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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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10/18/2017 EPS: Alunos
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Exercício: CEL0568_EX_A6_201501175131_V1 Matrícula: 201501175131
Aluno(a): DENISE MANHAES DE AZEVEDO Data: 19/09/2017 21:24:09 (Finalizada)
 1a Questão (Ref.: 201501453154) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
In his famous book The Republic, Plato conceives artists, in general, as
as mere imitators of the world of imagination and opinions.
as important thinkers of the world of appearances and opinions.
as mere conceivers of the world of appearances and opinions.
as creators of the world of appearances concepts.
 as mere imitators of the world of appearances and opinions.
 2a Questão (Ref.: 201501821757) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
In his famous book _____________________, Plato conceives artists, in general, as mere imitators of the world of
appearances and opinions. The philosopher¿s assumptions about truth, goodness and knowledge directly affected
his ideas regarding the value of art.
The Prince
 The Republic
Eudemian Ethics
 3a Questão (Ref.: 201501453150) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
According to Plato, the sensible word can be seen as
The sensible world, also known as the world of solidity, is the one we can perceive through our senses.
Since our senses are imperfect and particular, Plato believed the sensible world was a deceptive imitation of
a corresponding perfect world.
The sensible world, also known as the world of appearances, is the one we can perceive through our
senses. Since our senses are perfect and particular, Plato believed the sensible world was a perfect imitation
of a corresponding perfect world.
 The sensible world, also known as the world of appearances, is the one we can perceive through our
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senses. Since our senses are imperfect and particular, Plato believed the sensible world was a deceptive
imitation of a corresponding perfect world.
The sensible world, also known as the world of appearances, is the one we can perceive through our
senses. Since our senses are imperfect and general, Plato believed the sensible world was a deceptive
imitation of a corresponding imperfect world.
The real world, also known as the world of appearances, is the one we can perceive through our senses.
Since our senses are imperfect and particular, Plato believed the sensible world was a deceptive imitation of
a corresponding perfect world.
 4a Questão (Ref.: 201501821746) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
In literary terms, ____________________ is the appearance of being true or real.
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 5a Questão (Ref.: 201501453158) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
Choose the alternative that is not correct in relation to Plato's conceptions of art:
Plato truly believed that art had a negative effect on the audience due to the fact that the emotion caused
by a work of art would lead to a perfect understanding of the truth.
Plato truly believed that art had a negative effect on the audience due to the fact that the emotion caused
by a work of art would improve a person¿s understanding of the truth.
Plato truly believed that art had a positive effect on the audience due to the fact that the emotion caused by
a work of art would hinder a person¿s understanding of the truth.
 Plato truly believed that art had a negative effect on the audience due to the fact that the emotion caused
by a work of art would hinder a person¿s understanding of the truth.
Plato truly believed that art had a negative effect on the audience due to the fact that the emotion caused
by a work of art would not hinder a person¿s understanding of the truth.
 6a Questão (Ref.: 201501453153) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
According to Plato, the world of the forms can be seen as
The world of the forms, on the other hand, is the real world to Plato. The philosopher argued that unlike
material things, the forms are not eternal and unchanging. Therefore, he considered this world absolute and
 The world of the forms, on the other hand, is the real world to Plato. The philosopher argued that unlike
material things, the forms are eternal and unchanging. Therefore, he considered this world absolute and
The world of the forms, on the other hand, is the imaginary world to Plato. The philosopher argued that
unlike material things, the forms are eternal and unchanging. Therefore, he considered this world absolute
and perfect.
The world of the forms, on the other hand, is the real world to Plato. The philosopher argued that unlike
material things, the forms are imperfect.
The world of the forms, on the other hand, is the real world to Plato. The philosopher argued that unlike
material things, the forms are eternal and always changing. Therefore, he considered this world absolute
and imperfect.
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 7a Questão (Ref.: 201501821743) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
Art attempts to imitate human action, not specific individuals. The literary artist seeks to portray accurately the
general actions of human life (happiness, misery) within the confines of a consciously constructed sequence of
particular events and characters. - Whose thoughts are these?
 Aristotle ´s
 8a Questão (Ref.: 201501821736) Fórum de Dúvidas (0) Saiba (0)
Which set of the words best completes the text? ...... literature is ´mimetic´, that is to say, re-presents
'________________', 'nature', or 'the way things are'. It portrays moral and other ______________________ in a
compelling, concrete, immediately felt way through its ________________ devices and powers, yet allows as well
for reflection, for a theorizing or reconsideration of the experiences evoked, as we are both 'experiencing' the
_____________ evoked and are separated from it.
esperiences - reality - world - aesthetic
reality - experiences - world - aesthetic
aesthetic - experiences - reality - world
world - experiences - aesthetic - reality
 reality - experiences - aesthetic - world
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