
What were the topics of the podcasts listened to during the experiments conducted with Heloisa and Marcos Levi? Podcast about the death of Queen El...

What were the topics of the podcasts listened to during the experiments conducted with Heloisa and Marcos Levi?
Podcast about the death of Queen Elizabeth and Nathalia Arcuri talking about entrepreneurship in Brazil
Podcast about the life of Queen Elizabeth and Nathalia Arcuri talking about entrepreneurship in Brazil
Podcast about the death of Queen Elizabeth and Nathalia Arcuri talking about the history of Brazil
Podcast about the life of Queen Elizabeth and Nathalia Arcuri talking about the history of Brazil

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Ppb Centro Universitário UniRuy BarbosaCentro Universitário UniRuy Barbosa

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De acordo com a descrição da pergunta, os tópicos dos podcasts ouvidos durante os experimentos conduzidos com Heloisa e Marcos Levi foram: - Podcast sobre a morte da Rainha Elizabeth e Nathalia Arcuri falando sobre empreendedorismo no Brasil - Podcast sobre a vida da Rainha Elizabeth e Nathalia Arcuri falando sobre empreendedorismo no Brasil


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