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- Aula 10: Avaliando o aprendizadoConcluído: 40,00% |Tópico
In a globalized contemporary world, high technology has emerged and developed different means of communication
more and more. This generates advantages and disadvantages, respectively:
The theoretical discussion about nation and nationalism embraces three basic elements:
With the advent of globalization, the idea of the need of consumerism to reach happiness became more and more
broadcasted. One example of this fact may be found in
The emergence of the newspaper and novels strengths the idea of an imaginative national community. This way, we can
say that the press enables¿
An exaggerated consumerism has generated many problems such as
What is religious fundamentalism?
CEL0559_EX_A10_201501375113 » 01:24 de 50 min. Lupa 
Aluno: LUANA MACHADO DE ARAUJO Matrícula: 201501375113
Disciplina: CEL0559 - EST. CULT.L.INGLESA Período Acad.: 2015.3 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu EXERCÍCIO DE FIXAÇÃO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua avaliação. O
mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha (3).
Após a finalização do exercício, você terá acesso ao gabarito. Aproveite para se familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na
sua AV e AVS.
Little flow of ideas among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to
technology by lower classes, which creates a gap between different communities.
A large flow of ideas among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to
technology by lower classes, which creates a gap between different communities.
Little flow of ideas among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the easy access to
technology by upper classes, which creates violence between different communities.
A large flow of ideas among different people by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to
technology by upper classes, which creates violence between different communities.
A large flow of lies among different cultures by the radio, newspapers, TV and the internet; the denying access to
technology by lower classes, which creates violence between different communities.
 Nation, identity and race
Nation, globalization
Identity and consumerism
Nation, identity and white people
Nation, globalization and consumerism
Shopping centers became 'temples of consumerism', fast food had total acceptance, young people just want
expensive, costly clothes.
Shopping centers became 'temples of consumerism', home food had total acceptance, young people just want
expensive, cheap clothes.
Shopping centers became 'temples of fun', fast food had total acceptance, old people just want cheap clothes.
Shopping centers became 'temples of fun', fast food had no acceptance, young people just want cheap clothes.
Small markets became 'temples of consumerism', home food had total acceptance, young people just want
expensive, costly clothes.
 Upper classes communication and the consciousness of the diversified linguistic system.
Upper classes communication and the restriction of the diversified linguistic system.
Lower classes communication and the restriction of the diversified linguistic system.
 Mass communication and the consciousness of the diversified linguistic system.
Mass communication and the restriction of the diversified linguistic system.
A higher level of obesity, personal arrearages, a mistreated environment, violence increase, lack of time to have
A higher level of obesity, personal profits, a mistreated environment, violence increase, more time to have fun.
A higher level of obesity, personal profits, a well-treated environment, peace increase, lack of time to have fun.
A higher level of obesity, personal arrearages, a mistreated environment, violence increase, more time to have fun.
A higher level of obesity, personal arrearages, a mistreated environment, peace increase, lack of time to have fun.
 None of the above
Extreme religious revivalism
A reaction to modernity
 All of the above
A type of political protest against the West or prevailing institutions
 Gabarito Comentado
Legenda: Questão não respondida Questão não gravada Questão gravada
Exercício inciado em 17/11/2015 14:21:53.

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