
Leading You Me We 12 Safety Fear

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Session 12
Safety & Fear
• A lot of people are running around, feeling like they're in "survival mode."
• If you don't feel safe, you can't do a lot of things that are productive. You're not in 
your higher self.
• What can you do in your life to create a zone of safety (physical, emotional, logical, 
spiritual) that you go back to on a regular basis?
• Einstein: the most important question to answer is "Is the universe a friendly place?"
• To deal with fear, seek out opportunities to stretch your comfort zone. Put yourself in 
situations where you discover how you react and respond under that stress. The 
more you practice under stress, the better you do under stress.
• Under stress you can either fall apart or you can suddenly move to a higher level and 
operate at "super human" levels. Which way you go is largely a matter of training. 
Chance favors a prepared mind.
• When the danger appears, be prepared for it mentally. Be ready to enter a higher 
state of mind, and to relax.
• The moment before the conflict is the most important. It's when our mind can create 
problems for us, and it does for many people. Instead, you need a distraction strategy 
for your mind, to let go of the gravity of the situation, to relax, and to open to 
something greater than ourselves.
• Accept the worst thing that can happen before it does.
1. In elite training traditions, like the Samurai, they train to accept death long before 
it happens. "Die before you die."
2. This belief about death helps them to enter into situations that force them to 
perform out of their higher selves, as if they're in a trance, an altered state, where 
their entire focus is on the task at hand... without distraction.
• When you lead, you're acting as the mind for the Group Mind.
• Leaders become leaders when the stage for their leadership appears.
1. Often it's a confluence of skills, people, and environment... when we realize that 
this is our stage where we get to act out our leadership role.
• There is no easy formula. Just realize when you're going through chaos and fear, that 
it's OK, that you're right where you're supposed to be, that looking back you'll be 
happy you went through it, and that it's saving you from something much worse 
down the road.

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