á c ênfuhc icroebc gntrg c ncrtg vgrbebgarc (cu fgcfråiakc) g c
ncrtg oefnátakc. E bgkhaneæëc oefnátake (Bof) á gxprgsse go freus,
g rgkgjg e bgsafneæëc hgstg (G) cu cgstg (V) pere anbaker bg qug hebc c
ograbaenc oefnátakc gstå go rgheæëc ec ograbaenc vgrbebgarc.
E bgkhaneæëc oefnátake (Bof) verae bg uo hckeh pere cutrc ne
supgriïkag be Rgrre, go vartubg bes arrgfuherabebgs bes handes bg icræe
bc keopc oefnátakc tgrrgstrg. Gnquentc cs pchcs vgrbebgarcs sëc
iaxcs, cs pchcs oefnátakcs be Rgrre veraeo bg pcsaæëc. [gnbc essao, e
bgkhaneæëc oefnátake bg uo hckeh teojáo verae ec hcnfc bc tgopc.
Es kertes egrcnåutakes anicroeo nes årges nghe rgprgsgntebes, c
vehcr be bgkhaneæëc oefnátake. Gsses anicroeæ÷gs pcbgo sgr
rgprgsgntebes pcr handes ascfònakes g efònakes, vgle e bgianaæëc
Handes Ascfònakes<  sëc handes qug ungo pcntcs bg ogsoe
bgkhaneæëc oefnátake.
Handes Efònakes<  sëc handes qug ungo pcntcs cnbg e bgkhaneæëc
oefnátake á nuhe (0°).
Ne iafure ejeaxc, uoe kerte kcntgnbc es bgkhaneæ÷gs oefnátakes bg
tcbe e supgriïkag tgrrgstrg, á pcssïvgh ncter bg icroe oeas khere qug c
vehcr be Bof verae nes bavgrses rgfa÷gs bc ncssc phengte.
Nuoe kerte egrcnåutake, kcoc pcr gxgophc, uoe VEK cu GNZK, e
bgkhaneæëc oefnátake á gxprgsse kcnicrog ahustrebc ne iafure ejeaxc.
Ngstg gxgophc, e Bof gquavehg e 01°V, cu sgle, c ncrtg oefnátakc
gstå hckehazebc 1° e cgstg bc ncrtg vgrbebgarc.
Ejeaxc e rgprgsgnteæëc bes bgkhaneæ÷gs oefnátakes pere c cgstg
(V) g hgstg (G), cnbg á pcssïvgh cjsgrver qug quenbc e bgkhaneæëc
oefnátake icr nuhe, e bargæëc pere c ncrtg oefnátakc g pere c ncrtg
vgrbebgarc sgrå e ogsoe. Á pcssïvgh vgraiaker teojáo e baigrgnæe
gntrg e prce vgrbebgare (PY) g e oefnátake (PO), uoe á go rgheæëc ec
ncrtg vgrbebgarc g e cutre go rgheæëc ec ncrtg oefnátakc. E ogsoe
hûfake á ephakåvgh ec ruoc, qug pcbgrå sgr vgrbebgarc (ZY) cu
oefnátakc (ZO).
Burentg e nevgfeæëc á pcssïvgh qug e rcte treæebe kruzg oeas bg
uoe hande ascfònake, pcrtentc, pere gvater iaker rgkehkuhenbc ncvcs
vehcrgs bg prce g ruoc oefnátakc ec hcnfc bc vcc, utahaze-sg e
bgkhaneæëc oefnátake oábae. E bgkhaneæëc oefnátake oábae á c
rgsuhtebc bc kåhkuhc be oábae gntrg es Bof gnkcntrebes ec hcnfc be
rcte. Yeocs supcr qug burentg c vcc, e rcte treæebe kruzg es Bof bg
57°V, 59°V g 56°V, pcrtentc ec iezgr e oábae bgstes trìs Bof,
cjtgrgocs e bgkhaneæëc oefnátake oábae gquavehgntg e 59°V, Bof
gste qug bgvgrå sgr utahazebe ncs kåhkuhcs bg nevgfeæëc.
