
prova BRITANICA III 2014.2

Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

Esse e outros conteúdos desbloqueados

16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

Impressão de materiais

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Passei Direto grátis

Você também pode ser Premium ajudando estudantes

Prévia do material em texto

Inscrição Sala
Coloque, de imediato, o seu número de inscrição e o número de sua sala nos retângulos abaixo.
01. Antes de iniciar a resolução das questões, verifique se o Caderno de Provas está completo.
Qualquer reclamação deverá ser feita nos primeiros 15 (quinze) minutos após o início da prova.
02. Anote, na capa do Caderno de Provas, o seu número de inscrição e o número da sala. 
03. Confira os dados do cabeçalho da Folha-Resposta. Havendo necessidade de correção de algum
dado (CPF, NOME ou RG), chame o fiscal para anotar a correção. Para marcar a resposta de uma
questão, preencha, totalmente, com caneta azul ou preta, apenas a quadrícula correspondente à sua
opção. Não use corretivo nem rasure a Folha-Resposta.
04. Durante a realização das provas, será feita a identificação dos candidatos através da verificação do
original do documento de identidade e da coleta da assinatura na Ata de Aplicação e na Folha-
Resposta, no campo destinado à assinatura.
05. A duração da prova é de 4 (quatro) horas e o tempo mínimo de permanência em sala é de 1 (uma) hora.
06. É aconselhável reservar 30 (trinta) minutos para o preenchimento da Folha-Resposta. 
07. O candidato, ao terminar a prova, só poderá sair da sala após entregar o Caderno de Prova e a
08. Os dois últimos candidatos só poderão deixar a sala simultaneamente e deverão assinar a Ata de
09. A desobediência a qualquer dessas determinações e o desrespeito ao pessoal da supervisão,
coordenação e fiscalização são faltas que eliminam o candidato do concurso.
10. Será eliminado do Concurso o candidato cujo celular estiver ligado durante a realização das provas,
ou for flagrado copiando gabarito.
11. Acompanhe o Calendário de Atividades do Concurso, através do endereço eletrônico
Casa de Cultura Britânica 
Semestre III
Data: 27 de Julho de 2014.
Duração: das 9:00 às 13:00 horas.
Casa de Cultura Britânica 
20 questões
For questions 01 to 05, choose the option that completes the sentences CORRECTLY. (Note: X = no word)
01. ______ did you ______ ______ London _____ Liverpool? _____ you ______ or _____ you _____?
A) How – go – from – to – Did – fly – did – drive 
B) What – X – from – to – Did – read – did – sleep
C) How – went – out of – into – Did – fly – did – drive
D) Where – go – from – until – Did – flew – did – drove 
E) What – do – between – and – Did – read – did – slept
02. ______ I was on my way to a job interview. It ______ in London ______ I ______ the Underground. The
train ______ in a tunnel for 45 minutes. I ______ the company ______ at that time mobile phones
______ underground in the UK. I ______ really late and it _____ a good impression.
A) A year ago – did – so – didn’t took – stops – call – then – are working – am – makes
B) The last week – did was – and – took – is stopping – called – and – didn’t worked – arrived – made
C) The years past – is – but – is taking – stop – didn’t call – so – aren’t working – made it – is making
D) Last year – was – and – took – stopped – couldn’t call – because – didn’t work – was – didn’t make
E) A month ago – was – but – didn’t take – stoped – am calling – but – worked – got there – didn’t made
03. Last January I took a trip to Melbourne, Australia. What drew my attention was that ______ a lot of
______ in the streets – singers, dancers, or ______ everywhere I went. They _____ in the streets, in the
parks, in the train stations, and even in supermarkets. _____ always a person singing or playing an
instrument. _____ also some pianos around the town and people were free to play them. Melbourne is a
very musical city.
A) there wasn’t – performors – painters – is performing – There were – There was
B) there were – performists – paintors – are performing – There was – There were
C) there was – artistians – paintors – are performing – There were – There was
D) there weren’t – performers – paintists – perform – There was – There were
E) there were – artists – painters – perform – There was – There were
04. A: _____ I help you? 
B: Yes, I’m looking for a _____ white blouse.
A: Here you are. _____ you _____ this one? 
B: Yes, where can I try it _____?
A: The _____ rooms are over there.
B: Thanks.
A) Can – medium – Do – like – on – changing 
B) Could – short – Are – liking – out – trying 
C) Could – small – Did – like – over – cabin
D) Can – long – Do – like – in – change 
E) Can – large – Did – liked – on – X 
