
Língua Inglesa Relações Discursivas - Aval. aula 10

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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10/23/2017 EPS: Alunos
http://simulado.estacio.br/alunos/ 1/3
Which of the following sentences has an example of an ADVERBIAL CLAUSE?
In which alternative there is a SUBORDINATING CONJUNCTION?
In which alternative there is a subordinating conjunction?
Lupa Calc.
Aluno: DENISE MANHAES DE AZEVEDO Matrícula: 201501175131
Disciplina: CEL0572 - LING.ING REL.DISC. Período Acad.: 2017.3 EAD (G) / EX
Prezado (a) Aluno(a),
Você fará agora seu EXERCÍCIO DE FIXAÇÃO! Lembre-se que este exercício é opcional, mas não valerá ponto para sua avaliação. O
mesmo será composto de questões de múltipla escolha (3).
Após a finalização do exercício, você terá acesso ao gabarito. Aproveite para se familiarizar com este modelo de questões que será usado na
sua AV e AVS.
London is as beautiful as Paris.
 If Anna gets some extra money, she will study Brazilian Portuguese.
What you love doing is what matter.
We talked to the politician whose son was arrested.
I know what you did last weekend.
 Gabarito Comentado
 Because he loved acting, he refused to give up his dream of being in the movies.
She refuses to admit she hates her boss, for she dislikes conflict with anyone.
The mechanic fixed the broken tail-light, and he replaced the brakes, too.
She finally booked a trip to Paris, France, yet she only plans to stay four days.
I thought my tail-light was broken, but it was simply disconnected from the plug.
 Gabarito Comentado
b) I thought my tail-light was broken, BUT it was simply disconnected from the plug.
a) The mechanic fixed the broken tail-light, AND he replaced the brakes, too.
 e) BECAUSE he loved acting, he refused to give up his dream of being in the movies.
c) She finally booked a trip to Paris, France, YET she only plans to stay four days.
d) She refuses to admit she hates her boss, FOR she dislikes conflict with anyone.
10/23/2017 EPS: Alunos
http://simulado.estacio.br/alunos/ 2/3
In which alternative there is a noun clause?
In which alternative the relative pronoun is A SUBJECT?
A dangling modifier is a word or clause that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. A modifier describes,
clarifies, or gives more detail about a concept. In which alternative there is a correct sentence?
In which alternative the verb is correctly applied?
In which alternative there is a NOUN CLAUSE?
 a) He told me that the match had been cancelled.
e) Such was the nature of their relationship that they never would have made it even if they¿d wanted to.
b) Holiday resorts which are very crowded are not very pleasant.
d) Although Ramonita often thought about joining the choir, she never talked to her friends about it.
c) However hard I try, I can¿t remember people¿s names.
The person whom the committee nominated for the prize already won last year.
The neighbor whose fence my brother installed is a very nice old man.
Ana is the girl for whom the seagulls fly.
The store where the candles are also sells party supplies.
 The department has experienced problems which have delayed production.
 Gabarito Comentado
Having arrived late for practice, a written excuse was needed.
Walking along the beach, the sun rose majestically over the ocean.
 After reading the original study, I find the article unconvincing.
Exhausted, starting the housework at such a late hour seemed ridiculous.
Singing for all she was worth, we hoped desperately that Margaret would win the competition.
e) He suggested to chew gum.
d) She recalls to be young.
a) I contemplated him to sleep.
b) He denied to steal it.
 c) They delayed leaving.
 Gabarito Comentado
 He told me that the match had been cancelled.
Holiday resorts which are very crowded are not very pleasant.
Although Ramonita often thought about joining the choir, she never talked to her friends about it.
They would never have made it even if they¿d wanted to.
However hard I try, I can¿t remember people¿s names.
10/23/2017 EPS: Alunos
http://simulado.estacio.br/alunos/ 3/3
Legenda: Questão não respondida Questão não gravada Questão gravada
Exercício inciado em 19/10/2017 21:43:18.

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