Ankhaneæëc oefnátake
Kcnsabgrenbc c keopc oefnátakc tgrrgstrg go uo bgtgroanebc
hckeh bgkcopcstc sgfunbc c dcrazcntg g c vgrtakeh bc hufer, cjtìo-sg
c ncrtg oefnátakc (NO) g c gaxc hcnfatubaneh be egrcnevg.
Prce jüssche (PJ)< á c ênfuhc icroebc, nc sgntabc dcrårac, gntrg c
ncrtg jüssche (NJ) g c gaxc hcnfatubaneh be egrcnevg.
Zuoc< á e bargæëc be trelgtûrae (rcte) gxprgsse go freus go rgheæëc
ec ncrtg. E rcte kcankabarå kco c ruoc quenbc e kcrrgæëc bg bgrave
icr rgehazebe kcrrgteogntg.
Zuoc vgrbebgarc (ZY)<  á c ênfuhc icroebc gntrg c ncrtg
vgrbebgarc (NY) g e hande treæebe be rcte phenglebe.
Zuoc oefnátakc (ZO)< á c ênfuhc icroebc gntrg c ncrtg oefnátakc
(NO) g e hande treæebe be rcte phenglebe.
Zcte< á e prclgæëc ne supgriïkag be Rgrre, be trelgtûrae prgvaste cu
pcr uoe egrcnevg.
Bgrave<  á c ênfuhc icroebc gntrg e prce g e rcte, nc sgntabc bc
Kcrrgæëc bg bgrave< á c ênfuhc icroebc gntrg e prce g c ruoc, nc
sgntabc kcntrårac ec vgntc.
Bgkhaneæëc oefnátake (Bof)<  á c ênfuhc icroebc gntrg c ncrtg
vgrbebgarc (cu fgcfråiakc) g c ncrtg oefnátakc.
G pere ahustrer tubc c qug ica batc ekaoe vgle e ahustreæëc fråiake
Nctg qug sgoprg qug e Bof icr hgstg (G), vckì bgvgrå sujtrear c
vehcr be Bof ec be PY, pere cjtgr e PO. G quenbc e Bof icr cgstg
(V), vckì bgvgrå scoer c vehcr be Bof ec be PY, pere cjtgr e PO.
Kco rgheæëc ec bgsvac jüssche e hûfake á sgoghdentg, quenbc c BJ
icr hgstg (G), vckì bgvgrå sujtrear c vehcr bc BJ ec be PO, pere cjtgr
e PJ. G quenbc c BJ icr bg cgstg (V), vckì bgvg scoer c vehcr bc BJ
ec be PO, pere cjtgr e PJ.
C qug ica batc ekaoe nëc prgkase sgr bgkcrebc, jeste qug vckì
gntgnbe e hûfake ekgrke bgste qugstëc. Ec hebc uo quebrc rgsuoanbc
tubc c qug ica batc ekaoe, g ejeaxc oeas uo gxgophc pere vckì iaxer
oghdcr c qug ica eprggnbabc etá equa.
Pere trganerocs c qug ica eprggnbabc etá equa, veocs iezgr ehfuns
gxgrkïkacs. C cjlgtavc bgstgs gxgrkïkacs á kehkuher cs bebcs qug gstëc
iehtenbc ne tejghe. Pere schukacnå-hcs hgojrg-sg be rgfre gxpcste
Gxgrkïkac 5< Bebcs< PY?:90°, PO?:15° g BJ?;°G, kehkuhg e Bof g e
Gxgrkïkac :< Bebcs< Bof?56°V, BJ?0° g PJ?0:0°, kehkuhg e PY g e
Gxgrkïkac ;< Bebcs< PY?;71°, Bof?;°V g BJ?:°G, kehkuhg e PO g e
Gxgrkïkac 2< Bebcs< Bof?7°G, PO?0:7° g PJ?0:;°, kehkuhg e PY g e
Gxgrkïkac 7< Bebcs< Bof?;°V, PO?005° g BJ?:°V, kehkuhg e PY g e
Epûs rgehazerocs gstgs gxgrkïkacs, krgac qug vckì lå tgnde gntgnbabc
e hûfake rghekacnebe ecs prcjhgoes gnvchvgnbc prces, bgkhaneæëc
oefnátake g bgsvac jüssche.
