
29_05_Support Class

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Passei Direto grátis

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May 29th, 2023. - Classes: English T1 and T2 
Teacher: Carina Lima. 
Student: ___________________________________________________. 
 Support Class 
EXERCISE 1.Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of the verbs. 
a) Is she jeans today? (wear) - _____________________________________________________ 
b) The children are quiet. What are they ? (do) - _______________________________________ 
c) We the film. (not watch) - ______________________________________________________ 
d) It's a horrible day - it . (rain) - ___________________________________________________ 
e) They lunch in his office. (have) - ________________________________________________ 
f) The dog next to the car. (run) - __________________________________________________ 
EXERCISE 2. There is an error in each sentence. Rewrite in correctly. 
a) Does you brother has a car? 
b) There is many books on the bookshelf. 
c) My parents doesn’t have an apartment. 
d) Bob and Peter is playing soccer in the park now. 
e) Does they have English class on Mondays? 
EXERCISE 3. Give complete answers. 
a) Where are your parents from? 
b) How old are you? 
c) Is there a bank near your house? 
d) How many friends do you have? 

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