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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Avaliação: CEL0550_AV_201508179786 » LEITURA E REDAÇÃO EM LÍNGUA INGLESA 
Tipo de Avaliação: AV 
Professor: BIANCA DELLA NINA Turma: 9001/AA 
Nota da Prova: 6,5 Nota de Partic.: 2 Av. Parcial 2 Data: 25/11/2016 18:05:24 
 1a Questão (Ref.: 201508368290) Pontos: 0,5 / 1,0 
What kind of paragraph is the one below? Explain you point of view. My Most Embarrassing Moment The most 
embarrassing moment of my sophomore year was how I earned my nick name, Crash. It all started right after 
school when I turned on to the busiest street by the school. First I pulled up right behind this truck at a stop 
sign. After a second, a fellow older student told me that I was really close and that I was going to hit the truck 
in front of me. At the moment I was trying to tell the kid that I was giving a ride to to get back in the car 
because he was hanging out the window. Since I was distracted, I thought the long line of traffic had started to 
move, but it hadn¿t. In the blink of an eye I hit the back of the truck in front of me. The devastation sunk in. I 
was so worried that I damaged the truck, but all that I did was scratch his bumper. Lucky for him! Then it came 
time to look at my car. My car was ruined. The hood was buckled, the front end was pushed back, and my 
headlights were broken. Humiliated and scared, I still had to drive my totaled care home. During School that 
year, I never did hear the end of what had happened that day. ~© Tiffany Haggerty~ 
Resposta: Paragrafo narrativo - Narrative paragraph 
Gabarito: Paragrafo narrativo 
Fundamentação do(a) Professor(a): Explain you point of view. 
 2a Questão (Ref.: 201508324608) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
Different kinds of texts requires different postures in relation to the act of writing. Thinking about what has just 
been said, comment how a writer must behave when he is supposed to write a formal letter and an informal 
Resposta: When we write a formal letter, for example for a boss or company, it is important use the gramatical 
sentences and polite. When we write a informal letters, for example for friends or family, we can use the 
speaking language or slangs. 
Gabarito: O aluno deve discorrer sobre formalidade e informalidade. 
 3a Questão (Ref.: 201508212439) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
To describe an object, no matter abstract or concrete, the faculty of the mind to use is: (Para descrever um 
objeto, não importa se abstrato ou concreto, a habilidade mental usada é:) 
 a. Observation and memory. 
c. Memory. 
d. Memory and intuition 
e. Reason. 
b. Intuition 
 4a Questão (Ref.: 201508430100) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
Classify the paragraph below according to its main features: You should do your own homework. Copying 
someone else is illegal, and you can get a failing grade or even be kicked out of school. If you cheat on your 
job, you can be fired or arrested and put into jail; the government will certainly find you if you cheat on your 
taxes! Copying someone else's homework also means that you never learn how to do that work for yourself, so 
when you need the information later (let's say the teacher actually gives you a test on it where you can't copy!) 
then you don't know how to do it and you get another bad grade. Also, if you don't do your homework, you 
never learn how to discipline yourself to do unpleasant things, and when you grow up you will always have 
trouble making yourself do things like your job, paying your bills, and saving money. In short, doing your own 
homework is the best way to go! 
 5a Questão (Ref.: 201508207730) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
Leia o texto com atenção e assinale a alternativa que apresenta um exemplo de mau comportamento acidental: 
Children and Difficult Behaviour /May 2010 - Newsweek 
 Every child misbehaves from time to time. This is always distressing to us as parents because we would all like 
to be perfect parents of perfect children! Children can misbehave by accident or on purpose, and it is important 
to understand the difference, for example: ¿ Accidental misbehaviour - Your eight-year old throws a snowball in 
a friendly snowball fight and injure another child because a stone was accidentally packed into the snowball. ¿ 
Intentional misbehaviour - Your child steals candy from the corner store after you refused to give his/ her 
allowance two days early. The most important things you can do are to be patient, avoid losing your temper and 
remember that love is more persuasive than punishment. Before you act, try to think a few things through - ask 
yourself questions. Then, act as calmly and as thoughtfully as you can. 
Destroying property, 
Stealing a toy, 
Using bad language, 
Lying to parents, 
 Dropping a glass. 
 6a Questão (Ref.: 201509018209) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
Mark the only option which is not part of the capacities and abilities a reader must have: 
 Knowledge of many foreign languages 
Discourse knowledge 
 7a Questão (Ref.: 201509002460) Pontos: 0,0 / 0,5 
The intention of the text below is: Enjoy an Enchanting Holiday in the Maldives. Scattered across the Indian 
Ocean lie islands with the finest white sand beaches and clearest crystal blue waters. These are the MALDIVES! 
Over 1,000 coral islands. Temperatures here are always in the 80s. What can our holiday offer you? Luxurious 
accommodation aboard the fabulous Orient Explorer. Water sports for the entire duration of your holiday. Drinks 
and entertainment included at no extra charge. Chauffeur-driven limousine to and from the airport. Combine 
this with another seven-night holiday in our opulent apartments at the Kelai Country Club. Prices start from just 
£899 per person. 
To tell a story 
 To persuade 
To be mandatory 
To expose the facts about the island. 
 To describe a place 
 8a Questão (Ref.: 201508324473) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5 
Vocabulary can be either productive or receptive. Mark the only statement which can be considered true: 
There are no differences between productive and receptive vocabulary 
Productive vocabulary is used only in the listening skill. 
Productive vocabulary includes listening, writing, reading and speaking skills at the same time. 
Receptive vocabulary is smaller than productive vocabulary in any language. 
 a- Productive vocabulary is more used in the speaking and writing skills. 
 9a Questão (Ref.: 201508209410) Pontos: 0,0 / 0,5 
Usando as regras gramaticais, escolha a frase que é gramaticalmente correta. 
She said that she would to come. 
He asked that what am I doing. 
She asked him what was he doing. 
 Do you would like to come with me? 
 John asked Peter why their father was angry. 
 10a Questão (Ref.: 201508324538) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5 
Read the following sentence and choose the option which best completes it: An argument is a series of logically 
connected sentences that ----------- 
state a position to contradict it later 
state a conclusion 
present foolish ideas 
makereference to what will happen in the future 
 state a position and present reasons to support it

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