
teste de conhecimento2 1

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Teste de
 avalie sua aprendizagem
Identify the function of the NOUN CLAUSE in the following sentence: "Billy¿s mistake was that he
refused to take lessons".
Lupa   Calc.
Aluno: MAURÍCIO DE OLIVEIRA Matr.: 202102298253
Disc.: LÍNGUA INGLESA REL  2023.1 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu TESTE DE CONHECIMENTO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não
valerá ponto para sua avaliação. O mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha.
Após responde cada questão, você terá acesso ao gabarito comentado e/ou à explicação da mesma.
Aproveite para se familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na sua AV e AVS.
Object of a Preposition
Subject Complement
Direct Object
A subject complement is the adjective, noun, or pronoun that follows a linking verb. 
SUBORDINATE CLAUSES can be classi�ed under the following heading, EXCEPT:
A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb. Some clauses are independent, others
are dependent. Dependent clauses act as adjectives, adverbs or nouns. A dependent clause that acts as
a noun is called a noun clause.
In the following noun clause, Paul Newman, who was a very famous movie actor, died many years ago,
why is it necessary the use of commas?
Relative Clauses
Noun clauses
Pronominal Clauses
Adverbial clauses
Adjective Clauses
"A subordinate clause or dependent clause is a clause that can¿t exist as a sentence on its own. Like all
clauses, it has a subject and a predicate, but it doesn¿t share a complete thought. A subordinate clause
only gives extra information and is ¿dependent¿ on other words to make a full sentence.
A subordinate clause can work as a noun, an adjective, or an adverb in a sentence. So, there are three
types of dependent clauses: noun clauses, adjective clauses/ relative clauses, and adverb clauses.
( http://englishsentences.com/subordinate-clause/ )
Because appositive clauses do not ask for commas.
Because ´who was a very famous movie actor´ functions as the appositive. Noun clauses are
nominals and can act as appositives. In that case, they may require commas if they are not
essential to the meaning of the sentence..
Because , in some cases, the noun being explained is too general without the appositive; the
information is essential to the meaning of the sentence. When this is the case, do not place
commas around the appositive.
Because we do not use commas with appositives, even if they are noun clauses.
Because Paul Newman has already died, so the use of commas is unecessary.
Noun clauses are nominals and can act as appositives. In that case, they may require commas if they are
not essential to the meaning of the sentence..
Read the text below:
Since their expulsion from Spain in 1492, Sephardic Jews have managed to maintain their Jewish faith
and Spanish group identity and have developed a uniquely Judeo-Spanish culture wherever they
settled. Among the important cultural ties within these Sephardic groups are Judeo-Spanish folktales,
stories that have been passed down from generation to generation, either in the distinct language of
the group, Judeo-Spanish (Ladino), or in other languages, such as Hebrew. In The Heart Is a Mirror,
what Tamar Alexander-Frizer does is to examines the folk narratives of Sephardic Jews to view them
both in relation to universal narrative traditions and the traditions of Jewish culture.
Adapted from: https://www.amazon.com/Heart-Mirror-Sephardic-Folktale-
► What is the function of the highlighted noun clause in the passage above?
Read the text below:
"From wicked queens, beautiful princesses, elves, monsters, and goblins to giants, glass slippers,
poisoned apples, magic keys, and mirrors, the characters and images of fairy tales have cast a spell over
readers and audiences, both adults and children, for centuries." 
Adapted from: https://www.amazon.com.br/Once-Upon-Time-Short-History/dp/0198718659
► How many clauses are the in the previous passage?
Here, the words his original statement  identify which statement is meant, so the noun clause provides
information that is merely additional and not essential.
Object of a preposition
Indirect Object
Subject Complement
Direct Object
Since the noun clause is positioned before the main verb, it functions as the subject.
In order to master the grammar of a language, we need to understand certain details about it.
Choose the comment among the ones below which is INCORRECT.
What is the function of the NOUN CLAUSE in the following sentence?
That Lucy learns how to sing is a miracle.
The number of clauses relates to the number of structures containing a subject + a verb. In our example,
the only structure like that is: "the characters and imagens of fairy tales (subject) + have cast (verb)"
A phrase is a group of related words that does not contain a subject-verb relationship, such as "in
the morning" or "running down the street" or "having grown used to this harassment".
Clauses can be either independent clauses (also called main clauses) or dependent clauses (also
called subordinate clauses).
A clause is always considered as a full grammatical sentence.
According to AZAR (1989), a clause is a group of related words containing a subject and a verb.
Another term for dependent clause is subordinate clause: this means that the clause is
subordinate to another element (the independent clause) and depends on that other element for
its meaning.
An independent clause (or main clause) contains both a subject and predicate, can stand alone as a
sentence (a simple sentence), or be a part of a multi-clause sentence.   Clauses well connected are usually
nicely balanced.
That is to say: some clauses can stand by themselves, as separate sentences, and some can't.
Indirect Object
Object of the preposition
What is the function of the NOUN CLAUSE in the following sentence?
I am interested in learning science.
A noun clause is a dependent clause that acts as a noun. It can be used as the subject, direct object,
indirect object, object of a preposition, subject complement, or appositive.
Subject: What I had forgotten was that I had a test today.
Object of the preposition
Indirect Object
In this case, the correct answer is the of an object of a preposition, since 'in' is a preposition and what
comes after it functions as an object of a preposition.
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Exercício inciado em 31/05/2023 22:07:21.