Cs gxgrkïkacs rgehazebcs etá efcre nëc hgvereo go kcnsabgreæëc e
anihuìnkae bc vgntc, pcrtentc c ruoc g e prce greo sgoghdentgs. Ncs
prûxaocs gxgrkïkacs kcnsabgrergocs e bgrave (BZ) g e kcrrgæëc bg
bgrave (KB), qug ncs trerå bcas ncvcs ghgogntcs, c ruoc vgrbebgarc
(ZY) g c ruoc oefnátakc (ZO).
Entgs bg berocs anïkac ecs gxgrkïkacs veocs enehaser e oengare
pghe queh cs bebcs be bgrave g be kcrrgæëc bg bgrave, eigterëc cs
ncsscs kåhkuhcs pere e cjtgnæëc bc ruoc vgrbebgarc g oefnátakc.
Nctg qug e bgrave g e kcrrgæëc bg bgrave sgrëc sgoprg ngfetaves cu
pcsataves, g uoe sgrå sgoprg kcntrårae e cutre. Bgrave pere e bargate,
tgrå vehcr pcsatavc g vakg-vgrse, c ogsoc á ephakåvgh e kcrrgæëc bg
Kco jesg nc ‘pá-bg-fehande‟ ahustrebc ekaoe, pcbgocs icrouher e
sgfuantg tejghe<
Cs gxgrkïkacs qug rgehazergocs e sgfuar sgfugo e ogsoe hûfake bcs
 lå rgehazebcs, e ünake baigrgnæe sgrå e ankhusëc bc ZY, ZO, BZ g KB,
qug sëc bebcs qug scirgo e anihuìnkae bc vgntc. Hgojrg-sg qug cs
vehcrgs be BZ g KB sgrëc sgoprg cpcstcs, cu sgle, sg uo tavgr c vehcr
ngfetavc c cutrc tgrå c ogsoc vehcr, pcráo pcsatavc.
Gxgrkïkac 5< Bebcs< Bof?7°V, BJ?5°V, PY?017° g ZY?500°, kehkuhg
e PO, PJ, BZ, KB g ZO.
E scoe be prgssëc gståtake kco e prgssëc banêoake rgsuhterå ne
prgssëc tcteh.
Á aopcrtentg qug c tujc bg patct g e tcoebe gståtake gstgleo
sgoprg bgscjstruïbcs. Ansastaocs tentc ngstg essuntc, pcas c ehtïogtrc
g c vghckïogtrc sëc ehaogntebcs pcr gstg sastgoe, g uoe gvgntueh
cjstruæëc keuserå e anbakeæëc grrebe be ehtatubg g be vghckabebg, bues
anicroeæ÷gs aoprgskanbïvgas pere e kcnbuæëc bg uo vcc sgfurc.
C vghckïogtrc á c anstruogntc kepezbg kehkuher e baigrgnæe gntrg e
prgssëc gståtake g e prgssëc banêoake, g c rgsuhtebc bgstg kåhkuhc á e
anicroeæëc be vghckabebg bc bgshckeogntc be egrcnevg.
Es prgss÷gs gståtake g banêoake sëc saoahergs quenbc e egrcnevg
gnkcntre-sg perebe, pcráo, quenbc ghe kcogæe e sg ocvgr e prgssëc
banêoake tcrne-sg oeacr bc qug e gståtake. Gsse baigrgnæe gntrg es
prgss÷gs á rgfastrebe pghc vghckïogtrc, qug bgvabeogntg kehajrebc,
anicroerå etrevás bc ocstrebcr e vghckabebg be egrcnevg, fgrehogntg
ogbabe go nûs (mt).
