
Connect with English - Episode32

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Episode 32
The Missing Car
2 Rebecca, Anne, Brendan, and Kevin walk into the restaurant.
3 ANNE	You weren’t kidding. This place is really old.
4 People sit at the Union Oyster House counter, eating seafood.
5 REBECCA Yeah. The Union Oyster House is one of the oldest restaurants in the United
6	States. It dates back to eighteen-twenty-six.
7 A man behind the counter is opening oysters for the customers. There are two portraits side by side, one of
8 George Washington, one of Abraham Lincoln.
9 REBECCA Look. There’s a portrait of George Washington. And there’s Abraham Lincoln.
10 There is a picture of Betsy Ross working on the flag.
11 KEVIN	And there’s Betsy Ross and the first American flag.
12 Rebecca arid the others walk upstairs and meet a hostess who seats them.
13 HOSTESS Hi. How many?
14 REBECCA Four of us, please.
15 HOSTESS Four? Four. Right over here. I’ll take your coats.
16 REBECCA Thank you.
17 ANNE	Thanks.
18 BRENDAN Thank you.
19 HOSTESS You’re welcome.
20 BRENDAN So, is everyone going to have oysters?
21 ANNE	Are you?
22 We hear (but don’t see) a waitress.
23 WAITRESS Would you like an appetizer?
24 BRENDAN Yes, please. Oysters. A dozen.
25 REBECCA (to waitress) Why don’t you order another dozen for the table?
26 The waitress leaves.
27 REBECCA By the way, this is my treat.
28 BRENDAN Oh, get out of here! This is our treat.
29 ANNE	(changing the topic) I’ve never had oysters. I don’t know if I’ll like them.
30 BRENDAN You’ll love ‘em.
31 ANNE	But they’re raw.
32 BRENDAN Don’t worry. They slide right down.
33 Brendan picks up an oyster and swallows it. Anne tries one. She makes a face and finally gets it down.
34 ANNE	Sorry, folks. These are not for me. . . Thanks, anyway.
35 BRENDAN (smiles at his wife) It’s an acquired taste.
36 REBECCA We have some good news. It turns out Dad had an insurance policy, and Kevin
37	and I are the beneficiaries. It’s worth fifty thousand dollars.
38 Brendan and Anne glance at each other in delighted surprise.
39 REBECCA I just called the insurance company today, and they’re going to send the check in
40	a couple of months.
41 ANNE	Well, that’s a blessing.
42 BRENDAN I guess firemen have to take out life insurance. How did you find out about it?
43 REBECCA We found a metal box in Dad’s room with keys in it. The keys were to a safe
44	deposit box. Actually, Kevin had heard Dad say something about an insurance
45	policy, but he didn’t pay attention.. . He didn’t think it was important...
46	Anyway, when we went to the bank to open the safe deposit box, we found the
47	insurance policy, some savings bonds worth four thousand dollars, and.. . this
48	jewelry box.
49 She hands the jewelry box to Brendan. Brendan takes the jewelry box. He opens it and sees the ring inside.
50 BRENDAN I remember my mother wearing this.. . A Claddagh ring she called it. Your
51	grandmother always said the ring brings you good luck if someone buys it for you
52	and bad luck if you buy it for yourself.
53 Brendan continues with his story. He demonstrates with the ring.
54 BRENDAN Oh, and the ring tells a story. If you wear it this way, see. . . with the heart
55	towards you, it means you’re spoken for. But if you turn it and wear it with the
56	heart away from you, it means you’re available.
57 He hands the ring to Rebecca and laughs.
58 REBECCA Kevin and I talked it over, and we want you to have the ring.
59 She holds the ring out to Brendan.
60 At first, he is going to protest, but then he thinks twice. He looks to his wife for her opinion and then to
61 Rebecca and Kevin. They want him to have it. Finally he agrees.
62 BRENDAN Thank you. . . This means a, a great deal to me. I’d like Anne to have it. And
63	some day, we’ll return it to one of you.
65 The four exit the Oyster House. Brendan points toward Quincy Market.
66 BRENDAN I parked the car over there. On the other side of Quincy Market.
67 The four are walking together past Fanueil Hall and Quincy Market, past the outdoor flower shop.
68 BRENDAN Rebecca.. . when are you returning to California and college?
69 REBECCA I don’t know yet. . . I’m not sure I’m gonna...
70 ANNE (jumping in) You must.
71 REBECCA I have some things to take care of first.
72 KEVIN	One of those things is me.
73 The four continue to walk toward the car.
74 REBECCA One idea is for Kevin to move to San Francisco with me.
75 This surprises Kevin.
76 KEVIN I never agreed to that.
77 REBECCA Well, it’s a possibility, Kevin.
78 KEVIN I told you what I want to do. My friends are here. I don’t want to move to
79	California.
80 REBECCA Another option is for me to stay in Boston with Kev for a while.. . Maybe I’ll
81	take the rest of the semester off.