05. Kate Middleton _____ a suit like no other woman. Fashionistas _____ crazy when she _____ her red suit
on a visit to a school. This five-star fashion moment is the reason why you _____ red suits on many New
York businesswomen. The truth is that this royal _____ women follow her in every place she _____.
A) wear – go – wears – cannot see – make – goes
B) wears – went – wore – can see – makes – goes
C) wore – went – is wearing – see – made – is going
D) wears – is going – wore – don’t see – make – is going 
E) is wearing – went – is wearing – see – is making – went
Teste de Nível 2014.2 Semestre III Pág. 2 de 4
For questions 06 to 10, choose the INCORRECT option.
06. A) Tina is having some really delicious soup.
B) They are having a great Christmas party.
C) They don’t have got new neighbours. 
D) We’ve got nice French friends.
E) I hardly ever have dinner at seven.
07. A) Are you writing a love letter? 
B) Are the kids geting late? 
C) Are they gossiping? 
D) Is Ann skiing?
E) Is it raining?
08. A) I cannot play racket sports very well. 
B) Harry and I can swim quite well.
C) I can’t speak English. 
D) Sam can not to ski.
E) I cannot dance well.
09. A) Can you guys play a sport?
B) Could you can help me?
C) Can I have an espresso? 
D) Could you play a song?
E) Can I help you?
10. Sara works from 9 until 5.
A) goes to work at 9 and comes home at 5.
B) starts work at 5 and finishes at 9. 
C) starts work at 9 and finishes at 5.
D) starts work at 9 and leaves at 5.
E) leaves the house at 9 and leaves the office at 5.
For questions 11 to 15, choose the option which has the same meaning and idea as the sentences in italics.
11. A: Can I talk to Jane, please? B: Sorry. The line is busy.
A) The line is okay.
B) The line is working.
C) The line is engaged.
D) The line is out of order.
E) The line isn’t working.
12. Helen hates shopping.
A) enjoys shopping. 
B) doesn’t like shops. 
C) doesn’t hate shops. 
D) doesn’t like going shopping.
E) doesn’t like shopping centres.
13. I had some wine last night.
A) I bought wine the day before yesterday.
B) That wine I drank last night was mine.
C) I drank some wine yesterday evening.
D) Last night I had something to eat.
E) I got some wine two days ago.
Teste de Nível 2014.2 Semestre III Pág. 3 de 4
14. Ann: I got up at six o’clock.John: Really? I went to bed at six o’clock!
A) Ann and John slept at six.
B) Ann and John woke up at six o’clock.
C) Ann woke up at six and John went to bed at six.
D) Ann stood from bed at six but John woke up at six.
E) Ann left her bed at six but John went to sleep at six.
15. A: Was there a bank near here? B: Yes, there was one just next to the church.
A) there was one near the church. 
B) there was one beside the church. 
C) there was one behind the church.
D) there weren’t any churches near here.
E) there was one on the other side of the street.
Answer questions 16 to 20 according to the instructions.
16. Choose the option with the synonyms of the underlined words in “I normally get to university late, because I
usually get a lot of emails at work, then I get a sandwich near the office and finally get a bus”.
A) go to – write – have – go 
B) study at – sell– eat – take
C) go to – send – make – take 
D) arrive at – read – have – ride
E) arrive at – receive – buy – take
17. Choose the option where the suffix -ed at the end of the verbs has THE SAME pronunciation as in ‘missed’.
A) kissed – fixed – worked – stressed 
B) finished – stayed – smiled – asked 
C) wanted – planned – closed – turned 
D) started – answered – danced – opened
E) planned – compared – walked – painted
18. Choose the option where all underlined letters have THE SAME pronunciation as the –s in “concerts”.
A) necks – caps – shoes – socks
B) goals – goes – knows – tells 
C) girls – guys – balls – argues
D) puts – books – caps – wants
E) boys – mums – stops – talks
19. Choose the option where the verb in the past is CORRECT.
A) The audience was angry. They throw things on the players in the last game.
B) I don’t know what is wrong. I payd the phone bill but it’s not working.
C) Melissa sung really well at the audition. She got the role at the movie.
D) Cielo swum like never in the Olympics. He brooke the record.
E) He never wears hats but last week he wore one.
20. Choose the option where all of the words are in THE SAME vocabulary group.
A) trousers / shirt / sweater / scarf 
B) shoes / boots / trainers / shorts 
C) large / medium / short / small
D) biscuits / bags / crisps / eggs
E) living room / hall / twelfth / autumn
Teste de Nível 2014.2 Semestre III Pág. 4 de 4
	Casa de Cultura Britânica
	Casa de Cultura Britânica
	20 questões

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