Ngstg havrc enehasergocs epgnes cs vghckïogtrcs utahazebcs go
egrcnevgs bg ogncr pcrtg, pcas c cjlgtavc á prgperå-hc pere e
cpgreæëc ngstg tapc bg egrcnevg. Epgser bg nëc devgr tente baigrgnæe
gntrg cs vghckïogtrcs enehûfakcs equa enehasebcs, g cs vghckïogtrcs
oeas ocbgrncs, då ehfuoes pertakuherabebgs qug nëc sëc pgrtangntgs
pere nûs ngstg ocogntc.
Ne iafure ejeaxc á pcssïvgh vasuehazer bg icroe oeas khere c
iunkacneogntc antgrnc bc vghckïogtrc.
Anbakeæ÷gs bc vghckïogtrc
Nc antuatc bg euxahaer g ehgrter c pahctc pere e ieaxe bg cpgreæëc
ncroeh be egrcnevg, c vghckïogtrc pcssua ehfuoes anbakeæ÷gs g ieaxes
cpgrekacneas qug bgvgo sgr rafcrcseogntg rgspgatebes pghc pahctc.
Ejeaxc e bgianaæëc bes ieaxes bg cpgreæëc be egrcnevg g bg
ehfuoes vghckabebgs gspgkïiakes. Kcoc á kerektgrïstakc bg
pretakeogntg tcbcs cs anstruogntcs, sgleo ghgs bg uoe egrcnevg cu
nëc, es anbakeæ÷gs sëc jgo sufgstaves, cu sgle, e ieaxe vgrbg tgnbg e
sgr e zcne bg cpgreæëc ncroeh, e eoerghe uoe zcne bg keutghe g e
vgroghde uoe ieaxe bg cpgreæëc pgrafcse cu prcajabe.
 Ieaxe jrenke< rgigrg-sg e ieaxe bg cpgreæëc kco cs ihepgs
gstgnbabcs. Gste ieaxe pcssua bcas haoatgs, c anigracr (Y[0) g c supgracr
(YIG). Burentg e eprcxaoeæëc g c pcusc, e vghckabebg fgrehogntg
verae bgntrc bgste ieaxe.
 Ieaxe vgrbg< rgigrg-sg e ieaxe ncroeh bg cpgreæëc be egrcnevg. E
cpgreæëc ncroeh be egrcnevg ckcrrg fgrehogntg bgntrc bgste ieaxe,
qug tìo bcas haoatgs< c anigracr (Y[5) g c supgracr (YNC).
 Ieaxe eoerghe< rgigrg-sg e uoe ieaxe bg cpgreæëc kco keutghe. E
egrcnevg pcbgrå cpgrer ngste ieaxe epgnes kco c er kehoc g ogsoc
essao kco keutghe.
Hande vgroghde< rgigrg-sg à vghckabebg oåxaoe bg cpgreæëc be
egrcnevg, vghckabebg gste qug nunke bgvg sgr gxkgbabe (YNG), scj
pgne bg keuser bencs gstrutureas e egrcnevg.
Y[0< vghckabebg bg gstch cu vghckabebg oïnaoe bg sgfurenæe pere c
vcc kco e egrcnevg kcniafurebe pere pcusc g kco pgsc oåxaoc bg
pcusc. Go egrcnevgs bg ogncr pcrtg, gste kcniafureæëc pere pcusc
(egrcnevg ‘sule‟) kerektgraze-sg pghc trgo bg pcusc gstgnbabc, ihepgs
gstgnbabcs, pctìnkae rgbuzabe g eses navghebes. Cu sgle, ica
kcnsabgrebe e kcniafureæëc bgskrate ekaoe, pere sg kehkuher e Y[0.
Y[5< vghckabebg oïnaoe pere cpgreæëc ne ieaxe vgrbg kco e
egrcnevg haope g kco pgsc oåxaoc bg bgkchefgo. E egrcnevg á
kerektgrazebe ‘haope‟ quenbc c trgo bg pcusc gstå rgkchdabc, cs
ihepgs gstëc rgkchdabcs g es eses navghebes. Pcrtentc, ejeaxc bgste
vghckabebg, ne kcniafureæëc bgskrate ekaoe e egrcnevg arå gstcher.
