
Leading You Me We 17 Goal Setting

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Session 17
Goal Setting
• 3 methods of achieving results in the world.
1. Goal Setting
2. Problem Solving
3. Inevitability Thinking
• Goal Setting vs. Problem Solving:
1. Bobb Biehl wrote a book called Stop Setting Goals If You Would Rather Solve 
2. Only 20% of people are motivated by goal setting. The rest are de-motivated by it. 
They'd rather solve problems.
3. Build your mental muscles so you can do both.
• Your mind is like a "Google For Goals." Enter a goal and it automatically gets to work 
at achieving it.
• One of the values of a goal is that it aligns and organizes your thoughts and actions 
in a direction.
• Napoleon Hill said you must have a burning desire to achieve your goal.
1. The more you visualize it and imagine it as if it already happened, the more desire 
you create for it.
2. Hill recommended reading your goals in front of a mirror twice a day.
• Set goals, achieve them, see what emerges, set new goals, etc.
• Eben creates a list of 5-10 goals he'd like to accomplish, then he writes then 2-3 times 
a day and visualizes them happening as if they're already real.
1. Extra Credit: create a vision board. Find images of all the things you want to 
create, and imagine it as if they have already happened.
• Alignment: Align your goal with what's good for you and good for others.
1. You can't create as much for yourself as you can when you have the help of other 
people, and it's easier to get other people's help if your goal isn't just about you.
2. Often there's a slight tweak you can make to your goal to make it serve a lot more 
people. When you do, you'll reach it more quickly and easily.
• There is usually a higher goal behind the apparent goal.
• When you're looking at a goal in isolation, it's different than in the context of other 
even bigger goals.
1. You might have a goal to complete a book about a disease this year. But when it's 
part of a bigger plan to invent a vaccine for that disease in 3 years and eradicate 
the disease completely in 10 years, the goal of the book becomes much more 
2. The bigger the vision, the more compelling, as long as people believe it's not just a 
pie in the sky.
• The 5 Why's Technique: Ask why you want something 5 times to really get to the 
heart of why it's important.
1. Accepting yourself or someone else at their word when it comes to their goals can 
lead to a wild good chase after a superficial goal.
2. Instead, asking these why's can lead to a much more direct route to what the 
person REALLY needs.

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