82 ANNE	Oh, don’t give up school.
83 REBECCA I won’t.. . just until Kev gets going.
84 KEVIN Hey! Leave me alone! . . . You do what you want. I’ll do what I want! I’m not a
85	child.
86 BRENDAN I really don’t have the right to stick my nose into your business, but...
87 He stops as Kevin turns and walks off quickly.
88 BRENDAN (calls out to him, pointing to the car) Kevin, the rental car’s over here.
89 KEVIN	I’m going to walk home.
91 Rebecca, Brendan, and Anne sit in the kitchen talking. We see Kevin enter the apartment. He can hear the
92 conversation. They are discussing Rebecca’s and Kevin’s future. They do not hear him, and he gets very
93 upset listening to them.
94 BRENDAN It’s crazy for you to drop out, even for a semester. Look, you worked hard. You
95	paid tuition. You’ll lose all that.
96 REBECCA I can’t just leave him here alone.
97 ANNE Maybe we can think of some solution that, you know. . . is suitable for both of
98	you. Come on, Honey, you’re good at solving problems—Please.
99 BRENDAN Yeah. There must be something we can do...
100 Kevin turns around and walks toward the door. On the way, he notices his uncle’s car keys on the hall table
101 He takes the keys and leaves. The three in the kitchen don’t notice this. They hear the front door slam.
102 ANNE	What’s that?
103 REBECCA Kev!
104 Rebecca rushes out to hallway.
105 REBECCA Kevin...?
106 Kevin heads down the stairs. Rebecca rushes into the hallway and shouts down the stairs.
107 REBECCA Kevin!
108 Kevin comes out the front door and looks up and down the street. He heads directly for his uncle’s rental
109 car, which is parked on the block. He opens the door and gets in.
110 Rebecca returns from the hallway.
111 REBECCA It was Kevin. He’s gone.
112 Kevin drives out into the darkness.
113 ANNE He’s been through a lot.
114 REBECCA Yeah. I’m afraid this whole thing has really upset him.
115 BRENDAN It’s not easy for a kid to lose his parents...
116 REBECCA Why did I ever leave Boston in the first place?
118 The rental car moves slowly down a street. It pulls into the driveway of a darkened house. A girl runs from
119 the expensive-looking house and gets into the car.
121 LAURA	What’s up?
122 	KEVIN	 Nothing. I felt like seeing you.
123	 LAURA Well, I’m glad you called. Where d’ya get the car?
124	 KEVIN	 I borrowed it.
125 Kevin’s car pulls out of the driveway.
127 Brendan and Anne are sitting at the kitchen table, while Rebecca looks out the window.
128 REBECCA I think what Kevin needs is time. . . to think things through.
129 BRENDAN I can understand that.. . I mean, if I put myself in his place.
130 ANNE Kevin seemed really upset.
131 REBECCA He should be back soon. . . I hope.
132 BRENDAN (to Anne) Do you think this is the right time...?
133 Anne nods “yes.” Rebecca sits at thetable.
134 BRENDAN Uh, Anne and I have been talking about this whole situation...
135 Rebecca looks at both of them.
136 BRENDAN And we. . . uh. . . we thought maybe a solution would be for you and Kevin to
	137		come out to the farm and stay with us for a while. . . And that would give you
	138		both time to think about what you want to do.
139 REBECCA To the farm? We don’t want to impose. You have your own family and
	140		responsibilities.
141 BRENDAN Nonsense. You’re our family. Come home with us. . . even for a short while. It...
	142		it would be good for both of you to get to know your cousin, Michael, and his
	143		family.
	144 ANNE	We’d love to have you come.. . Who knows? Kevin might even like the farm.
	145 REBECCA	That’s very generous of you, but I.. . I don’t know.
146 She walks over and looks out the window again.
147 REBECCA (after a tong pause) It might be just what we need. But I can’t speak for Kevin.
148 Rebecca turns back to look out the window.
150 Kevin and Laura are in the car. He is driving a little fast.

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