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		The English country went through different sort of attacks in Medieval times. Taking into account the Norman invasion, which of the following statements IS NOT TRUE ?
	The Norman army, though small, marched from village to village, destroying places that they could not control.
	The Norman army was a true army of occupation for over twenty years.
	By 1086, over 4,000 Saxon landlords were replaced by 200 Normans ones.
	The Norman army was mainly concerned with land occupation and in the north not a single house was left standing.
	The Normans remained in the country for over a hundred years and were able to become the great rulers of England in Medieval times.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		What was the importance of Roman Catholic Church monks to the Anglo-Saxon world?
	They wrote poems which came down to us and published interesting historical books which were translated into French and German as the monks had all come from France and Germany.
	They eventually turned out to be kings, blessed by the Church and, as they could read and write, they could control vital trade routes which were so important for the development of the country.
	They were just responsible for the agriculture at that time.
	They were not only responsible for the increase of local trade, leading to human and cultural development, but also, as they were basically the only ones who could read and write, they registered important social and political facts which occurred at the time.
	The monks helped the landlords to become powerful because they created a good number of laws to protect them.
		Choose the option which best suits the sentence below: Feudalism refers to
	land given to everyone freely
	land given only to the "serfs"
	land nobody wanted
	land held in return for duty or service to a lord
	land the king did not want anymore
		The Magna Carta, the Great Charter, was an important symbol of
	international exchange
	political freedom
	vassals commitment
	economical dominion
	people´s exclusion
		Historians imagined the feudal system as an agreement between the different ranks: the king, the barons and the peasants.
Which of the following statements DOES NOT FIT into the concepts of Feudalism?
	During Feudalism, part of the produce of the land was bought by the King in order to help the serfs´.
	The greater nobles gave part of their lands to lesser nobles, knights, and other ´freeman´.
	In theory the king was the chief feudal lord, but in reality the individual lords were supreme in their own territories.
	When William, Duke of Normandy conquered England in 1066, he confiscated all the land from the Saxons who owned it, and distributed it amongst the barons who had supported his invasion. Thus, historians say that England became a 'perfect' feudal government.
	The 'feudal system' is the name for a power structure where people held their land in return for promising loyalty, known as doing homage, and providing services such as working or fighting for their lord.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		What contributed for the foundation of the English Parliament?
	The war which spread throughout the country.
	The fact that King John did not feel like keeping the agreement which had been sealed in Magna Carta.
	The fact that French nobility wanted to control the English throne.
	The fact that ordinary people wanted to become leaders of their country.
	The fact that the nobility wanted to support their King.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		By the time the Normans invaded and conquered England, their civilization was far more organized than that of the Anglo-Saxons. Its foundation was the feudal system. During Feudalism...(Choose the alternative that correctly complets this sentence)
	The economy grew because the landowners did not have to pay the slaves.
	Women had to work hard as slaves during that time to help support their families.
	All the produce which came from the land had to be given to the King.
	Large states were given by the King to the poor so that they could find a way of surviving.
	All the land was owned by the King but it was held by others, in return for goods and services.
		Feudalism, the use of the land in return for service, began to weaken
	very quickly
	in a month
	all of a sudden
		What was Arthur a symbol of?
	Frailty, as he was a great leader.
	Hope to the British people.
	Courage, as he fought bravely against the German soldiers.
	Disappointment to the ones who trusted him.
	Faith, as a magical dwarf of war.
		What are some of the characteristics of the Chilvalry Romance? Choose the alternative that provides the correct characteristics.
	The love stories between the knights and the ladies always have a tragic ending, even though the enemy also dies.
	The folk tales convey the heavy air of poverty typical of chivalry romances.
	Faith in God, in angels in heaven, unconditional love for very poor women.
	The hero is the best, the enemy the cruelest, the lady the most beautiful, the struggle the most difficult one.
	The hero tries to save his lady from the danger of a monster.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		What was the CODE OF CHIVALRY associated with?
	The way a perfect knight should behave.
	Courtly manners and looking like a lord.
	The Victorian Age.
	Being good at horse riding.
	The idea of respect for foreign lords and ladies.
		Medieval Chivalry represented a very good well designed behaviour code in relation to moral principles and conduct. Which of the following contradicts the ideal of Medieval Chivalry?
	According to code of chivalry, the perfect knight fought for his good name if insulted
	According to code of chivalry, a knight's word was not something to be valued, because they didn't worry about honor.
	According to code of chivalry, to serve the king and the people was a major issue.