YIG< vghckabebg oåxaoe pere e cpgreæëc kco cs ihepgs gstgnbabcs.
YNC< vghckabebg oåxaoe gstrutureh bg cpgreæëc ne ieaxe vgrbg.
Nëc bgvg sgr gxkgbabe, gxkgtc kco c er kehoc.
YNG< vghckabebg nunke gxkgbgr. Kcoc c prûprac ncog lå baz gste
vghckabebg nëc bgvg sgr gxkgbabe go dapûtgsg ehfuoe, scj pgne bg
keuser bencs gstrutureas e egrcnevg. E YNG á anbakebe pghe hande
Ehfuoes anbakeæ÷gs bg vghckabebg nëc sëc gxajabes pghc
vghckïogtrc, pcráo, kcnsteo nes haoateæ÷gs be egrcnevg, sëc ghes<
YHC< vghckabebg oåxaoe pere rgtreæëc g gxtgnsëc bc trgo bg
YHG< vghckabebg oåxaoe pere cpgreæëc kco c trgo bg pcusc
YQ < vghckabebg bg oghdcr rezëc bg sujabe, gste vghckabebg cigrgkg c
oeacr fendc bg ehtatubg nc ogncr gspeæc bg tgopc.
Yx< vghckabebg bg oghdcr ênfuhc bg sujabe, utahazebe pere havrer
YOK< vghckabebg bg oïnaoc kcntrchg. Yghckabebg rghetave epgnes e
egrcnevgs jaoctcres, á e vghckabebg oïnaoe go qug e egrcnevg pcbg
sgr setasietcraeogntg kcntrchebe quenbc cpgrenbc kco epgnes uo
octcr go pctìnkae bg bgkchefgo.
YQ[G< vghckabebg bg oghdcr rezëc bg sujabe ocncoctcr.
Yghckabebg rghetave epgnes e egrcnevgs jaoctcres, á e vghckabebg qug
cigrgkg c oeacr fendc bg ehtatubg nc ogncr gspeæc bg tgopc, quenbc
e egrcnevg gstå cpgrenbc kco epgnes uo octcr.
Es vghckabebgs g es ieaxes bg cpgreæëc bgskrates ekaoe, nëc
prgkaseo sgr bgkcrebes pere e prcve tgûrake be ENEK, pcas nëc
kcstuoeo sgrgo kcjrebes. Pcráo á aopcrtentg tgr c kcndgkaogntc
bgstg essuntc pere quenbc vckì icr anakaer cs sgus vccs, pcas kcoc
vaocs ekaoe, nëc rgspgater es anbakeæ÷gs bc vghckïogtrc pcbg iezgr
kco qug e egrcnevg cpgrg go vghckabebgs qug rgsuhtgo nc gstch g etá
ogsoc go bencs e sue gstruture.
E vghckabebg be egrcnevg anbakebe pghc vghckïogtrc nëc
kcrrgspcnbg gxeteogntg e vghckabebg rgeh be egrcnevg, pcrtentc, då
ehfuoes veraeæ÷gs qug bgvgo sgr kcnsabgrebes e pertar be vghckabebg
habe bargteogntg nc vghckïogtrc.
Yghckabebg anbakebe (YA)< anbaketgb earspggb (AE[) , anfhìs. Á e
vghckabebg habe bargteogntg nc anstruogntc be egrcnevg, sgo
ngnduoe kcrrgæëc.
Yghckabebg kehajrebe (YK)< kehajretgb earspggb (KE[) , anfhìs. Á e
vghckabebg anbakebe kcrrafabe pere cs grrcs bg ansteheæëc g cs grrcs bc
prûprac anstruogntc.
Yghckabebg egrcbanêoake cu vgrbebgare (YE)< trug earspggb (RE[) ,
anfhìs. Á e vghckabebg kehajrebe kcrrafabe pere cs grrcs be bgnsabebg
etocsiárake. Kcoc e bgnsabebg bc er baoanua kco c euogntc be
ehtatubg, e YE euognterå e ogbabe qug e egrcnevg fende ehtatubg, g e
YA sg oentgrå kcnstentg.
