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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Aluno: MAURÍCIO DE OLIVEIRA 202102298253
Turma: 9004
DGT0641_AV_202102298253 (AG)   29/05/2023 16:14:48 (F) 
Avaliação: 7,00 pts Nota SIA: 8,50 pts
 1. Ref.: 588161 Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
Choose the best option to complete the following sentence: "___________________ conjunctions allow us to connect
independent clauses of the same level of importance in a single sentence and avoid paragraphs composed of many short,
repetitive simple sentences".
 2. Ref.: 588640 Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
In which alternative the clause is incorrectly analyzed?
a) THAT THE BROTHERS ARE TRIPLETS is amazing. (subject)
c) The book is about WHERE THE DINOSAURS LAID THEIR EGGS. (object of preposition)
d) He is WHAT WE WOULD CALL A MISOGYNIST. (subject complement)
e) Can you tell me IF FRED IS HERE? (direct object)
 b) We don¿t know WHAT SONGS SHE OFTEN SINGS. (indirect object)
 3. Ref.: 592866 Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
In which alternative the sentences are NOT correctly joined?
(1) He´s the accountant. (2) You recommended him to me. --} He´s the accountant (whom) you recommended to
(1) They're the birds. (2) I fed them this morning. --} They're the birds (which) I fed this morning.
 (1) You are the expert. (2) We want your advice. --} You are the expert which advice we want.
(1) I'm the witness. (2) My evidence led to his arrest. --} I´m the witness whose evidence led to his arrest.
(1) She's the woman. (2) The �lm was made in her house. --} She´s the woman whose house the �lm was made in.
 4. Ref.: 592903 Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
Decide which semantic type it is, from the choices given: ''[Provided he works hard], he'll do very well at school.''
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 588161.');
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 5. Ref.: 862141 Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
By de�nition, an intercalated clause is a clause that is inserted within another one. Depending on the context, an
intercalated clause can have a speci�c function/meaning. 
READ the options below. In which alternative the intercalated clause is CORRECTLY ANALYSED?
Short afterwards, he left. I went there to see him go down the stairs and oh! My god! He had fallen and squashed
like a pumpkin - forgive me for the comparison. (permission)
Joseph - may God keep it like this - won the �rst prize. (warning)
 We ate, that is true, but it was a parsimonious eating. (opinion)
In 1945 - this happened during the Second World War - I met one of my best friends. (quali�cation)
''Give me some water'' - asked me the boy. (wish)
 6. Ref.: 2986542 Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
The following are examples of perfect in�ntive, except ...
I hope to have �nished my thesis by the end of October.
She claims to have found a bag full of money, but I don¿t believe her.
He pretended to have lost his number and so had been unable to contact his boss.
I would prefer to have stayed at a cosy hotel room  than a big international chain.
 I plan to �nish everything I'm supposed to do by tomorrow night.
 7. Ref.: 588714 Pontos: 0,00  / 1,00
The wine urges me on, the bewitching wine, which sets even a wise man to SINGING and to LAUGHING gently and
rouses him up to dance and brings forth words which were better unspoken. (Homer)
The verbs highlighted are, respectively:
a) gerund and participle
 b) gerund and gerund
 c) participle and participle
e) participle and in�nitive
d) participle and gerund
 8. Ref.: 593190 Pontos: 0,00  / 1,00
''The �ag [waving] in the wind is inspirational''. The word in brackets in the previous sentence is good example of a/an:
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javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 588714.');
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 593190.');
Dangling modi�er
Split in�ntive
 9. Ref.: 588720 Pontos: 0,00  / 1,00
In which alternative the meaning of the sentence is: "Laura' new car shone in the sunlight and it is outside."
 a) Outside Laura's new car, shone in the sunlight.
c) Outside Laura's new car shone, in the sunlight.
e) Outside, Laura¿s, new car shone in the sunlight.
d) Outside Laura's, new car shone in the sunlight.
 b) Outside, Laura's new car shone in the sunlight.
 10. Ref.: 588722 Pontos: 1,00  / 1,00
In which alternative there is a subordinating conjunction?
a) The mechanic �xed the broken tail-light, AND he replaced the brakes, too.
c) She �nally booked a trip to Paris, France, YET she only plans to stay four days.
b) I thought my tail-light was broken, BUT it was simply disconnected from the plug.
 e) BECAUSE he loved acting, he refused to give up his dream of being in the movies.
d) She refuses to admit she hates her boss, FOR she dislikes con�ict with anyone.
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 588720.');
javascript:alert('C%C3%B3digo da quest%C3%A3o: 588722.');