	According to code of chivalry, a honorable knight served God and the King.
	According to code of chivalry, defended any lady in need.
		Mark the option that presents the characteristics which describe Chivalry: I. It was a social class II. It was an order III. It was a gentry movement IV. It had a code of values V. It was formed by poets
	Sentences I, II and IV are right.
	All sentences are right
	Sentences I, IV and V are right.
	Only sentence IV is right
	All sentences are wrong
	 Gabarito Comentado
		According to the Knightly Code, the perfect knight should:
	Defend the pagan beliefs, know how to use the sword fairly well, get money from the rich.
	Kill the enemies in case it proved necessary, win duels, save the wealthy people who might be in danger.Spread the pagan beliefs, protect the lords and their families, love his mistress.
	Defend anyone in need, serve God and the King and fight for his good name if insulted.
	Give a good impression on women, offer his help to the ones in need, fight for his own interests.
		Which alternative explains the term DOOMSDAY ?
	It is a gospel book of the Christian culture.
	It is a piece of art found in the Sutton Hoo ship burial.
	It is the only source that reflects British society at the time of the Normans, compiled in 1086-87 so that Wlilliam the Conqueror might know better the resources of his new kingdom.
	It is a law which was created by William the Conqueror by means of which ordinary people needed to pay a fine if they killed a Norman.
	It is a book which tells the story of the Romans.
		What was the importance of the printing press for the study of literature? It was important because...
	Before its invention, books were written by hand and , sometimes, it would take a writer a whole year to put down into words a single copy of a book
	Books, which were not religious ones, were seen as products of the demon. 
	The process of printing a book before the printing press was not only very sophisticated but also very expensive.
	The writers did not show any interest in having their books published.
	The Church members were only interested in publishing books about saints.
		Which of the characteristics below DOES NOT belong to the 16th century English men?
	Englishmen in the 16th century were great respecters of authority yet violently critical of their medieval ancestors for accepting it.
	Englishmen in the 16th century had a strong intellectual formation, traveling the world was a routine to them and they were essentially consumerist beings.
	Englishmen in the 16th century were as devoutly religious as their medieval ancestors, but also threw themselves passionately into the worldliest of projects and pastimes.
	Despite of being rather conscious of the social status, determined by birth, Englishmen in the 16th century proclaimed their human right as men to ascend in a social mobility scale.
	Englishmen in the 16th century were still superstitious enough to believe in witches and all kinds of sorcery.
		It can be said about the Renaissance that ...
	A variety of religious beliefs was the measure of all things.
	Greek and Latin manuscripts, which were reproduced by the newly invented printing press, set off a wave of disappointment for classical ideas.
	The basic message that the Greeks and Romans left the Elizabethans was that life as not, as Middle-Aged people thought, a `journey through a vale of tears' to a better world after death, but rather a beautiful and exciting experience, that the world was a place where man could display his amazing creative faculties.
	Stimulated by the excitement of the Egyptian manuscripts, recently discovered by archeologists, the Elizabethan world came alive with several plays based on the values of the old Egyptian world.
	The Humanists, who adopted the God-centered point of view, were university experts in Greek and Latin.
		One of the questions that has occupied those interested in King Arthur is whether or not he is a historical figure but what we can state about the legendary figure of King Arthur is that
	he was a cruel man
	he was famous for his oral speeches
	he gave power to women
	he was born as a symbol of hope to the British people
	he was recognized as a great poet
		Which characteristic presented below cannot describe the Englishmen in the 16th century:
	did not respect authority
	conscious of the social status
	had the right to ascend in a social mobility scale
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Think about the characters and elements belonging to the stories of King Arthur. Then, match the names innumbered colum to the observation preceed by letters: 1- Lancelot ( ) the name of the legendary headquarter of Arthur's government 2- The Graal ( ) King Arthur's famous sword. 3- Caladfwick ( ) the most famous knight from the Round Table. 4- Camelot ( ) a magical pot whose theme dates from the Celtic legends.
	3 - 4- 2- 1
	4- 3- 2- 1
	2- 1 - 3 - 4
	1 - 2- 3- 4
	4 - 3- 1 - 2
		Why is the Elizabethan Age one of the most remarkable periods in British history?
	Because it was a period in which England won four different wars.
	Because of the song writers and dramatists who turned England into a democracy.
	Because t was a time deeply marked by cultural, social, political and economic changes which came to a climax during the Elizabethan Age.
	Because out of the exciting turmoil of English life there emerged the medieval barons who dominated the society.
	Because as England was not an agricultural country any more, life emerged led by an industrial and commercial development.
