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Modal verbs (should, could and must)
Língua Inglesa
Ensino Médio
1o bimestre – Aula 4
Vocabulário: palavras e expressões relacionadas com filmes e produções teatrais;
Gramática: verbos modais (should, could e must).
Analisar o funcionamento e os usos dos verbos modais should, could e must para produzir textos orais e escritos;
Mobilizar as práticas de linguagem para falar sobre a diversidade em filmes e produções teatrais.
(EM13LGG302) Posicionar-se criticamente diante de diversas visões de mundo presentes nos discursos em diferentes linguagens, levando em conta seus contextos de produção e de circulação.
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
1 minuto
Turn around and talk! In 3 minutes, talk to your classmate about the following questions:
Why is it important to promote diversity in theater plays and movies?
Do you know any theater play that promote diversity? If you do, how do they promote diversity?
It is important because...
It is important to...
I know a play called...
They promote diversity by...
Virem e conversem
Para começar
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
3 minutos
Os modal verbs são palavras utilizadas juntamente com outros verbos para acrescentar e expressar diferentes ideias, tais como possibilidade, permissão, obrigação e conselho. Sua forma básica de utilização é:
sujeito + modal verb + verbo na forma base.
Veja os exemplos:
Rebeca should watch this new play.
You must go to your seat. 
Modal verbs
Foco no conteúdo
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
3 minutos
Nesta aula, vamos ver os usos dos modal verbs should, could e must.
O verbo should é utilizado para expressar ideias como conselho, sugestão e probabilidade. Além de também ser usado para dar uma opinião:
They should be back in the next week. (Probabilidade) 
If you ask me, film makers should embrace more
cultural and ethnic diversity in their productions. (Opinião) 
You should see that movie. (Sugestão)
You should watch the play before the movie. (Conselho)
Foco no conteúdo
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
3 minutos
Por sua vez, o verbo could pode ser utilizado para expressar ideias de capacidade, possibilidade e pedido:
He could ride a bike when he was 5. (Capacidade)
Could you do me a favor? (Pedido)
She could go to the movies. (Possibilidade)
Perceba que, em sua forma interrogativa, o modal
verb é posicionado antes do sujeito da oração.
Foco no conteúdo
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
3 minutos
Já o verbo must é utilizado para expressar um dever ou uma necessidade. Também pode expressar uma dedução, algo que pode vir a se tornar real, e, em frases negativas, pode indicar uma proibição:
She must stop drinking coffee. (Obrigação)
He must be watching a movie in his room. (Dedução)
You must not speak during the show. (Proibição)
Na forma negativa, basta acrescentar a palavra not
após o modal verb.
Foco no conteúdo
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
3 minutos
Use the words in the parenthesis to continue the sentences. Follow the example:
If you ask me, you should watch the play. (should/adopt) 
In my humble opinion, ____________. (could/advance)
As far as I'm concerned, ____________. (must/change)
To be honest, ____________ .(should/consider)
Na prática
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
3 minutos
The answers you gave are personal. 
Share them with your colleagues and analyze the different sentences you have written.
If you ask me, you should watch the play. (should/adopt) 
In my humble opinion, ____________. (could/advance)
As far as I'm concerned, ____________. (must/change)
To be honest, ____________. (should/consider)
Na prática
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
3 minutos
In pairs, read the text and take notes of four pieces of information you consider important about it.
Diversity in theater and cinema has grown significantly in recent years. This is due to several factors. The rise of social media has made it easier for people to share their experiences. This has led to a greater demand for diverse representation in art. Also, the growing number of women and people of color working in these productions has fostered new perspectives in different contexts. Recently, it is common to find films and plays that have a diverse cast. The progress made in recent years is encouraging, but there is still much to be done.
Na prática
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
5 minutos
Now, answer the questions in your notebook:
What role does social media play in increasing diversity in film and theater?
In addition to social media, what other factors have contributed to diversity in cinema and theater?
How can public interest contribute to increasing diversity in cinema and theater?
Na prática
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
5 minutos
Now, answer the questions in your notebook:
What role does social media play in increasing diversity in film and theater? Social media has made it easier for people to share their stories and experiences.
In addition to social media, what other factors have contributed to diversity in cinema and theater? The number of women and people of color working in the productions.
How can public interest contribute to increasing diversity in cinema and theater? When the public seeks more productions with representation and inclusion, the tendency is to increase diversity.
Na prática
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
3 minutos
Diversity in theater and cinema is important for several reasons and there are many opinions on how it is possible to expand the possibilities of productions that present more diverse and inclusive stories and characters. In groups, read the opinions on the matter and decide if you agree or disagree with them.
“In my opinion, films should bring more stories based on real events.” 
(Clara, 18 years old)
“To increase the audience at the theater, plays should cast with different ethnicities and genders.”
(João, 20 years old)
“For me, there must be much more advertising for films with themes that promote diversity and inclusion.” 
(Jaqueline, 30 years old)
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
7 minutos
In groups, talk about the opinions you read and comment on whether you agree with them or not. To help you do that, you can use the models:
I agree/disagree with… because…
I agree/disagree with… but…
I partially agree/disagree with… because…
In my opinion…movies/plays should…
Movies and plays must…
Tempo sugerido para o slide:
7 minutos
Analisar o funcionamento e os usos dos verbos modais should, could e must para produzir textos orais e escritos;
Mobilizar as práticas de linguagem para falar sobre a diversidade em filmes e produções teatrais;
Ler e compreender os textos a respeito da diversidade em produções cinematográficas e peças teatrais.
O que aprendemos hoje?
Cambridge Dictionary. Modal verbs. Disponível em: https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/grammar/british-grammar/modality-forms . Acesso em: 27 dez. 2023. 
LEMOV, Doug. Título: Aula nota 10 3.0. 3a Edição. Porto Alegre: Editora Penso, 2023.
SÃO PAULO (Estado). Secretaria de Educação do Estado de São Paulo. Currículo em Ação – Linguagens e suas tecnologias – 1a série de Ensino Médio. 
Diversity takes a step back in theatrical films – but strides forward in streaming. Disponível em: https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/hollywood-diversity-report-spring-2023-movie-industry. Acesso em: 27 dez. 2023.
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Disponível em: https://theatreandfilm.olemiss.edu/edi.html. Acesso em: 27 dez. 2023. 
Lista de imagens e vídeos
Slide 3 – Nahuel Maretich/Unsplash. Disponível em: https://unsplash.com/pt-br/fotografias/escadaria-vermelha-EeCQy8ZOmO0.Acesso em: 5 jan. 2024.
Slide 4 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/serie_5531989. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2024.
Slide 5 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/serie_5531979. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2024.
Slide 6 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/stage_9105402. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2024.
Slide 7 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/cinema_4891247. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2024.
Lista de imagens e vídeos
Slide 9 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/speech-bubble_4860850. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2024.
Slide 10 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/theatre_9105396. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2024.
Slide 11 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/audience_9054884. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2024.
Slide 12 – Stickers/Flaticon. Disponível em: https://www.flaticon.com/free-sticker/agree_12401377. Acesso em: 5 jan. 2024.

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