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Be Happy with Less Stuff 
February 17, 2015 
A recent survey by the National Association of Professional Organizers reveals that 54% of 
Americans feel overwhelmed by clutter and 78% have no idea what to do with it. 
According to psychologists, people accumulate things because they are unhappy but 
having too many posessions brings stress and more unhappiness. Minimalists say you can 
live better if you focus only on what’s really important and get rid of your excess stuff. You 
can donate things you don’t need to charity. Minimalism is not new. Some of the ancient 
Greek philosophers were advocates, as were Mahatma Gandhi and Leo Tolstoy. There 
may be more joy in owning less than in constantly accumulating more. 
Do you have too much clutter? 
Would you like to get rid of it? 
Study the words 
Reveals- shows 
Overwhelmed- inundated (when there is too much of something) 
Clutter- a lot of useless objects 
Accumulate- collect 
Get rid of- give or throw away 
Stuff- things 
Donate- give away for free 
Advocates- supporters 
Joy- happiness

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