		England adopted the Protestant religion during the reign of King Henry VIII , approximately around 1530s. Prior to this, England had followed the Roman Catholic Church. How did England become protestant?
	Most of the Englishmen rebelled against The Catholic Church when Rome asked them to pay higher taxes to the Church.
	King Henry VIII was influenced by Martin Luther's idea that the Catholic Church was a fake.
	When the Pope refused to give Henry permission to divorce his first wife, Catherine, of the ruling house of Spain, in order to marry Anne Boleyn, Henry put through Parliament a number of bills that severed relation with The Catholic Church and set him up as the head of the Anglican Church of England.
	As Henry VIII did not like the amount of money which was spent in the monasteries, he decided that the banks should take care of the Church money which caused a rupture with the Catholic Church.
	As religion was one of the issues that threatened to put an end to domestic peace, King Henry, under strong pressure of his subjects, founded the Anglican Church.
		How was Queen Elizabeth regarded by the ordinary people in England?
	She was regarded as a witch.
	As people opened their minds to the expanding world of arts, they did not care about who the ruler of the country was.
	She was seen a weak women who was not fit to be the Queen of England.
	She was supported by her subjects as the living embodiment of the English spirit which turned the entire age into one madly in love with life in all its aspects.
	As a consequence of the dazzling richness of the Modern World, Elizabeth was beloved by her subjects.
		What can we link the American Declaration of Independence to?
	The first World War.
	A philosophy of human freedom.
	A new type of |Communist Party.
	A series of civil wars.
	A new political treaty with Germany.
		What did the American and the French Revolution have in common?
	Both revolutions were based on religious reasons.Both revolutions took place in America.
	Both of them fought against tyrannical oppresion?
	The ones involved in the revolutions spoke the same language.
	Both of them were led by people who were fascinated by Hitler's ideals.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Choose the alternative that correctly completes the following sentences: Henry¿s break with (1)____ was purely political. He did not approve the new ideas of Protestant Reformation introduced by Martin Luther in Germany and (2)_____ in Geneva. He still believed in the (3)_____ faith.
	(1)Rome, (2)King Arthur, (3)Catholic
	(1)Rome, (2)John Calvin, (3)Muslim
	(1)Rome, (2)Catholic, (3)John Calvin
	(1)London, (2)John Calvin, (3)Catholic
	(1)Rome, (2)John Calvin, (3)Catholic
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Which was the most important concept the English colonists incorporate into Virginia's first charter?
	The concept of freedom.
	The concept of communism.
	The concept of Catholicism.
	The concept of political fight.
	The concept of happiness.
		Why did legislation become much more worried about American interests rather than the British ones?
	Because the French, who lived in the original thirteen colonies, had made a deal with England, which was not interesting for the American people.
	Because the Americans were mainly concerned with the Indian's interests.
	Because the British governors, who were ruling the American colonies, were very efficient ones.
	Because the Americans could not stand the divergencies between their interests and the British ones , so assemblies took over the functions of the governors.
	Because the American colony was much richer and more developed than the mother country.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Why did England lose control over the colonies?
	Because the Americans had a stronger army than that of the English.
	Because the English Parliament was much more concerned with their interests in other colonies rather than in the American one.
	Because while there were great struggles going on in England, the Americans grew stronger and prosperous.
	Because English banks had gone bankrupt and couldn't support financially speaking the English Navy.
	Because the Americans had been able to get the political support from France, Spain and Italy.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Which of the following statements can be regarded as a consequence of the American Civil War?
	It preserved the union.
	It motivated young people to study.
	It built up a nation based on prejudice.
	It turned the economy into one based on agriculture.
	It changed the English language.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		During the American Revolution, liberty, equality, private property and representative government began to make sense to European observers. These ideas were based on men using
		What did the author of CivilDisobedience¿defend?
	That disobedience should be severely punished.
	That it was the duty of a man to obey the State.
	That imprisonment was the only option the State had to control the population.
	That the State should never rank above the individual conscience or the business of living.
	That since men were born to obey, they did not have any other option.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Which alternative does not refer the Romantic movement in America?
	American Romantics tend to venerate Nature as a sanctum of non-artificiality, where the Self can fulfill its potential
	The Romantic Movement in America, influenced by the Romantic Movement in western European literature, first appeared in the United States when the country was just becoming culturally self-conscious.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against nature and the American natives and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	This movement in America represented a revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	The primary feature of American Romanticism--the obsession with and celebration of individualism--takes on particular social relevance because U.S. culture has always prized individualism and egalitarianism.