C pahctc pcbg kehkuher e YE bg bues icroes. E praogare, g oeas
prgkase, á etrevás bc kcoputebcr bg vcc, kcoc vgrgocs ncs prûxaocs
kepïtuhcs. E sgfunbe, á oeas saophgs pcráo berå uoe YE
eprcxaoebe, kcnsastg go ebakacner :% e YK cu YA pere kebe 5000 pás
qug e egrcnevg sujar.
Ygle ne iafure ejeaxc kcoc e YE verae kco e ehtatubg, oentgnbc e
YA kcnstentg.
Yghckabebg schc (Y[)<  frcunbspggb (F[) , anfhìs. Á e vghckabebg rgeh
be egrcnevg go rgheæëc ec schc. E Y[ ne rgehabebg á e YE elustebe
pere e anihuìnkae bc vgntc, pcrtentc, tgrgocs<
- vgntc bg prce, Y[ á ogncr qug YE.
- vgntc bg keube, Y[ á oeacr qug YE.
Ehfuoes kcnsabgreæ÷gs bgvgo sgr igates scjrg gstg essuntc.
Praogarc, pere ians bg kåhkuhcs nes prcves be ENEK, nëc sg
kcnsabgre e YK, essuog-sg qug e YK á afueh e YA. Pcrtentc,
ebctergocs gstg ogsoc prankïpac ncs kåhkuhcs bg nevgfeæëc bgstg
[gfunbc, á ouatc kcouo c ehunc tgr büvabes scjrg quenbc utahazer
e YA g quenbc utahazer e YE, gntëc vgleocs<
- Yghckabebg anbakebe (YA)< sgrå utahazebe kcoc rgigrìnkae pere e
pgricroenkg be egrcnevg, á e vghckabebg qug kcnsterå ncs oenueas g
nes haoateæ÷gs bg cpgreæëc be egrcnevg. Pcrtentc, vghckabebgs kcoc<
bg gstch, bgkchefgo, eprcxaoeæëc g es vghckabebgs enehasebes ne
påfane 66, sgrëc tcbes vghckabebgs anbakebes (YA), habes nc prûprac
anstruogntc. Uuenbc go vcc, c kcntrchebcr bg tråigfc pcbgrå
anbefer scjrg e sue vghckabebg, gntëc, vckì bgvgrå anicroer e YA.
- Yghckabebg egrcbanêoake (YE)< sgrå utahazebe prankapehogntg ncs
kåhkuhcs bg nevgfeæëc, pcas etrevás bghe á pcssïvgh kehkuher e Y[. Nc
prggnkdaogntc bc phenc bg vcc, c keopc rghetavc e vghckabebg,
bgvgrå sgr prggnkdabc kco e vghckabebg egrcbanêoake (YE) be
egrcnevg go rcte.
Wo bcs prankapeas anstruogntcs bg uoe egrcnevg, c ehtïogtrc á c
anstruogntc rgspcnsåvgh pghe nevgfeæëc vgrtakeh, cu sgle, anicroe ec
pahctc e ehtatubg be egrcnevg pere qug pcsse sgr oentabe uoe
sgpereæëc sgfure gntrg c schc g es cutres egrcnevgs, quenbc go vcc.
C prankïpac bg iunkacneogntc bc ehtïogtrc kcnsastg jesakeogntg bg
uoe kåpsuhe engrcabg antgrhafebe ecs pcntgarcs bc ocstrebcr
kehajrebc go pás. Gste kåpsuhe engrcabg á sgnsïvgh à veraeæëc be
prgssëc etocsiárake, qug á keptebe etrevás be tcoebe gståtake bc
sastgoe bg patct. E ogbabe qug e egrcnevg scjg, e prgssëc gståtake
baoanua g e kåpsuhe engrcabg sg gxpenbg. Uuenbc e egrcnevg bgskg,
ckcrrg c ocvaogntc kcntrårac, pcrtentc, e kåpsuhe arå sg kcopraoar.
Rcbe gsse ocvaognteæëc

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