

Esta é uma pré-visualização de arquivo. Entre para ver o arquivo original

 Preposição é a palavra que liga dois termos e que estabelece entre eles algumas relações. Nessas relações, um termo explica ou completa o sentido do outro.
Veja algumas delas:
About – sobre; a respeito de - We are talking about the math test.
Above -- acima (de) - The sun shines above all of us.
Across -- através (de), por, pelo - The mall is just across the street.
After – após; depois (de) - She arrived after the class.
Against – contra - I am against this kind of joke.
Before – antes - The children before.
Behind – atrás
Below -- abaixo (de)
Beside – ao lado de
Besides – além de
Between - entre (dois)
By - de, por, até
During - durante
For- para, durante, por
From - origem (de)
In fronto of - em frente de
Inside - dentro
- The dog’s house is behind the garden.
- The temperature are now below 0 degrees.
- John seated beside his girlfriend.
- My citie is besides that hills.
- This matter is between me and you.
- I will go home by car today.
- During my holidays i travelled to Brazil
- I’ll buy a new dress for my mother.
- Where are you from?
-That school is in front of the gas station.
-There was some money inside that wallet.
Instead of – ao invés de - Why don’t you work instead of doing nothing.
Near – perto de - The bank is next to the post Office.
Outside – fora; lado de fora - My cat is outside the house.
Over – acima (de); sobre; por cima - There is a picture over the door.
Since – desde - I live here since 1997.
Under – embaixo - There is a ball under the chair.
Untill - até (tempo) - I will live here untill i graduate.
Up – acima; para cima; para o alto - This side up. / - Get up!
With – com - Linda travelled with some friends.
Without – sem - I can’t stand without your presence by my side.
IN - 1) Indicar tempo: meses, anos, séculos, estações do ano, períodos do dia.
 - It happened in 1995. (Isto aconteceu em 1995)
 - He goes to school in the morning. (Ele vai para a escola de manhã)
 - Alice was born in 1992. (Alice nasceu em 1992)
 - His birthday is in July. (O aniversário dele é em julho)
2) Para indicar lugar: bairro, cidade, estado, país, continente.
 - I want to live in São Paulo. (Eu quero viver em São Paulo)
 - There are lots of shops in the neighborhood (Existem várias lojas nessa vizinhaça.
 - Atlanta is in the United States (Atlanta esta nos Estados Unidos)
3) Significa também "em", "dentro" (de)
 - The boss is in the building now. (O chefe esta no prédio agora)
 - The plates are in that cupboard. (Os pratos estão naquele armário)
1) Para indicar tempo: dia do mês, dias da semana, datas específicas com a palavra "day"
 - Thay play tennis on Sundays. (Eles jogam tênis aos domingos)
 - I hope it will be sunny on Christmas day. (Espero que esteja ensolado o dia de natal.
 - He was born on March 22. (Ele nasceu no dia 22 de março)
2) Para indicar lugar: nomes de ruas, avenidas e praças
 - That new shop is on Madison Avenue (Essa loja nova esta na avenida Madison)
 - If you are on Main Street, don't forge to visit her. (Se você esta na Main Street, não se esqueça de visitar ela.
3) Com significado de "sobre", "em cima", "acima" (de)
 - My books are on that shelf (Meus livros estão em cima daquela prateleira)
 - Put the magazines on the desk, please. (Coloque as revistas sobre a mesa, por favor. 
1) Para indicar tempo: horas, datas específicas sem a palavra "day", na expressão "at night"
 - He gets up 6 o'clock. (Ele se levanta 6 horas)
 - They visited their grandfather at Easter. (Eles visitaram o avô deles na Páscoa)
 - I work everyday at night. (Eu trabalho todos os dias a noite)
2) Para indicar lugar: rua com o número, locais específicos
 -They live at 72 Church Street. (Eles moram na rua Church número 72)
 - They will be at home tomorrow. (Eles vão estar em casa amanhã)
3) Significando "para", "a", "em"
 - Don't stare at me. (Não olhe para mim)
 - Is there anyone at the door? (Há alguem na porta?)
1 - Complete as frases com as preprosições corretas.
a) My father's birthday is ______ June. It's ________ June 18.
b) Mary was born _______ 1989.
c) My spanish lessons are ________ Tuesdays and Thursdays.
d) She entered the university _______ the age of 18.
e) The children's department is _______ the 2 floor.
f) I will be travelling ________ March.
g) Do you know the girl who is ___________ the photo?
i) The naughty boy always sits ________ the back if the classrom.
1) You can look up the word _______ a dictionary.
2) They are waiting _____ the bus.
3) I haven't smoked ______ ages.
4) She was born ______ 2004.
5) Don't forget to bring some flowers ______ you.
6) The police car chased the robbers _____ the streets
7) The song was written _______ Madonna.
8) I'm looking______ my keys. Have you found them?

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