
Aula 10 - Bad weather is coming

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Christine's mom is giving her some instructions about what to wear in bad weather. Christine is not very interested in that. Listen to the conversation and match the columns.
Questão 1
Atingiu 10,00 de 10,00
Texto da questão
	My dear don't forget to take a coat. It's freezing outside.
	Resposta 1 
	But you should take your umbrella!
	Resposta 2 
	Only for now. The forecast is predicting hail.
	Resposta 3 
	Yeah, but the forecast said there will be lightning and storm.
	Resposta 4 
	My daughter, the forecast said it's getting cold and it may rain.
	Resposta 5 
Sua resposta está correta.
A resposta correta é: My dear don't forget to take a coat. It's freezing outside. → No mom! It's warm this time of the year. The coat is not necessary., But you should take your umbrella! → Oh no mom! The sun is shining!, Only for now. The forecast is predicting hail. → Really? I can't believe that... There are no clouds in the sky., Yeah, but the forecast said there will be lightning and storm. → Hmm... ok mom! I must take the bus. Stop watching the weather channel. Bye!, My daughter, the forecast said it's getting cold and it may rain. → No way mom... I don't need extra clothes..
Hmm... ok mom! I must take the bus. Stop watching the weather channel. Bye!
No way mom... I don't need extra clothes.
No mom! It's warm this time of the year. The coat is not necessary.
Oh no mom! The sun is shining!
Really? I can't believe that... There are no clouds in the sky.

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