		Who wrote CivilDisobedience¿?
		What are the characteristics of Romanticism? Choose the alternative that does not refer to the characteristics of Romanticism in America
	Individualism (individual rights and liberties)
	Great enthusiasm for exotic and sensational feelings and the picturesque
	Devotion to machines and mechanisms and its effects on reality
	a great enthusiasm in natural beauty and the ordinary life
	an intense interest in the emotions, imagination and mystery (supernatural)
		What was American Transcendentalism?
	It was a pragmatic philosophy, a kind of religion which believed in life after death and gave emphasis to it, even though it didn¿t emphasize the power of God as the center of the universe.
	It was a concept which suggested that getting to know oneself was associated with the afterlife. A man could only understand himself after he died. Man should live for the afterlife.
	It was an important movement in philosophy and literature that flourished during the early to middle years of the XIX century and its emphasis was on this life.
	It was a movement based on Lock¿s empiricism which adhered to the belief of different Gods and on the need of Monarchy as the best kind of government.
	Transcendentalism represented a complex response to the colonization of America based on communist beliefs.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		What was one of the characteristics of Romantic writers?
	They exalted the Greek and Romna cultures.
	They didn't care much about legends and superstitions.
	They based their writings on the neoclassical spirit.
	They gave much value to formalism.
	They exalted the imagination and the intuitive perception of the heart of man.
		What did the Romantic movement represent to the Americans?
	A revolt against political and religious authority and a subsequent revolt against reason.
	It was in part a rebellion against religion and on the way women were viewed by society.
	It represented a social period in which only the ones who were married were regarded with respect.
	A return to the values established by the Romans when they lived in England.
	It meant a lot to American people because it was a time when flowers were in bloom and love stories flourished everywhere around the country.
		Why was the spirit of Romanticism so appealing to the United States?
	Because it was the canvas for the first wave of communist thoughts.
	Because of the intense focus on the reality ofeveryday life.
	Because it gave value to family and religious matters as well as to the cultural knowledge originated in France.
	Because it emphasized America's denial of European authority and cultural influence.
	Because the pioneers, a movement which dated from the establishment of the 13 colonies, supported the cultural identification with European values.
	Choose the option which best suits the statements below. After the attack on Iraq began, intolerance______.
	became invisible
		Some changes can be noticed in American society after September 11, 2001. Which one is not correct:
	Rlaxation of the security procedures in the airports
	A total surveillance society
	Domestic issues
	American problems
		Which are some of the characteristics of Romanticism in America?
	A faithful representation of reality, an interest in scientific method, a satiric tone.
	the rise of the middle-class, a strategy for imagining and managing the treats of social change, the truthful treatment of material.
	Accurate representation of life, characters are more important than action and plot, avoidance of dramatic elements.
	The representation of middle-class life, complex ethical choices are often the subject, love for animals.
	A need to live intensively, humanitarianism, a great enthusiasm for natural beauty.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		What do the events of September 11, 2001 teach us about history? Which alternative does not answer the previous question:
	History can help us understand why antagonisms are so deeply rooted.
	Most acts of aggression and fanaticism in the contemporary world are rooted in a sense of historical grievance.
	History does not have the power to resolve conflicts.
	Expecting the unexpected and eemembering that nothing is inevitable
	No fact occured in the presente, such as September 11, 2001, can be explained by history.
		What did the counterculture of the 1960s refer to?
	To a cultural event which involved the black movement in the United States and South Africa and spread throughout Central and South Americas.
	To a cultural event that was developed mainly in the United States and the United Kingdom and spread throughout much of the western world between 1960 and 1973.
	To an event which was developed by a British political party which defended military intervention in Vietnam in the 1960s.
	To a religious movement which was developed in the United States as a result of the Vietnam War.
	To a philosophical movement that took place in France, Italy and the United States and spread to China in the 1960s.
		What is the term New-Left¿associatedwith?
	The development of social justice organizations in Canada.
	Left-wing movements which occurred in the U.S. in the 60s and 70s and which adopted social activism.
	British College Campus who fought against American growth in politics.
	Left-handed people who fought for equal rights like the right-handed had.
	Women who wanted abortion to be accepted all over the U.S.
		Hijackers crashed passenger planes into the Pentagon and the World Trade Center towers in New York, toppling the 110-story twin towers, killing all aboard the jets and more than 3,000 people on the ground. The previous sentence refers to
	The Spanish War
	World War I
	The deadliest terrorist attack on American soil
	The Independence Battles
	World War II
		What was the difference between Romanticism and Transcendentalism?
