
Talking about hometowns

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Painel / Meus cursos / ING1 - IDIOMAS 2023/1 / Lesson 16 / Talking about hometowns
Questão 1
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Questão 2
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Questão 3
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Questão 4
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Iniciado em segunda, 17 jul 2023, 10:34
Estado Finalizada
Concluída em segunda, 17 jul 2023, 10:36
2 minutos 35 segundos
Avaliar 10,00 de um máximo de 10,00(100%)
 These people are commenting on their hometowns. Complete the sentences with the proper adjective. Make sure to use
it in the superlative form. The sentences already have the word 'the' to get you started.
beautiful / bad / quiet / good / wide
Roger: My town has the best  restaurant in the country. The food is tasty and of good quality. The waiters
are very well trained and the prices are quite fair.
A resposta correta é: best
Macy: My town has the worst  public transportation system in the country. It's very expensive. Also it's
always packed. Besides that, buses and trains are usually dirty and smelly. It's terrible.
A resposta correta é: worst
Jim: The street where I live is the widest  one in the neighborhood. It has four car lanes, a cycle and a
walking lane. It takes more than a minute to walk across.
A resposta correta é: widest
Lauren: My sister lives in front of the quietest  park in town. The only sound we can hear comes from a
breeze in the trees and from the birds singing. It's so silent that in the summer we often go there for a nap.
A resposta correta é: quietest
Questão 5
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Fred: The most beautifu  lake in the world is 10 km from town. Lots of people go there for their wedding pictures
or just to appreciate the view. The scenery, the environment... everything is wonderful. It is very poetic and romantic.
A resposta correta é: most beautiful
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