	Romanticism doesn¿t heavily emphasize the power of God as the center of the universe while the Transcendentalism strongly believes in God, divination, and the truth of miracles.
	Romanticism refers to soft music, candlelit dinners and Transcendentalism does not.
	Romanticism draws inspiration beyond reasoning while Transcendentalism focus on the importance of emotions.
	Romanticism focus on the importance of having to love somebody in order to be happy while Transcendentalism defends the point of view that it is easier to live the life medieval people did.
	Romanticism was mainly expressed by Ralph Waldo Emerson while Edgar Allan Poe was the most famous transcendental writer.
		Which one of the alternatives below is WRONG in relation to US increasing power in the international scenario
	The Spanish-American War and the colonies it brought to the US marked, for good and for ill, the beginning of the modern era of US intervention in world affairs.
	The emergence of the US onto the international stage as a power also symbolized to many that the US had finally emerged, whole and healthy, from the era of the Civil War.
	The Spanish-American War revealed that industrialization in the late 19th century had made the US a great power. Now, as the frontier in the American West disappeared,
	Europe searched for America as its natural leader and supreme guider to a glorious future
	The nation sought new room to grow: world¿s markets, protected by a worldwide Navy based on island territories throughout the world.
		What was social Darwinism?
	It was a political party which achieved advantage over others by distributing free pairs of shoes and clothes to the population.
	A theory arising in the late XIX century which argued that social progress resulted from conflicts in which the fittest or best adapted individuals, or entire societies, would prevail.
	A type of religion created by Darwin which defended the idea that just a group of selected people should have their rights respected and go to heaven one day.
	It was the name of a book which became very popular in the eighteenth century and which dealt with social problems in England.
	It was the name of one of the first silent movies ever produced in Canada.
		What was the major effect of the Great Depression in the U.S.A.?
	American people started leaving the country in search of a better life.
	The wealthy people became richer and the poor ones poorer.
	The government intervened into new areas of social and economic affairs and created more social assistance agencies at a national level.
	People were able to find new jobs in California and their problems were over.
	The American currency tripled its value.
		What contributed for the U.S. to become a great power in the late XIX century?
	The U.S.A air force.
	Its overseas colonies in India.
	The development of printing.
	World War I.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Which public was McClure¿s magazine aiming at?
	Business men.
	Religious people.
	Middle-class women.
	Rich ladies.
	Lower-class teenagers.
		Which alternative IS NOT CORRECT to the Spanish-American War (1898):The war did not make the US a great power: the rapid industrialization and economic growth of the previous decades had done that.
	Militarily, the Spanish-American War (1898) was a monumental war. The war constituted a long period of bloody numerous battles between to potencies.
	It was not a monumental war. The war was brief, included few battles, and the US generally had an easy time of it, with the war's outcome never in much doubt.
	the war did announce to the rest of the world that the US was now a major player. Lifting its head from a century of isolationism
	Internationally, however, the war had major historical significance. The Spanish-American War signaled the emergence of the US as a great power onto the world stage of international relations and diplomacy
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Why did the United States enter World War I?
	Because Germany had threatened to invade the American country.
	Because, by the spring of 1917, the situation had changed significantly, and neutrality no longer seemed feasible. The decisive questions dealt with morality and visions of the future.
	Because the United States wanted to become famous as a result of its participation in the war.
	Because England and Italy had asked for the U.S. help.
	Because the United States had huge economic investments in South America and in Italy and didn¿t want them to lose the war or else it would be impossible for them to pay the U.S. debt back.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Choose the alternative that has no connection with the Great Depression?
	Seeing a few banks close caused another panic across the country. Afraid they would lose their own savings, people rushed to banks that were still open to withdraw their money. This massive withdrawal of cash caused additional banks to close.
	The Stock Market Crash was just the beginning. Since many banks had also invested large portions of their clients' savings in the stock market, these banks were forced to close when the stock market crashed.
	After nearly a decade of optimism and prosperity, the United States was thrown into despair on Black Tuesday, October 29, 1929, the day the stock market crashed
	Businesses and industry were also affected. Having lost much of their own capital in either the Stock Market Crash or the bank closures, many businesses started cutting back their workers' hours or wages. In turn, consumers began to curb their spending, refraining from purchasing such things as luxury goods.
	Industry and banks grew as never before taking advantage of the poverty, despair, lack of consumer spending causing additional businesses to cut back wages or, more drastically, to lay off some of their workers.
		3. Choose the alternative that correctly discuss America and The Vietnam War
	The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. The North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong were fighting to reunify Vietnam under communist rule. They viewed the conflict as a colonial war, fought initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam, which it regarded as a U.S. independent sovereign.
	The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. The North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong were fighting to reunify Vietnam under capitalism rule. They viewed the conflict as a colonial war, fought initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam, which it regarded as a U.S. puppet state
	The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. The North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong were fighting to reunify Vietnam under communist rule. They viewed the conflict as fair war because communism was respected by Americans, fought initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam, which it regarded as a U.S. puppet state
	The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as a way to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam as part of their wider strategy of containment. The North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong were fighting to reunify Vietnam under communist rule. They viewed the conflict as a colonial war, fought initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam, which it regarded as a U.S. puppet state
	The U.S. government viewed involvement in the war as waste of time because it wouldn¿t matter if the North Vietnamese government and Viet Cong were fighting to reunify Vietnam under communist rule. They viewed the conflict as a colonial war, fought initially against France, backed by the U.S., and later against South Vietnam, which it regarded as a U.S. puppet state
	 Gabarito Comentado
		Studying the relation between USA and World War II it is incorrect to say that:
	In the aftermath of the economic and cultural reorganizations of World War II, American society became fascinated by cultural homogeneity and political unity.
	After World War II, the United States emerged as the strongest world power and assumed the role of speaking on behalf of liberal democratic ideals
	The war effort had shifted industrial production to military ends and recruited women to replace factory workers fighting overseas. When those workers came home, many women found returning to domesticity only temporarily acceptable.
	Having fought until Germany and Japan had unconditionally surrendered, the triumphant Allies ¿ USA inclusive - attended to their war-ravaged economic infrastructures, but only the United States had the wherewithal to build on its success in the conflict.
	USA came back to the closed and isolated way of living they had lad since colonial priod since the war had revealed a bloody and sad experience
		What did war critics say about the Vietnam War?
	They agreed with the government that the war was necessary.
	They argued that the war was necessary to avoid Chinese expansionism.
	They denounced American military tactics in Vietnam as immoral.
	They asserted that the United States had the moral right to intervene in Vietnam.
	They defended the point of view that America needed to control Vietnam or else the communists would.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		What concern did writers, influenced by Hemingway, have in the 1950s?
	To show the importance of religious faith in the building of a nation.
	To write in such a way that their works could speak to any reader.
	To value love relationships.
	To give value to family life and to living in the woods.
	To picture the effects of World War I on different people.
	 Gabarito Comentado
		What did the literature of the 1950s reflect?
	Religious preoccupations with faith.
	Social preoccupations with rich people.
	Political preoccupations with education.
	Cultural preoccupations with stability and conformity.
	Philosophical concerns with life after death.
		What was the role of the United States in the world after World War II?
	The U.S.A. became the world political leader and took into its hands the economicdecisions about any other European country.
	It became the responsible for the peace in the world so all the countries should obey any order which came from the U.S.A.
	The U.S.A. assumed the role of speaking on behalf of liberal democratic ideals.
	With the decline of Germany, Japan emerged as a great country and an alien to the U.S.A.
	As the Soviet Union, Britain and France increased their potentiality as powerful nations, it was the U.S.A.¿s role to obey these three countries.
		Why was it so difficult for the African Americans to accept the reality they had to face when they came home from World War II?
	Because even though they were earning much better than they used to before the war, they still wanted to rule the country.
	Because even though society showed no prejudice against them, they had difficulty in feeling at home in their own country.
	Because during the war they felt fully integrated in the army and when they came back home they were regarded as second-class citizens.
	Because their children had difficulty in accepting them as their fathers had spent four years out of the country.
	Because as many of them had been killed during the war, the ones who survived felt restless.
		Studying American literature after World War II it is incorrect to say that:
	The period in time from the end of World War II up until, roughly, the late 1960s and early 1970s saw the publication of some of the most popular works in American history
	The spectacular dimension of violence that can be detected in previous conflicts (even before the First World War as it appears, for example, in Stephen Crane¿s The Red Badge of Courage),becomes more central as a theme.
	Fiction writers began to suspect that novelistic conventions were inadequate to the task of representing essential American¿s beliefs, much less contemporary reality
	Novelists were inspired by William Faulkner to use regional specificity to make major statements about race, history, and national identity.
	American literature revived Romantic patterns and standarts of writing poetry and novels that abused of sentimentality, fantasy and idealization of life and love

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